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Posts posted by tren10

  1. (Paste would not work so I had to type everything out so it might not be exact)



    Out-Of-Character Information



    What's your Minecraft Account Name?: Tren7654


    How old are you?: 14


    Are you aware the server is PG-13?: Yes, I am quite aware


    Have you applied for the server before?: No


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes


    What rule do you agree with most?: I agree with the rule about no physics defying structures. It has always been a pet peeve that Minecraft has a horrible physics engine and nothing but sand and gravel fall.


    Are there any rules that you do not understand or have any questions about?: No, All are quite simple to understand.






    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is the act of living through the eyes of a character or not. Many elements such as character age and race go into good role-play.


    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is the act of using Out-Of-Character information to unfairly enhance you in-game skills. An example is someone saying their location in Out-Of-Character chat and you going to kill them In-Character


    What is powergaming?: Power gaming is making you character beat someone flat out with out them making any moves. An example is someone challenges you to a duel then you 'stab' them and instantly proclaim a win.



    In-Character Information



    Character's name?: Nowles Athelstan


    Character's gender?: Male


    Character's race?: Highlander


    Characters age?: 19


    Character's biography?: It was a day of the Deep Cold Seed. In 1462 in The Fringe town of Vekaro, Nowles Athelstan was born. He had a fine childhood watching his father smith in the family forge but then the realm started falling apart. The illness that plagued the people had infected his mother causing her too fall ill and die. When the portal appeared Nowles and his father hastily escaped the realm and started life in Thales.  Nowles and his father struggled to have enough food so Nowles started to go fishing and sell the fish he caught. The idea was a major success and he and his father lived off that and a new forge for a while. But then a great winter came around the end of 1468 and they fled with many others to the realm or Athera

        When arriving in Athera they hoped this would be the last time leaving a realm. Nowles's father started a forge again in the town of Hanseti and this time that was enough to support the two of them. When Nowles turned 12 his father made him his official apprentice and he learned mot of his skills in the forge during this time. On Nowles's 18th birthday his father offered him the forge but he declined saying he planned to open a larger forge in the capitol city of Petrus. He is living through the journey still today and hopes to succeed in order to make his father proud. 


    Personality traits: Ambitious- When Nowles sets his mind to something he will stop at nothing to achieve it. 

    Social- Nowles will talk to almost anyone he meets and is far from shy.

    Proud-Nowles takes large amounts of pride even for the smallest of his achievements

    Adventurous- Nowles will do most anything that is quite daring

    Motivated- Nowles is motivated by almost anything especially his father and loved ones.


    Ambitions: Nowles main ambition is to start a successful forge in a large town or city.


    Talents/strengths: Nowles is very good at smithing and forge work. He is also pretty good at hand to hand combat due to all the thieves in the town he grew up in. He is also intelligent and able to think on his feet


    Weaknesses/inabilities: Nowles is not very fast or agile which gives him a disadvantage when it comes to stealth. He also has issues not saying whatever is on his mind.


    Appearance: He has bright blue eyes and a pale brown hair. He looks to be about 6'3 and might weigh about 178 lb.


    Appearance (skin):




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