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Posts posted by Billy5691


    • Minecraft name(s): Brilkoul / Billy5691

    • Skype ID: billy19652000

    • Timezone: GMT while at home. EST for a few weeks a year.

    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? No

    • What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present)?




    Along with hearthstone and The Settlers.

    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event department member?

    Currently - Jeffwise Sadget(Hobbit), Grom Snag (Homonculus), Violetoin(Dwarf), Borboros(Ghoul), Tobias the poor(Human) and 1 spare slot.

    I would be willing to kill off Violetoin and Tobias, but the others would require a good story to die out.

    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.

    I think most of my events would be better for groups and players that prefer combat roleplay as I am quite good in that area and that is my favorite area of roleplay.

    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    Not incredibly short, but not too long. It can change and adapt as players react and the event doesn't have a preset ending that must be reached no matter what.

    Oh, and little to no powergaming.

    • What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? I can adapt relatively quickly and I am relatively good at organising.

    • Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    I like to create joy for others and I would like the opportunity to try some different event creatures.

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

    Cliche Murder Mystery:

    Involves many people, 1 at a time until the end where several people all are involved at once.

    In Willow Hollow, people start to notice pools and trails of blood throughout the village, a new scene appearing every month. Each trail seems to point towards the same burrow. As time goes on the people in the town realise what is happening and decide to take action, going into the burrow and finding a creature. Once perished, the killings stop and the town returns to its peaceful self.


    The Earthquake (If you don’t like overused stuff, don’t read.)

    Involves an entire city and possibly more.

    It’s a normal day on the isles of Sutica when the ground starts to shake, very gently at first. Cups and plates fall from the shelves and some dust is displaced. The shaking then stops, and all seems fine for a while. Then it occurs again, this time stronger. The earthquake strongest on the center island. There is another long pause, followed by shaking strong enough to wobble buildings and break glass. Huge waves start to harass the rocky bases of the islands. The central island would appear to have risen slightly as well.

    Finally, one huge earthquake hits, strong enough to bring down buildings. This quake would last for several minutes as the central island starts to shoot up, growing hundreds of feet into the Sutican skyline. After the quaking stops, the damage becomes clear. The entire central island is destroyed, its shape completely changed into that of a volcaneo with smoke billowing up from above. The sea below the island appears to have vanished as well, as the floor has risen several feet higher. Furthermore, homes and shops have been destroyed all around Sutica, leaving it a complete mess.

    But, the shaking does not damage just Sutica. A tsunami is sent out towards the orcish desert, gathering speed to harass their shores as well…



    Involves a small group of people

    Outside of Felsen, the ground would shake periodically, once every few seconds. This causes the leaves to rustle and trees to wobble. The source of these shakes would be a huge duck, 50 feet tall. Its head would be noticeable above the tree line as it makes its way towards the strong human walls, knocking down trees as it goes. The duck would have clear intentions, wanting to enter the city /through/ the wall.

    Any attempts at violence to stop the duck would fail, its skin too thick for even the strongest weapons to pierce. The only way to shoo the duck and stop it breaking magnificent walls of Felsen would be to scare it away with fire. But it would keep trying to get past until scared a reasonable distance away from Felsen.


    The hand-shaker

    Involves 1 person at a time, maybe more, but many people over time.

    A dead human, in the form of a ghost, walks around the streets of Felsen. Whenever it sees someone, it will walk up to them, greet them pleasantly and then ask for a handshake. If the person fails to provide a handshake, the ghost would stalk them until they finally give in and shake its hand. If attacked, the creature would be immune to normal attacks, only gold and holy magic could vanquish it, sending it to find a new friend.


    A Flickering Light


    Event involving a disturbed grave slowly leading to a labyrinth beneath a small village cemetery, no undead but some mystical creatures’n’ stuff which all ends after many stages with a decent sized group going through stages and riddles in  the labyrinth to get to  the end tomb which encases some old Crusader’s great armor and a sword.

    Some possible rooms could be getting asked riddles by a ghost, having to solve puzzles to open other rooms and the layout of the labyrinth changing with the people inside. It could also be 3D and have weird gravity to confuse people inside the maze.

    • How long do you plan to stay on the ET?
      At least for the next few months and probably longer.

    • Tell me a joke!

    What do you call a deer with no eyes?

    No eye deer.


    MC Name: Billy5691 (Brilkoul)


    IC Name: Grom Snag’lur


    Original Race (n/a if not applicable): Uruk


    Transformed Form: Homonculus - Earth Deviant


    Creator (MCname and RP name, n/a if not applicable): Javawizard (Amos Nimsberry)


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    An earth deviant is created from a corpse and is normally created from failed potions of revival or other forms of more complex alchemy. An orc earth deviant is very strong, if punched it would feel like hitting a mountain of muscle, and if killed it will turn into the element it is created from, for example a pile of rocks or dirt. Earth deviant's also move more slowly than normal.

    A deviant’s intelligence and strength depends on its type, but is never as good as that of doppelgangers of aberrants. All homunculus have a natural weakness to magegold and holy magic, and earth deviants are weak to air, so they are afraid of heights. If they are killed they do not have to PK. They are also not capable of performing magic.

    Deviants only last a short amount of time, 5-6 months, but this can be extended with the use of special potions.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

  3. MC Name: Brilkoul (Billy5691)


    IC Name: Amelia Solaira


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Half-elf


    Transformed Form: Golem


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Mordew_ / Thatch


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Golem's are objects made of stone with a gold core in the middle. The core is the golem's source of power and if it is damaged too much, the golem will die. Golem bodies, being made of stone, are always slow and loud. Soulbound golems, created using a person's soul, is slightly more intelligent but is more prone to instability and corruption. The lifegold which stores the golem's soul is extremely fragile and is easily damaged or broken, even a simple touch can cause a fracture. 


    Every golem has a master, which the golem refers to as its 'impera'. Golem's know this word from their creation but lack any other form of knowledge upon creation. Golems usually choose the first person they see as their impera, but can get new imperas if they are told to by their first impera, or they interact and befriend someone enough. They start knowing no other vocabulary and only want to serve, but at the start of their lives they are very easy to teach because this is when their mind is at its strongest. But, after the first few days training a golem becomes very difficult.


    Being struck by lightning is very damaging for a golem, especially its core. One case of a lightning strike on a golem caused it to forget its impera. Unlike most mortals, golems do not repair or heal themselves, instead they need to be healed by someone else or they stay damaged forever. The only way to kill a golem is to shatter its core, which is protected within its body, but injuring its limbs is harmful to the golem. Golems do not have joints, but are instead joined by magic or sockets. However, the joints do still causes friction due to physical contact, creating large amounts of noise and removing the ability for golems to be stealthy.


    A golem's mind is simple, struggling to comprehend metaphors and implications and instead taking things literally the majority of the time. Philosophy isn't understood by golems at all meaning they tend to leave complex thought to their imperas. Golems only enjoy serving and golem leaders are almost unheard of, except for when they are leading other golems. 



    Call to Arms


    Sutica invites all challengers to test their fortitude against an exotic beast residing in the Sutican Arena.


    Date: Monday 28th December

    Time: 11pm GMT - 6pm EST

    Location: Sutican Arena, Sutica, Caliphate.


    Opponent: Adult Male Demigryph


    A wild beast found roaming the Southern continent. After attacking young children, the beast was captured and brought to the arena for heroic champions to prove their strength and wits in battle.

    Reward: 1,000 minas  (To be split among participants) & 1 protection book per surviving combatant.



    -Show up at the designated time.

    -Once you enter the arena you are unable to leave until the fight is over.

    -Once the fight has begun no one else may join in, in any way.

    -Should the beast be killed, the group will be awarded the prize, split evenly.

    -Should the beast be victorious, it will have earned its freedom and forgiven its crimes of attacking children.

    - All are welcome that remain in good standing with Sutica

  5. As a ghoul, I am finding it harder and harder to find rp because more and more settlements are placing down a few gold blocks to lock me and other necrolytes out. Placing those blocks required no rp, all it took was someone able to mine for a few minutes to get 3-5 gold blocks, and then, bam, no more rp for necrolytes in that town. So far Felsen, Port Vydic, Dwarves(for a bit), Kha, Caliphate and probably more places block out necrolyte rp with some gold they mined.

    And then there's gold swords, which are carried around by most people now. After you spend a year and a day looking for rp and eventually find someone, you start rping and almost instantly you're dead because they got 1 touch with a gold sword.

    This needs to take affect before necrolytes run out of places to rp for more than 1 minute.

    Thank you for reading.

  6. MC Name: Biwwy5691


    IC Name:Steve


    Original Race [n/if not applicable]: Human


    Transformed Form: Ghoul


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Parkins - Lord Aldremeich 


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: A ghoul is a living dead creature which is raised by necromancers using life force. Necromancers are able to command Ghouls but if they try to kill the ghoul, the ghoul can fight back. Ghouls are weak to fire, mage gold, holy magic and blows to the head or neck. Also, they are slower due to their rot. They can be stronger than a normal creature due to them having no care for their body and can pounce but inflict damage to themselves as well, also they can't be killed by damage to the body unless it is dealt by mage gold or holy magic. They aren't very smart. A ghoul's main goal is to gain life force, and although it has a slight memory of it's past and some emotions, therefore it will attack anything to get the life force from it, no matter how much it meant to the ghoul in it's past life.

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Biwwy5691 - original account is Billy5691

    How old are you?:15

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:Must be significant rp before pvp.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I've been playing it for the last year.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is taking the role of/ acting as a character instead of being your normal self.

    What is metagaming?: Using OOC information to affect decisions IC such as being told OOC that something is happening and using that information for your character to run up fully prepared without it having any IC way of knowing.

    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is saying that your character undeniably wins and not giving any chance for the other character to react.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Steve

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 60

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

    He was born in Petrus at the end of the rule of Tobias Carrion. He grew up with his parents and an older brother. While he was born into a family that wasn't torn apart by orcs, most of his time was spent alone, secluded in the town library, only seeing people on the odd occasion or when his father taught him everything he could, which sadly wasn't much more than farming tips. At the age of 22, his older brother became very sick. The family tried everything and spent all their few minas in an attempt to save him, but everyone they asked was unable to help, even the clerics and monks couldn't save him. After a few months of suffering for both the brother and the rest of the family, he passed away.


    For the next few years of his life, Steve took the role of a farmer and spent every day working the crops to keep his parents fed and make a few minas selling the excess. Although most of his life was spent farming, he had always wished to be a great mage, launching fireballs from his hands at his foes and claiming the glory as he strikes down enemy after enemy for his kingdom, but he was too poor. Lessons in the art of fire evocation costed too much for Steve, especially as his farming was becoming to old to work. Until the end of Athera, he spent his life farming while he thought about his dreams, knowing they could never come true.


    During the giant worm attack on Athera which drove everyone away, Steve was working on the farms. As news quickly spread, he made his way to the boats as fast he could, praying that his family had made it to. When he discovered they hadn't made it to the boat, he made his way to a corner and cried as they sailed away from the destroyed Athera, towards the new land, Vailor. In Vailor, he made his way to Adria and made his farming life there, ignoring the rebellion and just sticking to his lonely field. He continued to dream about becoming a mage, but never actually tried.


    Personality Traits: He tries his hardest to avoid a fight and so keeps clam during most situations. He is very shy, especially around girls, and he is usually very quiet, commonly just listening in to others conversations.

    Ambitions: Steve wishes to learn the arts of fire evocation so he is able to burn any and all that try to harm him.

    Strengths/Talents: He is very patient and calm. He is a fast reader and a quick learner aswell.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He is quite weak physically and so must use other means to defend himself. He likes to eat too much and is rather large.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): He is about 5"11' and weighs roughly 214lbs. He has some grey hair remaining on his head but is mostly bald. 

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


  8. Nature of the bug: Can't do /vipclaim
    First occurrence: (Providing an exact time helps us locate the error messages, which can help in fixing the bug) 17:12 GMT - give or take a few mins
    Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: Got upgrade diamond to VIP, forgot to do vip claim for a few days, then when I remember and type /vipclaim nothing happens
    What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally: (in the event of a crash, please also provide the error log) No messages are appearing at all
    Frequency of occurrence: Whenever I type the command
    Are you able to reproduce the bug: Yes
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