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Posts posted by Krumples




    By order of Emperor Tuvya of the Holy Oren Empire, issued on the 17th of Snow's Maiden, 1480. All members or people affiliated with the now disgraced Order of The Red Dragon are to be arrested and brought to the Empire's capital - Petrus. If you stumble across a member needed for arrest and is not compliant you have all the right to kill him/her and bring his/her body to the capital. One location of interest where these 'knights' are to be hospitalizing themselves is the Fort Kaer Angren located North-East of the Empire's captial - Petrus. All Red Dragon members are NOT true knights of Oren and they have all been stripped of their titles. Their leader who is Maric Varodyr, has committed acts of treason against the Empire and is most wanted. Thank you all for complying with the Emperor's wishes. Stay safe and do Oren proud of bringing these false-knights to justice.


    At the bottom there is a signature of the Emperor himself signed.


    Signed, Tuvya Carrion

  2. Ludovic steps out of his cave, noticing a bird flying over with a parchment attached to it. He takes out his bow and arrow and aims it toward the fast moving bird. Ludovic fires the arrow directly at the bird, knocking the bird out of the sky. He takes the parchment and returns to his cave. Gasps, then turned into a deep sigh frowning. "Rest in peace, my good friend."



    Edit 1: ((lol oops. Note to self: read the spoilers next time. Thanks fumble.))

  3. FELIX AWAKENS FROM HIS BED ON THE LOWER DECK, MINUTES AFTER THE FIGHTING AND LISTENS TO THE ORDERS BEING GIVEN. "Time to get back to work." He says with a slight grunt of sleepiness. Felix walks up onto the main deck, past the people cleaning their blades and armor. Felix grabs a demon body off the floor and throws it overboard. After many bodies - both human and demon - were thrown overboard , he takes a seat and looks out into the distance. "We're almost there." he speaks quietly to himself. Felix stands on his feet, grabs a mop and starts sweeping the deck of blood and body parts. 


    The boat continues to rock and shake as it sails over the blue ocean. Felix continues his work and looks out. He sees' a new beginning.

  4. Reads over the lies written on a piece of paper that costed him his military job. And writes his own letter.


    "I have a couple of things tae say on tis matter. I have never committed genocide, never disrespected Lord Damien, never committed sodomy, and I have never kidnapped. Let me tell you something, the only thing that was true was I was harassing a half bred Uruk. Ye're saying I kidnapped em? Wot is with tae lies. And by the way you 'fellow Oren citizen' I want ye to come out and confess to the lies that have led people into thinking I am a murderer. I am searching Kaphro to find who wrote these lies down on paper. When I find ye. I am going tae force ye to come in public and state yer lies. Ye better confess tae this, I will find ye. I will not stop until I do!


    Signed, Ludovic Elderon.

  5. Dear Hochmeister,


    I am Felix Ignatius and I'm very interested in joining and fighting for the Teutonic Order. What you stand for and the Order itself absolutely catches my attention. I hope I will one day be alongside the Knights and men of the Teutonic Order to help and bring victory. Thank you for reading this letter and I can't wait to hear from you. Have a great day and I hope to meet you soon.


    Sincerely, Felix Ignatius.

  6. Posters are hung throughout the Fringe stating mercenaries are available for hire!

    On the posters states the following.





    Terms are as followed:


    - Ye must be willing tae fight and follow orders!


    - If a party of people are joining as one, the leader will receive tae money! Any individuals get paid!


    - Ye may keep any valuable jewels or riches ye find!


    - Bring yer choice of weapon and some armor!




    A box is placed under the poster where you put contact information if interested in joining.
















    MC Name:



  7. In my opinion, warclaims should be allowed to stay and wars should be encouraged to increase action and excitement on the server. But, there should be a legitimate reason for war, like others have said before. War should be the last resort, first comes many raids, threatening rp from the 2 opponents, and a build up that will leave it to devastation. Overall I am very excited for the new lore, plugins, regions, and other rp features coming in 4.0. Keep up the good work, LoTc!

  8. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -  Krumples


    How old are you?: -  13


    What time-zone do you live in?: -  EST


    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I have roleplayed before and it was on a harry potter server, where it was a confrontation between the evil and good.


    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -  Yes.


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): -  Nope, I have never applied here.


    How did you hear about us?: - Youtube.


    What do you think the server will be like? -  I think the server will be a fun experience for me to meet new people, roleplay creatively,  and make epic memories.


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes, I have.


    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: -  Make sure you don't break any of the server's lore - it's there for a reason! Refer to the lore rules here for more information.





    What is roleplaying?: -  Roleplaying is creating a character with a myriad number of skills, ideologies, and characteristics  and you speak and act as if you were that character. 


    What’s metagaming?: -  Metagaming is an "out of character" action where the character knows something that they wouldn't while resembling that character.


    What’s powergaming?: -  Powegaming is giving your character the ability to do something that they wouldn't be able to if they were actually that character. 



    In-Character Information



    What’s your character called?: - Ludovic Valkon


    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human, Northerner


    What sex are they?: -  Male


    How old are they?: -  25


    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): -  Ludovic Valkon was born in Salvus. A little after Ludovic was born the family decided to move north into the small town of Snowy Fields. While growing up, Ludovic enjoyed fighting with his wooden swords with the other children of the town. He was raised by his two parents, his mother was Mercellius Valkon and his father was Atticus Valkon. Mercellius and Atticus were both prejudice and discriminative against other races besides humans, but Ludovic also knew they were apart of a cult. His mother and father were very stern and strict people, he knew not to cross them. He was intimidated by them as he grew, but there was no doubt they didn't love him. Ludovic was taught by his parents that humans are most superior, and  that when he was old enough to join a cult that served, the "dark one." But Ludovic did retain some discriminatory behavior but he can work and be around other races, it just bothers him. Ludovic as a child also met a young girl who he liked very much. He at times played with her, and have snowball fights with her.  But, at a time he was very upset and went into a mild depression when he found out the girl's parents had abused her for so long and eventually killed her. Ludovic was never the same again and the memory was never forgotten of the girl he had loved. Ludovic then grew older and is looking for adventure in Anthos, he has moved away from Snowy Fields and his parents also left their home. The last time he saw them was when he was 22 and then to this day he doesn't know if they're alive, dead, missing, but he was told by them on the last day he had seen him, don't go searching for us no matter what. Ludovic obeyed that order as he was always intimidated by them and he is now looking to serve the "dark one" in their honor, whether dead or alive.


    What are they like (personality)?: -  Ludovic Valkon is a very opinionated person and also curious. He is prejudiced to other races but he doesn't mine being around them as it just bothers him a little. Although he is a very determined man who has always been obedient which comes from being intimidated by his parents. While most of the time Valkon is very calm when you have angered him he becomes a little crazy and holds a grudge. He also tends to be very loyal to those who are above him that he admires and respects.


    What are their ambitions?: -  Valkon's ambitions are to become apart of a cult that serves the "dark one." After doing a little research upon it, he found out his parents were loyal to the Harbingers, but they never became one as they thought it would scare Ludovic as a child, but they were loyal. Ludovic also wants to travel and explore as much as he can, he is quite curious. Learning magic was also an ambition he found as he was growing older, because he only witnessed it once when a mage came to town but his interests were high. 


    Do they have any special skills?: -  Ludovic has some skills in fighting with a sword, as he was younger he used to play with the other children and have sword fights. At that time he also learned to be coordinated and sharp. 


    What are their weaknesses?: -  His weaknesses that are a defect of him are he usually is a stubborn person and holds a grudge. Not only is he stubborn but also is intimidated by people of higher power who he knows can defeat him. Ludovic is not strong in using big weapons like a spear or big axe, as he has a hard time to handle them and is not accurate with them. 


    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -  Ludovic Valkon has brown eyes and brown hair. He wears a black cloak with a belt and buckle, and also wears white pants.


    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Ludovic is ready to explore and hopefully do what his parents have raised him to do. His ambition is huge and is determined to serve and explore the wonders of Anthos.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -  http://krumples.imgur.com/all/ (sorry if it is not a link, I don't know how to do links but type that in your browser and it should work, thank you)




















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