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Posts posted by j0k3rf99

  1. Teyrnas Cymru

    Rhorin ap Idwal looks out upon the city of Cardiff, once again admiring his conquest but it had become clear in recent years this would change. Britain had become crowded with the Sea Kings in the north and the Anglo incursion to the east. Even the Imperial State had managed to keep a foothold in the Isles, and while it remained far from Tywysog Rhorin he still feared the idea of an Imperial Reconquista. As time went on though, a newfound belief in Welsh freedom and nationality propelled the nation forward in its independence, allowing the formerly shattered realm to become one Terynas under Rhorin. The economic development became paramount in his plans.


    In the year 700, Rhorin formally admits new villages into the Terynas, two in particular. Cardigan which is a slowly expanding coastal town in the region of Dyfed is the first of the two and is granted funding to oversee its development into a decent farming community. In Powys the town of Brecon undergoes a similar development and shortly after its completion in the year 701, a fort begins construction in the town in order to protect from the invaders which have threatened the Welsh and Celtic identities for so long.


    Furthermore, after careful review and a discussion of their funds the Tywysog orders the Army of Cymru be outfitted with the finest weapons to prevent his fear of the Imperial Reconquista. Steel weapons soon become the standard in Wales, not unlike their eastern neighbor.


    As the military discussions came to an end the topic of Cardiff and trade swiftly filled the halls of the Keep. Formal trade deals had been negotiated with multiple nations but in the end, Rhorin would only accept trade with the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Somerset, Clan O’Neil, and the Highlands Confederacy. The construction of a port in the capital is hoped to allow more trade routes into the city and an increase in profit.



    Two new villages who have grown to a significant enough size are granted protection by Tywysog Rhorin, coming under the influence of the rest of Cymru. The first village would come under the name Cardigan along the coast of Dyfed. The other is known as Brecon in its local region, Powys. [2 Villages are Constructed|10,000 Gold]


    In each of the previously existing villages; Caernarfon, Caerwent, and Carmarthen, plots of farmland are portioned out. [3 Farmlands are Constructed|15,000 Gold]


    After a meeting between the Rheolwyr it was decided that the army of Cymru should be outfitted with the finest weapons in preparation for what may come. [Upgrade 6 units to T3|12,000]


    A fort is constructed in Powys just outside of the new village Brecon. [1 Fort is Constructed|10,000]


    In Cardiff, Tywysog Rhorin orders the construction of a port so that the trade flowing into and out of the city may begin to grow, hoping to grow Cymru’s trade influence. [1 Port is Constructed|10,000 Gold]


    Trade Offers are sent out to Clan O’Neil, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Somerset, and the Highlands Confederacy.

  2. Nation applying for: The Kingdom of Wales

    BRIEF History of your Nation: After taking its independence from the Imperial State, Wales swiftly found itself alone in a broken British state. After Cadwallon ap Cadfan died to achieve the independence of Wales, his son Cadwaldr, now King of Gwynned began a conquest of his own. Within a year the King of Powys had submitted causing Gwent to follow suit not long after, peacefully. While parts of the country were occupied the Sea Kings, Cadwaldr looked elsewhere to the south where his uncle, Cynfor ap Cadfan ruled, though he had grown quite old. Rather than fight King Cadwaldr waited, and within the decade Cynfor died with no issue, leaving Cadwaldr as the King of a united Wales since the Imperial State had taken control. In the year 685, Cadwaldr died peacefully in his old age leaving his son Idwal to rule the Kingdom, but it swiftly fell from the golden age of Cadwaldr ap Cadwallon. New Kings of Pomys and Gwent soon arose, threatening to again throw off their shackles likening the new Welsh state to that of the one which had nearly been forgotten. The rebellion lasted a decade until Idwal ap Cadwaldr was slain by the Pretender King of Pomys in the Battle of the Rock where his son Rhodri then took up his sword and killed the pretender and ended the northern rebellion for good. Not long after his army south where they met the army of the King of Gwent. As the rebellion began, Idwal had begun to train longbowmen in Wales though they had never seen the battle with King Idwal insisting they continue to train. They joined the army of King Rhodri on its march south, and as the King of Gwent, Meurig ap Tewdrig and his army began its charge they had not expected the rain of arrows which soon fell upon them and struck down their king, having known the army of King Idwal relied largely on crossbowmen and other divisions. As the longbowmen continued to shoot what seemed to be an endless barrage of arrows upon rebels, nearly five-and-ten found their way to the Meurig, leaving the army to scatter upon its loss. Five years later the Kingdom of Wales had remained peaceful after the sack of Caerwent where the family of King Meurig and his last supporters were brutally slaughtered.

    Leader(s): Rhodri ap Idwal

  3. The Kingdom of Great Britain

    The East India Company

    As the East India Company reached the Far Eastern countries such as China and Japan, they began to negotiate deals with the respective Emperors. In China, a gift is granted to the Kangxi Emperor of furs, tobacco, indigo, sugar, and other British luxuries, as well as some silver. They would later enter discussions for further trade involvement in the East which culminated in the creation of trade being allowed to Britain within Canton. In Japan, a similar gift would be granted to their government, as well as the beginning of a new trade tactic recently started by the Company. They would attempt to negotiate a formal exemption to the Christian Ban. Each gift would contain a letter from Richard Tudor and his brother George as a greeting of the foreign Emperors.


    The development of the Forçado colony continues, and an attempt to bring in an additional 500 settlers is made. A regiment of soldiers is sent along with them to protect the colony. The colony would begin to focus on trading with the locals, hoping to discover connections to valuable trades such as gold, slaves, ivory, and pepper. A policy of cooperation with certain locals would be highly prioritized.


    With recent successes in Asia during the British East India Company’s foreign trade expedition, the push to formally create a colony in India to aid in the advancement of Asian trade. After heavy considerations, officials within the EIC opt to begin a colony at Bengal and with funding from the Crown, a colony begins planning with the hope that settlers can land there by the end of 1685. A focus is put into the region of Bengal and the river flowing out of the Bay of Bengal.

    A second attempt would begin to survey the St. Henry River, with the surveyors being sent with one thousand colonial soldiers.


    The Tudors

    Alexandra Tudor would continue her efforts in Scotland to bring the country into the British fold by extending her charity efforts to Glasgow as well. A large number of Catholic officials would be brought to the north with her and priests from throughout Europe were invited to partake. She would continue to personally oversee the extension of the charities funded by the Catholic Church of Britain in both Edinburgh and Glasgow as a means to show the people of Scotland that the Tudors saw them just as they saw any other in Britain, not as lessers. Despite the highly Catholic nature of the charity, it would be largely void of any specific Christian reference in an attempt to show British unity over religion.


    King Richard and the Prince of Wales would fund the opening of two new shipyards in Glasgow as an effort to bring more jobs and help grow the northern cities, which is announced by Princess Alexandra during her trip to the city.


    Henry Tudor, the Earl of Calais would begin to oversee the opening of his own shipyard in the city. For the time it would operate as a part of the royal navy but in time it was intended to act as a testing ground for new British ideas. The shipyard is planned with a significant amount of security. Henry also continues his tutelage under Admiral John Hammond.



    • King Richard and the rest of the Tudor family commission two great gifts. Two trade ships would be filled with bounties of sugar, indigo, tobacco, furs, and silver to be sent to China and Japan, each with their own purpose. The one bound for the Emperor of China would contain a British diplomatic mission and a personally written letter from King Richard and Prince George. Trade port is granted in Canton.
    • The second ship would be bound for Japan and would be a gift to the Emperor of Japan, with the hope that a show of some of the unique goods from the new world would prompt them to keep the doors to Britain open. Other goods would be sent as well, though the East India Company would not disclose all aspects of the trade [Sent as PM] 
    • The East India Company also continues its development of the Forçado colony, hoping to expand trading with the natives, especially in regards to slaves and gold or silver.
    • The East India Company would begin funding a colony in Bengal, with the support of the crown. Gains from the Asian Trade Expedition are used for this colony. Two thousand men are called for as well as a regiment of soldiers to protect the EIC during its endeavors.
    • In Scotland, Princess Alexandra continues with the charity missions and even begins to expand them to Glasgow during the first half of the year before relocating to the city to oversee the effort to relieve those affected by the war. 
    • Before the end of the year, Alexandra speaks publicly in Glasgow where she announces the King’s plan to open two new drydocks in the city, which will be offering jobs to those in the local regions, regardless of their past allegiances. 
    • Similarly, in Calais, another new drydock would be built, with this one being overseen by Prince Henry.
    • By the end of the year, a second surveying expedition begins down the St. Henry River, this time accompanied by 700 colonial soldiers.
    • Henry Tudor’s schooling under Admiral John Hammond continues.
  4. The Kingdom of Great Britain

    The East India Company

    During the latter half of the year 1684, two expeditions found themselves being funded by the British EIC. Primarily, the Company would again attempt a colony in Guiana, attempting to land roughly 1,000 men in the region, separating them into three separate colonial areas in the hope at least one of the colonies would take root. Two of these colonies would be located on either side of the Niger River, while the third would be further west near the mouth of the Forçado River. A second expedition would also take place, with a ship loaded full of furs, tobacco, cotton, sugar, and a number of other goods from North America and British West Indies. The ship would strike a course west, first stopping at the British trade ports in India, then continuing onwards to China and it’s island neighbor of Japan, should they allow entry. A fledgling route is Britain’s goal, with the hope of Guiana becoming a major waypoint on the journey East.


    The Hudson Bay and the remainder of coastal Northern America is also formally claimed as a British colony, with expeditions being planned to begin an expedition down the newly named St. Henry’s River✝ in order to begin mapping the regions in the coming year.


    Refers to the St. Lawrence River in Canada


    Royal Weddings and Foreign Affairs

    A grand royal wedding is hosted in London, with King Richard being formally married to the Princess Maria Antonia of the Holy Roman Empire in a Grand, Catholic ceremony. Much of the court of England are invited and the wedding is hosted in Westminster Abbey. The wedding is a grand spectacle, with much of the court and nobility of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland were invited to London. Prince George, Princess Alexandra, and even Prince Henry are expected to all be in attendance, with formal invitations also being extended to the King of Spain, the Holy Roman Emperor, the King of Portugal, and other Catholic monarchs. A second wedding between Prince George and Maria Elisabeth of Austria would also occur, but it would be a far less marvelous affair in order to not overshadow the marriage of the King.


    The marriage offer from Brittany is accepted though King Richard requests they wait roughly three years as Prince Henry is still quite young and had just begun his schooling.


    Prince George continues his studies in London, reading of the first Tudor Kings, Henry VII, his sons, and grandsons. From these, the Prince hopes to learn more about his country and how it is run, while also furthering his political knowledge of Britain and Europe.


    The alliance offer from Russia is declined, with King Richard publicly swearing he will not align himself with any nation who does not recognize the supremacy of the descendants of St. Peter.


    An agreement is made with the Republic of Venice regarding British privateers.


    The Royal Family

    With the marriages of the two elder Tudor siblings, Princess Alexandra and Prince Henry begin their work elsewhere. Prince Henry would return to London briefly for the marriage of his two brothers, where he would begin to learn under Sir John Hammond, the son of renowned Admiral Jack Hammond. He would study the operations of the British navy and the past two centuries of reform, hoping to one day oversee the continuation of British Naval Supremacy.


    Princess Alexandra would continue her own work with the Church in London, becoming closely associated with the Archbishop of Westminster. Her work brought her to Edinburgh where a Catholic mission was planned to Edinburgh, with Princess Alexandra overseeing a charity in the Scottish city which hoped to both feed and even convert some of those who had been affected by the recent civil war. She would be protected by a contingent of guards and would remain under their watch constantly while in the city, due to the remaining fear of ill will upon the Tudors from the Scottish. It is hoped that this act of generosity from a member of the royal family would sway the Northerners away from the pretender James VII.


    The Royal Army and Navy

    John Churchill remains in Portugal in order to learn from their military minds, with the hope that by the end of the year and the Royal Wedding occurring in London he can return to Britain in order to begin the reform of the Royal Army. There would be no rushing this process though, as Prince George and Princess Alexandra urge their brother to allow him to remain in Portugal as long as needed for him to aid and learn from them.


    King Richard orders the building of seven new ships for the British Navy. (See Actions)


    Actions (Brief Summary of Actual Info)

    • The East India Company embarks on a second colonial journey to Guiana, formally claiming the territory for Great Britain and the Catholic Faith while also beginning their second expedition. This time, one thousand men are formed together in order to create three separate colonial bases with the hope that their separation prevents a total wipeout due to disease. Two colonies begin on either side of the Niger River, while the third is just east of the Forçado River. They would also work with natives with the hope of opening new trade routes further into Africa.
    • The EIC begins planning a trading expedition to India, China, and Japan which would depart from London. A number of goods from North America and the West Indies would be loaded onto ships and transported west to the Eastern countries in order to potentially open new trading routes. It is hoped a number of exotic goods could be traded for along the way and brought back to Britain.
    • A mapping expedition down the newly dubbed St. Henry’s River begins planning within the British EIC. The remainder of the Hudson Bay is also formally claimed for the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Catholic Faith.
    • Two marriages occur between King Richard and Maria Antonia of Austria as well as Prince George and Maria Elisabeth of Austria.
    • A marriage offer from Brittany is accepted, though due to Prince Henry’s age and his schooling only just beginning, it would be requested that the wedding would be held off for three years.
    • Russia’s alliance offer would be formally rejected, stating that the Kingdom of Great Britain is not interested in an alliance with the Orthodox power.
    • Prince Henry begins tutoring under John Hammond, with the intention of studying Naval Tactics at Oxford University.
    • Princess Alexandra continues her work in London, largely working with Church officials to perform charity. A trip to Edinburgh is planned for 1685 where the Catholic Church of England intends to help those who were affected by the civil war.
    • John Churchill continues to oversee the reforms in Portugal while Portuguese officials do the same in London and elsewhere. Churchill would not return to London until he believes his job is done and he has learned enough from the Portuguese to maintain their reforms.
    • The Royal Navy is ordered to be expanded, ONE more First-Rate, TWO more Second-Rates, and FOUR more Third-Rates are to be constructed with the intention of completing them by the end of the year.
  5. The Kingdom of Great Britain

    Richard the Fourth, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and His other Realms looked upon the city of London from a window in his solar within the Palace of Whitehall. Here he sat studying of a copy of the Douay Rheims Bible, while his brother George the Prince of Wales discussed foreign affairs, pondering on potential marriage pacts and other such agreements with the various Catholic Kingdoms, yet Richard seemed to listen little for the moment, silencing his brother as he explained the necessity of producing an heir to the throne. “I know George, but there is no need to worry. Britain will go farther than where it had been before and show to Europe our true power. The Kings of Sweden, Prussia, and Russia conspire to destroy our Godly world” He paused for a moment, then began to quote a verse he had read only a few hours earlier, “For the king hopeth in the Lord: and through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved. Let the hand be found by all thy enemies: let the right hand find out all them that hate us. Thou shall make them as an oven of fire, in the time of thy anger: the Lord shall trouble them in his wrath, and fire shall destroy them all.” The King pauses, looking at his brother quietly before returning to the Bible, making clear his thoughts on the matter.


    Elsewhere in London, Princess Alexandra labored outside of Westminster Abbey, where she and a number of Church Officials handed out bread and blankets to the people of London. She spoke quietly to the John Churchill who had opted to partake in the event in order to oversee the protection of the young Princess discussing her brothers and a supposed marriage being arranged for her, which she slightly laughed at the mention of. As the day drew to a close, she was lead back to Whitehall Palace where she met with a number of the Ladies of England, discussing the issues which plagued them and their territories and doing what she could to solve these issues, what she could not solve was passed on to her brother George or in some cases King Richard. Despite being a young girl of six-and-ten, Alexandra had taken a large role within the court of England and had already gained respect among her father’s most loyal Dukes.



    The Palace of Whitehall and Westminster Abbey


    Across the Channel, a young boy sat in a small palace along the coastline of Calais. The Earl of Calais had arrived in the region only two months before and had adjusted well to the French way of life, even beginning to learn the language at a surprising rate. Prince Henry spent his days on the balcony of the palace overlooking the Channel and watching British and other ships going by, studying the flags and types of ships. Here he read of the legacy of Robert Blake and his own writings, as he continued to study the history of the Royal Navy and their tactics. Only four-and-ten years old, Henry had been sent to Calais for study and so he could not be distracted by the politics of the realm and rather focus on a career which many in his family expected to be within the British Navy.


    Colonial Expansion

    As the Tudor Dynasty had united Britain before them, the brothers Richard and George sought to continue the legacy of their fathers and looked East. A land of opportunity and potential riches. King Richard would scour the city of London for companies who seemed viable options and hoped they could scour the Americas for wealth, and increase colonization to beyond just the coastlines. Furthermore, the British Crown would offer support to Priests who hoped to establish religious colonies and further the education of the Natives hoping to work with the Indians of North America to educate them. Furthermore, the East India Company is instructed begin planning for a trading post and potential colony of roughly 500-1,000 men, aiming to quickly take up a large amount of the Gulf of Guinea, primarily west of and surrounding the Niger River. King Richard and his brother have been known to have met with the East India Company as well, hoping for a Catholic future in the Far East. Rumors of a diplomatic mission to the Qing also begin to persist in the capital.


    Good, Catholic Relations

    Diplomats arrive in Lisbon for discussion with the King Alfonso II de Braganza, with rumors arising of the Prince of Wales attending himself. Together an alliance between the two nations was formed, and military advisors are dispatched between the countries. The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty is signed and shortly after British admirals arrive in Lisbon to aid in the restoration of the Portuguese navy, while Portuguese generals are expected to arrive in London to aid with the military reforms being overseen by the John Churchill.


    Similarly, a group of diplomats arrives in the Commonwealth requesting relations with their King and begin to work on the formation of an alliance.


    In Austria, the Duke of Somerset arrives and proposes two marriages to King Leopold I. A marriage between King Richard and Maria Antonia is the primary concern of the meeting, with the hope of leaving with solid relations between the two countries. Marriage is also offered between Prince George and Maria Elisabeth, with the hope that these Catholic Unions can further both nations.



    - Princess Alexandra Elizabeth works in London alongside the church, performing

    - Colonialism is promoted throughout Britain and especially in Scotland, with both King Richard and Prince George hoping to continue their ancestors legacy. The Archbishop of Westminster looks for potential candidates in overseeing the peaceful conversion, education, and integration of American Indians.

    - The East India Company is ordered to commission the beginning of the colonization of the Gulf of Guinea, primarily surrounding and west of the Niger River. The goal is to provide trading ports which can both act as a means for British merchants to reach India more easily, while also allowing for trade with the natives.

    - The John Churchill would work with Portuguese military advisors to improve the standing British forces and create a well trained and elite core for the Royal Army who can protect the mainland and British interests in times of need.

    - Diplomats are dispatched to Portugal (George, Prince of Wales), the Commonwealth (Not Specified), and Austria (Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset) with varying messages and intentions.

    - Tariffs with Portugal are lowered significantly, with the hope that cheaper British goods could alleviate their suffering economy. Prince George upon his return advocates for members of the court to also invest in Portugal.

  6. The Italian Empire

    Peace with Sardinia and the Five-Year Plan

    Following the peace with the Island of Sardinia, Mussolini would reveal a five-year plan for the rapid industrialization of Sardinia, the rural regions of northern Italy, as well as Naples and Sicily following the end of the civil war. The plan would begin with reductions in taxes and tariffs for foreign companies who invested in vital Italian industries. As time went on and more revenue was introduced into the Italian economy, this income would be used to further finance the industrialization of Sardinia and the south, hoping that by this time the war would be over. The industries that were targetted for investments and granted the highest reductions were the aviation, automobile, and arms producers.


    Regio Esercito

    The Italian Army begins reforms to attempt to improve the leadership of the military, and unlike the rest of the nation, allow for political diversification for the betterment of the Italian Armed Forces. It was critical to the Grand Council of Fascism that il Duce not allow political trifles risk the future of the Empire, and he had come to agree with them on the fact. The ultimate goal was by allowing a wider political diversity within the lower ranks of the officer branches, the leadership can be significantly improved by opening the pool.


    The Civil War

    With the continued civil war in southern Italy, the Italian government and Benito Mussolini would call for the citizens and companies of Italy to aid in the war cause. Companies were offered subsidies for any feasible weapon prototypes which could prove a significant enhancement on current arms, with companies such as Beretta and Fiat being targetted. Furthermore, a youth organization begins hoping to grow national pride throughout the Italian youth, hoping to create a unified Italian and Roman identity for the people. These same programs would be offered in the occupied regions of Naples, hoping to provide a distraction for the children who had suffered due to the rebellion.


    South American Arms Deals

    The Italian Empire announces arms deals with the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Brazil. To Argentina would be sold the patent for the Cei Rigotti, a WWI era weapon which had never gone past the prototype stage in Italy. Brazil would be sold a large shipment of the Beretta M1918/33 submachinegun.



    The first phase of the Five-Year Plan would begin, starting with lowered tax rates and import/export tariffs for companies who invested in vital and strategic Italian industries.


    Political diversification is allowed in the lower officer ranks of the military, hoping to provide a larger and higher quality pool of candidates which can protect the Italian Empire during a time of crisis. The military is not treated as a political matter, but rather one which should concern all citizens who wish for the independence and growth of their great nation.


    With the ongoing civil war, Benito Mussolini calls for the companies and wealthy of Italy to contribute to the industrialization and improvement of the weaponry via research. Subsidies and contracts are offered for feasible prototypes which do well in testing. The civil war in some areas would be used to test these weapons, hoping to use the active conflict to wrinkle out flaws. Furthermore, the captured rebel tank would be brought to a facility in Milan where respected and well-known engineers from throughout Italy could inspect and attempt to reverse engineer the vehicle to create a new tank model for the Empire.


    The patent for the Cei-Rigotti is sold to the Republic of Argentina.


    A large shipment of the Beretta M1918/33 submachinegun is sold to the Republic of Brazil.


    An additional 200,000 volunteers are called for to protect the Empire and help bring an end to the civil war.

  7. A Game of Thrones



    King’s Landing

    For three and twenty days and four and twenty nights, King’s Landing and the Kingswood burned. Debris from King’s Landing lit by the wildfire landed on the other side of the Blackwater, starting a small fire which would continue to grow over the coming days. By the end of July, there was nothing left of the city or the Kingswood and the flames began to quell, having little to spread to. The battle which had led to this ended with a Baratheon victory, and not long after Lord Tywin bent the knee to King Stannis of House Baratheon. Throughout the Crownlands and Stormlands, thousands mourned the loss of loved ones who had been in the city, and few knew who had managed to survive the carnage, it was expected none who had been within the walls had lived. Where the wildfire had come from nobody could even say, but many began to believe Stannis had planned this for if Tywin had won, with the plan going wrong. With the loss of the capital, the Crownlands had largely separated itself with the realm, no longer responding to the calls from Lords. The Stormlands meanwhile waited for the return of their King.


    The North

    King Robb of House Stark, the Young Wolf, returned North with his full strength, rebuilding Winterfell and preparing for a wedding in honor of his bannerman, Lord Bolton. The wedding would take place between his son, Ramsey Snow and the sister to King Robb, Arya Stark and would be hosted at Winterfell. After being sacked and destroyed by the Ironborn under Theon Greyjoy, Winterfell had undergone a significant and surprising change. Upon King Robb’s arrival, he had found that the castle looked nearly as it did before. Squatters within the castle had reportedly helped with it’s rebuilding and were compensated graciously by Lord Manderly’s son for their aid, knowing even the early winter without Starks would be harsh on any in the North. Even the Winter Town had boomed with the arrival of the Starks to the North, and things had seemed to be looking up for all. The promise of a wedding was good news to many as well, as food from the Reach which had arrived in White Harbor began to become abundant in the North, as well as exotic foods bought for such a wedding.


    As the wedding began, a short ceremony was held in the Wolfswood during which Ramsey Snow, now Bolton following his aid in the North, was dressed in a pink cloak and a fine set of wool clothing, bearing the flayed man of his newly granted house. Princess Arya was dressed in a dress of white cloth, finely made and over it, a woolen grey coat clasped together with a grey-steel direwolf. As the ceremony occurred beneath the Weirwood tree, snow fell, reminding all there what the Stark’s promised. Arya was cloaked in a pink cape, finely woven and with spots of a deep red throughout as a sign of her new house. Upon the end of the ceremony, the notable Starks and their Lords trailed inside for the feast led by the couple. King Robb Stark, who many say looked like his father if he had been a Tully, and his wife, Queen Margaery Tyrell on his arm led the train behind the newlyweds, followed by the Queen Mother, Catelyn Stark who was accompanied by Ser Loras Tyrell. Behind them came Lord Roose Bolton and his wife Lady Walda Frey, then Princess Sansa Stark was accompanied by Rickon Stark. Lord Roose Bolton followed behind them with his wife Lady Walda Frey, as well as Lord Rickard Karstark, Lord Wyman Manderly, Lord Robett Glover, the Lord Jon Umber, Lady Donella Hornwood, the Mormont women, and the Blackfish who had accompanied the Stark Royalty North in order to protect them.


    As the feast began, all seemed merry inside as the Bolton and Stark men feasted in the Great Hall. Many of the Lords had already become drunk as time went on, Lord Umber had managed to drink Lord Glover under the table before even the toast. Lady Dacey Mormont and Lord Manderly had spent the night laughing with each other but were often seen conversing in whispers. Lady Manderly seemed unfond of the pair, though remained silent on the matter, conversing largely with the Queens, Margaery, and Catelyn. Princess Sansa and Arya seemed to joke with each other having grown close following their traumas. King Robb had on a stern face, speaking to Lord Karstark and Lady Donella Hornwood who had come bearing news of a good final harvest. After a time, King Robb stood, striking his knife on his glass signaling for silence. It took quite a moment for the clangor in the room to die down, the Bolton and Stark men were having quite some time, and a small group of Dreadfort men had a been putting on quite the spectacle with a sword balancing act, but the Greatjon’s booming voice brought the room to a halt.


    King Robb soon spoke up, “My Lords and Ladies, sers, we come here today to celebrate the union of two of the North’s greatest houses for the first time in our history. My sister, Princess Arya Stark had long been seen as the sister who would never marry, not willingly at least, but she was thrilled when we informed her it was to be to the new heir to the Dreadfort, Lord Ramsey Bolton, who had thrown out the Ironborn invaders and protected my brothers, from what he has told me of his time as Reek. Thanks to Wylis Manderly, the Great Hall has been restored as if it had never been burnt. When I had heard of the state of Winterfell, I swore that day the North would be avenged. House Greyjoy has been removed from the North, Theon Greyjoy resides in a cell beneath Winterfell. But there are some who no longer are with us. That day, a number of great men died. My mentor, a man who had trained me my whole life, Rodrik Cassel was slain just outside these walls. Maester Luwin’s body was found beneath the very tree which my sister and her Lordly husband married beneath. Old Nan, Beth Cassel, others missing… thousands in the south. Lord Glover’s son and more, all due to the actions of one man and his son.” As Robb finishes, the Starkmen throughout the room stand and draw their weapons on the Bolton men, killing any who attempt to draw their own and allowing a surrender from the rest.


    On the dais, a number of the Lords had stood and drawn their swords in unison with King Robb. Ramsey Bolton, who had been drunk for hours, quickly found himself at the swordpoints in front of Lord Umber, Lady Maege, Ser Loras, and Wylis Manderly. Princess Arya is also said to have impaled her dinner knife through his hand into the table. Lord Roose sat beside King Robb stone-faced, none had moved on him yet, and Robb continued as the room came to a quiet again, most Bolton men had yielded. Sounds of a struggle could be heard outside, though with Houses Stark, Manderly, Karstark, Umber, and Hornwood sending men to the wedding it was likely a slaughter more than a fight. The King continued, “This castle, my father’s castle and hundreds more before him, Winterfell, was defiled and destroyed by Ramsey Bolton in an attempt to paint Theon Greyjoy as the man who destroyed House Stark. Theon Greyjoy may have betrayed me and my father, but he did not kill the innocents of Winterfell. He did not kill an old Maester, or kidnap women. Ramsey Bolton is charged with murder and treason. Roose Bolton led men into false battles, plotting their destruction, and thus I charge him of treason as well. The room was silent as the events unfolded.


    Within an hour, House Bolton’s forces had been killed or captured, his Lords had bent the knee to King Robb pending the fates of their Lords, and Lord Roose and his heir Ramsey Bolton had both been sentenced to high treason against the crown of the North.


    Storm’s End

    As King Stannis’s Host finally made their way through the charred remains of the Kingswood, they found that the Golden Company had long been preparing for their arrival. They were continually harassed along with the ways. The region had been continually raided by Aegon’s forces, but as time went on some of the Lords had mobilized small forces to prevent this and most were prepared for a siege. However, the region directly around Storm’s End found itself at the mercy of the Golden Company, with many castles not bothering with a siege due to the lack of manpower. Storm’s End still held strong, though a light siege had set in around the castle. Small scuffles occurred between Baratheon and Golden Company scouts, and two scouts who had survived one engagement reported the presence of elephants remarking of their terrifying ability. They had not expected the large beasts to be so quick, but as the scouts fled, those who did not have forces were run down.


    Other Events

    In the East, news from Oldtown indicates that Ironborn presence had increased and the Redwyne Fleet which had begun its journey east is called back to the Reach. Euron Greyjoy has made clear to all that his motives are far beyond just the Iron Isles.


    Prince Doran Martell also has been more active, and some of the Storm Lords to the south report that a convoy of Dornishmen approaches via the Boneway. It appears Prince Oberyn himself and the Princess Arrianne are amongst them, and it seems to be a small force traveling towards the Golden Company.


    The Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch sends letters throughout Westeros, begging Lords to aid the Night’s Watch against the threat of the Others’. Many Maesters dismiss this as lunacy and claim that the Lord Commander is getting desperate for men, while others think it may be a Stark ploy considering Jon Snow’s heritage, though that is not as common knowledge. One rumor which does seem to be consistent though is that the wildlings were allowed south of the Wall and have settled the New Gift, including the King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder.


    From the East comes news of war in Slaver’s Bay and troubles with dragons in the regions. It would seem the actions of Daenerys Stormborn were not appreciated by all and many of the slave cities had banded against her. While two of her dragons had seemingly not been seen in some time, a large and fiercesome black one was said to be roaming the Dothraki Plains and portions of Essos, making prey on animals and small children alike.


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock

    The standing army continues training, becoming one of the most elite forces in Westeros despite its small size. They soon become proficient with dragon sticks, though they are limited by the weapon’s own ineffectiveness, though they remain quite excellent with standard arms. As time goes on, some begin to demand pay increases arguing they deserve more than the average soldier due to their extensive training.


    Tyrion reports that the Westerlands had managed to build a decent stockpile of wheat over the final months before winter arrived, managing a final harvest.


    There is no King’s Landing to restore order to.


    Some structures are rebuilt, but with no dedicated workforce and a lack of planning, the city’s construction goes slowly. All funding seems to come from Tywin’s pocket as well, with the Baratheon’s giving little.


    The Brotherhood Without Banners

    The Brotherhood’s expansion in the Crownlands proves swifter than even manageable, as thousands of refugees who had not been at King’s Landing at the time of it’s destruction and those who relied on the city soon found themselves hungry and prey to raiders. As time goes on though, Clegane’s Army begins to dissuade many from remaining in the Crownlands and the lucky flee to the Riverlands.


    With the Lannister soldiers, these villages do little in the Crownlands, though some Lords provide aid to the refugees found by the Brotherhood. For the most part, these towns and refugee camps begin to crop up in the Riverlands where it borders the Crownlands, safely away from the Lannister forces.


    With the fall of King’s Landing and the last remaining physical symbol of unity in Westeros, many smallfolk who hear of his promise find it to be enticing, and support begins to grow amongst Beric’s camp and the smallfolk of the Crownlands for a change in the leadership.


    With the increase in refugees from the coastal Crownlands and the Riverlanders who had already been part of the Brotherhood, the fishing enterprise goes well with it becoming a primary food source for a number of the small villages.


    Looting armors from battlefields prove somewhat profitable, with the core Brotherhood finding themselves well armored.


    The wildfire sigil becomes a sigil of the pain and suffering of the smallfolk, and many begin to wear the sigil. Those in the regions occupied by the Lannisters or Baratheons often hide the wildfire sigil but still bear it.


    House Baratheon Storm’s End

    Progress is slow, not many workers could be conscripted at the time, with the roads south closed few workers from the Stormlands or Reach could make it to the remains of the capital, and the Lords of the Crownlands have been quiet since the defeat, with some saying that Stannis himself ordered the capital destroyed.


    While Stannis ordered strongholds to fight to the last, few would risk so much. Rather, those who had heard the call committed themselves to a long siege if need be. They trusted Stannis to relieve them, but no Lord would risk his entire House for a King, especially one who had lost the capital. His call for castles to prepare for a siege however was taken much better, and most houses had already begun so following the landing of Aegon and the Golden Company.


    The Stormlands had begun to mobilize 6,000 men at Crow’s Nest, though raiding from the Golden Company and even a small scuffle had led to the men relocating to Weeping Town, though the threat of the Golden Company still loomed.


    The Hand of the King Lord Davos Seaworth and the Princess Shireen travel to a location near King’s Landing after the flames burn down, rejoining the main host. A guard is sent with her by her mother of Florent men.


    The promise of gold had long been expected, though the offer of knighthood had increased morale and resolve amongst some men, with them hoping to return from battle with a title and known as a hero.


    House Tully of Riverrun

    As the soldiers returned home, some lords managed to coax out a final, but larger than what had been expected, harvest. The Riverlands was in desperate need of trade, with some Lords recommending that they reach out to Lord Tyrell.


    Lord Edmure Tully and Lady Wynafryd Manderly are married in a lavish ceremony in Riverrun. Attended by a number of Lord throughout the Riverrun, the wedding is a much happier affair than the one held in the North. The Lords of the Riverlands are thankful for a joyful event and a feast following the war which had dragged on for nearly two years. The wedding was attended by a number of Lords including Lord Bracken, Lord Blackwood, Lord Mallister and others Lords. The Queen Mother Catelyn, the Queen of the North, Margaery Tyrell, and the Princesses Sansa and Arya were also in attendance at the wedding. Lord Manderly also attended the wedding, and alongside the Blackfish brought the Royal Family North via the White Tooth. Most notably, no Freys were in attendance.


    Most Lords had heard of the destruction of King’s Landing but did not believe in Stannis’s threat the moment, just wishing to prepare themselves as much as possible before winter truly arrived.


    House Mallister of Seagard begins the construction of additional ships, having avoided much of the conflict they were able to largely prepare for winter without difficulty.


    The Blackfish accompanies the Stark family to Winterfell to attend the wedding. He will return early into the ninth month.


    House Stark of Winterfell

    While a defacto kingsguard had already existed in Winterfell, a formal force known as the Wolfsguard is formed. Lady Alysane Mormont and Ser Loras Tyrell are amongst the first to volunteer themselves for the Wolfsguard, and it is expected others will enlist to fight for their King as well.


    [See The North]


    The cannons are setup along the walls of Winterfell.


    Reconstruction goes along well, with Wylis Manderly doing quite a good job. The roof of the Great Hall was repaired and the castle was quite hospitable again. Soon after the return of the Starks, the Winter Town began to boom as well.


    House Arryn of the Vale

    The Lords Declarant and many others attend the funeral of the Late Lady Lysa Arryn, despite her reputation she was respected as the wife of a just and strong Lord.


    Lord Yohn Royce demands that Lord Robert Arryn be ceded to him and the Lords Declarant so he can receive a proper Vale education while he grows up. They offer this or a trial against Lord Petyr Baelish. They seemed to have decided against him in that case.


    With the lack of the war, the Vale had an abundant stockpile and seemed to be prepared to last quite some time.


    The charters are taken well and many appreciate the gold to upgrade their castles, with many choosing to make them more defensible via weapons or more traditional weapons. The castles along the road from Gulltown to the Eyrie begins but goes slowly, with winter delaying construction. It is expected to finish within six months. This proves to be a costly endeavor for the Vale, but with Petyr Baelish at the helm it seems it costs almost nothing, at the moment.


    Aegon’s Host

    The Dornish had already been on their way north and Jon Connington meets them on the road.


    No response comes from the Lords of the Crownlands, it would seem that they await the coming conflict to decide their King.


    Raiding throughout the Stormlands is successful, resulting in some income from towns and minor castles, as well as some minor skirmishes with mixed results. Rumors of the Golden Company’s elephants have given them a scary reputation despite any minor losses.


    The High Septon has seemingly disappeared, with no one to turn to in Westeros after the Lannisters bent the knee. While this does not rule out his blessing, it simply seemed that he could not be found. Reports last claim he was heading south.

  8. The Italian Empire



    The Rise of the Empire

    On an oddly warm day in February, Benito Mussolini gave a speech to his people, in both the north and those who were in the southern occupied regions, broadcasting it via radio. He shared a vision of a bright future for Italy, in which it could return to its former glory and rebuild it’s Mediterranean Empire. Never again would Italy be abused or forgotten by European powers, nor would it allow a minority revolution to be the end of the Italian Empire. Il Duce swore to his people that the rebels would be crushed in the south, and called upon them to aid the war cause however possible, whether it be through enlisting or working in factories to help with supply.


    Italian Africa

    During these times of turmoil, Benito Mussolini intended to ensure stability and prosperity in the African colonies, setting up a police force to keep stability and protect the peoples of Libya, Somalia, and Eritrea. In addition to this, Italian colonial policy would attempt to prefer the integration of natives into society.


    The Italian Economic Structure

    Promising low tax rates and limited control under some guidelines, Italy attempts to attract foreign investors into the country. Italy uses its textile and wineries to create trade deals, offering luxury goods in exchange for investments into the Italian automotive and aviation industries. In addition to this, government subsidies would be used to prop up essential industries to the war effort until they could find a standing. These companies would then be used to trade Italian arms to nations throughout the world, with a focus on South American and Eastern European nations.


    The Military High Command

    In order to create a more organized and well-prepared military, Duce Mussolini would create a centralized High Command to better organize and prepare the military. While the army prepared the invasion of the southern state, the High Command would organize the training of the army, aiming to bring it up to a higher standard than what currently existed within the military. Mountain warfare would become a particular focus, with specialized commandoes training in the Alps.


    Regia Aeronautica

    The Regia Aeronautica, or the Italian Royal Air Force, began calling for research into ground-attack planes and chose a model designed by Breda. The Breda Ba.65 would immediately begin development and was hoped to be deployed within the year. While this was in development, the air force would train with existing bombers for strategic bombing campaigns, while a smaller contingent would train in fighters as a force to defend these bombers.



    Il Duce Benito Mussolini gives a rallying and emotional speech in Rome, calling for a united Italy in defense of the southern rebels, who sought to destabilize and threaten the independence of the nation. He promises a Mediterranean Empire which would rival the Roman Empire of old.


    A colonial police force is implemented into Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia with a goal of protecting the people of Italian Africa. Furthermore, the integration of the native people becomes a priority, with the hope to create a unified colony of Italian colonials and native Africans.


    Foreign investors are attracted to Italy with lowered tax rates and a promise of decreased government control for foreign companies, especially in the automotive and aviation industries.


    Essential industries would be offered government subsidies in order to help prop them up, and when production begins the companies would aim to sell Italian arms to nations in South America and Eastern Europe.


    The Bereta M1918 submachine gun would be ordered to undergo an overhaul, hoping to create a more modern and effective Italian submachine gun.


    In order to refine and modernize the Italian military structure, a High Command would be formed with the purpose of planning and enacting Italian War Plans. In addition to this, the existing military would undergo training people while the military planned it’s offensives in Southern Italy.


    Breda would begin research into the Ba.65, a ground-attack plane. Furthermore, the air force itself would train in strategic bombing tactics, with a smaller contingent of fighters who would protect these bombers.

  9. The Battle for King’s Landing

    6/30/300 - 7/4/300


    Music 1


    In the afternoon, Lord Davos Seaworth looked out over King’s Landing with a look of grief. What had finally come was long expected, but he knew what it meant. Within the city people continued to go hungry, riots continued, and those who hoped for the return of the Seven would pray in secret, though it seemed the Red Witch could always find out who remained loyal to the Faith. This had all been ongoing since the siege had begun, but what was new was what all had hoped would never come, the first snows of winter and it was official. A white raven had flown into the city only hours before. King Stannis was said to be returning up the Rose Road to the city, with the Tarly Host at his side, but this brought no solace to the men who simply longed for an endless summer and good harvests. Instead many of these men would die, either at the hands of the Lannisters within days or after suffering through what the Maesters expected to be the longest winter in centuries. Even the Lady Melisandre seemed distressed to Davos, who noticed who mentioning of the Long Night had become more frequency. Whatever was to come, the Hand of the King seemed to believe that none could be prepared for it.


    Outside the walls, Lord Tywin looked in disbelief at the parchment which laid on his desk. He had learned of what his son Jaime had been doing for the last few months, during which many had assumed he had simply been dead. He contemplated what was to come next, before reading the more recent letter, bearing the seal of Armory Lorch who commanded the vanguard. The Baratheon Host had been last seen marching west towards the Blackwater, where men could cross without boats. He also reported camps being set up as the host approached, estimating the numbers to be between five-and-forty or fifty thousand men. The Reachmen horse alone seemed to make up much of the army. The snowfall had prevented the scouts from remaining far enough to scout safely, leaving estimations of how many men existed to small numbers. Lorch stated he would meet the host on the river should they attempt the crossing, and said he had sent word ahead to Lord Kevan. Battle was to be had within hours and the men were prepared. Tywin would remain in his camp within sight of the walls.


    Across the Blackwater King Stannis looked upon the lands, knowing that what he had done not even a year before he would need to do again. The city would not need to be taken, but Lord Tywin’s men had been spotted across the river. He suspected Armory Lorch would lead the vanguard, but he was unsure of when they would attack. Lord Tarly believed a contested crossing to be most likely, and he was not far off. As noon approached, the host began to sally out from the camp it had set up, beginning the crossing. Across the river, the host could be seen preparing their own defenses. Canons had already begun firing, though their ineffectiveness at long ranges became clear when none had managed to hit the camp. The Baratheon foot began its slow crossing, protected by Marcher longbowmen who rained arrows down across the river as the Lannister Host began to materialize on the opposite side.


    As the two forces charged, it became clear the Baratheon Host was sending mainly foot soldiers across the river, while the Lannister horse soon leads the charge for the defending side. As the two met in the center of the river the sounds of clanging swords and the screams of dying men filled the air. The arrows of the Marchmen rained down upon the Lannister horse and the approaching foot, and for a time it seemed that the two sides were just slaughtering each other in the river, but the advantage soon found it’s way to the side of the Lannisters as the Baratheon foot soldiers were slowly being forced back across the river by the Lannister horse.


    Music 2


    The Lady Melisandre sat in her solar in King’s Landing, speaking to an older man dressed in black robes. As they finish speaking she states, “Prepare what we have spoken of Hallyne, the Lord will thank you for your sacrifice when all is done”. The man nods his head before leaving the room, and as he exits Lord Davos enters in his place. They discuss the reports of the battle which had begun on the Blackwater, and the size of the Lannister Host was said to have been greatly reduced outside the city, but no sorties could be held with such a small City Watch. A majority of the Florent Army had departed with the Queen despite the wishes of the Hand or regard for the wishes of the King, while the City Watch had been reduced to a mostly loyal band of three thousand men. Should Stannis fail, Lord Tywin would find a city with nearly no defenses or faith in their King and the snows only lowered the faith of the smallfolk.


    As the Battle for the Crossing continued, the Ser Armory Lorch quickly became confident in their ability to take the river, but his joy soon turned to ashes as thundering of horses; which could be heard by few over the clamor of battle, soon came from the east. The striding huntsmen of House Tarly could be seen flying under the flaming heart and stag of House Baratheon as the Baratheon horse finally found its way to the battle. A day before, they had traveled east to begin a crossing far from the Lannister position and this ploy soon proved successful. The Baratheon foot had been almost forced back by the Lannister vanguard as the Reachmen horse materialized through the snow drifts and smashed into Lorch’s footsoldiers who had not yet begun the crossing. The shock of the armored horse took the vanguard by surprise, and as the clash between the Lannister horse and Baratheon foot continued in the river the Lannister soldiers on the northern bank soon began to flee under the pressure of thousands of Reachmen. The battle continued for a short time after, before the remainder of the Lannister vanguard was captured or sent fleeing. The Baratheon Host had won the crossing, but the losses had been heavy on both sides, hundreds, if not thousands lay dead in the river as the water turned to blood. From the Lannister side, Lord Banefort and Ser Boros Blount were found dead in the water, the latter still clad in the armor of the Kingsguard. From the Baratheon side, Ser Ronnet Connington dies, leaving Griffin’s Rest unoccupied. Within minutes after the victory, King Stannis would order his men to continue the crossing and make chase after the fleeing Lannisters.


    As night fell over the city, in the depths of King’s Landing, a group of hooded men stood huddled together. They stood beneath a white banner bearing the Seven pointed star as they said a prayer to each of the Gods. One of them spoke up following the prayer and stated quietly, “For the High Septon, for Tywin, for Robert, for the Seven!” The men then proceeded from the room, walking out of a small tunnel where they stood in the ruins of the Sept of Baelor. As they continued out to the front, they looked out onto the crowd of men and women. Thousands had turned up in support, as rumors spread throughout Flea Bottom of a plot to take the city from Stannis before he could arrive. The uprising would begin where the Florents and their Red Witch had burned and disgraced their Gods. As they marched down the steps, they found empty streets and nothing in their path, thus they continued on their march, chanting as they wound their way to the Street of Steel.


    Music 3


    Now within miles of the city, King Stannis’s host had emerged over a hill onto a great field, where the majority of the Lannister Host could be seen marching. Above them flew the crowned stag of House Baratheon, the star of the Seven, and the lion of Lannister. The mounted horse of the Reach and Stormlands which led the charge flew the flaming heart and crowned stag of Stannis Baratheon, the striding huntsmen of Lord Tarly, and the golden flower of House Tyrell. As the Baratheon horse led the charge, the thunder of the Lannister cannons could be heard. In an open field, they tended to find their mark more clearly, and the charge was momentarily slowed as cannons took down men and horses alike. Within moments the host had regained its stance and continued its charge, led by Ser Garlan Tyrell. The Lannister host was led by Kevan Lannister, with Ser Meryn Trant, Lord Crakehall, and Armory Lorch making up the main leadership of the reformed host. The Lannister foot was soon overcome by the horse who charged past the line, meeting the Baratheon cavalry at full charge in the center of the field between the two armies in a loud and violent battle. The snow on the ground around them swiftly turned red, and the banners of the two sides had been lost in the chaos.


    As the cavalry clashed, the Baratheon host began its march with men leading from the right side where Lord Tarth and Ser Jon Fossoway lead a contingent of foot soldiers. As they made their way forward, the Lannister Host did the same, pushing in a line towards the conflict in the middle. As the Baratheon’s clear horse advantage became clear, the men fighting in the center soon began to die down, sending the Lannister horse fleeing behind their lines, while the Baratheon host prepared for a charge into the footsoldiers. The sound of battle filled the air, as first, the Baratheon horse crashed into the center of the Lannister Host while their foot on the right flank had begun to begin their own charge towards the Lannister men led by Lord Sarwyck. From the rearguards of either army, King Stannis and Lord Tywin looked out over the battle. Two of Westeros’s greatest men found themselves at odds, and between them both, thousands died to decide who was the greater man.


    Back within the walls of King’s Landing, the Poor Fellows’ of King’s Landing continued their march, now armed. They marched towards the Red Keep, intent on dragging the Red Witch and her Onion Knight to be hung for their crimes against the Seven. Should Stannis return to the city, they would ensure he found his castle in ruins and his council dead. Within the walls, the court was frantic. None knew what to do, and the Hand had not been seen in nearly an hour while the Lady Melisandre had been said to be sacrificing Septons to R’Hllor in what had been the Godswood. The City Watch had not even bothered, having no hope to stop the men who now surrounded the Keep. None had noticed the lights of a ship in the Blackwater Bay, drifting off into the distance as the night sky grew darker. A small crew had taken aboard the ship, Lord Davos and the other members of Stannis’s council, and an unshaven, portly man who spoke little but had informed that they Lord Tywin had been allowed into the city by the Poor Fellows and offered to guide them through a passage in the castle to the docks. The Lady Melisandre stood at the back of the boat, watching as the city grew smaller in the distance.


    It had been nearly an hour since the battle had begun, and the men continued to fight. King Stannis had seemed to have taken the advantage as his infantry broke through the right flank before the remains of the Lannister horse engaged them. The clash had been ongoing, thousands lie dead while the foot fought hand to hand in the center of this great field. The horse of either side had acted largely as support, with the Lannister horse having been routed for some time. The battle seemed to have been determined, the Lannister foot was running dry, and the sheer number of the armored horse brought by Lord Tarly and House Florent was overwhelming to what was largely an army of footsoldiers. The men had begun to begin breaking, as the commander of the western flank, Ser Meryn Trant and Lord Westerling threw down their arms. This never mattered though, seconds later an ear defining boom could be heard before the sky lit to color so bright it seemed magic. Many simply stood in awe, staring at the bright sky, which seemed tinted green. Then the shout could be heard throughout the Baratheon Host, Wildfire.


    Lord Tywin stood in awe at what sat before him. The city was gone, and in its place was a blaze of green and white. From the distance, it was both beautiful and horrifying. He looked at it somberly, utterly shocked for what may have been the first time in his entire life. He looked at his brother, who had returned with the fleeing cavalry to receive orders. “It is over.”


    King Stannis received the news as the Lannister Host continued to flee into the distance, he had been calling for Tywin’s head, but no one had been listening to him. The city was gone, wildfire had been set off within the walls and saw most of the city up in flames. The snow turned to rain as the air around them heated. King Stannis rode his horse across the field, followed by his men as they approached the city. He looked up at what had been his only months before. He had known what had happened, he may have been the only one. He stood quietly for what seemed like hours before he told Lord Tarly what he knew to mean the end of the battle. “The city is lost.”



    House Lannister: 5,000 dead, 3,000 wounded, 3,000 missing.

    Notable Dead:

    Ser Boros Blount, Ser Armory Lorch, Ser Lyle Crakehall, Ser Meryn Trant, Lord Banefort

    House Baratheon: 6,000 dead, 3,000 wounded, 1,500 missing.

    Notable Dead:

    Ser Jon Fossoway, Ser Ronnet Connington, Ser Guyard Morrigen

    King’s Landing: 500,000 dead or missing

  10. Early 2935

    The United States of America

    The Outer Rim Defense Force

    Following a Congressional request for naval expansion, and his own worries regarding the safety of American Colonies on Jupiter and Saturn, President Long orders the building of a large Outer Rim Defense Force. Acting upon the Secretary of the Navy’s advice and that of the Grand Admiral, ordering the construction of 2 dreadnoughts, 2 battlecruisers, 10 Cruisers, and 20 light cruisers, along with 200 destroyers to protect the Outer Rim. Furthermore, defensive batteries would be built on Phobos and the other developing moons to defend from potential interstellar fleets.


    Project Pegasus

    With the newly constructed research base on Prometheus beginning operations, Congress would task them with increasing fuel efficiency and capacity of ships, hoping to increase the distance ships would need to go without refueling while also using less fuel overall. Fission powered ships is an idea often toyed with.


    Foreign Relations

    The Shogun is invited into America with open arms, and a parade celebrates his arrival as well as the improving relations between the two countries. Committed to peace and trade with all nations, the United States celebrates this new relationship and hopes it will allow for more like it to grow.


    The American Commandoes

    With a vastly smaller population than most nations, America found itself at a disadvantage during land conflicts. Due to this, the army was to be composed of a smaller force but one which was to be heavily armored and well trained. Looking into doctrines of old and newer ones as well, the Chiefs of Staff would organize a new doctrine to be employed by the army centering an advanced, heavily armed, and well-trained group of individuals. Strict protocols are put into place to ensure officers are of a higher quality than the normal army, and even the army was regulated to ensure soldiers would be dedicated and be able to aid the nation in a potential attack.



    The Grand Admiral orders the construction of 2 dreadnoughts, 2 battlecruisers, 10 Cruisers, and 20 light cruisers, along with 200 destroyers to protect the Outer Rim. Furthermore, defensive batteries would be built on Phobos and the other developing moons to defend from potential interstellar fleets.

    Congress would task them with increasing fuel efficiency and capacity of ships, hoping to increase the distance ships would need to go without refueling while also using less fuel overall.


    Fission powered ships are also looked into as a way to reduce fuel costs.


    The Chiefs of Staff would organize a new doctrine to be employed by the army centering an advanced, heavily armed, and well-trained group of individuals. Strict protocols are put into place to ensure officers are of a higher quality than the normal army, and even the army was regulated to ensure soldiers would be dedicated and be able to aid the nation in a potential attack.

  11. A Game of Thrones



    Griffin’s Roost

    On the two and tenth day of the sixth month, Aegon Targaryen and Lord Jon Connington landed in the Stormland’s alongside the Golden Company. Two days later Griffin’s Roost had fallen and was taken by the Company. The arrival of a Targaryen in Westeros is both a surprise and something some had thought may be for the best. With the turbulence of the Baratheon Reign, some had hoped a return to the old ways may fix things. Aegon’s Host begins attacking and harassing the Stormlands and soon slows the already feeble supply of food that came from the Stormlands into King’s Landing. Now only a few days ride from Storm’s End, the Lords of the Stormlands began to question if Stannis could maintain his Kingdom while a hostile force sits so close to his ancestral seat.



    Following a siege which lasted nearly a month, King’s Landing found itself relieved for a brief time before the arrival of a Lannister Host. Ravens flew out, and news traveled swiftly throughout Westeros. Sansa Stark had been kidnapped from King’s Landing by an unknown group of men. While little is known about them, and few even witnessed the events, it had been clear to many that whoever had attacked the capital had known it better than most. Some members of the court whispered that Varys may have been behind the attack, lurking in the dungeons of King’s Landing and others believe it may have been Lord Beric Dondarrion, having thought they saw him on the day of the kidnapping. One of the most popular theories in the city itself and by some of the staff claims that Robb Stark and Grey Wind infiltrated the castle together, with Grey Wind freeing Sansa by himself from Maegor’s Keep.


    Within a week from the departure of the Tully Host, Lord Tywin Lannister arrives with his Army of the Seven outside the King’s Landing. Ravens fly soon after, and Lords of the Crownlands and the Stormlands would be called forth to defend the city. Due to a shortage of men, and the need to maintain peace in the city the defenders had neglected the siege equipment left behind by the Riverland Host, with the Lannister’s soon beginning to operate those devices. As news of Tumbleton begins to filter farther north, it becomes clear that soon the Baratheons and Lannisters would be at odds.


    Following the capture of Oldtown and the capturing, disappearance, or death of the remaining members of House Hightower, Lord Mace Tyrell transfers the vassalage of House Costayne of the Three Towers and House Bulwer of Blackcrown to Lord Tarly, ensuring that Horn Hill could watch over Oldtown and the remains of House Hightower. While Lord Leyton has yet to be found, his son Ser Gunthor Hightower is selected as the new Lord, while Garth “Greysteel” and Humfrey Hightower both remain as hostages of Highgarden.


    Elsewhere in the Reach, the Ironborn had launched an attack on the Shield Islands as Lord Redwyne’s fleet began to move towards King’s Landing. Little news reaches the other Kingdoms but King Euron is said to have shown no mercy in his slaughter. It seems an attempt to get into the harbor of Oldtown had also been made through the capture of Tyroshi trading vessel. While they ultimately failed, it became clear to the remains of House Hightower and House Tyrell that the Reach was being threatened greatly.


    Throughout the North and portions of the Vale, it seems that winter has truly begun to come. Snow begins to fall on White Harbor, as well as the Twins and the Eyrie. The snowfall in the Vale prompts the departure of Lord Robert Arryn and Lord Protector Petyr Baelish from the Eyrie, as they take up residence in their winter residence at the Gates of Moon. The Lords Declarant had arrived here before their descent, and meet with Lord Petyr.


    The North had finally begun to be retaken, with the fall of Moat Caitlin and Euron seemingly abandoning the North. The Ironborn at Torrhen’s Square flee the North without quarrel and disappear into the Summer Sea. Meanwhile, Lord Wyman Manderly’s son had begun to oversee the reconstruction of Winterfell as the King in the North returned home. At the end of the month, a son is born to King Robb and Queen Margaery.


    Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth arrive at Riverrun alongside the Brotherhood Without Banners before the return of the Tully Host. With them is the Lady Sansa Stark who is reunited with her mother and sister. Catelyn ensures that the Brotherhood is gifted for their efforts. Upon their arrival, Jaime informs Sandor Clegane of his brother’s capture, prompting him to depart Riverrun alongside Jaime, Brienne, and the Brotherhood members.


    A man of the Night’s Watch arrives at the Citadel of Oldtown.


    House Baratheon of King’s Landing

    The Baratheon Host continues its march from Tumbleton, now accompanied by the Host of Lord Tarly.


    [See World Events]


    King’s Landing receives the word of Stannis’s victory, and while unable to prepare for a proper wedding, they make preparations for his return to the city. Lord Davos had begun to bring some calm to the chaotic city.


    Throughout Westeros, the defeat of the Mountain is seen as a great victory. Men throughout the Riverlands, Dorne, and some in King’s Landing who remember Tywin’s Sacking praise King Stannis and Lord Randyll, while calling for Gregor’s head to be mounted on the walls of King’s Landing.


    House Stark of Winterfell

    Ice is returned to the North via White Harbor as a sign of good faith by King Stannis.


    While Winter town is not typically occupied by a large number of people during the Summer and Spring, but as King Robb returns home and the castle is rebuilt, clansmen from the Northern Mountains and those who had been displaced by the Ironborn head to Winterfell to aid the repairs and to survive through winter. While the town begins to slowly fill, it will not truly be filled until Robb Stark’s levies are allowed to return home.


    Ten of the cannons bought are brought directly to Winterfell, while the other ten is with King Robb as he marches to the Dreadfort. The cannons slow down his approach by a few weeks due to their large size and the difficult feat of lugging them through the snows.


    Stockpiles in the North were not as large as many had hoped with the War of the Five Kings bringing critical manpower away from the farmlands, but preparations had been made any many Houses were well prepared for a decent winter.


    The Blackfish writes to King Robb that he had talked his brother out of attacking King’s Landing and siding with Tywin Lannister, referring to it as a folly.


    The Crannogmen are excited and proud to see that their King had taken the time to go to Greywater Watch.


    The Brotherhood Without Banners

    The Brotherhood continues to stockpile for winter as the snows begin to fall in the northern Riverlands. Hollow Hill begins to slowly fill as many of the smallfolk had finally returned home from the War. Anguy and his team of archers provide the Brotherhood with a plentiful amount of meat and furs. As the hunting parties grow in frequency, rumors begin to spread throughout the Brotherhood of a giant wolf who ruled the Riverlands instead of House Tully, leading a large pack of wolves.


    The idea takes root within the core of the Brotherhood and some of the smaller lordships and towns in the Brotherhood hotspots, with many tired of them being used as pawns for the Lords and their games. This idea begins to spread throughout the southern Riverlands and portions of the Reach, with many of those who had been at Harren’s Town and Tumbleton being supporters of change.


    House Tully of Riverrun

    The River Lords are relieved to finally return home and be allowed to do what they can to prepare before winter has truly and finally arrived. Although the Riverlands had been preparing, the War of the Five Kings had done some damage on the region and if the winter was long the Riverlands would face some trouble. Food begins to flow in from the Reach as Lord Tyrell hopes to ensure the North knows he remains by his alliance, allowing for a small stockpile to begin forming.


    Lord Wyman Manderly agrees to Lord Edmure’s request and dispatches Lady Wynafryd to Gull Town from where his men will then escort her to Riverrun to meet with Lord Edmure. Assuming the wedding goes as planned, Lord Wyman offers to provide a copious amount of food for the feast. Although some are disappointed she is from the North and not the Riverlands, many of the River Lords approve of the marriage.


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock

    As the Bloody Mummers harassed the Crownlands, Tywin Lannister takes over the abandoned Tully siege of King’s Landing. The camps are continually fortified and patrols are sent out throughout the area surrounding King’s Landing.


    As snows begin to fall to the north, a final harvest is fairly successful but suffers due to a lack of men to work the fields to their full capacity.


    The Lannister Army in the Westerlands begins to train with these “Dragon Lances” and soon finds that while they are less reliable than a classic archer or a crossbow, the weapon is effective when used in larger numbers against a smaller force. These Dragon Lances prove deadly even against armored men.


    House Tarly

    Lord Redwyne accepts the marriage between Dickon Tarly and Desmera Redwyne, and wedding preparations begin. A hefty dowry is offered with the acceptance of marriage.


    As the Tarlys clean up the remains of the Clegane Host around Tumbleton, it becomes clear there were few if any significant Lannister forces left in the Reach.

  12. Late 2934

    The United States of America

    The Interplanetary States of America

    With the expansion of the American Colonial program and the settlement of planets claimed by both the Commonwealth and the German Empire, President Long would recommend the expansion of the American Interplanetary Defense Force. Standing from a balcony attached to the Share the Wealth Building in San Francisco, Huey Long XXV announces the successful beginning of colonies on three separate moons. Two of the moons, orbiting Jupiter, were Dia and Lysithia while the third moon which orbited Saturn was Enceladus. In addition to this, the President ordered the Interplanetary Defense Force to undergo repairs, upgrades, as well as being refitted where needed in order to better perform for protection of colonies which were further from Earth and Phobos.



    The Share the Wealth Building, San Francisco 1934


    The American Utopia

    President Long and the current patriarch of the Kennedy Dynasty, Kellan Virol Kennedy both announce intentions to privately fund the development of industrial AI and robotics. The hope is to eliminate the need for manual labor. They spoke of a distant dream of a universal basic income, allowing Americans to live more comfortable lives while technology took over the future of production. Similarly, AI is improved in ships hoping to prevent human error as well as improving autopilot. On Phobos, capitalists are offered to test these new technologies with the be hope to not only improve colonial life but increase production.


    Colonial Defense Systems

    The military offers private contracts to companies who can begin to protect the fledgling colonies, promising to continue purchasing their technology upon Congress’s decision to consider these new colonies territories and provide them with formal funding. In addition to this, while not aiming to directly combat or prevent space piracy when it did not affect American interests, the Central Intelligence Agency would be put in charge of preventing pirates from raiding American interests.


    The Interstellar Research Division

    Throughout the United States, prominent engineers and scientists are recruited to join the Interstellar Research Division, or the IRD, which would specialize in researching new technologies from a variety of the United States’ interplanetary research bases. The Interstellar Research Division would be briefed and sworn to secrecy regarding Project Pegasus before becoming the lead on the project and taking over for the initial task force. President Long would personally order the settlement of the small moon of Prometheus on Saturn as one of the primary research base. Several hundred billion would be funneled into the development of a state of the art research base as well as defenses to ensure it’s protection.



    Research Bases and Cities on Mars’ moon Phobos



    President Long would formally announce colonial claims on the moons of Lysithia and Dia (Jupiter) as well as Enceladus (Saturn).


    The American Intergalactic Defense Force is ordered to begin repairs and upgrades where needed in order to better perform for protection of colonies which were further from Earth and Phobos.


    President Huey Long XXV and the patriarch of the Kennedy Dynasty, Kellan Virol Kennedy would mutually endorse and invest in a project aiming to eliminate the need for manual labor through the development of industrial AI and robotics. In theory, the money saved could then be used to provide a universal basic income to Americans who choose not to pursue a field of work. Those who help to invest in and produce these technologies are invited to research implementing this on the moon of Phobos with the hope to increase production levels and efficiency.


    Artificial Intelligence for the piloting of spacecraft would also be developed, hoping to minimize human error and allow for autopilot so that space travel is more regulated and less prone to human failure.


    The President would offer contracts to companies who would defend newly formed colonies using their technology, promising to continue using these technologies and to purchase them upon Congress’s support and financial backing of these colonies as territories.


    The Central Intelligence Agency would work to prevent pirates from affecting American interests. They take little to no interest in their effect on foreign peoples.


    The Interstellar Research Division is formed to take over and lead Project Pegasus, as well as being granted several hundred billion in order to build a state of the art research base on the moon of Prometheus (Saturn). Defenses would be prioritized to ensure the base is both kept secret and protected from intruders.


    The United States of America would accept the offer for a trade deal with the USSR, as well as offering trade deals the French Empire, the Commonwealth. the Japanese Empire, and Nationalist China.

  13. Early 2934

    The United States of America





    The Three Dynasties

    For centuries, the United States of America existed under the control of two families, who each represented the major interests of the two American Parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. During the 20th century, turmoil arose which caused a split in the Democratic Party, with the National Socialist Party and the New Democratic Party being created out of the destruction of the old Party which had long represented the interests of the southern United States. The Republican Party would remain at its core what it always had been, but also became a champion of the capitalist, a breed who had become less popular as time went on. Furthermore, a lack of term limits allowed these parties to fall into the control of three families. The Long Dynasty, born from Huey P. Long in 1936,  had formed the National Socialist Party following a civil war which had allowed his family to gain complete control over the Presidency for nearly a century during a time of turmoil and strife for the United States. This ended when the first President Long’s grandson, Huey P. Long II, reopened elections for the other two parties who had continued to maintain their power in Congress, but these parties had long since fallen into the same pattern as the National Socialist Party. The New Democratic Party formed under the leadership of John F. Kennedy, and became a beacon of the former United States, hoping to return to the roots of the Union. They promoted protectionist capitalism, as well as civil rights for the Union, but also a more democratic and peaceful society. The Republican Party took far longer to find one central family, with a number of unimportant figures taking control as the other two Parties found their foothold in the new American way. By the turn of the 24th century, the Morgans, a family once known for their involvement in capitalist enterprises and some of the most successful bankers in the history of the United States, became the champions of the Republican Party, fighting for a more capitalist and democratic United States, while caring little for the rights of the smaller man. Without the Republican Party and the Morgan Dynasty, many argued that the success of Phobos would have been impossible. By the turn of the 30th century, these families had become entrenched in their parties politics, and often they were seen as what was being voted for. The Party names of old faded away as the Dynasties and their constituents became the only ones who would even be voted to the Senate or the Presidency, while the House still occasionally found itself holding one or two minorities who represented the old ways.



    President Huey P. Long XXV


    Research Colonies

    With even the President on board, the Three Dynasties attempt to push a bill through Congress allowing for the colonization of three new moons, as well as a number of asteroids for the purpose of excavation and research. It is hoped that over time, these new territories can be used to expand the United States. President Long is quoted to have said, “The flag has had 52 stars for far longer than any living man cares to remember, it is time America expanded freedom further in the galaxy.


    Interplanetary Trade

    President Huey P. Long XXV would issue a statement in which he promised America’s neutrality in events throughout the Sol System and their commitment to international and interplanetary trade and exploration. He saw the feud between the Commonwealth and the German Empire as superfluous and counterintuitive to the advancements humanity has made. Why waste lives fighting over land when there was an untold amount of Systems to be explored and colonized. Furthermore, President Long would formally support German and other nation’s attempts at expansions, so long as they remain peaceful.



    Washington D.C. in 2932, days before Huey XXV’s inauguration.


    Capitalist Development

    Using its history with capitalism, Congress would begin to promote private research and individual development. Corporations who discovered practical and useful tools of technology would be offered significant benefits in the United States, and would often be provided with tax breaks, government contracts, and even funding for future research. The National Aeronautical and Space Administration is also provided with additional funding to improve the speed of exploration and trade ships. NASA is also given the order to begin work on Project Pegasus.


    The Morgan Bloc

    While the Morgans often found themselves with an underrepresented share of power, their goals were often shared by some members of the other Parties. As the Commonwealth and German Empires continued to expand, the Kennedys began to express the same fears the Morgans had long been known to feel and began to pressure the incumbent Longs into pursuing more colonies. As time went on, though this method soon proved ineffective as most in Congress believed that the government should not involve itself in these expansions. Together, the Morgans and Kennedys opted to pursue a different route. Funding would be provided, as well as a bill sent through Congress, in order to provide tax benefits and some stipends to companies who would pursue the development and settlement of uncolonized moons for the extractions of resources. Once the planets housed enough American citizens and companies, Congress would then have reason to claim them admittance into the Union as a territory, as was done over a millennium before during the colonization of the Mainland. Following the collapse of the British oil refinery, many in America believe it is time for the country to begin producing their own material again.



    Two years into his second term, and the third consecutive Long Presidency, Huey P. Long XXV continues his work as President of the United States of America, working with Congress and the Three Dynasties to unify the American people.


    The Three Dynasties attempt to push a bill through Congress hoping to expand the United States’ research and industrial capabilities by creating three federal colonies on moons, as well as a number of asteroid colonies in order to create more isolated research facilities.


    The United States adopt a policy of neutrality and non-alignment, hoping to ensure peace within the country. Both Congress and the President openly promote a peaceful trade relationship with the entirety of the Sol System.


    American capitalists and entrepreneurs are called upon to develop and produce new technologies to aid in America’s innovation and ability to expand and explore space. Primarily, NASA and certain companies such as the Interplanetary Wing of Boeing would begin research into improving the travel speed and capabilities of their exploration and transport vessels.


    The National Aeronautical and Space Administration begins Project Pegasus.


    The Morgan and Kennedy Dynasties, and some within the Long Dynasty promote the continued colonization and exploration of space as the Americans who settled the frontier a thousand years before had. They hope for capitalists, entrepreneurs, and individuals to settle new moons and cities on planets freely, and upon their settlement of these moons and planets, Congress would be pushed to give these places federal protection. Some funding is allocated by the President in order to gain support for Project Pegasus by the other Parties.



    Discord Name;

    You have it

    Nation of Choice (and why?);

    The United States of America as I am an American and have enjoyed their history, as well as playing them in other FRPs. I also hope for a more peaceful, trade-oriented game and they seem to be one of the best options for this.

    Head of State:

    President Huey Long XXV

    Head of Government:

    President Huey Long XXV



    Military statistics:

    Sexy as hell. (Its all above I just dont care to copy/paste it)

    Did you read all the information?;


  15. A Game of Thrones



    King’s Landing is once again under siege and the people have begun to grow tired of the Lordly games played in spite of them. None welcome another invading army, but many are showing their dissatisfaction for Stannis Baratheon as he marches further into the Reach, away from a city desperate for food.


    Meanwhile, in the North, Lady Barbrey Dustin of Barrowtown and Lord Howland Reed ordered their men to burn the ships of the Ironborn that remained in the Saltspear, while Robb’s army began the journey north via the sea. The Ironborn had not been seen on the water often in the last months, though all knew it to be because of the King’s Moot being held, in which Euron Greyjoy is rumored to have been crowned King of the Iron Isles. Other reports indicate Asha Greyjoy has fled the Iron Isles and returned to the North, but none can be sure when they are so far from where it matters. House Redwyne, already preparing to intervene in Oldtown, has since begun patrolling the waters surrounding the Reach, hoping to spot an Ironborn attack before it occurs.


    Throughout Westeros, cannons had become common at most major ports and even in some of the more powerful, inland castles and towns. In addition, a new type of weaponry slowly began to come with these cannons, something far smaller and said to operate similarly to a crossbow. (Anyone can now purchase cannons, I will message certain people about a new weapon finding its way to major port cities.


    As Robb Stark’s armies begin to land in the North, his return is met with calls of rejoice and praise. Many had feared Robb would fight for House Lannister’s cause as House Tully seemed to have done, but his return to the North instead meant the Ironborn who had plagued their lands, and the wildlings in the North who had seemed to quiet down for some time, are still a worry to many in Houses Umber and Karstark.


    Few know what had actually gone on in the North, but many were prepared to see that it was undone and House Stark regained their power before winter was truly here. Five thousand men from House Manderly, House Flint, House Cerwyn, and House Tallhart. Some of the men are said to have been survivors of the Battle of Winterfell. The North Remembers.


    News had reached many castles throughout Westeros, Lysa Arryn had killed herself in her passion for Petyr Baelish. While many of the Lords of the Vale, such as Lord Royce, remained skeptical, Lord Bealish had already begun work on ensuring that Lord Robert continues getting proper care and education. As the Lords Declarant began to amass upon the Eyrie in order to question Lord Baelish, many are said to have begun to rejoice at Lysa’s death, as she had grown mad with rage at the prospect of the Vale fighting, leaving Lord Robert vulnerable.


    No news comes from Dorne.


    In the North, the first signs of winter can begin to be seen. The Keeps beyond Winterfell have begun to report heavy snows.


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock

    The march had progressed well during the early months in the year and continued towards King’s Landing without much issue.


    Tyrion Lannister, the Imp of Casterly Rock, had finally been granted a position by his father worthy of his status as heir. Many had thought Jaime to be dead following the death of his sister, and the rumors that emerged from King’s Landing, though none would speak of this in Casterly Rock or Lannisport. Tyrion sees that Lannisport is well led and prepared for the coming months, and he attempts to bring more income in order to balance the amount spent on armies. The gold mines in Lannisport could only fund so much.


    The standing army is trained further, though now that they are on the move they can do little in the means of training. The navy deployed on the Lannister coast finds no sign of Ironborn as of yet, though rumors come from Pyke that longships were being built throughout the Isles.


    Without Myrcella at hand, the Dornish intention to crown her, the Iron Bank is unwilling to back a Lannister claim for her throne.


    Few more sellswords or soldiers were recommended to be hired, as significant funds were now seemingly going into a war with no clear end goal but Tywin’s vengeance. Some of the Lords in the West wondered whether he had gone mad at the loss of his two twins.


    House Sarwyck of Riverspring

    The Lannister Host and the Sarwyck men who accompany it march eastward.


    Expansions in the town begin, including new farms, though hands had begun to run short in the west with the combination of men needed to garrison castles, march for Tywin, and farm in preparation for winter as well as providing food for the soldiers.


    Gawen Sarwyck leads Riverspring well and helps to oversee the new expansions to the town.


    The Brotherhood Without Banners

    The Brotherhood continues to expand, and men throughout the Riverlands and northern parts of the Reach who are are fleeing the Mountain begin to join up with the Brotherhood, though due to the lack of battles and thus deserters, it is not many new members.


    Both Lannister Hosts find themselves harassed during their march to King’s Landing, and from the moment they enter the Riverlands, Tywin Lannister’s Host met the Brotherhood and the hatred the men felt for the Lannisters. It was clear they were unwelcome marching through their land. In the south, the Clegane Host finds less resistance, but its supply lines are harassed continually. The Tully host is harassed slightly, though mostly ignored by the men of the Brotherhood. House Tully still treated their subjects with respect.


    The Brotherhood is accepted throughout the Riverlands and even in the northern Crownlands as the Lannisters make their presence known. They help to rebuild homes and are often rewarded with food, aid, and protection when armies come looking.


    Gendry learns quickly and soon follows in Beric’s footsteps of becoming a good leader for the Brotherhood. Having grown up in the slums of King’s Landing, Gendry truly believed in the cause Beric fought for. Edric Dayne is slightly upset by the fondness for Gendry, but soon the two become friends and are often seen with the Lightning Lord.


    The Brotherhood continually trains, and many of the men who had been there since the beginning had some decent skill with the bow as well as with a sword.


    House Stark of Winterfell

    Robb Stark is quickly persuaded against sending the letter, and instead informs each of his lords one by one, as many of lords who needed to know were already within his army. When the host from the north meets up with Robb’s Army, they confirm the story told by House Umber, and also state that many believed Bran and Rickon to have survived.


    There were not three thousand men at Winterfell, but the men sent by Lord Manderly and the other houses who had men in the North, continue to Winterfell under the leadership of his son, Wyllis Manderly in order to begin rebuilding the castle for Robb’s return.


    The raven is sent to Last Hearth upon Robb’s arrival in Barrowtown.


    House Tully of Riverrun

    Preparations for winter continue in the Riverlands.


    Ser Desmond Grell remains Castellan but takes over primary command of Riverrun in Lord Edmure’s absence. Catelyn Stark aids him in leading.


    The Tully Host has arrived at King’s Landing and is laying siege to the city.


    House Tarly of Horn Hill

    House Tyrell would respond to House Tarly’s request with an order to return to the Reach where the Hightowers were to be dispatched. He requests that Lord Tarly meets his son, Garlan Tyrell, on the way south. Ser Garlan will be accompanied by a Host.


    Most of the manpower of the Reach had been called up, though much of it currently resides at Highgarden.


    All around Horn Hill, the Tarly men begin to make preparations for winter, though the Reach was thought to already be the most well off.


    During the time when they would normally be marching, the Tarly Host now spends its time training. The Tarly Host had already contained a large number of skilled knights and men-at-arms, but with the time set apart specifically for continued training, the men begin to prepare themselves for the inevitable batle.


    House Redwyne accepts the proposal, though no marriage can occur until the Tarly Host returns to the Reach.


    House Arryn of the Eyrie

    Unlike the Reach, the Vale had yet to face a true conflict and preparations for winter had been going excellently, with stockpiles which could easily last years to come.


    Since construction began, Littlefinger has overseen the completion of roughly twenty ships for the Vale.


    [See Westerosi Events]


    Gull Town prepares itself, foreseeing the inevitable Baratheon invasion.


    House Baratheon of King’s Landing

    The Royal Family, Ice, and a few other imperative artifacts were reported to have been successfully evacuated to Dragonstone before the siege of King’s Landing began. No reports come back on the location of Sansa Stark, Lord Davos, Lady Melisandre, or any others in King’s Landing following this.


    Throughout King’s Landing, preparations for battle begin. Siege engines are set up along the walls and cannons and mortars are seen being brought and mounted on the walls. Having yet to see such devices, their initial use both shocked and terrified and number of Tully and Tarly men, who fled before being brought back. Lord Tarly and the Blackfish spent much of their time attempting to determine what exactly the Baratheons had on their walls.


    The City Watch continually drills and practices in preparation for the siege, but their size would not grow much further than it had. Lord Davos Seaworth had managed to raise roughly 5,000 men but it was not thought many more men could be raised who would truly fight for the cause.


    King’s Landing can do little to prepare for winter, their food stockpile was running low and little trade managed to enter the city, especially with the presumed chaos on the seas and the closing of every major road in Westeros.


    House Reed of Greywater Watch

    Outside of Moat Caitlin, the Reed Host begins to take root as they await the arrival of the Stark Host. It was unknown where they were, but no army had gone through the causeway so some began to believe Robb Stark had taken a route over sea instead. Nonetheless, the Crannogmen awaited the arrival of the Northern Host.


    Upon Howland’s arrival, the Stark host had not yet arrived but he manages to arrive safely alongside his wife while Robb begins his march to Moat Caitlin.


    Howland Reed dreams of three children and a wolf running through the snow, a raven circles them overhead. In the far south a beautiful young woman, dark haired and dark skinned, speaks to a man in a wheelchair. The two speak, but only one phrase could be completely understood.

    Fire and Blood.

  16. On 3/16/2019 at 5:54 PM, Drew2_dude said:


    House Name: House Blackwood

    Holdings: Raventree Hall

    Lord: Tytos Blackwood

    who do you bend the knee to?: House Tully and the king in the North

    Religion: Faith of the Seven

    Brief History: House Blackwood is one of the main houses of the Riverlands under House Tully. In the Age of heroes they once ruled the riverlands. the blackwoods can levy more men that that of their rulers the Tully’s, but are loyal to their King. They aided Aegon the conqueror in his conquest. Their once ally, now rival house Bracken whom also are sworn to the Tully’s are seen as a thorn in their side because of past events, but will not strike against them for now as they follow the lead of the Tully's into this war for freedom of the Lannister and Baratheon rule. during these troubling times, The Blackwoods shall server the Tully’s and the king in the north loyally under Tytos.


    Discord: Drew#7225


  17. On 3/12/2019 at 6:20 AM, mcginty85 said:


    House Name: Tarly

    Holdings: Hornhill

    Lord: Randyll Tarly

    Who do they bend the knee to?: House Tyrell Lord’s of the Reach

    Religion: Faith of the Seven

    Brief History (1-2 Paragraphs): House Tarly, one of the oldest and strongest vassals sworn to house Tyrell. Unlike other houses of old the Tarlys bred soldiers, not Kings claiming no ancestral crown for themselves, as they are a house that is loyal to a fault. Randyll Tarly is a prominent and well respected battle commander who served the crown on numerous occasions, leading the armies during Robert's Rebellion to give him his first and only defeat. House Tarly's militant traditions play into this role of breeding commanders, with Savage Sam, slaying the Vulture King in open rebellion against the crown with the ancestral sword of their family. Heartsbane.
    Although swearing allegiance to Renly House Tarly refused to swear fealty to Stannis upon the death of his King, slaying many Florent men in fear they would join Stannis’ cause. House Tarlys words are “First in Battle” this couldn't be truer for any House. Their fierce loyalty and knowledge of their place shows the Tarlys to be a trusted ally to any who seek them. However if opposing them, risk an enemy who would go to the ends of time to win.

    Discord: already have it

    Already accepted, but for the formality

  18. Russia

    Sad/Epic Music

    As Vladimir looked out the window of the Winter Palace, he sat with the Tsar and discussed the state of the world and what little news came out of Japan. With the rapid collapse of the British Navy, Russia found itself in a peculiar position. After being one of the weakest and most backward nations, within a decade the country had become the last light in the free world. Democracy was dying, and the Union seemed to be all that was left. The Tsar understood his role in the Union, and when it came to Finland many believed he should once again grow in power, but for Russia to continue its ascent it had to remain as the beacon that Purishkevich was determined the create, and he realized now was the time.


    In 1914, as war broke out throughout western Europe, Vladimir Purishkevich led the beginning of a revolution would take a full six years to complete, and in the end, it found itself round full circle. What initially seemed to be a right-wing democracy, specifically excluding the political left, soon evolved under the President’s lead into a modern democracy which supported and protected its constituents. Rather than subjugate and war with the states of Poland and Ukraine, who had opted to come to the table, were freed as autonomous states within the Russian Union. After a truce with the Soviets, the President attempted to aid the French in their war against Germany, but soon after the Soviets and Caucasians betrayed the nation, plunging them back into a civil war which would continue until 1920.


    Within the Union, education initiatives and foreign investments helped to propel Russia into a new level of success, allowing them to even surpass France who had long been a Great Power in Europe. Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Brusilovo have all become major cities which rather than be ruined by the Civil War, had managed to be grown or rebuilt into something better than it had been before. In the East, displaced Russians have begun to settle the areas of Russia which long held vital resources and industrial potential, but had always been too far for any use, but no longer. Railways created a web of connections throughout Russia in which its people could access almost the entire country.


    As he prepared for his speech, the President spoke with his Prime Minister for what would likely be the last time, confirming his fears of the East and his hope for a firm alliance in Europe, but stating that he too had realized he had been misguided. Ivan Ilyin would enter the Duma’s Chambers without any idea of what was about to happen.


    “Russia once was a nation encumbered by its pride, its inability to evolve, and a complete disregard for the common man. For years Russia had been split into two classes, with the wide majority of men being forced to the bottom. Throughout Europe, this is still present, but no longer is it here. The Union has formed a society based around the equality of man, his natural rights, and the liberty all are entitled to in their life. The Duma has done its part in providing this, but we did our part in preventing it as well. That is over. After negotiations with many moderate and left-leaning groups in Russia, I have decided to call for emergency elections, in which we can dismantle the National Front, and allow for elections which do not cause for the political right and extremists to dominate and control the elections.”


    As the President finished his sentence, the Duma roared in anger at the man. Prime Minister Ilyin looked at the man, understanding the President knew this meant he would likely be forced to end his time in office following the elections. President Purishkevich allowed them a few moments of anger, before silencing the room with a single shout. He continued, stating that the Tsar would also be allowed an increased role in the government, respecting their tradition and his useful guidance in their recent dealings with Rome. The President intends to put a bill through the Duma, and eventually the Grand Assembly, allowing him to play a slightly more active, though still powerless, role in the government.

    As the President spoke, further work also began. The Federal Security Service, who had spent years time operating in Siberia and Caucasia, were called forth and spread throughout the Union, beginning to look into potential spy activity in naval yards and oil fields especially. In addition to this, a new division is formed and training begins.


    Finally, the Duma institutes new bills which offer significant tax benefits for businesses who migrate into Russia, as well as protections for the wealth of the wealthier men in Russia. While it is clear they will be much larger taxes, their money was not being sucked away at an unfair rate. It is hoped that this will attract American and Western European businessmen, especially those such as Ford, Boeing, Lockheed, and Northrop.



    President Purishkevich calls for emergency elections in the Duma while disbanding the National Front. It is expected the monarchists and socialists will emerge with the minorities, while the nationalists maintain the majority. It is expected the Rightists and other radical factions will lose power due to this action, including the Prime Minister, Ivan Ilyn. (Even though nationalists hold a majority, PM will be chosen from either monarchists or socialists. Viktor Chernov or Alexei Brusilov)


    The FSB undergoes training in new fields. They also hope to root out foreign saboteurs who may exist in Union facilities.


    The Special Projects Bureau is created and is put in charge of setting up which prioritizes in the development of spectacular and supposedly “impossible” research projects. The Duma hopes to dedicate an initial sum of $50,000,000 to their cause. Many of the American scientists being lured into the company would be offered roles here. Albert Einstein would be specifically contacted for a role within the Bureau.


    Research into base model zeppelins begins in Russia.


    Russian aviation companies continue to research and attempt to produce a model of an airplane made entirely of metal. Meanwhile, mono-wing bombers are also developed as a backup.


    Russian auto facilities begin to pivot their focus from civilian vehicles to primarily military vehicles, such as trucks and armored cars. It is hoped that while Polish Auto will dominate the civilian sector and aspects of the military sector, the Russian Auto companies can produce certain models. Trucks which can be used to transport goods with more versatility than rails become their main focus.


    American businessmen are lured into the country with tax breaks and decreased taxes on existing wealth, while foreign scientists are hoped to be persuaded to defect to Russia under the promise of ideological and scientific freedom, as well as funding for even their most wild ideas.


    The Duma also sets up funds for two key long term scientific projects in Russia. The treatment and eventual cure of the Dutch Flu is a continued focus of the Duma and Russian Grand Assemblymen. Cryptography also receives seed funding, with the hope that Russia can successfully begin to encrypt their messages so that foreign nations could not access the government’s intelligence.

  19. A Game of Thrones



    Westerosi Events

    Throughout Westeros, the news of the death of Balon Greyjoy is learned. Most reports indicate that he died while crossing a bridge between two of the towers of his keep on Pyke. Two days later, the sails of Euron Greyjoy are seen in the port.


    In Hellholt, the seat of House Uller, Myrcella is suddenly and surprisingly declared Queen in a move that shook much of Dorne. While she had been left on the sidelines, Quentyn was set to lead Dorne into battle. The Princess Arianne knew it was only a matter of time before her father chose her brother as the heir to Dorne, and set out to crown Myrcella and her brother, Trystane, as the monarchs on the Iron Throne.


    Further news of the Ironborn also tells that Winterfell had fallen, but it has fallen to no one. After a brief battle, the Ironborn were forced to flee and put the entirety of the castle to the torch and slaughtered many of its citizens. Reports indicate that Ramsay Snow, the son of Roose Bolton aided in the defeat of the Ironborn and saved many of the women and children. Rodrik Cassel and a majority of the men who marched on Winterfell are said to be dead. There is no further news of Bran or Rickon Stark.


    Following his successes in Duskendale, Stannis Baratheon was next seen marching on the Rose Road towards Bitterbridge, with some newer reports claiming they had laid siege to Tumbleton. Mace Tyrell is said to still be waiting with his large host in Highgarden.


    Following their march North, the Tyrell Host under Randyll Tarly departs from Riverrun and begins to return south. It is said that following a heated argument in which Lord Tarly had laughed at Robb Stark when he suggested laying siege to Moat Caitlin, wondering how a northerner had come up with such a disastrous plot. The Queen Margaery Tyrell is said to still be accompanied by her brother, Loras Tyrell.


    News reaches the west of new happenings in Meereen. The Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen has taken the slave city and made it the seat of her new Kingdom. She has reportedly freed the slaves there, as well as in Astapor and Yunkai. At her back is an army of Unsullied. Some reports even indicate the re-emergence of Ser Barristan Semly as a member of her Queensguard.


    Reports throughout the Riverlands point to the reappearance of two major Lannister figures. Ser Jaime Lannister was seen with a large knight at the Inn at the Crossings, though after a brief scuffle with some men he is said to have disappeared into the Riverlands again. Tommen Baratheon is also said to have been spotted at Saltpans with a member of the City Watch, attempting to purchase passage aboard a ship.


    House Umber of Last Hearth

    The reports of the wildings have been sent south from Last Hearth to Riverrun, where Robb was last known to be. A rider is dispatched to reach his army and inform him of the news.


    Rickon Stark, his direwolf Shaggy Dog, and Osha, a wildling woman who was protecting him, all reach the castle. Osha tells a very interesting tale of what happened in Winterfell.


    The Faith of the Seven

    The Faith Militant is reformed and quickly grows in strength as many begin to fear the vengeance of Stannis Baratheon and his Red Witch. Some of those in the Stormlands and Dorne who had been offended by their Lords allegiance to Stannis flocked to the cause of the Seven.


    Ser Humphrey Hightower becomes the Grand Captain of the Southern Swords and accepts the honor graciously. Ser Jaime Lannister is still missing and can not accept the position offered to him at the time. Many also complain of Ser Jaime’s nomination, claiming he was as bad as Stannis, citing the rumors of incest and his father’s campaign of destruction in the Riverlands.


    The Poor Fellows finds much more success, with no lordly limitations on who can join. Many of the poor from Oldtown, Lannisport, and King’s Landing quickly flock to join up as members of the Poor Fellows and hope to aid the Faith in protecting their members from the violence of those in control of the Seven Kingdoms.


    The new prayer beads become widespread throughout the Riverlands and Crownlands, where the smallfolk had been ravaged and terrorized by the armies of Casterly Rock, Winterfell, and Dragonstone. The Seven provided them with a sense of hope and protection.


    Beggars had already been widespread throughout the southern regions, and the Faith’s promotion of them only increases their activity. They are largely found in the war-torn areas of Westeros, offering aid to those who had found their lives devastated by the War of Five Kings.


    The Kingdom of the North

    The War has come to an end with Tywin, though as Robb had reached the Twins a raven arrived stating Stannis had arrived in the lands of his Queen, the Reach.


    In spite of the wishes of his Lords and the better judgment of his most seasoned generals, Robb Stark begins his march on Moat Caitlin alongside his Hand, Lord Roose Bolton. While many of the northern lords followed Robb, their trust seemed to begin to waver. In certain cases, the anger becomes so great that entire hosts opt to depart and head to Seagard, where they can return north more safely via the sea. Lord Karstark, Robett Glover, who had led the survivors from Duskendale, and the Manderly Host depart via Seagard.




    Robett Glover uses his time with Robb to aim a more serious allegation against Roose Bolton. He claims that the Leech Lord had sent them to Duskendale aiming to have them defeated. There was nothing for them there, and when they arrived they had learned that Stannis already won, with no call to return to Riverrun. They had been abandoned.


    Following the departure from Riverrun, the remainder of Stark Host begin the march to Moat Caitlin. By the end of the month, they reach the other end of the Neck. Some of the Reed men meet them on their way north.


    [See Westerosi Events]


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock

    Mortars arrive in Lannisport for sale.


    Many of the nobility in the Westerlands scoff at Tywin’s declaration, knowing he has little faith, though the common folk seems to greatly enjoy the call. Despite this, the call is a popular one as many feared what Stannis would do for the Red God if he remained King. It is unknown who Tywin attempts to give the throne to should he win, though some believe that he had been behind the disappearance of King Joffrey from King’s Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater and the Battle of King’s Landing.


    The standing army is a new but widely liked idea, though the attempts to model them off of the Unsullied fail. Little information is known about how they are trained, but what is known scares off almost all potential members.


    Gregor Clegane reappears in the western Crownlands, where he wreaks havoc on the smallfolk and some towns north of King’s Landing, such as Haytown. He is not bold enough to head farther south than there and is last known to be heading towards Saltpans.


    The passes are well fortified with what could be down, and small wooden forts have been set up where encampments of soldiers monitor the ways into and out of the Westerlands.


    Despite her status in Dorne, Myrcella Baratheon is crowned as Queen of the Iron Throne. Her protector, Ser Arys Oakheart hears of this news.


    Prisoners held by House Tully and other River Lords are released.


    House Hightower of the Hightower

    Mace Tyrell is greatly upset by the news of Garth Hightower, and has requested House Grimm sends him to Highgarden.


    Ten thousand men from Highgarden and the arrival of 5,000 more reserves to Brightwater Keep, where the Florents had previously been Lords. The Castellan refuses them access, so the host lays siege to the Keep.


    The Mad Maid arrives in King’s Landing only to discover that they had missed him by days. She departs for Tumbleton soon after.


    House Baratheon of King’s Landing

    Ser Davos of House Seaworth is reconfirmed as Hand of the King to Stannis Baratheon and takes charge of the city following his departure.


    The Small Council is staffed, and the Maesters of Oldtown send a new Grand Maester to the city.


    He is not successful in attempting to have a son.


    [See Westerosi Events]


    House Tully of Riverrun

    Hoster Tully dies after a period of sickness, leaving Edmure as Lord of Riverrun. While Catelyn makes her sadness known to her brother, still no word arrives from the Vale of Arryn and their sister.


    Stockpiles for winter continue to grow, and with the end of the war, farmers hope to get in a final harvest, though with the Tully Host in Riverrun it could not be a full one.


    The River Lords convene in Riverrun.


    In the Riverlands, the River, King’s, and Gold Roads are closed.


    Parties would move throughout the Riverlands. The only resistance found by them occasionally come from the Brotherhood Without Banners, though many scouting parties would refuse to attack the men knowing their cause. One scouting party who had chosen to act in an aggressive manner, claims to have killed the Lightning Lord.


    The Tully Host awaits orders, with many soldiers itching to return home to their families and fields.


    The Brotherhood Without Banners

    Training continues, much of the Brotherhood is proficient with archery and new recruits are often separated by their ability to the best can be trained more rigorously and seriously.


    Small smithies are set up throughout Brotherhood camps and even in some settlements in discreet locations. Their arm supply grows slowly. The addition of a young armorer by the name of Gendry is a surprising advancement to this, due to his previous apprenticeship.


    The Brotherhood is cheered for and welcomed into villages, and the scouting parties who choose to target them are rarely if ever, helped by the Riverland locals. Some begin to say that the Lightning Lord would make a better one than the Fish Lord who sat in Riverrun now.


    His raids become more successful, and although some say he was killed he was merely wounded in battle. The Lightning Lord and his men struck the worst of the River Lords’ scouting parties, and when Gregor Clegane’s Host was seen passing through, they were harassed from the Gold Tooth to the Crownlands. He does enough damage to Clegane’s host that rather than spend too much time in the region, the men leave before doing much damage.


    House Martell of Sunspear

    Despite the fact that the rising Queen in the East had no way of knowing there were Dornishmen who supported her, the Martells of Dorne back Stannis Baratheon, the brother of the man who helped overthrow the Targaryens. Many in Dorne do not think it is a correct move, while Arriane makes her dissatisfaction with her father’s decision more publically known.


    Ten thousand men begin to assemble in Yronwood, and it takes until the end of the second month for the army to be prepared to march. Few houses truly answer this call, with the majority of men coming from House Martell and House Yronwood.


    Reports indicate a host had begun to form around Trystane and Myrcella as the monarchs on the Iron Throne. Little is known of it.


    House Arryn of the Vale

    Petyr Baelish begins to sway Lysa more in regards to the ongoing events of the Vale, but his influence leads the Vale in another direction as expected. He seems to wish to help House Tully and Stark.


    Stockpiles for winter continue to grow in the Vale.


    The Mountain Clans find themselves being battered by the Knights of the Vale, and with the loss at the Battle of the Blackwater many began to simply flee, hoping to find somewhere they could live more freely.


    The Vale is isolated diplomatically from the rest of Westeros, and the High Road is ordered closed by Lysa Arryn, though Petyr Baelish seemed to hope she would move to support her sister, Catelyn Stark.


    Many find themselves in agreement with the uproar in the Vale and support Jon Lynderly for Grand Captain of the Northern Swords. Jaime Lannister’s history made him an unpopular candidate outside of the Westerlands.



  20. 9 hours ago, sandey0000 said:



    Just a reminder, we are still accepting new applicants and many houses are available to be played still! Feel free to apply as one of these, or any other you may think of that has not been taken by another player yet. 


    House Greyjoy (No Leader Right Now)

    House Tyrell (Mace Tyrell)

    House Hightower (Leyton Hightower)

    House Manderly (Wyman Manderly)

    House Bracken (Jonos Bracken)

    House Blackwood (Tytos Blackwood)
    House Mallister (Jason Mallister)

    House Frey (Walder Frey)

    The Night’s Watch (Jeor Mormont)

  21. Russia 1921


    The President

    After years of distrust and bickering between the Nationalist and Socialist Parties, President Purishkevich invites their leadership for a meeting in the Winter Palace, where he and the Tsar inform them of the new title he had received, and of what the President hoped to usher into Russia. Combining the efforts of the two most similar parties was the President’s priority, though he wished to promote new ideas within their own parties. In return for full and continued support of worker’s rights, as well as support for nationalism, and for future wars, President Purishkevich privately offers to withdraw his support of the fascist and right-wing parties, while maintaining support for the Constitutional Monarchists and Democrats, and proclaiming support for moderate Socialists in Russia. He asked them to consider Europe, which needed a strong hand to guide them into the future and suggests that Russia be the strong hand.


    The Entente

    The Russian Union stands firm in its goals within the Entente and offers an ultimatum to Britain. Although they await their answer, President Purishkevich has grown tired of the recent aggression displayed by the British and intended to either see them back down on their recent disruptions or Russia would simply leave the Entente and set out on its own. The Grand Assembly had long grown tired of the foolish and aggressive nature of Great Britain though, and would no longer support their established plans without a serious overhaul.


    Military Research

    Various military projects would continue in Russia, with the Duma investing in various companies for research and industrial change. The MK III Russian Tank begins development early in the year, with Prime Minister Ilyin hoping to develop the MK IV by the end of the year, with enough improvements to see the tank battle ready and reliable. They request Britain to provide aid in this development.


    Air developments continue, with the Duma pushing for fighter developments, hoping to eventually develop a metal fighting plane as they had begun to appear elsewhere in the world. Private companies who can create a successful prototype are offered a long-term contract including future development.


    The Army offers a grant for the improvement of the Federov Avtomat, hoping to improve its reliability on the field as well as reducing the overall cost of the weapon.


    The Five Year Plan

    President Purishkevich’s Five Year Plan continues, with the repairs and modernization of Eastern Russia beginning to be massively improved. Throughout Russia, the Duma promotes and attempts to expand the automotive industry by working on improvements to the cost of production and reliability for both their car and truck lines. They work with Poland on the endeavor.


    Reconstruction in Caucasia and Siberia continue as a priority of the Russian Work Program, as well as the expansion of the transportation network with the east, hoping to provide for more routes to all parts of Siberia to increase the number of settlers in the east.


    Oil expansions also continue in Caucasia and in Siberia, as well as the sale of some off-shore drilling rights off the coast of Siberia to Japan.



    Russian nationalism is promoted heavily throughout schools and if possible, the Union. The Moscow Film School is requested to attempt to produce films based on past Russian wars, hoping to draw from them as a source of nationalism.



    Purishkevich privately offers support of socialist agendas, including worker’s rights, in return for their support for Russian nationalism and expansionism.


    The MKIII and ideally, the MKIV tank go into development during the year. It is hoped to be a reliable and cheaper tank that is usable on the battlefield. Britain is approached for help.


    Fighter developments continue, the Duma continues to offer contracts for an all-metal fighter hoping one similar to the Junkers J1 could be developed here.


    The Federov Avtomat undergoes improvements for its reliability and cost.


    Five Year Plan continues with reconstruction in the east, the expansion of the automotive industry as well as the reduction in car and truck costs, and oil expansions in Caucasia and Siberia. It is hoped the Russian and Polish car and truck models become used throughout the Union and eventually the world.


    Japan is granted rights to off-shore oil in Siberia.


    Nationalism is promoted in schools and through the use of films from the Moscow Film Academy.


    The Orthodox are offered further tax reductions if they accept the compromise with the Catholic Church.

  22. A Game of Thrones


    Westerosi Events

    In King’s Landing, the Battle of the Blackwater concludes with a victory for Stannis Baratheon, and many high profile members of the nobility have been missing ever since. The King, Joffrey Baratheon and his brother Tommen Baratheon have not been seen since at least the night of the battle, with others saying Tommen had been missing since before the battle. The Queen Regent is amongst a large amount of nobility found dead in Maegor’s Keep at the hands of Ilyn Payne. Sandor Clegane, Ser Boros Blount, and Ser Balon Swann had not been seen in the city for some time either, and Ser Mandon Moore was found dead following the Battle of the Blackwater. Lady Sansa Stark is one of the only confirmed survivors of the Battle.


    Meanwhile, in the North, further developments have come from Winterfell and it’s former Castellan, Rodrik Cassel. He claims that the burned bodies of Bran and Rickon Stark were hanging from the gates of Winterfell and that Theon Greyjoy had murdered them as they attempted to escape.


    Furthermore, it is said that there had been a high profile escape from Riverrun at the time of the wedding, and upon Tyrell’s arrival, they found no sign of the Lady Brienne, who had been accused of killing Renly Baratheon. It is said Loras Tyrell still desires her head.


    In Riverrun, reports of a grand wedding begin to spread throughout Westeros. The Wolf and the Rose have united! King Robb of House Stark was wedded to Lady Margaery of House Tyrell, and with her came her brother and a host. House Tully hosted a grand wedding which was attended by lords throughout the North, Riverlands, and Reach. Word of an extravagant feast spread throughout Riverrun, with the armies and small folk outside the walls being granted a small feast by the Tyrell Host. The wedding itself was hosted in the Godswood and was done in the way of the Old Gods. Lady Margaery of House Tyrell was now Margaery Stark, and was often accompanied by Lady Catelyn who had come from a similar situation as her. Little more has come out of Riverrun, but the wedding is said to have gone off splendidly, though House Frey has abandoned the King in the North and has recalled their forces to the Twins, where the “Late” Lord Walder Frey sits in waiting.


    In certain cities throughout Westeros, new weapons begin to come into the market of eastern cities and some major ports. They are known as mortars begin to make an appearance. They are large metal drums which could be used to fire shots over walls, or in some cases, they can be modified to be used on ships as seen in the Battle of the Blackwater. [I will PM certain players soon regarding mortars.]


    House Stark of Winterfell

    [See Westerosi Events]


    Rodrik Cassel takes charge of the men, and while many of the 3,000 were still rallying, he begins to march on Winterfell with the forces he has. The Ironborn at Torrhen’s Square was quickly and easily expelled.


    The Karstarks regain their senses and remain with Robb Stark, as he has done little to cause their departure as of yet.


    Ser Loras Tyrell offers himself as a sworn sword of Robb Stark, with the approval of his own father.


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock

    The Lannister’s bannermen soon begin to unify and work together to fortify the Westerlands, and the mountains passes are fortified. As the Lannister Host returns to the region, they soon begin to meld into these existing armies and aid in helping to close it off to the world. At the time, the Westerlands is sealed off from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms.


    In Lannisport a decent host begins to form up following the call for sell-swords. Initial reports indicate roughly 5,000 men had arrived in the city.


    In Lannisport and Casterly Rock, the pounding sound of the smith’s hammer could be heard throughout the castle and city. They worked hard to arm the Lannister hosts and come largely from the northern Westerlands and the Crag where men had been displaced as the Stark Host swept through.


    By the end of the tenth month, reports indicated that the northerners had vacated the region.


    Sybell Spicer and Jeyne Westerling arrive in Casterly Rock at the end of the tenth month, requesting an audience.


    House Hightower of Oldtown

    Much of the Hightower power had already been sent to aid the Tyrell host and had been called forth. Not many are left to call, but if needed, a force of 5,000 could be made available. This would prevent the city from preparing for winter as adequately as may be needed.


    Trade routes begin to be studied, to some effect. The income of House Hightower has long established the best routes and little could be done to improve them. Some of the boldest men attempt to head west in search of trade, but nothing is heard from them.


    Lynesse Hightower had not been seen for years, since she and her husband, Lord Jorah Mormont, fled the Seven Kingdoms to Essos. Nothing has been heard of her in years, though Jorah Mormont is thought to be with the Dragon Queen with Khal Drogo.


    House Grimm of Greyshield would deny their request for vassalage, preferring to remain under House Tyrell.


    House Reed of Greywater Watch

    While Victarion Greyjoy had managed to remain out of harm's way, having learned to expect the Reeds, his captains were less knowledgeable. A prominent captain in Victarion’s fleet is killed instantly by a Crannogmen arrow.


    As the Crannogmen continue to harass and besiege the Ironborn, things slowly grow more desperate for them. The poisoned arrows often find a mark and cause many of the Ironborn to be way on the walls and avoid guard duty, while others seem to slack on their post, making the nightly raids even more successful. As more waste is left unnoticed in Moat Caitlin, disease slowly begins to take root in the fort, while Victarion attempts to call for more Ironborn from the Iron Isles to hold the fort.


    The Old Gods keep watch over House Reed and send them signs.


    House Tully of Riverrun

    The three captured Lannisters make quite a trio in the Riverrun cells, while another cell has become quite vacant recently, thanks to a certain Tully.


    The lords in the northern, less ravaged areas of the Riverlands offer to house many of the peasants. Meanwhile, it is noticed some are simply leaving on their own accord, but where they go to is not clear to anyone.


    [See Westerosi Events]


    Supplies begin to be stockpiled, and some of the men who had begun to take refuge outside of Riverrun are used to aid in the harvesting of crops in the surrounding regions.


    House Bolton of the Dreadfort

    Robett Glover and Ser Helman Tallhart march east, unaware of the events in King’s Landing.


    [See Westerosi Events]


    The Bolton force arrives at the wedding but has yet to depart as the wedding barely occurs before the end of the tenth month.


    Five hundred men remain in Harrenhal. One night, a number of guards are found dead or incapacitated, and three workers are reported missing from the castle, including Lord Bolton’s old cupbearer.


    The letter arrives at the castle but no response has yet to be received.


    Ramsay is assumed dead.


    The rider makes it to the Twins but finds his path blocked, how he gets around and if he finds Greywater Watch has yet to be determined.


    A letter from the Twins reports that Lady Walda has been sent packing and is on her way to Riverrun, it seems she is not yet pregnant.


    House Arryn of the Vale

    One day, early in the morning, Lord Petyr Baelish arrives in the Vale with a request to meet Lysa Arryn. He brought word of the fall of King’s Landing and Tyrell’s betrayal to House Stark. He requests refuge in the Vale and offers his services.


    The Vale prepares for winter and lords work to improve their harvest.


    With many of the Burned Men still returning from King’s Landing, the Knights of the Vale manage to run them farther into the mountains and away from the High Road.


    Lord Petyr Baelish quickly offers to assess the funds of the Vale and take charge of the operation to build ships, which begins with success in Gulltown. If proper funding is received, it is estimated a small fleet would be available within the year.


    House Tyrell of Highgarden

    They arrived in Riverrun swiftly and safely. [See Westerosi Events]


    Loras Tyrell is disappointed to learn that Brienne of Tarth and the Kingslayer had fled Riverrun together, with the support of Catelyn Stark.


    Lord Petyr Baelish departs Highgarden with the message but never arrives back in King’s Landing.


    The main Tyrell Host remains in Highgarden.


    The Brotherhood Without Banners

    The training of the Brotherhood continues, and over time more and more men become proficient in fighting and archery. While not as well trained as a member of the nobility, the Brotherhood could hold their own against the standard infantry of most houses.


    Surrounding Hollow Hill small farms are set up to increase production. They help to provide food for the Brotherhood and a small stockpile begins to form of vegetables and wheat. Many of the young children and women who have begun to come with their husband's aid in the building of these farms.


    Throughout the Riverlands smallfolk feed information back to the Brotherhood.


    Smiths begin to come in small numbers to the Brotherhood to aid in this endeavor, while carpenters and painters begin to aid them. It is a very small scale production at the moment.


    Throughout the Riverlands, the Brotherhood strikes at the worst of the Northmen and Westermen who had been moving west again. During a conflict near Harrenhal with the Bolton Host returning to Riverrun, Lord Beric is reported dead, killed at the hands of Harrion Karstark who had been busy attacking smallfolk accused of aiding the Lannister Host.


    House Martell of Dorne

    Myrcella Baratheon remains in Sunspear with Arys Oakheart who protects her despite the loss of his King. She is deeply saddened at the news of the death of her mother and with no news of her brothers.


    Throughout Dorne, the soldiers begin to march to their liege lords. The marches to the north and areas bordering the Reach become manned.


    House Baratheon of King’s Landing

    The repair of King’s Landings walls and gates begin swiftly and with little issue.


    The Rose Road is reopened and food flows into the capital, though the smallfolk notice the Rose of Highgarden that brings food to the city.


    Martial law is imposed, and with the influx of food into the city the peasants do little in response, currently content to no longer be starving, though some of those in the slums and the more faithful make their discontent noted about the burning of the Sept of Baelor.


    The City Watch begins to be rebuilt, with many immediately enlisting under Stannis, only caring for who fed and paid them.


    Nothing is found of any of the missing peoples, though the body of Ser Mandon Moore is found outside the city on the banks of the river. The bodies of Tyrion Lannister and Sandor Clegane have yet to appear.


    The newly elected High Septon and Faith of the Seven flee to Oldtown, fearing Stannis Baratheon and the followers of R’Hllor.


    The Mannis may have penetrated the city, but fails with his wife.


    The ravens fly out, few that went outside of the Crownlands and Stormlands return.


    The Stormlands begins to amass men in response to their new King. The Lords begin to rally around the last Baratheon without question.


    More prisoners are burnt on Dragonstone.


    Davos Seaworth is brought to King’s Landing by Salladhor Saan, found on a rock in the Blackwater Bay barely clinging to life. He blames Melisandre for leading them all into the flames.

  23. The Battle of the Blackwater


    Music #1

    Three days before the sails were first seen in Blackwater Bay, Stannis Baratheon’s vanguard had been camped in the Kingswood. Some of King Joffrey’s war galleys were sent to exchange arrows with the army, though it did not seem to cause much damage. Elsewhere in the Kingswood, the Hand’s savages were harassing scouts and isolated groups of soldiers, but not too a huge effect and they were driven from the woods before the arrival of the remainder of the Host. Each day their drums boomed from the woods, announcing to the city that their time had come. Some in the streets called for Stannis, believing him to have brought food and to be the savior of the city. Others fear that he and his Red Witch will burn them as those on Dragonstone have been burned. Many in the city attempted to ignore what was coming and continue on with their lives, while others fled to the Great Sept of Baelor to pray to the Seven. On the afternoon of the third day, the sails in the distance made it known that judgment had come.



    King’s Landing as seen from the Bay


    On either side of the river, two towers stood looming from the water, one  from the rocks below the Red Keep while the other stood in the Kingswood. While Stannis had posted men around the towers, the moats around the towers made them too difficult to breach directly and the vanguard had yet to truly bother with them prior to the arrival of the main host. As Stannis’s fleet swept into the bay, the fiery heart of the Lord of Light could be seen emblazoned on them all and hundreds of trumpets sounded from the ships announcing their arrival to the city. Ser Imry Florent led the fleet from the Fury and was flanked on either side by the Lord Steffon and the Stag of the Sea, all dipping two hundred hours. The remainder of the Westerosi ships were hundreds and went back roughly two lines, each made up of twenty ships so as to prevent the oars from tangling. Ser Davos Seaworth was in command of the second line, while lesser lords and knights commanded the third line of hundreds. The Myrish contingent would follow the Westerosi ships, made up of smaller ships. The rear guard was comprised of ships commanded by the Lyseni sellsword, Salladhor Saan. Ser Imry led his fleet confidently into the mouth of the Blackwater, though the flow of the river was against them.


    Within Maegor’s Keep, those unfit to fight and noble enough to be inside the Red Keep would hide from the oncoming assault under the protection of Queen Cersei. King Joffrey had left the keep to lead the forces on the wall. Neither of his siblings remained in the city, with the Princess Myrcella in Dorne and Prince Tommen’s location being unknown. Queen Cersei and Joffrey’s betrothed, Sansa Stark remained in the keep. Sansa’s calming presence was welcome to the many who feared for their lives, and songs were sung by many of the women calling for the Mother’s mercy. Ser Ilyn Payne stood in the corner with the greatsword Ice displayed in front of him, nearly as tall as he was. His cold gaze analyzed the room, waiting for the worst to come.


    Along the city walls, men waited, thousands of the Gold Cloaks lined the walls, manning scorpions, catapults, and trebuchets, all aimed towards the Blackwater.


    As the first line passed the first tower, arrows and firepots already rained from above. They did little beyond slowing men and causing fear, but as the first of the ships landed it meant little. From the city walls flew the Lion of Lannister and Stag of Baratheon, but below all that could be seen was blood. The first man to die was taken overboard by an arrow from the deck of the Cat. Flames began to rise on the decks of the Queen Alysanne and Dragonsbane as the pots of pitch fell from above, but the oarsmen below deck pressed on. As the ships moved further, the first collided. The farthest ships towards the front were boarded first, while those nearest the northern edge of the Blackwater began to drive towards the shore. The Devotion was the first to land, and with it came the thundering of horses hooves as they flew from the ships. Ships continued to land on the ground with some others continuing up the river. Black Betha rammed one ship, and another was sunk by the Pride of Driftmark sunk to Lannister river runners. Suddenly, booms could be heard throughout the battlefield. Towards the northern shore, Stannis’s men could be seen using large metal drums to fire at the gates, and to some effect as the Mud Gate is severely damaged. As the third line crossed past the towers, one of the ships with the metal drums, the Swordfish, launched a shot at a drifting ship. Within seconds the water was engulfed in green flame.


    Wildfire engulfs the ships outside of King’s Landing.


    In the darkness of night, the Hand of the King’s shadow was both green and huge upon the walls of the Red Keep, Tyrion Lannister stood atop the walls as the Blackwater burned. He stood beside the Hound and King Joffrey, as they prepared for another sortie out into the carnage. The next sortie from the city once more and met them on a mass of ships which had been so wedged together within the river that a bridge had formed between the banks. The boldest of the Baratheon host led the charge across this bridge and met the Dwarf’s sortie in the middle of the river. As the two forces clashed, it became clear the cities’ defense had been lost outside the city, and many fled towards the walls before the Mud Gate was slammed shut. Within the city, the King had fled from the walls to the Red Keep by the order of the Kings Guard and not long after about a third the Gold Cloaks fled from their posts. House Stokeworth and Rosby continued to man the wall with what remained of the Gold Cloaks, and engineers fired the ordinance down below as the vanguard reached the northern side of the river.


    At the mouth of the bay, the southern tower had been destroyed by a ship from the second Westerosi line with the metal drums, allowing ships to flee the carnage in the river and recuperate in the bay. Cheers arose from the decks of the ships as the chain sunk back into the water. Soon after, the Myrish and Lyseni ships began to ferry the remainder of Stannis’s host onto the northern bank, where the vanguard was at work destroying the gates. Both the Fury and the Black Betha, the ship commanded by Davos Seaworth, had not been seen since the explosion of the wildfire and none of the ships from the first line and few from the second line were expected to have survived, but many in the third line and those who were not past the chain boom had survived and found safety from the flames, but not for long as the bridge of ships quickly broke apart, with some sinking right into the black water, while the flaming masses of some now swiftly brought wildfire farther down the Blackwater. Most of the Myrish and Lyseni fleets were able to notice this and quickly landed on the northern bank or left the bay, but others in the third line of Westerosi and those farther up the river were caught in the wreckage and dragged down the river, and in the worst cases, the wildfire swept across the unexpecting ships.




    Wildfire along the shores of the Blackwater.


    Within the city, chaos began to arise as the sound of the ram boomed down River Row and both the eastern section of River Row and the Hook had been manned with the hosts of Rosby and Stokeworth men, as well as a variety of sellswords and those who remained from the City Watch. Their defense seemed futile as reports from the wall became grimmer, and soon enough the gates came clattering down. The first men through the gate were surprised to be hit head-on with scorpion bolts, but soon after the Rosby and Stokeworth men charged forward, meeting the Baratheon infantry at full force. Further to the west, the King’s Gate was soon reported to have men massing as well and was being hammered with rams as well. As the fiery heart of the Lord of Light began to flood into the southern portion of the city, blood soon swept through the city. And River Row was alight with fighting. Thousands clashed on the street as infantry and armored horse swept through the city. As they continued in, the forces began to inch back towards the keep.


    Music #2

    As Baratheon men flooded the lower city, Lannister men scrambled for torches and began to flee for the keep, planning to fulfill Tywin’s last plan along the River Row, but as they went to their posts down River Run, the Kings Gate fell and many were overwhelmed, and some were found with stocks of wildfire, unwilling to commit themselves and millions to their deaths. The eastern portion of the city falls swiftly and with little resistance the armored horse brought by House Florent floods the eastern city, finding little resistance to speak of. The Street of Steel and Visenya’s Hill are captured, but as the two hosts near the Red Keep the fighting becomes more intense and the remainder of the City Watch and Crownsland troops begin to take up defensive positions around the keep. The Great Sept of Baelor falls with almost no fight, but those within are rounded up the Florent Host and the Sept itself is ransacked. As the army of Stormlanders continues through River Run towards the Red Keep, they note that the Great Sept of Baelor seemed to be ablaze, and many believed it to be, knowing the Queen’s family had entered through the King’s Gate and were to take Visenya’s Hill.


    As the morning began to arrive the eastern portion of the city falls with little more fighting while the western is engulfed and the Red Keep is well fortified and the gate closed. Soldiers had hidden within homes and some began to defect. The last thousand City Watch who remained faithful, and some five hundred Lannister, sellsword, and Crownsland men soon found themselves garrisoned within the Red Keep. It was impossible to know who still remained within the castle. Nearly 12,000 of Stannis’s men had entered the city at this point, and much of it seemed to fall without resistance. Many came out of their homes thanking the men, while others came begging for food.

    Outside of the city on the southern bank, fighting suddenly begins to erupt as Stannis Baratheon crosses the water beside Salladhor Saan, looking upon his seeming victory. On the southern side of the war his host seemed to be fighting itself, or another force. As the sun rose over the Blackwater, the gold and red of House Lannister could be seen flowing in the distance, as the less than five thousand men who remained are now faced with a host storming in from the eastern Kingswood. As he looks back at the remainder of his army, which consisted of mainly Stormlander cavalry it is being routed by the Lannister Host, who drives it away from the waters edge easily and east towards the coast. The experienced and well trained Lannister host easily smashes the rear guard, capturing much of the remaining supplies and sending thousands fleeing. With their King and much of the leadership across the Blackwater, the rearguard finds itself routed by the Lannister host to the south which takes up defensive positions on the southern edge and within the Kingswood as the day progresses. As they flee they begin to set fire to the remaining supplies before retreating. All of the ships who had been loading men or near the water's edge manage to escape the Lannister’s in time and manage to ferry across more than half of the baggage and supply before the river’s edge is lost. The Lannister host captures a small portion of the supplies and whoever remains of the host, while easily quelling the fire before it spread further than the Kingswood.



    The Lannister Host appears to the south.


    Music #3

    In King’s Landing, much of the forces are defeated and the Florent Host begins to stream north to Rhaenys’s Hill in order to secure the Dragon Pit and any remaining Lannisters but finds little resistance beyond some traps and few smallfolk who combat them after hearing of the fire lit at the Great Sept of Baelor. The last major resistance comes from the Red Keep itself, where King Joffrey had last been seen hurling insults from the wall as well as some of the remaining Antler Men, loyalists to Stannis who had been captured before the battle in an attempt at sabotage. He retreated within the castle, and the host awaited the arrival of Stannis Baratheon with little idea of the Lannister host across the river. Atop the wall, crossbowmen exchanged bolts with the Baratheon host below, and pots of pitch continued to rain from above but soon their stock would run out, and the crossbowmen would disappear from the walls. Soon after the gates open, and a single rider appears at the gates, offering their surrender.


    As Stannis arrives at the Red Keep, he is escorted to Maegor’s Keep where it becomes clear why the garrison had surrendered. Hundreds of bodies littered the floor, made up almost entirely of woman and children. The first man in the room, an Estermont, told the King they found Ser Ilyn Payne standing in the center of the room, blood dripping from the massive greatsword he held. Amongst the confirmed dead within Maegor’s Keep include Ser Osmund Kettleback, a member of the Kingsguard, Grand Maester Pycelle, and the Queen Regent, Cersei Lannister. Amongst the most notable names missing include the Master of Whisperers, three of the Kingsguard, Ser Boros Blount, Ser Mandon Moore, and Sandor Clegane, as well as the Hand, Tyrion Lannister. The last three had not been seen in the city since before the Mud Gates had closed and some thought they saw the Halfman fighting with a White Cloak. King Joffrey Baratheon was last seen atop the walls but had seemingly disappeared, as well as Tommen Baratheon. Sansa Stark was found crying in her room, fearing for her life and having fled the ballroom where Cersei held the nobility. She is brought to Stannis unharmed. Those who survive say that Petyr Baelish never returned to the city with the Lannister host, marking their fate.


    The Battle of the Blackwater and the resulting Battles of Kings Landing and the Red Keep were costly, resulting in the deaths of thousands on both sides. The City Watch had been shattered and much of the Crownslanders who did not die or bend the knee attempted to flee the city. Two and half thousand Baratheon men died during the crossing and while taking the city, while roughly another five thousand had been left across the Bay, but in the end, the Iron Throne was in the hands of Stannis.

  24. A Game of Thrones

    Winterfell has fallen to a group of Ironborn Raiders led by Theon Greyjoy! Reports indicate that after going to deal with raiders at Torrhen’s Square, the Castellan of Winterfell departed the castle to take care of the threat. By the time he returned to the castle it had fallen to Theon who had planned the ploy to draw out the garrison. A small host was now amassing in the north and preparing to liberate the castle from the Ironborn threat. No word has been heard from the Stark children in days.


    Additionally, news of the fall of Moat Caitlin and Deepwood Motte make their way south shortly after, with Victarion and Asha Greyjoy taking the castles, respectively. Despite Robb Stark’s victories in the south, the north is plagued with Ironborn raiders and many fear that their holdings will be next.


    Riots break out in King’s Landing due to the lack of bread entering the city! Following the closure of the Rose Road by Mace Tyrell, food had stopped flowing into the city and even bread prices skyrocketed. Most of those living in the slums of King’s Landing could hardly tell what they were eating. As the Lords and Ladies of the Red Keep spent yet another day of luxury at the docks, seeing Myrcella off to her newly betrothed in Dorne.

    As they returned to the castle, riots broke out at the foot of Aegon’s High Hill, with the trouble beginning with animal feces being hurled at His Grace, King Joffrey. In the initial conflict some are thought to be dead or worse, though the King and his betrothed, Lady Sansa were safely returned to the castle. Among those known to be dead include the Master of Arms of the Red Keep, Aron Santagar, Ser Preston Greenfield of the Kingsguard, and the High Septon. Lady Lollys of House Stokeworth was found brutally abused and is suspected to be carrying the bastard of an unknown peasant. Tyrek Lannister, the nephew to the Lord of Casterly rock, has not been seen since the day of the riots. The Gold Cloaks managed to quell the riot and calm the city, but without the quick arrival of food, it was only expected to worsen.


    The Battle of the Fords results in a Tully victory and sees the Lannister Host repelled from their attempted crossing at the Red Fork. They were last seen returning east.


    Harrenhal has fallen to the northern invaders with ease. Rumors spread by the smallfolk of the Riverlands indicate the castle fell with the help of a weasel.


    Storm’s End is surrendered to the Baratheon Host with no struggle following the strange death of Ser Courtney Penrose.


    House Banefort of Banefort

    A Letter would later come to House Banefort. It reads.  "We will not accept a ransom until further notice, he won't be harmed." - Ser Edmure Tully


    Despite Lord Tywin’s request, House Banefort does not send men to Seagard.


    House Lannister of Casterly Rock

    Roughly 7,500 men form up in [secret], though they are battered and without much proper leadership besides Ser Broom.


    Lord Gregor Clegane and Vargo Hoat’s Bloody Mummers set the Riverlands aflame and many flee their homes in anticipation of their attack as they progress through the south. This leaves the southern Riverlands a burnt and barren stretch of land water supply was now also tainted. Where the peasants fled to remains unclear.


    Outriders report starvation and rioting in King’s Landing. Some reports brought later in the month claim that Storm’s End has fallen.


    The navy rallies in Lannisport but despite Tywin’s call, it remains mostly dormant. The Starks were known for their lack of a navy since the age of Brandon the Burner. Despite this, ships often kept an eye out for the Kraken of House Greyjoy.


    House Baratheon of King’s Landing

    As the numbers of the City Watch rise, their morale and faith decrease. The size of the force is able to increase to 5,000, but the large size means that the men are less reliable than had been in the past. For now, the Commander of the Watch spends his time attempting to hammer some discipline into the men.


    The propaganda spread through the city has some effect, although the peasants are hungry and care little for who is their King. Whoever feeds King’s Landing would swiftly gain their favor.




    The city walls are soon lined with the catapults, scorpions, and trebuchets which would be used in the defense of the city. The City Watch is quickly trained to operate the new weaponry, though not much of the Watch manage it with proficiency.

    Wildfire is secretly produced in unknown quantities by the Guild.


    House Karstark of Karhold

    The Night’s Watch receives news of the men and they are able to man the Wall by the end of the eighth month.


    House Reed of Greywater Watch

    The Causeway through the Neck soon becomes a deathtrap created and only known to the Crannogmen. With the Ironmen taking Moat Caitlin, few have attempted to use the Neck for travel since Robb Stark traveled south.


    The two hundred volunteers are easily raised and used in the defense of the Causeway. For the time there is little beyond the wildlife to trouble them.


    House Bolton of the Dreadfort

    Lord Walder accepts the marriage and Walda Frey soon becomes Walda Bolton.


    [See Westerosi Events/War Channels]


    Reports from the Dreadfort indicate that Ramsay Snow has been killed and his servant Reek was captured by the Stark’s. Lady Hornwood’s holdings are to be seized by Rodrik Cassel until a decision can be made regarding who should succeed the recently murdered widow.


    House Tully of Riverrun

    For now, the River Lords opt to send no more men, they are needed for the harvest and it is believed that the current Tully Host was more than sufficient.


    Smallfolk arrive at Riverrun in droves, and soon it becomes overwhelming. The food supply of the keep can hardly feed them all. When Edmure Tully returns from battle, he finds that his Castellan has turned out any new smallfolk out of fear that the castle will be overrun.


    Brotherhood Without Banners

    Although the first villages in the Lannister Host’s path can do little to avoid the Mountain and the Bloody Mummers, as they progressed more villages managed to flee before their arrival.


    These branches begin to be quite effective, harassing the Lannister supply chain and in some places, even the Northmen who cared little for the Riverland small folk. These branches would grow in size as the smallfolk who were turned away from Riverrun and some who were run out of their homes would seek refuge with the Brotherhood.


    Work starts slow, as Anguy is only one man, but the core brotherhood begins to improve in their archery skills in the next month. Many become capable of hitting a target within a limited distance, and some even manage to become proteges.


    House Tyrell of Highgarden

    Despite the initial count, only 60,000 Reachmen were left in Bitterbridge following Renly’s death, with 40,000 of these men returning to Highgarden. The Florent’s and many of their men defected to Stannis Baratheon, they made up roughly 15,000 men.


    Loras arrives in Bitterbridge swiftly with his host.


    The raven arrives without trouble, and one is returned with good news.


    Lord Petyr Baelish arrives. [See Discord Chat]


    House Crakehall of Crakehall

    Only 2,000 men are raised as an additional 2,000 already fought with Tywin.


    They arrive and meet them near Stoney Sept as Tywin rides east.


    The garrison finds little trouble at the moment.


    House Stark of Winterfell

    Many of the bannermen had already sent their strength, though a force of roughly 3,000 begins to amass at Torrhen Square under Rodrik Cassel. This force will not travel south until Winterfell has been taken. Many houses are reluctant to send more men as they need to prepare for the coming winter but will if pressed.


    The raven is received, but little can be done by the time Theon arrives due to the lack of a true garrison remaining in the castle.


    Clegane’s Keep burns slowly, but nonetheless burns. The smallfolk do little to prevent the action, though some resistance is received from the personal guard.


    House Baratheon of Dragonstone

    A large host already exists consisting of Florents and Stormlanders who defected from Renly, but they offer no more men. Some notable houses who have declared for Stannis include House Estermont, House Connington, House Selmy, and House Wylde, while from the Reach House Florent brought both Fossoway branches and some others.


    The Host departs Storm’s End in a blaze of glory, yet they arrive in the Kingswood days before the fleet had managed to scramble together after an unexpected storm split Salladhor Saan and the Myrish sellsails from the main fleet.  


    House Arryn

    House Arryn found themselves isolated from the war, with Lysa Tully taking control of much of the family and her son, Lord Robert Arryn. Now the Lords of the Vale amass at the Eyrie with the hope of convincing Lysa to involve herself in the War of the Five Kings with her family who seek to avenge their liege lord, Jon Arryn. Despite this, Lysa insists the Knights of the Vale must remain there to defend their lord. For the time the Vale of Arryn remains neutral in the War of Five Kings though poses a threat to anyone who seeks to threaten them, and their discontent for the Lannisters is well known.

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