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Posts posted by ChrisBrown

  1. As Julian paces through the clean streets of Ambrosa, he notices a small scroll pinned to a door.
    Upon further inspection of the scroll he'd start to mutter to himself.
    "Mhm, the church might need a man like me. I belive Ambrosa is still in need of a priest,.." he smirks for a moment. "Maybe they even require a holy knight." he takes the scroll as he walks off to the local church.

    Name: Ser Julian Matteo Visconti II

    Age: 22

    Birthplace: Ambrosa

    Criminal Record: None

    [Mc Name]: sirchlord

    [skype (can send privately)]: (I have Cracker and Phoenix on Skype already, will send private if required.)

  2. Hello everyone :)


    Before I jump into this happy and relaxed looking community with a halfling persona, I would first like to get a better look at some halfling families.


    Is any family looking for new members? Please do post here, I'd love to join!

    I live in the GMT timezone, so families with mostly GMT people would be most fun for me.

    Hope to see you all soon!


    -Cheers, Chris.

  3. I'd basically want a better version of this skin, feel free to add and change things ofcourse. I don't really care for the clothes aslong as it has a foresty/wanderer feeling to it.

    So he basically is a ~35 year old human male, with drealocks and a small beard.


    Awsome work so far!

  4. I'd pay around 200-300 minas.

    Basic character description:

    Slim, young human male.

    Rugged face, black/very dark brown hair.

    Wears a [pretty fancy] red robe

    Has a hood but usually doesn't wear it.

    Has very sharp light blue eyes, normally has an intelligent look in his eyes[&face]

    Pose (If you want to): Hands placed against each other infront of himself, a small flame starting in the middle of his hands. Or just have a few orbiting flames around him.

    Skin: http://i.imgur.com/2OhFAo7.png

  5. OOC info.

    • sirchlord.
    • 16 years old.
    • Yes
    • No, I've never applied on this server before.
    • Yes, I agree with the rules.

    I agree the most with the "Breaking server lore" rule. I've played on a few RP servers, none had this rule. They all assumed no one would break server lore. But on all those RP servers, people broke the lore. It's nice to see someone use it.

    • No, all rules are clear.
    • I have found this sever through a group of friends, we decided to make a house (Family clan thing,) on this server, I was invited aswell.

    Roleplaying= Acting talking and evolving as a made-up character you play.
    Metagaming= Using OOC information IC: *Hears the British are attacking the French*, says in chat: "Hurry up Frenchies, the British are attacking us! Man the cannons!"
    Powergaming= Making your character overpowered, doing stuff like: Denying natural laws, doing impossible stuff, escaping an unescapable situation.
    Example of powergaming:
    Typical gun fight scenario:
    A: *Shoots B in his left foot*
    B: Pfff, no you totally missed))
    B: *Shoots A straight through the brain* "You're death."
    B ignored the shot from A and force killed player A.
    IC Info.

    • Pierre Ceux les Sombres.
    • Male
    • Human
    • 18

    Pierre was born the second son to the house de Ceux les Sombres chief. His father always told him stories about the Deitys and magic, Pierre was Always very silent and a great listener. Therefor his father enjoyed telling him stories. He showed great interest in the Deity stories. Pierre's brother always watched over him, making sure nothing happened to him. This made Pierre a very soft kid, never affraid he always felt save. Pierre's brother was taught to fight, his father wanted him to become a great military leader. For Pierre he carred less. Pierre liked to read about magic, listen to conversations and suprise people with his intelligence. He was Always close to his mother. When Pierre turned 7 his mother died. The sudden death of his beloved mother changed Pierre. He was less cheerful and Always serious. Before he took the stories about magic and reading as something he did for fun, now it changed. He saw it as his duty. He would become a mage. Not a normal mage, a great mage. His father saw great potential in both sons, he saw the future of the family's house in them. This put pressure on both Pierre and his brother, constantly living to please their father.

    When Pierre was 14 years old a runawayslave fled to their town. The family took her in. Pierre spent a lot of time with the formerslave, she was only a year older than him and he enjoyed talking to her. The later years of his life became rather different. He had failed to find any magicians that could take him in as an apprentice, this bothered him. In his later youth all he wanted was to learn magic. The village didn't like the house though. They thought the family used dark magic, the villagers ignored the house and stopped respecting it. They became more aggresive each day. When Pierre turned 18 the family decided to move out of town to escape the angry town's folk. While doing this they took an old elf with them known as Kol Crystalson, who was also disliked by the townsfolk. Together with the elf and the former girl slave they fled the town searching for a new place to settle down, a place where the family could rise in power, a place where they could earn wealth.

    Personality traits: calm, wise, silent, lives for the family, hard worker if motivated, (too) honorable
    Ambitions: magic, achieving wisdom, family growth and wealth.
    Strengths/talents: Smart, good mage, learns quickly, is decent with a sword.
    Weaknesses/inabilities: Doesn't like to get his hands dirty, isn't athletic at all, has little condition, is not very strong.
    5.8 feet, blue eyes, dark brown hair.
    Link to screenshot (typed out :c): http://i.imgur.com/yxaoRrJ.png
    I am not able to paste anything at all here, I have no idea why but I just can't. I hope this application is still valid even though it doesn't have the perfect form. It would take very long to write the whole thing out without pasting it.
    Making an application is very awkward without being able to paste, is this normal for the site?

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