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Posts posted by BlueBeretMC

  1. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - BlueBeretMC
    How old are you?: - 16
    Have you ever roleplayed on a minecraft server before? If so, where?: - No,  But I try  to when I can.
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link past applications): - No
    How did you hear about us?: - Minecraft White-list server list.
    What do you think the server will be like? - A new refreshing experience of minecraft with people enjoying the game and the core roleplay aspect of the server.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes and Yes :)
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: - The ingame roleplaying rules in terms of OOC and IC, I really like this feature of doing (( to allow players talk to out of character if needed.
    Do you understand combat rules, and what you can and can’t do if you do choose to roleplay as a villain?:- I understand the combat rules however I felt no need to read up on roleplaying as a villain as I won't be playing as one.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so maybe we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):- Am I allowed to be a water mage that's lost his powers and my overall quest is retrieving the power stolen from him however never to succeed. (Because that would be awesome) Meaning i'l labelled as a Human warrior and not a mage. (I like the colour blue hence BlueBeretMC being my username so I thought water would relate to it :)
    What is roleplaying?: - It's like acting and speaking like the character you want to be in my case Human so i'l communicate and act and react like a human in middle-earth.
    What’s metagaming?: - It's when a player uses knowledge that the character doesn't know,  Like knowing where I died last and using it to an advantage. It's very OOC so I won't be doing this.
    What’s powergaming?: - Being obsessed with progression and gathering stuff. again is very OOC. 
    What’s your character called?: - Aden Lake
    What race are they? (and sub-race if applicable): - White Human
    What gender are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 18  (Youngster)
    What are they like? (personality): - Self-centred and goofy, unsociable and Immature  (But not Explicitly rude immature) But Kind hearted for those in need and when it counts the most. He is also not the most muscular but is over-confident enough to make himself feel like he is.
    What are their ambitions?: - To restore his power and honour to his family who he has let down through losing his powers. (But he will never succeed getting the back) - Giving me infinite play time on the server to roleplay. Also to develop his abilities overall in terms of social ability and personal progression on discovering himself. Also to probably drink legal alcohol if available on this server and have a good time in the meantime on a less serious life progression expectancy.  
    Do they have any special skills? What are their weaknesses? (Try to list a few of both): - He's swift in terms of mobility and always on guard since he has lived a life only living with his family, He has basic survival training from his grandpa so he is able to fend for himself. His weaknesses being that his emotions are very fragile meaning he could snap at any moment and will jump to conclusions mercilessly without a moment of thought for other options. Another weakness is his over confidence leading to bad decisions being made through his mindlessness (Possibly leading to an early grave)
    + Straight
    +Quick and swift to draw blade if threatened.
    +High Stamina
    +Basic survival techniques
    -Out loud
    -little bit mindless of other people
    Give us a description of how they look?: - Small, skinning and arm and leg muscles of a 14 yearold, Aggressive shiny white grin of confidence (Very  mouse facial features), Big almost elfish ears,  Light Blue Eyes,  small nose, Big upper teeth. Wears his old blue mage cloak/clothing to hid his mousey facial features.
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://gyazo.com/edc035e43bade8963835d5c201a226c6
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