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Posts posted by MrNewVegas101

  1. ((Minecraft IGN: MrNewVegas101  ))

    Name: William Russell 

    Race: Human

    Age: 24

    Soldier or Servant: Soldier, Sell-sword


    Why do you want to join 2-11?

    I've had the pleasure of being on my own since I left the service of my liege lord some years ago due to... differences between the lifestyle of my lord and myself. Though were he to tell you of his young squire his tale may stray from that of my own, leaning towards the fact that I may or may not have bedded with his maiden daughter. Travelling the roads has taught me much and has given me the chance to practice at my swordplay quite a bit, thus improving my skill substantially. As much as I enjoy my freedoms of doing whatever I choose, I still require food and drink to survive, both of which are hard to come by without coin or a job. Seeing as your company can provide both for me, I believe I would be able to sacrifice some of my freedoms in order to aid the group in its quest for coin or glory in return for a bit of food and coin on the side.



    What do you believe is your worth to the company?

    As stated above, I am quite proficient in the art of swordplay, should you require my sword I will gladly offer it in return for food and coin. Another talent of mine is that I am quite the fletcher, creating arrows and bows of considerable power that may turn the tide of any battle.


  2. MC Name: MrNewVegas101

    Skype Name: N/A


    Name?: William Russell

    Age?: 23

    Nationality and ethnicity?: The One and Only White Race of Oren, God's Chosen.

    Do you have faith in the Creator and his Church of the Reformed Communion?: Sure

    Tell us about yourself. (A brief description will suffice): I like to skewer people upon my blade. 

    Ave Briarwood

    Ave Chivay

  3. Laojinn'Dom looks up from the rabbit he was viciously devouring, parts of it still impaled upon his elongated tusks, he grins as a large string of bloody slobber drips down from his mouth. He pounds the skull of the rabbit against his chest, creating a mess of bloody gore as he howls. "RYZE REX THUSK'DOM, LATZ GIB UZ VIKTORY TO DA URUKZ!"

  4. ~Recruitment form~




    MC Name - MrNewVegas101


    Age (Not necessary) - 17


    Do you have skype and/or TS (Skype required, both recommended) - Aye, I have both Skype and Teamspeak.




    Full name - Darius Silverblade


    Why do you wish to join the Huntsguard? - Well, I seem to have a bit of skill with the long bow and have a knack for killing things with it. At the age of three I killed my first boar with just a sling shot, true story. As for other stories of my hunting prowess, the words currently spreading that ol' Darius Silverblade killed a Dire Wolf with his big toe, yeah let that sink in. Why do I wish to join the Huntsguard, well I'll tell you why, if you are to compare this guard to anything involving the word Hunting, then you best make sure you have /the/ Huntsman to help lead it.


    What section would you prefer? (If Non combatant, write your profession) - Well lads if it isn't obvious what I wish to join by now, then you best just decline me now. I aim to be a Ranger and not just a jaegar, but the Hauptmann, my skills with hunting and tracking will outmatch any other option you currently have and I'm willing to test my meddle against any other man or women, whether it be man or beast as to who is the better hunter.


    Why should we accept you? -As I stated earlier, if you wish to have any success in the Rangers, you would do best to accept me for the job. The blood of the Hunt runs deeps in my veins as much as any other if not more then others. Darius Silverblade is a man of the hunt and he will take any challenge handed to him, accept me and I will earn the Hunt in Huntsguard for the Noble House of Stafyr.


    Oath -


    I -Darius Silverblade- do so swear my life and loyalty to the House of Stafyr, it’s people, it’s lands and the men of the Huntsguard. To always protect those in need and to always act just. To fight for those who can not fight and to speak for those who can not speak. Until the day that I die, I shall keep my oath.

  5. I personally don't believe that staff members just 'deserve' to get a position because they are staff, however, they still should have the right to earn the position if it happened in role play. As for the people saying that a staff member will not create ooc drama and so on, that's quite ignorant as anyone is possible of being bias when in charge. Most GMs/Admins that have had positions of leadership have in fact allowed their close friends and cliques to have other spots in the nation leadership as well, this also happens with normal non staff members as well, but we shouldn't entirely rule out that just because someone is a staff member means that they will be the perfect robot that people are claiming they are when they in reality they aren't. Examples of staff members abusing their roles of leadership can be given just recently, when Mogroka randomly appeared and named a group the leaders of the humans and claimed the humans were an empire again. To me, that's rather poor role play and shouldn't even be allowed, but nothing can be done about it because the player base will complain about it. Long story short, staff members shouldn't get an advantage for leadership, but should still be allowed to have an equal chance to lead.

  6. Application


    OOC Section


    MC name: MrNewVegas101


    Skype Name (Optional):


    IC Section


    Your First Name and Surname: Garrett Blackthorn


    Race: Human


    Age: 19


    Notable Skills: I grew helping those in the streets of Abresi and in return they taught me how to use knives and the shadows to my advantage, this may or may not come in handy when in the Order though.


    Does the applicant hold faith in any known deities?: I never really chose a god of my own.


    Reasons for joining: I've recently left home and wish to make my mark, I value the morals of the Order and wish to help those in danger from the dangerous Rogue magi. 


    What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: I help those of lesser standing, whether they be a starving pauper to a rich noble who needs a place to stay for the night.


    Additional Information: What I lack in experience, I make up for in determination.

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -  MrNewVegas101

    How old are you?: -  17

    What time-zone do you live in?: -  US Central/ GMT -6:00

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -  Yes, I have role-played on World of Warcraft with my friends.

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - For minecraft, no, just on WoW.

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - No

    How did you hear about us?: - I was looking for a different place to roleplay as my friends had decided not to renew their subscriptions to WoW, and saw this forums while searcing and decided to purchase an account and try the game out.

    What do you think the server will be like? -  I am guessing it will be rather structured being that it's been up for a few years now, or so I would hope. If anything, I'm assuming it should be entertaining.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -  Yes

    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - 

    • Make sure you don't break any of the server's lore - it's there for a reason! , I enjoy when the lore is followed instead of players making up their own lore for their benefit.


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: -  Role-playing is when you create a character and act out their experiences/thoughts/actions through interaction with the environment and others around you.

    What’s metagaming?: - Meta-gaming is the act of mixing out of character information with in character information and abusing it for your own benefit.

    What’s powergaming?: -  Power-gaming is when you create or enable a character of yours to commit acts that are out of your characters ability, such as blocking a blow from a mace with your bare arm or lifting a horse as a small boy and throwing it into a river without so much as a sweat.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Garret Blackthorn

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 17

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - Garret grew up in the Human capital of Abresi. His parents owned a small bakery and helped feed the local guard force in return for protection from some of the more unsavory folk that roamed the back allies of Abresi. He was raised to treat others around him kindly and to give charity to those of lesser standing even if it meant giving the last coins in his purse to a beggar who had nothing but the shirt upon his back. Growing up with these morals shaped Garret into a gentle young gentleman, treating everyone around him kindly and doing what he could to help the needy, whether it be waking up early to bake a few extra loaves to hand out or volunteering for caravan work to earn a small income in order to share it with the small urchins who made their homes in the streets. Garret left his home at the age of 17 in order to make his own living and start a life of his own, hopefully he will succeed in his search for a place in these lands.

    What are they like (personality)?: -  He is a kind, caring, and charitable young man. Garret is always the first to volunteer giving up his seat in a carriage, rather to walk then let another suffer when he is still young and can handle the burden of sacrifice.

    What are their ambitions?: - He wishes to help in any way he can with those of lesser standing, to find a place of his own and to even start a food kitchen if possible.

    Do they have any special skills?: - He learned from the urchins how to sneak around in the shadows in order to hide from those bigger and stronger then him. His skills from the bakery also gave him a decent knowledge in baking and cooking.

    What are their weaknesses?: - He hasn't had much experience with a weapon, rather wishing to fight his battles with words instead of with steel.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - He stands at six feet two inches tall, weighing around 150 pounds with a slim build. He wears a leather jerkin over royal blue undershirt and a pair of royal blue pants as he walks around with dark brown, soft leather boots with matching gloves. His hair is a shade of dark brown which complement his light brown eyes.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - No

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 


    Fantastic, there you go. No need to write any more - simply post this on our forums (and on MinecraftForum like it says above) and wait!

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