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Posts posted by HouseHoren

  1. ((Were there Empeor's inbetween Mog's two reigns? You put them as different Generations, I was just wondering out of interest. Nicely written, enjoyable read!))


    In his account of modern histories, Daniel Horen II would write, 


    "His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Godfrey I was succeeded directly by His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Horen V inheriting the crown. When the Godfreyan Exodus occurred there was a short succession crisis, which resulted in His Imperial Majesty, Emperor William III taking the throne. Within a few saints' days of this occurring, the Kingdom of Salvus broke oaths and swore under the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. This led to a chain of events that culminated in His Imperial Majesty, Emperor William III retiring the imperial mantle and taking the title of King, marking the end of the Imperium Primus of the Contemporary Horen Dynasty.


    In the following weeks our holy kingdom would fragment into the Kingdom of Oren, the Kingdom of Salvus, the Kingdom of Savoie, the Kingdom of Galahar, and the Kingdom of Adunia, and later reconsolidate into the Kingdom of Ruska and the Kingdom of Oren. The Kingdom of Oren was then overtaken by the Kingdom of Ruska. The Carrion king of Ruska then used a rigged electoral system in which he controlled 3 of 4 votes to declare himself Emperor of Oren before abolishing the electoral system entirely. This marked the dawn of the Imperium Secundus of the Carrion Vochna."


    ((In short, no. Mog played his own son who took the throne. He was then succeeded by taufirewarrior, who then restyled the Empire as a Kingdom per the treaty demands of Urguan, ending the imperial dynasty of Horen.))

  2. The Barony of Dragonspeak

    The Mountain City of Renatus

    Demesne of the House Horen






    The Barony of Dragonspeak is now open to settlers! Located just east of Petrus and south of Angren, the Barony is a beacon of prosperity and unity for the heartlander peoples. Connected to the capital of Renatus by a massive bridge, Dragonspeak is to become a hub for activity in the storm lands. Builders and bannermen are needed in earnest, and many other jobs are available! Any wishing to join the Baron Edmund in settling his demesne should send a letter alerting him of their interest, and the following information:




    Can you build? Fight? Manage? Do you have any marketable skills?



    The Barony of Dragonspeak occupies the former imperial territory of Dunaf, due east of Petrus and south from Angren.

    Small house plots will cost a mere 200 imperial minas, while larger ones will vary in cost based upon location, from 300-1500 imperial minas. In addition , all members of the levy ((https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118062-the-formalized-levies-of-the-house-horen/)) are guarenteed a free residence and garden in the Barony.

    Answer the call of the heartlander! Stake your claim and charter the course of your own legacy!


  3. ((


    We stood on the shoulders of giants. We forged the imperial crown. Ours is the name first in the great histories. We are the most pure of the elder line of Horen I. Our ancestors are King Horen, King Owyn, King Daniel, Emperor Godfrey, and all those great monarchs between, before, and since. The name of the empire itself derives from our family. We are the House Horen.

    It was by marriage to us that all the great houses cemented their claims. Our blood is the gold of the crown, the sweat of the miner, and the iron of the pick. In days past, the Church even said that ours was the blood of the divine.

    Today, although no longer sitting in the imperial throne, the House Horen has answered the call of the heartlander peoples. Once again, the purple and black banner of Horen flies high over the plains and forests of Oren, a beacon of hope to every human soul.




    The bannermen of Horen are the most brave and loyal of the heartlander folk, committed to defending to the ideals and assets of the House Horen, and their homes. Every man who takes up sword in the name of House Horen is guaranteed a house, garden, arms, and support of his family by the good Baron Edmund. If you wish to serve under the banner of the purple dragon, send word to his Lordship with the following information ((reply in the thread)):



    - Captain of the Guard - Reporting directly to the Lord Edmund, the captain is in charge of all operations of the levy force. Receives a manorial estate and is given the honors of a house knight of the Barony.


    - Ensigns - Standard bearer and officer of the levy. The most distinguished men of the Barony hold the honor of ensign, and bear the black dragon and crown on their breastplates. Reports to the Captain and receives a stately residence in the Barony of Dragonspeak.


    - Men-At-Arms - The distinguished soldiers in service of the black dragon. They are true heartlanders and loyal warriors of the barony and the empire. Footmen are given the honors of a Man-At-Arms after a year of service. Men-At-Arms are extended the guarentees of house and home in the Barony.


    - Footmen - Newly conscripted bannermen, These are the common folk of the barony, held above other citizens for their commitment to serve the black dragon. After a year of service ((2 weeks)) they are allowed to leave the barracks to establish their own small estate, courtesy of the Baron, and are promoted to Men-At-Arms


    Full Name:

    Name of your father:



    Military experience:

    Will you pledge your sword to the first true Heartlander family, the House Horen, and protect it like your own, and accept the benefits of land and provisions in return for your service?

  4. House Horen


    Draco dormiens nunquam excito

    Proud vassal of the Storm King, and former member of the Heartlander National League.

    We stood on the shoulders of giants. We forged the imperial crown. Ours is the name first in the great histories. We are the most pure of the elder line of Horen I. Our ancestors are King Horen, King Owyn, King Daniel, Emperor Godfrey, and all those great monarchs between, before, and since. The name of the old empire itself derived from our family, and we held the crowns of Renatus and Oren. We are the House Horen.

    It was by marriage to us that all the great houses cemented their claims. Our blood is the gold of the crown, the sweat of the miner, and the iron of the pick. In days past, the Church even said that ours was the blood of the divine.

    Today, although no longer sitting in the throne, the House Horen has answered the call of the heartlander peoples. Once again, the purple and black banner of Horen flies high over the plains and forests of Renatus, a beacon of hope to every human soul.



    I. The Family



    First Generation:

    -Lord William Horen, husband to Lady Victoria

    Second Generation:

    -The Exalted Emperor Godfrey Horen of the Imperium Primus, husband to Catherine, then husband to Arianna Tarus, then husband of Rose Amadeus, and later husband of Elizabeth Godwin

    -Imperial Prince Richard Horen, husband of Lady Catherine

    -Imperial Princess Mary Horen, wife to King James Hightower of Salvus

    Third Generation:

    -Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus, son of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus, husband to Ari Hightower

    -Imperial Princess Rose Horen, daughter of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus

    -Imperial Prince William Horen II, son of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus, husband to Lady Alicia

    -Imperial Princess Anne Horen, daughter of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus, wife to Count Robert Winter

    -Emperor Pertinax Horen of the Imperium Primus, son of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus

    -Empress-claimant Sophia Horen, daughter of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus

    -Imperial Princess Aurela, daughter of Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus

    -Lord James Alexander Horen, son of Lady Arianna Tarus and Emperor Godfrey Horen of the Imperium Primus

    -Lord Henry Horen, son of Lady Arianna Tarus and Emperor Godfrey of the Imperium Primus

    -Lord Charles Horen, son of Imperial Prince Richard Horen

    -Lord Liam Horen, son of Imperial Prince Richard Horen

    -Lord Maximus Horen, son of Imperial Prince Richard Horen

    -King Silus Horen of the Kingdom of Renatus, son of Imperial Prince Richard Horen

    -Lady Caterina Horen, daughter of Imperial Prince Richard Horen

    -King Garth Hightower of Salvus, son of King James Hightower and Mary Horen

    -Prince Lancel Hightower, son of King James Hightower and Mary Horen

    -Imperial Prince Owyn Horen, son of Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus

    -Imperial Princess Ala Horen, daughter of Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus

    -Imperial Prince John Horen, son of Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus

    -Emperor William Horen III of the Imperium Primus,  son of Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus

    -Imperial Prince Augustus Horen, son of Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus

    -Imperial Prince Adrian Horen, son of Emperor Horen V of the Imperium Primus

    -Lord Peter Horen, son of Imperial Prince William Horen II

    -King Edward Winter II, son of Count Robert Winter and Anne Horen

    -Duke Harold Winter II, son of Count Robert Winter and Anne Horen

    -Lord Illaustius Horen, son of King Silus Horen

    -Lady Acquilina Horen, daughter of King Silus Horen

    -Lord James Hightower II, son of Lancel Hightower and Ryder Crownlance

    Fourth Generation:

    -Lord Edmund Horen, Baron of Dragonspeak, Lord Bailiff of the Imperium Quartus, son of Imperial Prince Augustus

    -Lady Ayana Horen I, daughter of Imperial Prince Augustus


    -Lord Daniel Horen II, son of Lord Peter Horen



    II. The Land




    The Barony of Dragonspeak, shown on this outdated imperial map as Dunaf, is connected to the south side of Angren by bridge, and towers over the city of Petrus that lies to its west.







    III. The Ancient Histories (In the Land of Aegis, Before the Reign of Godfrey, composed by the Bishop John Jrent of Darfey)




    I begin this chronicle of the House of Horen in the year of our lord 1419. I, Bishop John of Darfey, have been charged by his most illustrious majesty Godfrey, King of Renatus, Duke of Ardania ''Crown Lands'', Marna, Balamena, and Somerset, Count of Saltridge, Alnfayat, Alzlam Alardy, Hrq Rmal, Garath, and Gwent, and Most Holy King of the Land, with chronicling the House of Horen ordained rise from true bloods to their rightful place as Kings. Happily do I embrace this task given by his most glorious highness, but before I begin the chronicle in earnest, I shall endeavor to layout the state of our most magnificent kingdom as it stands today, so that all our posterity shall know of its glory.

    Horen IV


    Born ?

    Died 656


    Titles held upon entry to the Kingdom of Heaven: King of Aaun, Earl of Jrent and Galorgan


    Successor: Edward I


    As our records show, the House of Horen began in earnest around the 643 which was well into the reign of our ancient benefactor King Horen IV of Aaun, Earl of Jrent and Galorgan. Little remains of this man that helped lay the foundation for what has become a great power throughout the land, but what little is known paints the picture one would expect. Every record available speaks of King Horen IV immense piety. He is known to have begun the tradition of each ruler of House Horen to personally raise each of their children. By all accounts this was quite the feat for the King who is rumored to have fathered 8 children, sadly for those of us today, however, only one child managed to continue the bloodline of the ancient King, but the virtue, skill, and excellence of his majesty Godfrey I is illustration enough that the bloodline of Horen IV remains vibrant to this very day.


    As far as his more "political" accomplishments, little evidence remains. We do know that at least one of his sons was invested as Bishop of Monm in the County of Jrent thanks to the fastidious record-keeping of the Bishopric. We also know, from the records of House Organ, that the County of Galorgan was conquered by King Horen IV sometime around 656, but it's unclear whether King Horen IV, or his illustrious successor Edward I, actually took control of Galorgan, but I feel comfortable assigning the honor to the illustrious beginner of all that was to come, and since God has ordained the rise of House Horen it only makes sense that the founder of the greatest dynasty seen in ages should also have an equally grand beginning. The records are unambiguous, however, that Horen IV, King Aaun, Earl of Jrent and Galorgan went to the House of the Lord in early 656. His successors, however, would outdo anyone's expectations for the, at the time, House of Horen and demonstrate to the world that God has anointed a new champions of the light.


    Daniel I


    Born ?

    Died 1367


    Titles held upon entry to the Kingdom of Heaven: Saint


    Successor: Edward II


    Few people are as celebrated throughout our history as Daniel I Horen. Daniel has been referred to as 'the Great', 'the Pious', and 'the Just', but the one epithet that seems to consistently be attributed to his great majesty is 'the Wise'. I haven't been able to deduce precisely when his majesty Daniel I was born, nor who his mother was, but, given his meteoric rise one can only assume his birth was assuredly ordained by the Almighty. Upon becoming King in 698 on the death of his father, the King Daniel immediately looked around Oren and saw it was a land besotted with inept, corrupt, and impious rulers. Daniel, himself a devout and righteous man, saw this corruption and wept for the people. As a righteous ruler cannot stand idly by while people are oppressed by the wicked and sinful, Daniel Horen did what any noble ruler would do...he set about to change it.


    The first few years of Kings Daniel’s reign were uneventful politically speaking. The King, rather than haphazardly expand, spent much of his time undoing the ineptitudes wrought by the branch of House Organ that had previously ruled the county of Galorgan. He spent considerable money on improving and expanding the castle and surrounding village at Taerwynt which helped lay the foundation for the impressive capital which we had. He also established the mail system still in use today, as well as laid the foundation for the superb system of roads and bridges that help us to traverse the sometimes harsh terrain of the former kingdom. While King Daniel was busy improving his holdings, as any true and noble leader should, the then Duke of Jrynydd, Malfruic the Cruel decided to expand his own realm. Jewys belonged to the now defunct, disgraced, and extinctHouse of Rafal, whose only notable contribution to history was their penchant for cruelty and ill-governance, both traits which almost saw the entirety of Oren lost to Orcs. Luckily for us, however, King Daniel was not ready to allow Oren to fall into sinfulness or provincial status. Over his protestations that he was not worthy, he was invested as the rightful Duke of Heubarth. Despite his reluctance to accept the title, which stemmed mostly to the Kings undoubtedly great humility, King Daniel began working with a gusto. The county of Darfey, of which I had the privilege of overseeing as Prince-Bishop, had been conquered by the vile Rafals of the Duchy of Jrynydd around the same time as Galorgan was added to the demense of the House of Horen. King Daniel knew that the county rightfully belonged to the Duchy of Heubarth and it seems obvious given his pious nature that he would do anything he could to wrest control of the county away from a people known to be so sinful and wicked as the Rafals.


    War was declared sometime in the year 706 and lasted about a year according to various parish records from both Galorgan, Darfey, and Jrent that detail the raising of the levies. The end result was never in doubt when his majesty King Daniel emerged victorious from the battle and threw the Rafals out of Darfey for good. It should be noted that in an immense act of piety the generous Daniel the Wise set the land aside for use by the church. Though not officially transferred until several years later the Bishop of the Abby of the light, what used to be the capital of Darfey, ran the county for all practical purposes.


    Surprisingly enough, details remain vague on the specifics of the next decade. Throughout the next decade King Daniel managed to unite the provinces of Jewys and Jrynydd under his control. Immediately thereafter, people began to proclaim him the true King of Oren. Daniel, however, was a terribly pious man as well all well know. Hearing this clamouring he sent out riders with the proclamation that he would not be a King in Oren, for Horen is the King of Man and there can be no pretenders. The illustrious Daniel I was therefore crowned King of Oren after much pressure from the people. King Daniel I had done what no man thought possible only 20 years before by uniting the whole of Oren under one banner instead of it being divided under petty Kings, Dukes and counts.


    King Daniel continued to rule for another perhaps 15 years before finally being called to the Lord's service. The remaining years of his reign were spent arranging marriages, establishing the royal courts that are still in use today, and further expanding settlements. Saint Daniel abdicates his Throne to his son before going on a Holy Voyage to the north. But his seneschal Pampo Perea seizes power and usurper the Throne from the proper heir.




    IV. The Asulonian Histories (Tales of our fathers, and fathers before them. Author unknown, edited by Daniel II):



    Godfrey I


    Born ?

    Died 1412

    Titles held upon entry to the Kingdom of Heaven: Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire, Saint

    Successor: Horen V

    It was a cold and clammy night when Nicholas Silverblade found the last of the Horens. He was a man named Godfrey, who walked from land to land, telling the stories of his House, and performed valorous deeds. The uncle of the Pheonix King Eze'kiel Tarus and Artorus Axl Elendil, he was asked to take up the mantle of Renatus, in the city of Arethor.


    Godfrey accepted, being crowned hastily the King of Renatus. He did not officially support the war on Salvus, but he proceeded to unofficially allow his nobles to execute a series of battles against the Kingdom of Salvus and the Witch Queen Dawn Perea with the combined might of Alras, Orcs, Elves, and Hanseti, who later betrayed them.


    The Rex of the Orcs, Pok'Ugluk, gave Salvus to King Godfrey, who took the titles King of Salvus and King of Renatus, using the titles to forge the Kingdom of Oren. Men and women of all lands were shocked at the news that Oren was returned, but Hanseti still opposed them and Hochmeister Mirtok turned on Godfrey.


    Soon it would be Hanseti's turn to fade from Asulon, as Oren pressed on, clearing the Wildlings from their surrounding lands, the forces on the border charged under Shas'O Kais Ishikawa, the former notable Peacekeeper of Salvus.


    Hochmeister Mirtok de Nurem was then shown divine reason, or more likely, Horen negotiation tactics. He aided Godfrey in the siege of Hanseti from the inside, the Wolverines were slaughtered and routed, fleeing out the Main Gate where Patrick, bastard son of Godfrey, met them head on with his own men, slaughtering them and executing all prisoners. Mirtok was made King of Hanseti, and the Empire of Oren was forged. It then took in other smaller lands, and the Kingdom of Seventis, with the help of notable military leaders and organizations like August Flay, the Teutonic Order, the White Rose, and Uthor Silverblade. Oren was an unstoppable power





    V. The Anthosian and Atherian Histories (The Golden Age, The Crow's Age, and the Revival, composed by the scribe Daniel Horen II)




    It is in the dawn of the Renato-Waldenian alliance in 1482, that I, Daniel Horen II, compile the histories of the past century. These writings have been patroned by the good Baron Edmund Horen, a man of the heartland, to chronicle to the histories of this illustrious family. It is my truest intent to record the accurate histories from the view of our father and his father, so that our children and the children of the heartlander people may know well the trials of the past age. May the Creator bless my pen and my ink flow freely. 



    Horen V


    Born ?

    Died ?

    Titles held upon entry to the Kingdom of Heaven: ?

    Successor: William III


    When Anthos came, the Horen dynasty grew alongside the empire. Godfrey was old, and soon after arriving in Anthos was laid to rest. In his place was crowned his imperial majesty, Emperor Horen V, known as Quintus (the fifth) Horen in the Flexian tongue. Quintus waged a war against Malinor, making it a client-state of Oren, and eventually brought half of the known continent under the glorious imperial crown of the Imperium Primus.


    It was in the high noon of the empire that the Grand King Thorin Grandaxe of Urguan declared war on Oren for executing a law breaking noble dwarf in Orenian lands. The first battle brought the entire continent to a head in the Cloudlands at the center of Anthos. Oren was unstoppable, conquering southward and leaving the banners of Horen in its wake. They would have had the world if they had kept going.


    It was in the night that our holy Emperor Quintus Horen received a message from the creator, spelling the doom of the land of Anthos and the promise of an untarnished one across the sea. He left with the Rose, the privy, the bannermen loyal to the crown, and hundreds of thousands of loyalists, friends, and advisors on a voyage east. They sailed to the continent of Aeldin, where a kingdom was founded far from ours. It prospered and grew, stretching across the lands. It was decades later that the Chivays, loyalists of our east-ward Emperor Horen V, returned from Aeldin and reclaimed the imperial crown from the Carrion Vochna, founding the Imperium Tertius. We still catch the rare glint of information from that realm from long-traveling merchants, but do not know certainties. It can only be said that the House Horen thrives there still. 


    William III 


    The royal portrait of this king was destroyed by the usurpers.


    Born ?

    Died ?

    Titles held upon entry to the Kingdom of Heaven: ?

    Successor: Edmund


    Immediately following his departure, Horen V left documents and instructions detailing how the empire should be run. New councilors were appointed and Emperor William III, son of Horen V, took the throne. All was to continue as planned, until the erstwhile Kingdom of Salvus broke oaths with the Empire and swore under the dwarven Grand Kingdom. Further fragmentation occurred, and Oren was forced into accepting the treaty terms proposed by Urguan. 


    A dwarven policy that legitimized any breakoff kingdoms in an effort to weaken humanity led to many ambitious men of Oren putting aside their oaths and declaring themselves kings. At one point five kingdoms existed beside each other: the Kingdom of Salvus, the Kingdom of Adunia, the Holy Kingdom of Oren, the Prince-Archbishopric of Savoie, and the Kingdom of Galahar. It was then that the Prince-Archbishop of Savoie, the High Pontiff Goddard I of Carrion blood, declared himself King. He then, by war or promises of wealth and status, absorbed Galahar, the Raevir duchy in Oren, the Corpathian duchy in Oren, the northern half of Salvus, and the Kingdom of Adunia.


    It was then that two kingdoms remained: Ruska and Oren. Oren had been stricken with plagues and economic travesty. Its numbers had dwindled and its populace lost heart. With the aid of two of William III's privy councilors, the Pontiff-turned-King overthrew William and crowned Silus Horen I in his place, with the agreement to peacefully elect a new emperor to unite the kingdoms and avoid the bloodshed of a civil war.


    However, in the days that followed, the Carrion politicians replaced Silus Horen, attaining a majority in the electorate. Edward Winter II's vote for a Horen was also boxed out, and a Raevir-born Siegmund Carrion was placed on the Orenian throne in the place of a Horen, the first Orenian monarch in almost a millenia without the blood of the dragon. The usurper reigned over the Imperium Secundus with an iron fist, and crushed an uprising led by Empress-claimant Sophia Horen and a separate uprising led by a king-claimant of Tarus blood. Upon his death, the empire broke into the Kingdom of Oren led by Carrion and the Kingdom of Herendul led by Winter, which then reconsolidated into a single kingdom under King Heinrik Carrion of Oren. Under the reign of the Carrion Vochna, the former King William III, still living, was forced into the service of the crown, acting a spymaster for the Vochna. He knew his days of relevancy were over, but he fed to his children knowledge and information that would become useful one day, and the dream of a humanity ruled again by a rightful crown.


    It was then that the King Heinrik died, and the Prince Franz tried to create an Anti-Pope to crown himself. The imperial traditionalist High Pontiff Regulus, of distant relation to our family, led a crusade against the heretic prince and dethroned the Carrion Vochna. It was then that the spectre of Godfrey came to a pilgrimage of Lucienists and nobles and named Peter of Aeldin, a loyalist of Horen V that had sailed across the seas with him, as the rightful heir to the Empire. In short order Peter returned with his fleet from the distant continent, and assumed the crown, ushering in the Imperium Tertius.


    This governed well until its late days, when the streets became quiet and the torches dimmed. It was then that a Carrion plot aided by the House de Savoie led to its downfall. The Carrions once more took the imperial throne in the Imperium Quartus. This time the people did not stand back meekly as their cultures were slowly replaced by Raevir interests and they were deprived of representation and fell victim to cut throat politics. They formed the Kingdom of Aesterwald in the north and the Kingdom of Renatus in the east, and overthrew the Emperor Tuvya Carrion. It was then that our house patriarch Edmund Horen affirmed his loyalty to the Renatian crown of House Varodyr, which best represented the interests of our family.  



    VI. The Levy

    The bannermen of Horen are the most brave and loyal of the heartlander folk, committed to defending to the ideals and assets of the House Horen, and their homes. Every man who takes up sword in the name of House Horen is guaranteed a house, garden, arms, and support of his family by the good Baron Edmund. If you wish to serve under the banner of the purple dragon, send word to his Lordship with the following information ((reply in the thread)):



    Captain of the Guard - Reporting directly to the Lord Edmund, the captain is in charge of all operations of the levy force. Receives a manorial estate and is given the honors of a house knight of the Barony.


    Ensigns - Standard bearer and officer of the levy. The most distinguished men of the Barony hold the honor of ensign, and bear the black dragon and crown on their breastplates. Reports to the Captain and receives a stately residence in the Barony of Dragonspeak.


    Men-At-Arms - The distinguished soldiers in service of the black dragon. They are true heartlanders and loyal warriors of the barony and the empire. Footmen are given the honors of a Man-At-Arms after a year of service. Men-At-Arms are extended the guarentees of house and home in the Barony.


    Footmen - Newly conscripted bannermen, These are the common folk of the barony, held above other citizens for their commitment to serve the black dragon. After a year of service ((2 weeks)) they are allowed to leave the barracks to establish their own small estate, courtesy of the Baron, and are promoted to Men-At-Arms.





    Full Name:

    Name of your father:



    Military experience:

    Will you pledge your sword to the first true Heartlander family, the House Horen, and protect it like your own, and accept the benefits of land and provisions in return for your service?


    ((Copy of levy information available here 
    https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118062-the-formalized-levies-of-the-house-horen/ ))

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