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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Wytchrose

  1.  Spreading the word~

  2. Am I the only one having trouble connecting to LOTC because of a "Failed to Verify Username"?

  3. The memes are coming. . . . .

  4. Oh, statuses are back, now I can annoy all you people.

  5. I need 50 posts to shitpost on so I can get to 500 content count. FEED MY EGO

  6. Two and a half hours of recorded footage corrupted along with a missing audio file, fun times.

  7. Dear god, I've become an elitist...

  8. Happy Halloween!

  9. Damn, I love passive aggressive shitfests, man.

  10. Ew wtf did they do to the forum font??

  11. "RP isn't going our way, let's PvP." typical lotc fashion.

  12. two staff apps in one night, im honestly mentally ill for making these mistakes s m h

  13. Upon a speckled nightsky, I want to die.

  14. I'm looking for someone capable of building castles/keeps, preferably in a high fantasy or medieval style. PM me!

  15. when your appeal hits 20 hours and sadness reigns 

  16. Yo there famalama

  17. big boi birthday 


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