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Posts posted by SethDGamre

  1. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:  SethDGamre.
    How old are you?:  Nineteen.
    What time-zone do you live in?:  East Central, GMT -6 (I think.)
    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: I've roleplayed in RuneScape's own RP server for around three years. I've played both powerful and humble characters, depending on the setting and style of the roleplay I was involved in at the time. I've always strived to ensure each new character I make is more interesting, dynamic, and more convincingly played than the last.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: This would be my first time roleplaying outside of RuneScape.
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): No, I've only had time to recently.
    How did you hear about us?: From my sister, Trintastic, and a good friend who was instrumental in convincing me to join, Dougstalicious.
    What do you think the server will be like?: Hopefully more active than the last one.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I've read them thoroughly. I was half expecting there to be a keyword requiring copy/pasting for the sake of proof, if there was I must have missed it.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?:  The Mechanical Rule. Intuitive and functional. That was one of the more outstanding problems in the old server I attended - the lack of standardized character limitations.
    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is the act of playing the role of one's character within the lore and setting of the world the author chooses to partake in. Cooperating with others to create a friendly enviornement in which to excercise creativity and have fun. 
    What’s metagaming?: Sharing knowledge with your character that he or she would otherwise have no means of knowing. Example, using minecraft's UI to locate players ICly, unrealistic situational awareness and functional understanding of something's inner workings when it's outside of your character's... Profession for a lack of better words.
    What’s powergaming?: Being unreasonably powerful for who or what you're playing as or pushing the boundaries thereof, doing unrealistic or unlikely things within the confines of established lore, and manipulating others and the enviornment to suit your own whims.
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?:  Hektor "Hicks" Smith
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: Human.
    What sex are they?: Male.
    How old are they?: Twenty Four.
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing):
     Hektor lead a very normal life in his early years, living in a secluded house in the country side bordering where the Ork-owned desert begins with a small, yet wealthy,  family of three, excluding his deceased mother. His mother died giving birth to his older sister. And his father kept Hicks, along with all of his siblings hard at the books to fulfill his wife's wishes for her children. They wouldn't be kept from any book or knowledge their heart desired, with two exceptions. Anything politically, or sorcery related. As such studies were deemed inappropriate for impressionable youths.
     Hicks took the least interest in most of the practical things, instead opting for pursuits of literature and fantasy. He entertained thoughts of adventure. His father was most displeased, and gradually put more pressure on Hektor to straighten up his act and actually DO something with himself. And do something he did.
     At the age of sixteen, fueled by his delusions of grandure, Hicks left his cute little home. Hoofing it for his own aimless quest for a suitable challenge to entertain his fancy. His arrogance blinded  him to dangers his enthusiasm would expose him to. And it wasn't long before his world was shattered.
     He didn't know whether they were bandits or slavers, but they took especial interest in the well-dressed handsome young man. They were a mismatched militia of Orks, Humans and Dwarves and even a Troll armed to the teeth, and his farm equipment gave him less than a shred of a chance against them. And so, when they offered he join their merry crew at knife-point, he had no choice but to comply. Hicks assumed they wanted him for ransom. And he knew his father was good for the money - no matter the cost. After all, his only son was priceless.
     Three agonizing years with the raiders passed before he gave up that hope. Each passing day only further hammered into his thick skull that he was truly alone. That and the grueling hard work he was forced to do in service of his new sadistic master, Dimitri. He led this group of wrongdoers in impressively well choreographed raids along the far unprotected stretches of the Anthos Highway. And when he wasn't satisfied with the loot, he wouldn't hesitate to inflict horrible beatings upon whoever was within reach, and nobody was more kept closer than his personal swab. If Hicks retaliated, he would only worsen the severity of the already unbearable punishment. But, he didn't endure the punishments alone. There was another slave girl who serviced this vile brute. Juni. A bright, beemy pink haired little thing about his age. Her cheery disposition carried him through many a day, until...
     The day he tried to take it a step further. A poorly timed peck on the lips, which Dimitri had unfortunately managed to witness. Hicks lost both his lips, and his sunshine that day to the tip of that horrible man's dull blade. And, what was even more, he was let to live with the anguish of his own guilt.
     A month later Hicks' plan to escape came to fruition. The stage was set, a freakishly heavy thunderstorm that shook the tents masked the sound of his movements. Dimitri was passed out after a night of heavy drinking.  Using a ball of yarn and a fishing hook he produced from around the camp over the previous week, he used tediously to hook and lasso the keys from a nearby table.  His cuffs came off just a few moments later, and the blade of his master from its sheath the next. 
     Dimitri awoke to a sharp pain in his chest. And in his dying breath, he vowed that Hicks would be pursued to the ends of the earth. Hektor winced, and sunk his sword through his heart,  and slipped out of the tent to commense the second part of his life as a young adult.
     On the run, Hicks hearkened unto wiser half and drew closer to the largest and well only city he knew of - Abresi. It took a year in hiding before he stopped seeing the familiar faces that would spell out his imminent demise. He scavenged and stole what he needed to survive all the while until he could safely take a job. His first being, a lowly shoe shiner. Gradually he worked his way up the food chain, changing jobs every month until he landed himself a position making fairly good money as a hired sword, protecting the nameless who had the money to spare. Expanding his parameters outside of the city he'd grown familiar with. Even doing business with other races that his father had forbidden contact with.
     Soon, he too, had the money to spare. Enough to afford a long trip back to the place he once called home. It cost him nearly every cent he had, but he had to see the only loved ones he had left again. He was shattered with what he found.
     A house abandoned without a trace of belonging left that hadn't been burned. Feeling dejected and disappointed, Hicks spent several more years wandering about up until the present, searching for purpose and meaning.
    What are they like (personality)?:  Hicks' troubled past has tempered his mind and body to be resilient to most kinds of irritations. In fact, he can be quite callous to things happening outside of himself. It's whatever's cooking on the inside that can truly torment him. But, he's taken a preference to looking on the bright side of things and focusing on the upright. He's had his fill of violence and does his best to take the diplomatic approach when possible, if he can't avoid the confrontation all-together.
    What are their ambitions?: Hicks desires a place to belong, and is content to find a way to just be. Foremost on his to-do list is to find a means of income that'll replenish his dwindling rations. He's heard there's money to be made in a settlement he's only heard of - Kralta. And maybe even make a few palatable friends along the way, now that his enemies are long since forgotten of him..
    Do they have any special skills?: He's a jack of many trades, but a master of none. He can handle a blade pretty well and has a marvelous head-voice. But he's prone to error.
    What are their weaknesses?:  Ignorance of all things magical and political. His time with his head stuck in the dirt shows blatantly. He has alot of catching up to do. Also, his less malliable lips can sometime lead to some interesting mispronunciations. But, he's gotten better at avoiding these lip-twisters with practice.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?:  Hicks is a five foot nine physically unremarkable gentleman with the body built like a runner whose fallen out of practice. His piercing green eyes peek out from beneath the bangs of his messy black hair, which almost always dangle in front of his face despite his best attempts to keep them aloof. His clothes vary from day to day, but he has a strong preference for garbs of his favorite color, a particularly dull shade of green. Always, with long sleaves and a cloth mask which he rarely removes from his face. All to cover the numerous scars scattered across his upper body. The arms of a cutter, scars left over from burning across the right side of his chest, and his lips are completely missing.
    Anything else you want to say about them?:  Despite my best attempts at learning the lore written in the wiki, I still don't know near enough to fit this character's backstory in completely. That's why I've left the majority of the gritty details as to how Hicks came to be as he is mostly blank, to fill in when I OOCly have learned enough from others to fit everything together later.
     Until that time, Hicks just won't speak of his past at all, and never bend lore to suit my own convenience.
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: 


    If there's anything that seems out of place, grammatical errors or anything of the sort, it's because I'm writing this in a state of comatose. Apologies in advance.

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