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Posts posted by dannyalexandar11764

  1. Okay so I need a daughter in roleplay, my character is not married or has a wife or girlfriend, he is looking for an adopted one.


    My char- Logan D'atire


    My Race- Human (Highlander)


    Home- Frostbourne (Ayrith)


    House?- Yes



    If it's possible I would like the daughter to be age from 6-12


    Please copy this format and apply


    Skype (optional) -


    Minecraft name- 


    Roleplay name-






    Give a small bio, about her maybe a few sentences.





  2. "A'hm no' gonna lie to yer George, te'h food 's scarce. A'hm gettin' mor' from te'h Elves!" Isengar said.
    "No ye ain't! Ye'll be eaten by orc's" George argued he took a step closer to Isengar "Com' 'n ge' back e're" George said smiling.
    "George ah'll be gon' a'h couple 'f days" Isengar said chuckling "Nothin' ter worre'h 'bout"
    George scratched his chin with his index finger and blinked twice thinking "Wel' a'hm comin' wit yer" he said.
    "Foine meet me'h e're 'n foive" Isengar sighed. He collapsed to his knees and crossed his legs waiting for George. 
    About 15 minutes later George came back with a rucksack too big and heavy for him he seemed to be stumbling as he walked. 
    "Feckin' Chroist what yer go' 'n t'ere?" Isengar questioned with his eyes aiming on the bag.
    "Wel' a'h got:
    10 fishes
    toilet paper
    "Alroight alroight... We ain't gonna need t'at anyway George. We'h gon' fer two days!" 
    George shrugged his shoulders and followed Isengar out of Gimblewood. Black clouds were now hovering above the small village.
    Small drops of rain began to fall onto the snow. 
    They both trudged through the cloud temple unseen in the shadows of darkness black figures could be seen walking past but their faces a vivid blur. 
    George breathed heavily trying to keep us with Isengar. His blonde hair was getting soaking wet and his stocky body was slowing him down.
    Isengar on the other hand had a more slender body fit for travelling, he had curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. 
    His skin was tanned and he barely had any meat on him.
    "Hurre'h up George a'h want ter mak' et by te'h stairs 'f Uruguan by mornin'" he shouted through the heavy rain. 
    Sam rubbed beads of rain from his forehead and waved his hands through the air trying to see where he was going.
    Thunder vibrated and rumbled the path they were walking on.
    Murmurs in the wind could be heard from nearby. They were stuck in a blizzard with snow hitting their faces almost blinding them.
    Their faces were red and they had frostbite all over their hands and fingers. 
    They made it across the bridge and kept walking on they saw the castle of Uruguan and passed a sign reading: In Memory Of Aibine who was killed in battle.
    George stopped to read it, and then caught up with Isengar. "We'll settle down here for a few hours!" Isengar shouted through the storm. 
    They sat on the side of the rode and put a thick blanket over them both to keep them warm Isengar rubbed his hands together to keep the blood running.
    By the time it was morning the blizzard had cleared although it was still spitting tiny bits of rain.
  3. Prepare For Battle

    Orc's were lined up barging and shoving eachother whilst getting whipped by higher ranks. The heavy marching of metal footsteps could be heard from miles away. Squeals and horrifying shouts from the orc's terrified travellers.

    Grom'la was at the front leading the pack of 642 uruks, goblins and Ologs. It would take them atleast four weeks to reach the grand kingdom of Uraguan. "HALT!" Grom'la shouted the orc's stopped in their place and waited for orders.

    "Nealesh noightsh timesh" he growled "Shpread outz 'nd getsh woodsh 'nd fudz GRUK?" he shouted his voice boomed over the orc's. They scattered out in different directions searching for wood and food, hundreds came back with rabbits and a few came back with travellers corpses.

    "Wi feasht thor strigz" Grom'la cheered he raised his arms in the air and began waving them about in excitement.





    The Kings Guilt

    The kings servant quietly went down the cellar to visit the king. "Sire I love you with all my heart and honour you with it but how can you be so selfish? To just abandon your fellow people like this! You have so much gold so why does it matter if a small percentage is missing!" the servant shouted.

    The king climbed up from his hands and knees and dropped the golden coins from his hands. "How dare you speak to me like some sort of scum! I will have you killed and fed to the fishes!" Aibine threatened.

    "We don't have any fishes for me to be fed upon. The people are hungry and they might think of moving away from your kingdom if you don't think of something sire" he said calmly.

    Aibine glared at him "get out...GET OUT!" He shouted his voice resonated over the cellar walls.

    The servant shook his head and began to walk back up the stairs mumbling to himself.

    The king dropped to his knees and whimpered "Why do I have this curse upon me. I am a hoarder and a pity to myself!" the king said aloud.



    Humans Rations




    Horses with carriages full of food arrived at the kingdom of Uruguan. "Open the gates!" the man at the front asked. 

    "'Nd o'h te'h feck are ye?" The Dwarven Guard on the watchtower asked keeping a firm grip on the lever to open the gates.

    "We are the people of Oren. We have arrived to lend you food for your kingdom" the guard answered staring up at the dwarf.

    Chains rattled and the gate raised "EVERE'H ON' FOOD 'S E'RE" the dwarf shouted merrily many dwarves ran out of the local tavern to greet and thank the humans.


    "Sire?" the servant asked. "The humans of Oren have sent us food!" he exclaimed.

    The king got up from his knees and rubbed his eyes "They did?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.

    "Aye, 'nd lots of it!" the servant said happily.


    The king extended his arm "Help me up the stairs will you boy?" he asked.

    ​"Of course Sire" the servant said gripping his arm tightly and pulling him slowly towards the stone steps as they walked they made a loud thumping noise throughout the cellar.


    Once they got upstairs the king pulled off his servants grip and stumbled to his throne. He grasped his axe tightly and thumped it twice a cloud of dust rose to the top. The king coughed and then traipsed to the the thick reinforced wooden doors.


    He used all his strength to open them. His servant was behind him gripping his shoulder "Welcome Humans of Oren!" he yelled to the crowd outside his castle. All the dwarves and thousands of humans crowded the area. "We are all very thankful of your decision to bring us food" he yelled.

    The crowd was quiet, the king scratched the back of his neck with his thick fingers. "What else should I say" he whispered to his servant next to him "Say: We must repay you with something" the servant suggested. 


    "However we must repay you with something. Perhaps 60 Dwarven servants might interest you? Or maybe we can build you houses and other establishments?" the king asked.

    A human Guard stepped out from the crowd "Our king wants a share of gold for this offer" he said.


    Aibine chuckled and then his face screwed up. The dwarves all glared at him there eyes squinting and a few murmurs could be heard. "H.How much of my 'gold' does he want?" he gulped. The soldier read out from a letter "The king wants enough to build two houses made of gold" the soldier looked up from the letter and studied the king.


    The king grumbled to himself clenching his battleaxe tightly "Sire think of the people and how they are slowly starving!" the servant said.

    "Fine take it. TAKE IT QUICK!" He shouted before coughing violently.


    Scouting The Area




    "What is that?" he asked

    The other one sniffed the air "Orc's" he grumbled.

    "There must be atleast five hundred there marching towards the south" he asked.

    "Come Ray'ly we must worn our king!" Ray'ly's pointy ears twitched as he picked his bow from the ground and followed his friend. 


    They ran as fast as they could through the forest. Their small feet sinking through the sludgy, thick mud.

    They arrived at city of elves. They walked through towns with their bows clanking against their golden armour. They arrived at the gates of the temple where the Elvish king sits on his throne.


    "Ah! Ray'ly and Kagh'ly what did your elvish eyes see when scouting the area" he asked intriguingly.

    "We spotted an army of orc's about 600 of them marching towards the south" Kagh'ly said cathing his breath. "Did you engage?" the king asked suspiciously.

    "No" Ray'ly interrupted.


    "Hmm. South? that's where Uruguan kingdom of Dwarves is. Perhaps they are marching to...War!" the king asked not looking at the two.

    "We have to warn them! They won't have enough men to fight!" Ray'ly said worried.

    "We'll send 120 of our Guards and no more!" the king snapped.

    "Now get out and gather the men and leave NOW!" he shouted.


    The two scouter's left the Temple and ran to gather the Guards.




    A War Is Going To Happen





    It has been two weeks since the Orc's left for battle yet no warning has been sent apart from the Elves.

    "What t'eh fock" the dwarf on the watchtower said aloud rubbing his eyes. 

    A line of marching Elves coated in shiny golden armour came to the kingdom. 

    "Can a'h help ye?" the Dwarf shouted down.

    Ray'ly appeared from the crowd "We came to deliver a message ther...." the elf was interrupted "Seems loike a fockin' invasion ter me'h!" he answered back.


    "Please Dwarf if you'd just listen. A pack of orc's have been seen marching towards the South heading this way they will reach here in a day or two or maybe three if you are lucky."

    "Som' on' send fer te'h kin'!" the dwarf shouted down.

    A dwarf hobbled to the kings castle.

    Fifteen minutes later the king arrived to the gates with many dwarves following him. "Open up the gates. Allow them through!" Aibine shouted to the Dwarf on the watchtower. 


    The dwarf hesitated but then did as he was told to. He pulled the lever downwards until the gates rose. Elves poured in not making single contact with any Dwarves. 


    Ray'ly and Kagh'ly wandered towards the king "We have 120 men fighting for you. 80 of them are Archers and the rest are swordsmen" Kagh'ly said.

    Aibine nodded his round head and stroked his beard his servant was next to him hiding behind the kings stocky body.

    "Have all the Dwarves that can fight armoured and ready for battle, get children and women down into the Cellar!" he said to the servant. The servant nodded and began gathering guards to fight.


    Orc's arrive at the kingdom



    "LATZ CALLSH TISH SHRAIGHT LINEZ?" Grom'la shouted at the top of his lungs he scratched his green chest with his sharp, filthy fingernails. 

    "GETSH 'N ORDER" He whipped the first two goblins at the front one of them fell onto the ground exhausted.

    "Oi getsh upz" Grom'la said spitting on the goblin. The goblin hissed at Grom'la showing his small teeth.

    Grom'la kicked it in the side and smiled "Dinnersh toimez" hundreds of orcs bundled the goblin. Flesh flew up in the air the tiny squawks of the goblin could be heard of the many orcs tearing away at it's skin and bones.


    Grom'la motioned the orc's to follow him on and they continued their march towards Uruaguan.


    Meanwhile at the kingdom Archers lined up at the high vantage points on houses, watchtowers and in the bushes outside of the kingdom to try and get an advantage from behind the orc's.

    Dwarves stood at the gate lined up in a pack ready for war most of the armour were made of iron strong enough to block  even a diamond sword.


    The king awaited inside his castle getting all women and children to the cellar.


    Two hours passed and still no sign of orc's. 

    Until a flicker of light could be seen at the end of the bridge then thousands of lights a heavy marching rumbled the bridge.

    "Prepare to fire archers!" Ray'ly yelled the archers pulled back their string waiting for command. 


    The orcs stopped and parted either side of the bridge allowing two 12ft Ologs carrying a thick tree trunk. They began charging at the metal gate the footsteps crumbled the bottom of the bridge.

    "FIRE!" Kagh'ly shouted arrows flew at the pack of orc's and pierced many of them. They collapsed to the ground. "KLOMP KLOMP KLOMPZ!" Grom'la ran at the gate with his Scythe held high his facial expression was intimidating. He opened his mouth saliva spewed out and his teeth were ready to chomp on bones. The Ologs smashed the gate with the trunk. The gates bars shook and rattled but didn't break. 


    "Open te'h fockin' gate we'll kil' em!" the Dwarf on the watchtower raised the gate 200 Dwarven soldiers charged at the orcs with their swords at their side.

    Arrows flew everywhere and blood splattered all over the bridge many orcs passed through but Elves jumped out of the houses and Taverns to ambush them.


    The slashing of swords scraping against armour was very loud and filled the air.

    "Habrew grab me my Battleaxe. I'm going to war!" Aibine yelled.

    "Sire you are not fit for war!" he said nervously.

    "I SAID GRAB IT!" Habrew sighed and got the battleaxe.

    Aibine gripped it and kicked open the castle doors he charged into battle swinging his axe in any direction it slammed against the rib cages of orcs.


    Grom'la appeared from the crowd snarling at Aibine. Aibine held his battleaxe so tight his hands began hurting. Grom'la charged at the Dwarven king with scythe he turned it so that the handle face Aibine. The force of it knocked him onto the ground. 

    The battleaxe crashed near him. Aibine tried reaching for it, but couldn't get his fingers to it.

    Grom'la placed his foot on the kings chest and raised scythe he slammed it down onto the kings neck cutting it clean off. Aibines head rolled onto the stone floor the crown clanked next to it. 


    Grom'la yanked the black hair and picked it up he roared a mighty roar and showed everyone his achievement. Many Dwarves looked over tears fell down their eyes but they continued to fight.

    Grom'la continued to stomp onto the deceased body.


    Without him noticing Habrew ran out and slowly picked up the axe unsure of how to use it. It weighed a ton. He used all his strength to pick it up and then he swung loosely at the Orc king's legs.

    Grom'la fell onto the ground squealing in pain.


    "T'is 's fer te'h kin'!" Habrew shouted he raised the axe and then dropped the blade onto the top of Grom'la's head it sliced open with blood squirting out and leaking onto the floor. 

    Grom'la fell to the floor and his body was no longer moving.


    His scythe lay next to him still wet from Aibines blood.

    Orc's watched Habrew demolish their king. Many ocs fled away from the kingdom.

    The rest of them that tried to win back the war ended up being part of the ground.


    In Memory Of The Grand King



    "We all dearly loved the king: Aibine he protected and did as much as he could to keep us satisfied" Habrew said wiping tears from his eyes.


    "I will now read out the Kings will he says that Habrew (servant) will be the captain of the Dwarven army. 


    His brother 'Throndor' will claim the throne and be pronounced King of Uruguan. 


    and he says that I (Habrew) can add something to the will.


    "I want 50 percent of the gold to go to the King of Elves to restore of what they lost in the war many great elves were killed but only few remain to tell this story."





    The End 




  4. The Two Kings


    Long ago there were two fiersome leaders: Grom'la king of Uruks, he was strong and mighty he had tattoos stained all over his greyish body. He had teeth like razors and finger nails as sharp as daggers. His hair was long and thin it was an oily black colour. He was known for his bravery in a battle between the Dwarves back then he was just a grunt. A worthless orc who had no meaning but after years of waiting to be on the throne he was crowned king. His weapon is a long scythe that could gut anything in one simple strike the blade was enchanted by a wizard to make whomever was hit and didn't die they'd suffer a long and painful death. 


    However there was a more...reasonable king he was king of Dwarves. He was taller than most being an outstanding 6ft. He had a long silky black beard braced with gold. He wore his crown made of pure gold and other minerals such as small traces of diamond. His body figure was thick with muscle other races saw him as fat and greedy but all Dwarves knew he was big boned. His hand was the size of a big mug used to pour ale into a glass. You couldn't see his face too much because of his thick beard, his eyes were light blue and he had small pimples on his forehead. 

    His hair was thick and greasy it wasn't in any sort of style it looked tangled and in a mess. It dangled down to his spine and his powerful weapon was a mighty battleaxe. It was far too big for him, but he had no trouble swinging it. It was given to him by his father: Isengar. The king of Dwarves was called: Aibine Irongut. 


    The Kingdom of Dwarves


    It was 1202 The Deep Cold "Sire our food is Scarce, we can't grow anymore crops because the winter is preventing us" The servant said with a worried look in his eyes. 

    The king got up from his throne stumbling forward he cleared his throat and began to speak "Send 15 guards to the north. We need food from our fellow Dwarves" he said sitting back into his chair coughing a few more times. 


    "North?" he questioned "But that's Forest dwarves. We don't keep in touch with foresters anymore!" The servant snarled. 

    The king stomped his battle axe onto the hard wooden floor making a loud thump echo through the building. "YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR I WILL HAVE YOU BANISHED FROM THIS KINGDOM!"  The king began coughing uncontrollably. "Y..Yes sire" the servant hid his face with his hands and walked out at a fast pace."


    "I never get any peace from that man" Aibine grumbled resting his head onto his hand. The Kingdom was gloomy with a misty and eery atmosphere to it. The sky was always gray only thin rays of sunlight got through the thick grey clouds. The population was 321 people. Fisherman were never getting enough fish to keep the city happy. The King was losing fans by the day "Why hasn't he done anything?" people say. 


    The Orc Village


    "Throm'ka Grom'la" A dwarf grunt muttured. "Mi haz meshage, throm Shara" the grunt said grinding his teeth it seems to be holding a letter covered in slobber and green goop. "Readsh itsh" Grom'la snapped showing his long fangs. The letter reads:


    Dear King of Elves: Falin'La 


    We have heard rumours from the south about Mountain Dwarves being low on food. We know you are not too keen on Aibine but we must not let his people suffer. Shall we do him a favour by giving them food? 

    Yours Sincerely Aragorn



    Blood splatters the letter "Mi killz meshenger!" the grunt grumbled "Mi chewsh hiz bonez 'nd breaksh hiz legsh." 

    Grom'la didn't pay attention to the grunt "Wi planz a bubhosh strigz on Gazat. Shend wordz tu otherz 'nd getsh rady fer strigz!" Grom'la snorted and spat his flem onto the tent floor. The other Orc nodded giggling scampering out the tent to tell the others. 



    Word from Forest Dwarves



    Two weeks had passed and the king Aibine finally got word from the forest dwarves. A Guard who had went handed him a letter and marched off back to his position. The castle gates slammed shut as he walked out, the kings servant stood next to him leaning over slightly to look at the letter.


    Dear Aibine


    We are refusing to give you any of our precious forest fruit because in the previous years you have turned us down. When the Uruks burned our forest down and we had nowhere to go you rejected us claiming you didn't have anywhere for us to stay.

    However we will reward you one thing and that is this====> (A seed was placed next to the arrow tied around the letter with a thin piece of string.)

    This is the seed of an apple tree plant it and in years to come you will have apples blooming over your kingdom, good luck and farewell.


    From Rimli




    Aibine ripped off the seed and threw it across the room it echoed as it dropped onto the metal floor. He screwed up the letter and ripped off pieces of it. He threw them in the air and they scattered onto the floor the king put his hand over his face and sobbed.

    "Our people will die Habrew!" he shouted to the servant.

    "No Sire because I made 15 soldiers send word about our situation to the humans. They will arrive in a matter of day" Habrew said proudly.

    "Atleast it reduces 15 men from the population of over 300" Aibine chuckled and then coughing clasping his hand tightly over his mouth.




    Getting Geared Up 



    The Uruks were getting ready for battle forging and preparing themselves iron and chain armour. They had badly made swords that had a rigid blade. Their helmets were rusty and flimsy a heavy rock could crack the metal easily. 


    Grom'la stomped out his tent observing his orc's "Yesh...YESH more ZULTZ, O'LIGZ 'ND LIGZ!" he screamed spewing green spit everywhere. Ologs were marching around slowly carrying heavy swords and armour with clubs hanging at their belts. 


    "LISHEN UPZ!" Grom'la yelled. All the Orc's stopped what they were doing metal clanks onto the ground and all eyes narrow towards the king. "Wi Zstart brudda wenz winterz enz!" all the orc's cheered grunts and grumbles could be heard in the crowd. Many squeals echoed through the village. The king went back inside his tent and sat in his throne which was a chair made of scraps of metal, halfling bones and many more unknown objects. He gripped his scythe tight excited for the war about to commence on the Dwarves.



    The Kings Greed




    It has been two whole weeks and there has been no word from the Humans. Maybe the soldiers were ambushed? Aibine was scared. "Hmm" Aibine said scratching his chin through his beard. "I know an idea Sire but you may not like it" he stammered. 

    Albine clicked his fingers "Carry on"

    His servant took a deep breath before saying it "Well I was thinkin' we could trade som' of yer golden goods in the cellar and trade them for food!" he exclaimed.


    "NAE. You shall not touch me precious gold!" he shouted his voice boomed over the castle walls. 

    "It was just 'n idea sire!" he said timidly.

    "Yer idea was nonsense. We aren't sellin' me gold lad" The king rose from his chair and stormed out of the room. 

    He opened a thick door leading into a cellar it was giant the place was filled with gold and silver everywhere you looked was shiny gold. Chests full. Buckets full. Rooms full of gold. 

    He knelt down looking up at the pile of gold coins and trophies and chains grasping a handful and kissing it.

    Tears dripped down his cheeks and onto the floor "I wont sell you...I love ye. Yer me little babies!" 








  5. Wow reminds of buffalo bill you know when he dresses up as a girl and this song is playing and then he pulls out the nipple ring, and the girl is screaming for the dog in the pit. QUESTION ABOUT THAT FILM: How does he dig a hole that big in his basement I mean surely he has them people who come round everywhere checking if your house is good or not.

  6. Better description- The Species have human eyes and tend to have thick hair of an ape all over their back which mosquitos get trapped in easily. They have a small snout and their teeth are long and sharp but they have the same amount as a human. They stand on two legs and have aposable thumbs for grabbing things. They are big boned and are very strong although they can get easily confused they're as dumb as an Olog. They get smarter by 20% as they grow to an elder.

    OOC- link to what they sort of look like http://www.thegreenhead.com/imgs/xl/lifesize-bigfoot-statue-xl.jpg

  7. forum name-dannyalexandar11764


    Character name-Logan



    MC name-spudbud


    Details-If okay could I have him with long blonde hair reaching to his shoulder like legolas from lotr and if you can i'd like a mountian scenery behind him with his signature Logan at the right corner of the page or any corner. Also i'd like him holding a bow not shooting it though just at his side thankyou very much.


    reference art-http://gyazo.com/eb1ae8ded47bea8bf1bfc3f5b31d1fbc


    CAT PICTURE LINK-http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/69970/


    LINK TO MINECRAFT PICTURE OF LOGAN-http://gyazo.com/10caef4cce9f49b35779f272e27fb71c



    If you could don't do the hood have him hood down and blonde hair

  8.  Family Origin Information



    Well what can I say about my great grandfather: Malagah. A tough, handsome strong fellow. He lived in the north most of his life he rarely went out to adventure he would know it would just cause trouble. His father was a carpenter which inspired Malagah to become one. He could build big houses and make a beautiful landscape for himself. 

    He always had this dream of living in the wild surviving on deers/boars etc. Although his father didn't approve of it "It's too dangerous to venture off in the open world!" he use to say.

    Then one day when he was only 19 still a young lad. He packed a bag full of things he'd need. He stole his fathers dagger and iron armour which had been forged by the local blacksmith. 

    He stole 200 minas for the journey, he then left a note for the morning this is what it read:


    Dear Mother and Father


    As much as I love you and will always continue to do this has been in my heart for a long time. I am going out into the forest and I will live there for as long as I live. I took some things for survival if okay. 

    Father I know you didn't approve of me moving to the forest but this is my ambition, my dream infact. I love you and I hope you can forgive me.


    As for you mother I have a gift for you take this amulet you gave me for my 12th birthday and it will bring you goodluck and you will remember me with it.



    Love from Malagah.



    Malagah searched for days in a open, vast forest full of lush grass and ripe fruit. He found a place to settle and collapsed from exhaustion. He searched around making sure there was a supply of water. 

    He walked directly straight for about 15 minutes and found a small pond full of fish and small duck. 

    He refilled his bottle and walked back to his place he began collecting bamboo sticks and sharp bits of stone to make tools.

    He crafted himself his first axe it was a little flimsy and weak but it'll do him for a week or so. 


    He went by chopping trees down to the stump, and using the wood to turn into planks for his small shack. It took him over 4 years for the house to be fully built. He was walking off into the forest to harvest his wheat when he saw a beautiful young lady collecting flowers. She wore a white goun and had a hat made of roses he asked her if she was hungry and she nodded. He took her to his house and made her dinner. 

    She ended up staying a little longer than planned, but Malagah adored her he ended up marrying her and having their first child. Which they named Edward. 


    Edward's Story



    They raised Edward in the forest, he had no friends but he never cared for socialising. He was a quiet/shy boy growing up he usually kept to himself reading tales and books his father had wrote for him before he was bored. Edward use to do the fishing in the pond, he liked doing it, it was peaceful and relaxing he always use to kill the fish quickly and pray to God that he was sorry for killing one his animals.

    Edward was tall and skinny he had long blonde hair like his mother and thin eyebrows, his lips were tender and his personality was sweet. He always took care of his mother making sure she wasn't annoyed/uncomfortable.

    It was only until he wa 15 he decided he wanted to live in a big city. 

    Just like Malagah's father Malagah knew that this day would come so he allowed it but he'd have to wait until he's 18. When Edward turned 18 his parents gave him all 2500 minas and a long iron sword his father had crafted.

    He was given food and water for the journey and he promised to write back to his family which is a promise he did not break.

    After 3 years of living in Oren working as a carpenter he got a letter from his father:


    Dear Son


    I hope you doing well as your job as a carpenter, you have a nice house a good job and all you need now is a wife. I have some important news to tell you which is quite upsetting your mother was collecting leaves last week and because it is winter new plants grow. 

    She was collecting plants and was stung by this berry bush, it gave her a horrible rash it turns out this bush blocks your arteries and slowly stops your vital organs from functioning. She has been having trouble breathing and will die in a matter of weeks I have been taking great care of her. Do not come here it will only make you upset send another letter and i'll read it out to her.


    Love from your father



    Edward wanted to go see his mother but he knew his father was right, and that it'd only make matters worse. About two months later he received another from his father explaining and that he had buried her in the back garden and placed her goun over the top. 

    Edward cried for weeks on end until he met a customer that changed his life forever, her name was Tilda and she had long brown hair, small nose. millions of little freckles. Her makeup had been made by the druids and she wore a dress on her right shoulder was a symbol of peace. They began talking and then started dating Edward was 26 at this time and they had their first baby which was named Benjamin. 





    Benjamin's Story




    Benjamin was born strong and healthy, his grandad Malagah managed to come and see him a few days after he was born. He loved Benjamin it had his grandmothers straight, soft hair. 

    Benjamin had blone hair, greyish blue eyes no freckles and bushy eyebrows. 

    He loved the idea of becoming a soldier in Oren fighting in battle and killing uruks and orcs defending his country. 

    When he was 16 his father showed him how to use a bow properly for his 17th birthday his father bought him a target and his first long bow, with iron head arrows. He was terrific at shooting the target bullseye it was only very rarely that he'd miss. 

    When he turned 18 he joined the Oren army and was qualified to be an archer he had his own watchtower which he had to keep a close eye on everything and everyone, if their was a robbery he'd have to shoot at the thigh or heel anywhere else would be an instant fire from his job.

    He remembered being on the watchtower and heard a young women screaming for help, he sprinted to the edge and peered over a man had her pinned onto the ground strangling her. Benjamin withdrawed an arrow and lined it up he pulled back the string and waited five seconds he then let the arrow fly through the air and watched it impale the mans thigh. 

    The man rolled off the woman crying, two guards came running from an alley and dragged the man away. 


    The woman got herself up from the ground and shouted thankyou to Benjamin, Benjamin felt so special and heroic that was the first time in his life he had made a shot that far that good. 

    When his shift ended he went down and walked out the watchtower gates, a woman hugged him tightly "Thankyou for saving me earlier, "how can I repay you sir?" Benjamin laughed and didn't reply. 

    He said "By staying safe."

    She giggled and waited for him everyday until he finished his shift she bought him the finest chocolate and flowers he ended up marrying her for 30 years until he retired. 

    He had his first child at the age of 46 he wanted to teach his child to master the bow.

    They called him Logan.



    Logan's Story



    Logan inherited the same colour hair as his father which was blonde, he had fair skin and a slender figure. He was very athletic and could do advanced parkour at the age of 12. His father taught him how to properly line up an arrow and how to shoot the target even if the wind is strong.

    Although Logan wasn't as good as his father he still had the skill in him. 

    When he reached the age of 23 his father gave him his first bow it was made of elvish rope and fine wood carved from the trees of Malagah's forest. 

    Once his father and mother died he began travelling and this is what he does to this day.





    Character Details



    Race-Human (Highlander)




    Weight-12'8 stone


    Clothing-Basic brown robe and tight leggings with pig skin boots.


    Hair Colour-Blonde


    Hair Length-Reaches to his shoulders


    Eye Colour-Blue




    Personality-Funny and Flirty


    Pros-Can use a bow very well will usually not miss but it's a 75% chance. He can climb walls and do parkour easily.


    Cons-Quite bad at wielding melee weapons. Gets drunk easily and will pass out even if punched not so hard in the head.




    Character Weaponry




    Logan has a long bow which he carries on his back along with at least 20 arrows or more. He sometimes carries a dagger or long sword for if he goes into a melee battle although he can't use it as well as a bow.

    He perfers to attack from long distance for eg: Roofs or if he were to be in a battle he'd be an archer at the back with the archers.

















  9. Forum Name: dannyalexandar11764
    Skype (Optional):don't use it much so theres no point
    Did you read the rules/Introduction?:Yes
    Secret Words:No magic

    Race Name:Kaha'rakta
    Settled or Nomadic:Normadic
    Brief Description:The Kaha'Rakta are species of the forest, they live and tend to build in forests although some perfer desert areas. They are wild scavengers and anything they have is usually made of bones,meat etc. The species are usually green, but some can have a light orange skin colour if they are out in the sun too much. There eyes are beady, their eyesight is quite bad but their sense of smell is very good. They all usually grow to about 6'2.


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