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Posts posted by Lama

  1. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Lama121
    How old are you?: - 22
    Have you ever roleplayed on a minecraft server before? If so, where?: - I have played on this server before but busy life/joining during realm change meant I didn't play for long
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): -  Yes, I have not played very little time with this character so I hope to change lore details and play as him, I hope that is fine?
    How did you hear about us?: - Just randomly surfing the net.
    What do you think the server will be like? - Good roleplaying experience.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: - Metagaming and Powergaming of any kind are not allowed.
    Do you understand combat rules, and what you can and can’t do if you do choose to roleplay as a villain?:- Yes.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so maybe we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):- No.
    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is assuming a role, being somone else for a period of time.
    What’s metagaming?: -  Metagaming is using information that the player could know but that the character was not meant to be aware of.
    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is creating your character as unferly strong for example: Being the best swordsman in the world or being able to kill everything with special magical power.
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: - Rolf Guthsson
    What race are they? (and sub-race if applicable): - Human
    What gender are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 19
    Give us a highlight of their past, What life events make your character the person they are today? This is your character's biography. It is also required to include server lore when writing. (Names of towns, major server events, ect. Most lore can be found on our wiki.): - 
    Rolf has been born in a small village near the city of Chambery. Actually calling it a village could be too much. It was a tavern with few houses and farms near it. Everybody living there were either working in the tavern or on the farms, for everything else citizents needed to travel to Chambery. The villagers settled away from the city as they did not like crowds and prefered to work in peace and quiet. Usually only the farm owners would go to town to sell their crops and buy everything for they could not get in the tavern for their own workers, many of the workers never even left the village after settling here.
    Rolf has been born to Guth and Esa. Both Gunth and Esa were farmers as well as their parents and grandparents, everybody in their families were farming and thats all they ever wanted to be and thats all they wanted their children to be.
    Rolf was a normal kid he played on the fields, he listened to stories about monsters and knights, he played around with wooden swords and played games with other children from the little village. When he was 10 a traveler that changed his life came to the tavern. It was a librarian travelling to Chambery with a package of the books that he bought from elven land to add to his collection. Rolf was confused  with what that traveller needed so many books for, he seen only one before in his life, the bartender's log and it was just boring sheets of paper with numbers on them. Librarian then explained to him that that was only one type of book and there are many others, there are some with exciting stories both real and ficitonal others have magic spells and incatations, there are some written thousands of years ago by people of legends. Rolf was completly fascinated by that and completly shocked he never realised something so small and fragile could be so valuable and could hold so much information. He knew from that moment on that he will need to learn to read.
    For the first year after that meeting his father didn't want to listen about anything related to reading, he didnt think his son would need it, he certainly didn't neither did his wife and they wanted their son to continue their craft of farming. Rolf pleaded, screamed and fought with him wanting to learn but the answear was always no, you dont need it and its too expensive. Next year an accident on the farm happened, Guth had lost three of his fingers, making working on the farm much harder for him. Rolf was already 12 so they told him he will need to start working on the field. Rolf had already been helping his parents on the field little bit but now he will need to spend most of his day's helping his family. Rolf's responded "Only if you let me learn reading". Esa was shocked "How can you say such thing to your father!? Do you have no shame, will you blackmail your own father!?". Guth only laughed and said "Now thats how a men does business".
    Rolf's life till the age of 14 was very boring, he got up early and worked on the fields till evening then went home and studied reading, for first year his parents employed a teacher that helped him with basics of reading but second year he already knew enought to practice on his own. His father picked books he could afford on the marketplace in Vekaro while selling crops. Rolf read everything the amazing adventures of Sir Gwain and the Dancing dragon to such boring books as diary of some unknown merchant from Anthos. Rolf had already realised that he will spend the rest of his days as a farmer and he hated that fact, his only pleasures in life were the books after he finished the exhousting and boring work on the field, and he knew that as he's parents were getting older and older he will need to do more and more work. He knew and he hated that fact.
    At the age of 15 the tavern's owner had died, he was an old men so nobody was really suprised but it still came as a shock to such small community. The rest of the village made him a small funeral and they drank to his name. He had no sons to run his tavern so they send for his nephew who lived in the city to either came and work in the tavern or sell it to somone else as steady amount of booze was needed to community of farmers, and so his nephew barely ten years older then Rolf came to take ownership of the tavern. His name was Beris and he was an apprentice to a merchant in the city before coming here, he learn a lof of things there including a little of household magic. To him it were only tricks but to the rest of the village they were an amazing magic spells, each time he would light a fire in the oven with his mind or lift a cup to float to him from the table the people in the tavern would look in shock and applaud. Beris spotted pretty quickly that when he played around with the magic his tips would double or even triple so he did at as much as he could. Rolf begged him for months to teach him how to do it, he kept nagging him until Beris finally caved in mostly just annoyed by him asking over and over.
    It took him full year of part time learning to be able to do the basics of household magic, he could do everything what Beris teached him but he could do maybe two things a day and the was exhousted. At first when he showed his parents they were amazed and excited, lightning a fire in couple of seconds, clearing a hose of spiderweb by just clenching his right fist unnaturally hard like he was trying to break  his fingers((Thats the using of magic tick)). They changed they're mind after then seen what state it left him next day, he could barely lift a shovel there was no way he could work in the field while he practiced magic, it just sucked the energy out of him. It didnt help that he explained it will get better as he practiced. They just forbid him from using magic ever again, dusting the webs or lightining a fire was not worth losing a working pair of hands on the field.
    At the age of 17 roughly year after he was forbidden the use of magic he got a lot better at it. He used magic nearly every single day after that day but tried to hide it, his parents just dropped the issue as long as he worked the field but when his father found him practicing in his room at night he got a nice smack in the head. At this time Rolf felt like he mastered the household magic, he could do many of the "spells" in single day and felt refreshed the next morning. Rolf didn't feel very proud of it but after he learned this magic he felt "better" then the rest of the village maybe with exception of Beris. They could not even read much less cast spells like he could. One day Rolf and Beris were sitting in tavern just chatting when a real mage entered, he just ordered his food and sat at an empty table. Villagers looked to him as they were not used to visitors specially human males that wore a dress. Rolf at first thought he was some sort of circus freak only then Boris explained that that is a real mage. Rolf immediately set next to him with flask of mead, "Here drink with me fellow mage" he said. The mage looked confused and just said "Sorry?". "I am a mage too, drink with me friend" said Rolf, the mage looked at his clother dirty from weeks of working on the fields, "Of course you are friend" he said with clear sarcasm followed by "and I am the Emperor of Oren, nice to meet you" he finished his sentence and started laughing at Rolf. Rolf was confused, why did he not believe him, just becouse he dressed diffrently then him? He will show that arrogant mage, first time in his life he tried to use the magic he learned to actually attack somone, he used the most powerfull spell he knew, the puff of air that he used to destroy cobwebs, he put all his willpower into it and launched it streight at the mage's face. The mage's face changed to suprise and then back to laughter when the small puff of air hit his face and slightly changed his hairstyle. "O great mage Im so sorry for angering you" the mage could barely sit from the laughter, and it took him a while to get back to normal. "Il show you some real magic for making my day peasant" The mage said and he clapped his hands together, as he pulled them back in between his hands there was a vortex of air just swirld around, it was really small yet the small wooden spoon at the table was sucked into it and now it swirled around the vortex. The Vortex dissapeared as fast as it was created no sign of it but the spoon which now landed on mage's hand.
    The next few weeks all Rolf could think was of that encounter, he realised that the spells he learned were nothing compared to the mage and he wanted so hard to learn it. He tried to beg the mage to teach him but the mage just left laughing at him, saying things like "O most powerfull of wizards you dont need to learn from such lowly mages as me". Couple of days later when he nearly give up on the idea of learning an more magic he found a something amazing in the books his father bought him. His father couldn't read so the books he bought were always just a mix of everything, sometimes something great would be in the pile and sometimes nothing but boring logs and diaries. Introduction to Evocation of Wind, could he really be this lucky? or is this the way the world tells him he should become a mage this is everything he needed. He started reading the book immidiately.
    After a few days of reading Rolf knew he was ready to practice, the first step is to get exposured to wind, how hard can that be? So he sat at a hill nearby for 3 hours, that must be enought right? Next step should be creating small air currents for a couple of seconds but that seems like a pointless thing to do. He should practice something more useful and effective, at first he though about the vortex that the mage created but no that maybe was enough for as lowly mage but he was better, he knew it. He will do something amazing, something spectacular, and then it hit him. There was only one answear he will need to fly, of course it was the only thing to do and this hill is amazing for practice, its not too high so he will not hurt himself if he lands in good position. He though about it for couple of minutes then decided he will do it. He knew he will be able to fly in propably just days and maybe even hours of practice. So he will start right now. He took long run and jumped with all his power from the hill immediately trying to create wind of ouf the void just like the book described, it was only midway down that he realised he actually summoned nothing he was just falling and the hill which looked small from the top doesn't look so small now. Then he started to panic and his body shifted now he was falling head first, he needs to change position. That was the last thing he remembered.((I know flying is not possible with magic but you can't blame a young. arrogant student for thinking otherwise))
    He awakened in his bed feeling pain in every part of his body, there were many people standing near him but he could not distinguish who they were, he only heared some woman crying, probaly his mother and many other whispering, he did not catch what they were saying but from their tone of voice he was not well. It took him two weeks to recovery enough to actually knew what was going on. Its miracle he survived, his head was nearly split open, and his right leg broken. The leg injury while seriuos just needed the lying still for couple of weeks but it was his head that was the problem. When his parents found him they immidiately send for a healer from the city, and while he barely heal it truth be told there is no telling if he will still survive and if he did will there not be any pernament damages. He also realised that not only will he stay for months in bed the cost in minas for the healer will be massive. Still his parents didn't even say a word about it, they just kept looking ashemed like its their fault that he was so stupid. It made Rolf even more angry.
    First 3 months were the worst while his right leg healed up pretty fast but he was told he will always limp a little on his right leg. Each time he tried to stand up the pain in his head made him drop back into the bed. He took the Introduction to Evocation of Wind and threw it right into the fire. Let it burn, the magic nearly crippled or even killed him, yet as he was lying there he could feel strange without magic, soon after he started to again play around with hosehold spells. Next 3 months passed and he was finally able to stand and walk, he still needed to sit roughly few steps but it was a huge improvment. It was then that the simpton of his injury first showed. He was losing the memories, very slowly but he could almost feel them leaving, he still remebered how to cast spells or use farming equipment it was something his muscles learned, something he knew how to do deep inside but he forgot other things like names of the people around him or the books that he read so many times he could spell them out entirely before. When he forgot his mother name he knew he needed to do something. He took a small book, a log of some merchant his father bough years ago, only the first two pages were writen on. He tore those pages away and started writing, he started writing everything he still remembered. Couple of days later he realised he actually forgot which leg he broke and so his body sometimes made limp a little on his left leg and sometimes on his right leg, it seemed to be dependable on his mood which actually made him laugh a little at himself. Left leg when angry or nervouse, right one when happy or pleased.
    He kept spending his days at the hill where he nearly died, at  first his mom didn't left his step worring he will try to do something again but he just sit there noting on in his books about everything. As he sat there he actually started feeling the air, he felt currents around him. It was in this moment he realised that the book he burned nor the magic nearly killed him but his arrongance and stupidity. He kept seeing himself as a prodigy, a real magician even when the true mage laughed at his ability, and instead of then practicing more he just went easy way and tried to fly, fly of all things as his first real spell. It took him months of just sitting there in the wind to feel like he knows how it works, like he could finally proceed to step two and then he actually realised he remembered what a step two was, creating small wind currents for seconds. He laughed to himslef, he can't remember his parents name without looking at his damn book but he can remember the steps to learning wind magic he read months ago in couple of days. If that was not the sign he was born for magic he didn't know what was. Only after a while he realised that he is behaving arrogant again, born to bagic? There was no such thing, he needs to practice and work hard, no going easy ways this time.
    Couple of months later he managed to sustain the wind for around 10 seconds which was a great milestone for him, he knew he still needed a lot of work before he could even though himself a mage but this time he will work for it. His injuries were all healed apart from the damn memory problem though the forgetting seemed to slow and sometimes he could even remember the whole previous day without writing it down. Then just as he finished casting the wind his father Guth came and spoke "You are healed and yet you still dable in the damn magic that nearly killed you, do you want another accident? This time we will not afford the healer". "It was not magic that nearly killed me but my stupidity" Rolf replied."Call it what you want i will not tolerate any more magic in my house, you can either stay here and work farm as your entire family did before you, work for yourself like an honest man or go away and practice this tricks of yours". The choice was really simple. Rolf said goodbye to his family and friends, took his clothes, and his trusty memory keeper and left where he did not know, but he knew that he wanted only one thing, Magic. So he left his village, the only place he ever seen with his eyes. He left it with slight limp in his right leg


    What are they like? (personality): - A little arrogant, especially to thing or people "nonmagical" but he is trying to work on it after nearly killing himelf.
    He is nearly obsessed about magic on the point of leaving his family and everything he knows for it.
    What are their ambitions?: - Knowledge and mastery of magic
    Do they have any special skills? What are their weaknesses? (Try to list a few of both): - 
    Special skills:
    Pretty good use of Household Magic
    Tier 2 Evocation of Air Magic
    Ability to work as farmer
    Little too proud for his own good
    Limping left or right leg depending on the mood
    Can't remember most information for more then a day/needs to write everything down
    Give us a description of how they look?: - Young male human, black hair, black bushy beard/stache , blue eyes, still wearing farmer clothes(Dont have any other).
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - yeMtDje.png
  2. ::OOC::
    MC Name: Lama121
    Did you ever have a character with magic?:  Just this one and he is just a beginner (Wind evo tier 2 currently practicing for tier 3)
    Are you aware the rules of Magic?: Yes

    Name: Rolf Guthsson
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    What would you like to learn?: I would like to learn more about Wind evoaction which im currently practicing as well as learning new types of magic. The scholar courses also sound pretty exciting.
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Magic and Scholar courses

  3. I am looking for books to buy. I want all genres and types. Doesn't matter if its something you written on your own or if its work of great masters. I will buy magic guides , history books or even children stories. The amount of mina I will pay will however be dependant on the contents of the book. For contact either come to the trade city of Kaphro and look for Rolf Guthsson or send a raven there((Lama121)).

  4. The Form:


    Your Name: Rolf Guthsson


    Your Age: 20


    Your Race: Human


    If joining as a mage, clarify on who has originally taught you, and for how long you’ve been learning:

    Household - Learned from a friend couple of years ago

    Evocation of Air - Around a year ago, self taught


    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?:




    MC Name:Lama121




    When did you join the server?:Around a week


    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and state when you have begun learning it:

    Advanced Household magic

    Evocation of Air - Tier 2

  5. Hello everybody, Im Lama and my application was just accepted so i figured il introduce myself. Im 20 year old student. Im from Poland but i lived in the UK for 8 years now.

  6. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Lama121
    How old are you?: - 20
    Have you ever roleplayed on a minecraft server before? If so, where?: - I played on the server Rymora.net for couple of weeks.
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): -  No.
    How did you hear about us?: - Just randomly surfing the net.
    What do you think the server will be like? - Good roleplaying experience, I have been trying to get my friends into paper back RPG's since i haven't played one in like 4 years but nobody wanted to so I started to search for other ways to RP.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: - Metagaming and Powergaming of any kind are not allowed.
    Do you understand combat rules, and what you can and can’t do if you do choose to roleplay as a villain?:- Yes.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so maybe we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):- No.
    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is assuming a role, being somone else for a period of time.
    What’s metagaming?: -  Metagaming is using information that the player could know but that the character was not meant to be aware of.
    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is creating your character as unferly strong for example: Being the best swordsman in the world or being able to kill everything with special magical power.
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: - Rolf Guthsson
    What race are they? (and sub-race if applicable): - Human
    What gender are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 19
    Give us a highlight of their past, What life events make your character the person they are today? This is your character's biography. It is also required to include server lore when writing. (Names of towns, major server events, ect. Most lore can be found on our wiki.): - 
    Rolf has been born in a small village near the city of Vekaro. Actually calling it a village could be too much. It was a tavern with few houses and farms near it. Everybody living there were either working in the tavern or on the farms, for everything else citizents needed to travel to Vekaro. The villagers settled away from the city as they did not like crowds and prefered to work in peace and quiet. Usually only the farm owners would go to town to sell their crops and buy everything for they could not get in the tavern for their own workers, many of the workers never even left the village after settling here from the Anthos.
    Rolf has been born to Guth and Esa as their second child. They have been married since 16 and had their first child couple of years later. His brother Gorn had been killed by Black Scourge during their move from Anthos. It took Esa a couple of years of grief until she wanted another child and so in the age of 22 she had given birth to Rolf. Both Gunth and Esa were farmers as well as their parents and grandparents, everybody in their families were farming and thats all they ever wanted to be and thats all they wanted their children to be.
    Rolf was a normal kid he played on the fields, he listened to stories about monsters and knights, he played around with wooden swords and played games with other children from the little village. When he was 10 a traveler that changed his life came to the tavern. It was a librarian travelling to Vekaro with a package of the books that he bought from elven land to add to his collection. Rolf was confused  with what that traveller needed so many books for, he seen only one before in his life, the bartender's log and it was just boring sheets of paper with numbers on them. Librarian then explained to him that that was only one type of book and there are many others, there are some with exciting stories both real and ficitonal others have magic spells and incatations, there are some written thousands of years ago by people of legends. Rolf was completly fascinated by that and completly shocked he never realised something so small and fragile could be so valuable and could hold so much information. He knew from that moment on that he will need to learn to read.
    For the first year after that meeting his father didn't want to listen about anything related to reading, he didnt think his son would need it, he certainly didn't neither did his wife and they wanted their son to continue their craft of farming. Rolf pleaded, screamed and fought with him wanting to learn but the answear was always no, you dont need it and its too expensive. Next year an accident on the farm happened, Guth had lost three of his fingers, making working on the farm much harder for him. Rolf was already 12 so they told him he will need to start working on the field. Rolf had already been helping his parents on the field little bit but now he will need to spend most of his day's helping his family. Rolf's responded "Only if you let me learn reading". Esa was shocked "How can you say such thing to your father!? Do you have no shame, will you blackmail your own father!?". Guth only laughed and said "Now thats how a men does business".
    Rolf's life till the age of 14 was very boring, he got up early and worked on the fields till evening then went home and studied reading, for first year his parents employed a teacher that helped him with basics of reading but second year he already knew enought to practice on his own. His father picked books he could afford on the marketplace in Vekaro while selling crops. Rolf read everything the amazing adventures of Sir Gwain and the Dancing dragon to such boring books as diary of some unknown merchant from Anthos. Rolf had already realised that he will spend the rest of his days as a farmer and he hated that fact, his only pleasures in life were the books after he finished the exhousting and boring work on the field, and he knew that as he's parents were getting older and older he will need to do more and more work. He knew and he hated that fact.
    At the age of 15 the tavern's owner had died, he was an old men so nobody was really suprised but it still came as a shock to such small community. The rest of the village made him a small funeral and they drank to his name. He had no sons to run his tavern so they send for his nephew who lived in the city to either came and work in the tavern or sell it to somone else as steady amount of booze was needed to community of farmers, and so his nephew barely ten years older then Rolf came to take ownership of the tavern. His name was Beris and he was an apprentice to a merchant in the city before coming here, he learn a lof of things there including a little of household magic. To him it were only tricks but to the rest of the village they were an amazing magic spells, each time he would light a fire in the oven with his mind or lift a cup to float to him from the table the people in the tavern would look in shock and applaud. Beris spotted pretty quickly that when he played around with the magic his tips would double or even triple so he did at as much as he could. Rolf begged him for months to teach him how to do it, he kept nagging him until Beris finally caved in mostly just annoyed by him asking over and over.
    It took him full year of part time learning to be able to do the basics of household magic, he could do everything what Beris teached him but he could do maybe two things a day and the was exhousted. At first when he showed his parents they were amazed and excited, lightning a fire in couple of seconds, clearing a hose of spiderweb by just clenching his right fist unnaturally hard like he was trying to break  his fingers((Thats the using of magic tick)). They changed they're mind after then seen what state it left him next day, he could barely lift a shovel there was no way he could work in the field while he practiced magic, it just sucked the energy out of him. It didnt help that he explained it will get better as he practiced. They just forbid him from using magic ever again, dusting the webs or lightining a fire was not worth losing a working pair of hands on the field.
    At the age of 17 roughly year after he was forbidden the use of magic he got a lot better at it. He used magic nearly every single day after that day but tried to hide it, his parents just dropped the issue as long as he worked the field but when his father found him practicing in his room at night he got a nice smack in the head. At this time Rolf felt like he mastered the household magic, he could do many of the "spells" in single day and felt refreshed the next morning. Rolf didn't feel very proud of it but after he learned this magic he felt "better" then the rest of the village maybe with exception of Beris. They could not even read much less cast spells like he could. One day Rolf and Beris were sitting in tavern just chatting when a real mage entered, he just ordered his food and sat at an empty table. Villagers looked to him as they were not used to visitors specially human males that wore a dress. Rolf at first thought he was some sort of circus freak only then Boris explained that that is a real mage. Rolf immediately set next to him with flask of mead, "Here drink with me fellow mage" he said. The mage looked confused and just said "Sorry?". "I am a mage too, drink with me friend" said Rolf, the mage looked at his clother dirty from weeks of working on the fields, "Of course you are friend" he said with clear sarcasm followed by "and I am the Emperor of Oren, nice to meet you" he finished his sentence and started laughing at Rolf. Rolf was confused, why did he not believe him, just becouse he dressed diffrently then him? He will show that arrogant mage, first time in his life he tried to use the magic he learned to actually attack somone, he used the most powerfull spell he knew, the puff of air that he used to destroy cobwebs, he put all his willpower into it and launched it streight at the mage's face. The mage's face changed to suprise and then back to laughter when the small puff of air hit his face and slightly changed his hairstyle. "O great mage Im so sorry for angering you" the mage could barely sit from the laughter, and it took him a while to get back to normal. "Il show you some real magic for making my day peasant" The mage said and he clapped his hands together, as he pulled them back in between his hands there was a vortex of air just swirld around, it was really small yet the small wooden spoon at the table was sucked into it and now it swirled around the vortex. The Vortex dissapeared as fast as it was created no sign of it but the spoon which now landed on mage's hand.
    The next few weeks all Rolf could think was of that encounter, he realised that the spells he learned were nothing compared to the mage and he wanted so hard to learn it. He tried to beg the mage to teach him but the mage just left laughing at him, saying things like "O most powerfull of wizards you dont need to learn from such lowly mages as me". Couple of days later when he nearly give up on the idea of learning an more magic he found a something amazing in the books his father bought him. His father couldn't read so the books he bought were always just a mix of everything, sometimes something great would be in the pile and sometimes nothing but boring logs and diaries. Introduction to Evocation of Wind, could he really be this lucky? or is this the way the world tells him he should become a mage this is everything he needed. He started reading the book immidiately.
    After a few days of reading Rolf knew he was ready to practice, the first step is to get exposured to wind, how hard can that be? So he sat at a hill nearby for 3 hours, that must be enought right? Next step should be creating small air currents for a couple of seconds but that seems like a pointless thing to do. He should practice something more useful and effective, at first he though about the vortex that the mage created but no that maybe was enough for as lowly mage but he was better, he knew it. He will do something amazing, something spectacular, and then it hit him. There was only one answear he will need to fly, of course it was the only thing to do and this hill is amazing for practice, its not too high so he will not hurt himself if he lands in good position. He though about it for couple of minutes then decided he will do it. He knew he will be able to fly in propably just days and maybe even hours of practice. So he will start right now. He took long run and jumped with all his power from the hill immediately trying to create wind of ouf the void just like the book described, it was only midway down that he realised he actually summoned nothing he was just falling and the hill which looked small from the top doesn't look so small now. Then he started to panic and his body shifted now he was falling head first, he needs to change position. That was the last thing he remembered.
    He awakened in his bed feeling pain in every part of his body, there were many people standing near him but he could not distinguish who they were, he only heared some woman crying, probaly his mother and many other whispering, he did not catch what they were saying but from their tone of voice he was not well. It took him two weeks to recovery enough to actually knew what was going on. Its miracle he survived, his head was nearly split open, and his right leg broken. The leg injury while seriuos just needed the lying still for couple of weeks but it was his head that was the problem. When his parents found him they immidiately send for a healer from the city, and while he barely heal it truth be told there is no telling if he will still survive and if he did will there not be any pernament damages. He also realised that not only will he stay for months in bed the cost in minas for the healer will be massive. Still his parents didn't even say a word about it, they just kept looking ashemed like its their fault that he was so stupid. It made Rolf even more angry.
    First 3 months were the worst while his right leg healed up pretty fast but he was told he will always limp a little on his right leg. Each time he tried to stand up the pain in his head made him drop back into the bed. He took the Introduction to Evocation of Wind and threw it right into the fire. Let it burn, the magic nearly crippled or even killed him, yet as he was lying there he could feel strange without magic, soon after he started to again play around with hosehold spells. Next 3 months passed and he was finally able to stand and walk, he still needed to sit roughly few steps but it was a huge improvment. It was then that the simpton of his injury first showed. He was losing the memories, very slowly but he could almost feel them leaving, he still remebered how to cast spells or use farming equipment it was something his muscles learned, something he knew how to do deep inside but he forgot other things like names of the people around him or the books that he read so many times he could spell them out entirely before. When he forgot his mother name he knew he needed to do something. He took a small book, a log of some merchant his father bough years ago, only the first two pages were writen on. He tore those pages away and started writing, he started writing everything he still remembered. Couple of days later he realised he actually forgot which leg he broke and so his body sometimes made limp a little on his left leg and sometimes on his right leg, it seemed to be dependable on his mood which actually made him laugh a little at himself. Left leg when angry or nervouse, right one when happy or pleased.
    He kept spending his days at the hill where he nearly died, at  first his mom didn't left his step worring he will try to do something again but he just sit there noting on in his books about everything. As he sat there he actually started feeling the air, he felt currents around him. It was in this moment he realised that the book he burned nor the magic nearly killed him but his arrongance and stupidity. He kept seeing himself as a prodigy, a real magician even when the true mage laughed at his ability, and instead of then practicing more he just went easy way and tried to fly, fly of all things as his first real spell. It took him months of just sitting there in the wind to feel like he knows how it works, like he could finally proceed to step two and then he actually realised he remembered what a step two was, creating small wind currents for seconds. He laughed to himslef, he can't remember his parents name without looking at his damn book but he can remember the steps to learning wind magic he read months ago in couple of days. If that was not the sign he was born for magic he didn't know what was. Only after a while he realised that he is behaving arrogant again, born to bagic? There was no such thing, he needs to practice and work hard, no going easy ways this time.
    Couple of months later he managed to sustain the wind for around 10 seconds which was a great milestone for him, he knew he still needed a lot of work before he could even though himself a mage but this time he will work for it. His injuries were all healed apart from the damn memory problem though the forgetting seemed to slow and sometimes he could even remember the whole previous day without writing it down. Then just as he finished casting the wind his father Guth came and spoke "You are healed and yet you still dable in the damn magic that nearly killed you, do you want another accident? This time we will not afford the healer". "It was not magic that nearly killed me but my stupidity" Rolf replied."Call it what you want i will not tolerate any more magic in my house, you can either stay here and work farm as your entire family did before you, work for yourself like an honest man or go away and practice this tricks of yours". The choice was really simple. Rolf said goodbye to his family and friends, took his clothes, and his trusty memory keeper and left where he did not know, but he knew that he wanted only one thing, Magic. So he left his village, the only place he ever seen with his eyes. He left it with slight limp in his right leg




    ((Well that went on for a lot longer then I expected Im so sorry to poor soul who will need to read this wall of text O.o))
    What are they like? (personality): - A little arrogant, especially to thing or people "nonmagical" but he is trying to work on it after nearly killing himelf.
    He is nearly obsessed about magic on the point of leaving his family and everything he knows for it.
    What are their ambitions?: - Magic
    Do they have any special skills? What are their weaknesses? (Try to list a few of both): - 
    Special skills:
    Pretty good use of Household Magic
    Tier 2 Evocation of Air Magic
    Ability to work as farmer
    Little too proud for his own good
    Limping left or right leg depending on the mood
    Can't remember most information for more then a day/needs to write everything down
    Give us a description of how they look?: - Young male human, black hair, black bushy beard/stache , blue eyes, still wearing farmer clothes(Dont have any other).
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -
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