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Posts posted by delete

  1. "Give him credit, at least he didn't write in broken common, I find it odd how Raevir men somehow write exactly how they speak."

    I find it disgraceful how two men of noble birth are unable to read sufficiently. One would expect men of noble birth, such as yourselves, to be educated and cultured...

    "On this day, I, a foolish boy under the tutelage of great men, address you on behalf of yourselves, and for the sake of righteousness and truth."


    Nowhere on this evaluation does he claim to be of peasant origins. If you are the best representatives of this rebellion then I fear the worst for your cause, for you have been beaten by this "foolish boy's" logic. One should now question what that would make these two adolescent nobility...

  2. Varrond is an incredibly helpful member of the community, whom in the past has helped familiarise me with the server when I was new. Alas, if it were not for Varrond I honestly would have quit the server. I do not think I am the only one Varrond has helped with his scrupulous efforts in assisting newbies, for this reason alone he earns a +1.

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