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Posts posted by Bumboe

  1. MC Name: CookieScythe


    IC Name: Fogrift


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: N/A


    Transformed Form: Ent


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: N/A


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: 

    The ent, laying low in the vast and sunny forests of wherever they may abide, is a truly majestic creature despite their size. They begin to blossom from the seeds of its mother, Elder Tree. When they mature, Ents will take part near the tree from which they came from, protecting it from danger even in the worst of circumstance. For this particular Ent, Fogrift lives near the druids' territory, protecting his Elder Tree from slightly distant, and therefore unsuspicious areas. When not wanting to walk around, Ents remain motionless, digging their roots into the soil to recoop so to speak and philosophizing in a singular spot until he/she, their Elder Tree, or the forest itself is provoked. Once seen moving around, the being will find itself looking up to the Ent both figuratively and literally, as they are considered sacred guardians to some (specifically Druids) and can grow very tall depending on their setting and condition. If one were to make contact with the Ent, they likely would find themselves confused and/or bored, as Ents are quite slow to speak and are sometimes difficult to understand. However, Ents seem to speak a different language when talking amongst each other, even though it is true that even the meeting of two ents is incredibly rare.


    ((Format taken from _Sug's application))


    P.S. I realize you may not be accepting Ents at all, but I wasn't exactly sure so I decided to take a shot anyways. No worries. -CookieScythe

  2. MC name: CookieScythe
    Character's name and age: Lavaneth Angol: Age 84
    Character’s Race: Wood Elf
    What magic will you be learning?: Conjuration
    Who will be teaching you?: User: Fitermon, Character: Glacio


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: No

  3. ::OOC::
    MC Name: CookieScythe
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: No
    Are you aware the rules of Magic:  Yes

    Skype: (You can PM this to us if you wish)  CookieScythe or Laf.Along
    Name: Elliot Zora
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race:  Farfolk
    What would you like to learn?: Electricity Evocation Magic
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Mage Classes

  4. MC Name: CookieScythe


    Character Name: Gavyn


    Character Age: 124


    Profession: Leatherworker


    Appearance: Light-Dark Brown Hair, Grey Eyes, Light Skinned, Black Underarmor


    Bloodline: Flamecrushers, the clan from the hidden mountains in the cold north.


    Define who you will be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, son of _____, grandson of ____ etc.): Grandson of Igor


    Do You Have Teamspeak: No


    Do You Have Skype (If yes put in in your skype name or send it to me through pm): Yes, CookieScythe


    Image Of The Skin You Intend To Use: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/nori-1844960/












  5. Lord Of The Craft Application


    MC Username - CookieScythe

    Age - 14

    Time Zone - PST


    Roleplaying Experience - Star Wars and World of Warcraft

    Roleplaying Servers Played - None

    Applications Before - None


    How I Heard About Server - Friend (Cooliomafia)

    How I Think The Server Might Be Like -  Kingdoms, classes, and biomes

    Rules Agreement - Yes, I have read and accepted the rules

    Favourite Rule - Building have to match surroundings


    Role Playing - Playing a role or character that is not yourself

    Metagaming - Interaction that does not involve your roleplaying life

    Powergaming -  To become all powerful so that nobody can stop you

    Character Name: Uthaessel Ethir

    Race and Subrace: Elf / Dark Elf

    Gender: Female

    Age: 21 (Human Years) 265 (Elven Years)

    Description: lives in a home by herself in Dark Haven, works as a hostess, has a hobby of sword training and spying, parents died by wolf attack, attractive

    Personality: Curious

    Ambitions: Always wants to investigate war and city crimes

    Special Skills: stealth/spying, sword training

    Weaknesses: Curiosity makes her vulnerable

    Appearance: Dark grey eyes, long blue hair, light grey skin, black two piece, black shoes

    Other: Check out my full essay version below!

    Skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dark-elf-2561355/


    My Essay: My character’s name is Uthaessel Ethir. This young madam is part of the Elven race. to be specific, she is a Dark Elf. In human years this fine lady is twenty one years old, which is approximately two-hundred sixty five in elven years. Uthaessel grew up in a poor family. She lived off of only the things that she caught herself. Even then, she only got a portion, and the rest was given to her parents. Other than this Uthaessel did not have such a bad childhood, but her parents died by a wolf attack when she was seven. This young lady then went to a tribe up in Dark Haven to find her true beginning before her parents had fled from their village.


    This lady soon found out she was part of the Dark Elves, and soon took a home for only herself with the small amount of money she still had. The longer Uthaessel lived there, the more the men would become attracted to her. With her grey skin and black two-piece, she was the definition of beauty in many people’s eyes. Speaking of beauty, Uthaessel was very fond of art, but never was quite good at designing, so instead, she took a hobby training with the sword as most Dark Elves do. Since this was only a hobby, Uthaessel got a job as a hostess for obvious reasons. The Dark Elves are known to be very protective over their children which has given Uthaessel much discipline, but it is also the reason they had left their town in the first place.


    Although this madam had a rough life as a child, what she is like now is flawless in many elves’ minds. Uthaessel is very curious about things and can never get rid of the temptation that is always itching the side of her brain. Most of the time this itch appears, it is probably about suspicious things in town. This is because Uthaessel has a hobby of spying on others. Although it makes a great personality, this curiosity of hers also makes Uthaessel a little vulnerable. Anyway, Uthaessel had her bad side and good side, but all in all, this madam can make a great person someday.


    Thank you for taking your time away to read this!

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