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Posts posted by Tudor

  1. In-Character:


    Name: Benjamin Hawkins

    Age: 37

    Race: Human

    Traits: I knows to cook, to fight and to drink!

    What position would you be wanting to take?: Able seamen, I was a sailor for many many years.




    How old are you? ((Feel free to PM this.)):17

    How long have you roleplayed?: 2 years

    Do you have skype? If so, what is it? ((Feel free to PM it)): I do not have, no i do not i really do not, no.

    Do you think you'll provide enjoyable roleplay?: YES



  2. Mali’aheral Citizenship Application:


    ((MC Name:)) bordianutudor


    Name: Mi'Tha'Kaal


    Age: 256


    Gender: Female


    Origins of your birth: Birth in Haleun'or Aegis. Born from pure blood Mali origins, but her father and mother died a long time ago in Asulon.


    How long have you resided with the blessed Mali’aheral?: I do not lived whit you till now, but I think, because I'm of pure blood, you brothers and sisters will accept me.


    Why do you wish to become a citizen of our cihi?: Because is no doubt 


    How can you declare you are Mali'thill?: I know I am a Mali'thill because I am of pure blood, always people confirmed that.


    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you?: Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya traduces in Vallah language Progress And Health, any true Mali should know that.


    What is your personal vision for our blessed race?: We are the worthy race of the Silver City, and we know that, just pure Mali may enter the city.


    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the mali’aheral? Example: professions and positions: I don't have a set profession, yet but I can cook, tinker and do alchemy.


  3. Name:Rojjhag Gonar
    Race and Sub race:Human, Northerer
    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum:YES
    Are you a citizen of Oren:Not for now.
    Military Experience(None Needed):if you say PVP yes I am good at PVP.

    The Decterum Oath
    I Rojjhag Gonar, swear to uphold the word of the Creator in all ways, shapes and forms. I shall give forth my utmost effort to perform my duties in the best way I can, and to bring honor to both myself, and The Decterum. I swear to protect The Raevir people from whatever threat dares to show hostile actions towards my lands and comrades, and to protect the Human Realm from barbaric heretics and those who wish to bring chaos to our lands. I shall not harm a fellow brother or sister of the Decterum, nor disobey a direct order from my superiors, and will never act in a disrespectful manner while representing The Order. I, Rojjhag, hereby put my life in the hands of the Marshal, trusting him with it. I take this vow until my death, or the end of days.

    ~ OOC ~

    MC Name: bordianutudor
    What is your Skype (If you don't have one, are you able to make one?):Aw, I can't make one (I know how )but I can't, It's a long story...
    Do you have TeamSpeak (Required for battles/events): Yes
    Will you be able to make this your main character:YES


    A piece of paper with shimmering ink sits nailed to the notice board, tree, or anything else applicable to your surroundings. It seems to resonate with magic, and seems to catch your eye.

    A large bearded man stands beside you, birthday cake in hand, screaming  “You’re a Wizard [insert your name]!”






    Upon the acceptance of the most recent Archmage Kalameet Izalith, the Mages College will be reinvigorating itself once again. Here forth the College will no longer be referred to as such, but instead The Mages Guild. Along with the slight change to title, so too will our mentality be changing. If you are a simple common folk interested in the Arcane arts or even someone dabbling in them, I ask that you investigate that of which we offer. I assure you, you will be pleased.




    Triumvirate of Archmages

    The Archmages are the leaders of the Institution, forming the Triumvirate, among themselves they are the most authoritative figures within it, each Archmage can influence the decisions of the guild, and do not require the others to do so, but large discussions will be made among the three of them.


    Resia Sae’lantae [LolitaDoll]

    Crumena Ilwindior [HeeroZero]

    Kalameet Izalith [Kalamoot]



    The Archanix is the Librarian and Record Keeper of the guild, if this position is not filled, it falls upon the Archmages to ensure these duties are maintained.


    Joe Orman [Joe_Blackman]

    Achan-Chatla [Tentoa]


    Guild Masters

    Guild Masters are the most senior personnel inside of the Institution, aside from the Archmages and Archanix. They are voices of experience for the students, and will address most of their primary concerns, if those concerns cannot be addressed by the teacher.


    Ceruberr Asul'Ailer [CaptainSheepy]

    Silvos'Arvernan Sythaerin [bladeCreep]

    Vedaer Sylvaeri [mthdominator]

    Dasyra Linath [PandaC0mmander]

    Iatrilemar Elervathar [brandNewKitten]

    Rilath Ilwindior [shadowGunX]

    Vane [iceliFreakx]

    Haadi Mubdee [Eladriendil]



    Teachers are those among the guild that are at such a state in their magic that they are available to teach students, though they answer to the Archmages, they are not to be trifled with, especially by a lower subordinate.


    Bayde [Roxses20]

    Corvo [ventus2]

    Ivaseer [Tsuyose]

    Calendir Maeyr’onn [Raptor14]



    Those named Student among the guild are currently learning magical arts, they have no real authority within the guild, their main duties being to follow the orders of their teachers and study. The Graduate is one who has completed at least one of his Teacher’s overall course, and are studying on their own.


    Lafthi Sylvari [Archoly]

    Jester [slic3man]

    Alexander Horen [Draoii]

    Sprat [Zarsies]

    Bronn Grandaxe [Kaydovee_]

    Saeldur [Princetonlax21]

    Celty Wildvine [Cyndikate]

    Sage Yhl'Natayshi [benbobitch]

    Lincia Tundrak [bulldogsoccer8]

    Seraph Crystallus [stiria21]

    Chase Irongut [Dtrik]

    Ayton Falo [sean_desed]

    Vasilisa Ivanova [skyyobee]

    Alirya Whitewolf [sapphireh2o]

    John Vilcan [oddman11]

    Juhn’Remdir [bubblesAndEpic]

    Illuthan Vetruvian [Campor]

    Alphie Renasi [strifeOr]

    Sanguine [Hydra98]

    Luke Arkshan [MinecraftMish]

    Ayche [Draxagon]

    Eliza [daanyolx3]

    Avgust Steelwall [Origin_Lark]



    A Seeker is one who is obviously seeking magical studies and a teacher, or possibly simply acceptance into the Guild. A Seeker must go through an interview to be accepted as a student.



    - Non-domestic uses of magic within, or around the Guild will be severely punished. If word is sent to the Archmages of your digressions, you will be duly punished.

    - Anyone teaching magic without Archmage permission will be severely punished. If you’re an official teacher you are void of this rule, however your students must be an official member of the Guild.

    - Once inducted into the Guild, you will also be a member regardless the distance or time. If you break one of the Guild tenants, you are subject to punishment. You may be dismissed by one of the three Archmages, however good reason must be provided. Unless given dismissal, you will live your entire life in the Guild.

    - Jurisdiction is as follows from highest, to lowest: Achmage, Archanix, Guild Masters, Instructors, Students/Graduates, Seekers. Respect the chain of command, and respect your superiors.

    - Assaulting another member of the Guild is strictly prohibited. If an issue is at hand, the two parties are to see an Archmage for further assistance. If caught using magic in aggressive manners to tempt another party in violating this rule, you will be punished duly.


    The Mages guild accept those skilled within magic, and those wishing to learn. Those currently possessing knowledge within a subtype shall either be known as a graduate or student depending upon their current learning status within the guild.


    Upon your papers being received, you’ll be invited to an interview with a higher member of the guild who’ll determine if you’re the right candidate for the guild. If so you’ll be formally recognized as a student, then hopefully soon a graduate within the college.


    The Form:


    Your Name: Fridggel Golldir


    Your Age: 65


    Your Race: Northener


    If joining as a mage, clarify on who has originally taught you, and for how long you’ve been learning: I ain't have learn. I want to learn from the Maget Guild


    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?: None.




    MC Name: bordianutudor


    Skype: None, I'm sorry


    When did you join the server?: Like now 3 months or so.


    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and state when you have begun learning it: I want to learn from you guys.



  5. Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - bordianutudor
    How old are you?: - 15
    What time-zone do you live in?: -Eastern European Time Zone UTC+02:00

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes at the minecraft server Erecia.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes, Erecia
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): - No.

    How did you hear about us?: -Internet and youtube gamers.
    What do you think the server will be like? - It will be a very good time.I roleplay in other samp servers and now i want to try Minecraft.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - My favorite rule is Metagaming and Powergaming are not allowed.


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: -Roleplay is when you create a character and enter the real life in a virtual game.

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is when you are using the OOC info with IC

    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is when you do not let a player to answer at your Roleplay.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Rathrafhir Golldir

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human(Nord)

    What sex are they?: - Man.

    How old are they?: - 26

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing)?: - At 8 years his mother died from a diesase. At 10 years old his dad left him with his uncle (His father went to the war of Anthos ) . At the age of 12 uncle of Rathrafhir got slained by a group of bandits and Rathrafhir swore to revange his uncle. A day after that, and he started to go to the city of  Faener to find his father. We he arrived there start to ask people about his father. After 1 day of searching a man in armour ( Soldier ) sayed about Rathrafhit's father died in the war. After that he promised to revange his father.He found that elves killed his father. Now Rathrafhir has someone to revange. Rathrafhir now lives in an inn in the city of the Faener. He has now 26 years and works as a farmer and trains for the revange.                                                                                                                                                                              

    What are they like (personality)?: - Creative, adventurer .

    What are their ambitions?: - To be a great warrior.

    Do they have any special skills?: - Building and mining.

    What are their weaknesses?: - His weakness are Elves because they killed his father in the war.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -Is a strong Nord, he has brown eyes and dark hair.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - No.

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -  post-65778-0-39319800-1397588677_thumb.p

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