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Posts posted by Orlov

  1. "E odaem day in der tat, Hochmeister. Beliden mova asere konnen alle lernen ein lektion, va u die asere konnen leekkua vorwarts beliden uened besser uns beliden. Soea hteaati verbessern meinae leistung wie e sariant, e mitglied von doe Orden, uened wie a faelwer von doe enkely Celestia uened doe Creator. Soea hoffen meine kerl Sariants hteaati tuenn doe gleich."

    A sad day indeed, Hochmeister. From here we can all learn a lesson, one in which we can move forward from and better ourselves from. I will improve my performance as a soldier, a member of the Order, and as a follower of the angel Celestia and the Creator. I hope my fellow sariants will do the same.

  2. In Character


    Name: Abram Orlov


    Age: 20


    Race: Human


    What are your professions and talents?: I'm skilled with a blade, as well as a competent archer. 


    Previous military experience: Aside from my practice with various weaponry, I've never had much experience in a military organization. I'm sure I will be fast to learn.


    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: Certainly. I will uphold my oath until death or I am relieved from duty.


    Out of Character


    MC Name: Abroxan


    Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes (Abroxan)


    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required): No, but I can get it if wanted

  3. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:  Abroxan


    How old are you?: Sixteen


    What time-zone do you live in?: Eastern Standard Time (United States)


    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: I’ve done some online roleplaying through games such as WoW and Runescape. I’m also a fan of D&D and other tabletop board games.


    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: I haven’t been on any prior Minecraft RP servers.


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): Nope, this is my first application.


    How did you hear about us?: I knew about the server for a while now, but only recently got a Minecraft account to apply with. I think I first learned of LotC through a YouTube channel, but I honestly don’t remember exactly where.


    What do you think the server will be like?: A friendly, welcoming community of people who all enjoy role-playing and working towards the goal of creating an epic experience of storytelling through RP.


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Certainly.


    What’s your favorite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: While I have no objections to any of the rules, I’m certainly glad the following one is emphasized:


    “Metagaming and powergaming of any kind are not allowed.”


    Having RP’d before, I know how detrimental a player who has a character that is just ridiculous or unfair can be towards the enjoyment of the rest of the group.




    What is roleplaying?: Role-playing is the process of creating a fictional character, and subsequently using that created character as a means to express a story, somewhat like a theatrical performance. For example, I will be taking on the role of a Northern human named Abram. 


    What’s metagaming?: Meta-gaming is when someone uses knowledge gained outside of the game within the game to benefit themselves. For example, let’s say John is looking for an island of supposed treasures. His buddy then tells him over Skype, “Hey, the island is located at this place!”. John then goes and finds himself a whole bunch of treasure he should have never gotten. That would be meta-gaming as John’s character did not receive that information through roleplaying, but rather got it from an outside source. 


    What’s powergaming?: Power-gaming can take various forms, though in the end it is when a player creates a RP situation that would be considered unfair or ‘overpowered’ for someone else. For instance, let’s say someone named Jack entered into a fight with George. Jack proceeds to rush at George, and describe the following scene in RP.


    **I rush towards George with my blade in hand. I run so fast he can barely see it coming, and when I get close I lunge my blade through his heart, instantly killing him**

    This is a clear case of power-gaming as Jack never gave George any chance to react to the attack, instead forcing death upon George without ever giving him a chance. Basically a character like Jack’s would be untouchable, something that would never be fun for the opposing party.


    In-Character Information

    What’s your character called?: Abram Orlov

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: Human, Hansetian (Northerner)

    What sex are they?: Male

    How old are they?: 20

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): 


    Abram was a fierce child, one who always had an appreciation for the world around him. He was born an only child to a couple, Maria and Leon, in a small hamlet just north of Abresi. His father was a blacksmith in trade, and from a young age Abram showed the instinct of a warrior. He was enamored by the work of his father, and always had his eyes fixed on his assortment of armors and weaponry.


    Eventually Abram began to work in his father’s smithy, learning the passed down craft of blacksmithing to Abram. While he was not working alongside his father, Abram mainly found himself adventuring in the forest that surrounded the village. Here he gained a fine understanding of nature, as well as some proficiency in the use of a blade and bow, which he would try to train daily.


    It came a time in the late years of Anthos, under the reign of Ostromir Sarkozic Carrion, that Leon was enlisted to fight against the Scourge of the Northern Lands. Before he left, Leon passed down two items to Abram; a small iron knife and a pair of dice made of some sort of bone. With these gifts passed down, he departed from his smithy and went onward, never to return back to Abram or his wife.


    Abram continued through the years working as a smith, though not one of nearly the knowledge of craftsmanship of his father, and also continued to train himself in the way of the blade and bow. It came a time, during the destruction of Anthos by the scourge forces, that he and his mother had no choice but to depart from their home and head to this new land; the Fringe. On the journey, Maria was separated from Abram in the midst of the large migrating crowds. Abram, after searching for her, hesitantly went to Fringe without her. He knew that his mother was sickly and old, and that the worst had most likely occurred.


    Now he stands in this new land, confused as to what his next move shall be. Perhaps he will reunite with his Northern brethren of Hanseti, or perhaps join as a bannerman for one of the noble lords. All he knows now that is survival is of his priority in this foreign land, and he will do what he must to achieve such.


    What are they like (personality)?: Abram, while not stupid by any means, is more of a strong-head fellow. He relies mainly on his blade to bring him out of dangerous situations, but is decent at speaking his way out of things if need be. He is loyal to whomever he follows, and emphasizes a strong sense of honor in his life. He tries to not let things bother him, and has an attitude of let the past stay in the past.

    What are their ambitions?: Currently Abram is flustered, having just come to a new, strange land. He merely wants to find shelter, and a group that would graciously accept his service as a worker or warrior.

    Do they have any special skills?: He is competent in the art of the sword and bow, and knows a tad bit about the art of being a blacksmith. 

    What are their weaknesses?: Whilst he has no crippling weakness, he is a rather large fellow and as such isn't very capable of being stealthy or quiet. 

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: Abram is a muscular, pale-skinned human, typically donning heavy, fur clothing or some form of armor. He is darkish-brown hair, and a beard to compliment it. His eyes are hazel colored.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: He always carries with him a small iron dagger and a pair of bone dice given to him by his father.

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: http://imgur.com/AJIiOXR,r9H3rjQ#0

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