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Posts posted by Shea550

  1. 1 hour ago, welshnutter said:

    Can we get shulka boxes at ct this would allow trader RP to be preformed easier as well help us out in the wildlands with resource gathering 

    Please this would be good.

    In addition to this maybe a legitimate way to aquire enchantments on tools and armor,  Potions(alchemy), and a way to acquire new fish, turtles, and dolphins. 

    Also a way to enter a superflat world and purchase flat plots, in order to make pixel art that can be displayed via vanilla minecraft maps.  Could be used to make some very cool posters, paintings, documents, arts, and fliers. 

  2. Could we please Get an update on what's going to be done with Alchemy, Enchanting, Herblore, professions and the like? Is this something that is being worked on actively?  It’s kind of tiresome not being able to use enchanted tools when you’re clearing out thousands upon thousands of blocks.

  3. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Shea550

    How old are you?: Eighteen

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): I am Aware.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): Null

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: I have.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I agree most with the banning of meta, and Power gaming, it has ruined too many good and fruitfull servers for me.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Rape and sexual intercourse, I'm not sure how this is possible in minecraft? 

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?
    Minecraft server listings online.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Acting; Rollplaying is the art of behaving in such a way, that a specific character, would behave, according to life events, and personality. 

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is causing, or creating actions for your character to play out, in which they would not know, though you, as a person in real life do. 

    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is doing things your character shouldnt be able to do, aswell as acting out a situation as if your always 100% successful even if you have or haven't let the other person respond to the situation; A player encounters a man on the road, and pickpockets him, stating it was successful, the other player then notices, and says i tackle you, assuming it was successful, the thief, then says, i kill you with magic. both sides power gamed here. Powergaming can affect both parties, and should be avoided as it causes the immersion and fairness of player to player interaction.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Shea Volenduir( Shay, Vole-n-duir)

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Wood Elf

    Character’s age: 137

    Biography : Shea was born into a small household of reclusive woodland elves, who found solace in the peace of nature.  Asulon  was at a peaceful place in that time, yet Shea longed for something more exciting, having spent most of his days foraging, and honing his skill with the bow, as all woodelves should. Then the plague came. The world was thrown into turmoil as his parents were infected, as it should happen, by a human who happened upon their dwelling. his parents died soon after.  Finally on his own, instead of wallowing in self pitty, he chose to stand for himself, there was a world to explore, being reclusive most of his early life, there were very few cultures and people he had met. he traveled the realm in search of tales, and was soon versed in the history of the world. The tales of his forfather malin, and the children of the forest, their curse, and their blessing, and all the glory the ancient world had to offer.  Asulon fell before he could begin his quest; to bring upon a new age for the elves, one in which the glory of the ancients would resound in every elves heart, and nationalism would flow.  As Ansulon fell, Shea headed with the rest of the refugees into Elysium, via boat. From here Shea's life was that of which in constant movement, from realm to realm, landmass to landmass,Home to home, always delaying his quest untill he felt he was ready, and versed in the world, untill the fall of Anthos. As anthos fell and the world fled through the door of eternity and into the fringe, he understood where his quest must start. The daemons must have answers, and so he searched, avoiding all populaces unless absolutely paramount, his reclusive nature exposing. Here he searched day and night for answers, unto how he could bring the glory of the ancients back, and once again begin a new age for the elves. his search was in vain for no daemons were revealed.  believing, history is the answers to the past shea delved into his books. He found that though each race was eventually corrupted Kurg was the last. he stood strong against the fallen one untill finally challenged to combat. Shea believed this to mean Kurg and his Descendants to be most pure. His search would begin again here. as he traveled to the orks, he sought up a plan to gain help. it was possible that an orkish shaman would be able to point him in the right direction. but he needed a reason for them to do so. upon arriving at the gates, he donned steel plate armor, a size to large. And shouted a challenger come forth, a large orc stepped forward to anwer his call, carrying a mighty axe. Shea's armor rendering him slower than normal, was no match for the axes mighty blows. he was defeated in a matter of seconds, being left alive only because he showed honor in battle. He fled, and eventually came upon a stream, where he collapsed, and passed out. when he woke he found he was in the care of some humans, who had saved him as the world moved into a new, unexplored realm.  His recovery was long, and tough, but eventually he stood, Ready to once again start his quest.


    Personality Traits: Quick witted, lacks a mental filter, detailed, pretentious, willingness to learn, aches for adventure


    Ambitions: To explore the world, and cultures, and to one day create a civilization of elves in which his people may prosper, and revel in the glory of the past ancients.


    Strengths/Talents: Architecture, Self subsistence, Craftsmanship, exploration, archery.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Refuses to wear plate armor due to personal beliefs, Hatred for orks, Slightly reclusive


    Appearance Shea volenduir is a relatively young elf full of life and vigor. He stands at 5'10 and weighs in at 160lbs. He has green eyes and rare brunette hair on Average Caucasian skin. He prefers to wait his hair in a braid, clasped by Silver, and leans towards blues and greens for his wardrobe. 


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