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Posts posted by Duskfall98

  1. What's your minecraft account name?: Duskfall98

    How old are you: 16

    Are you aware the server is PG13?: Yes

    Have you applied to this server before?: No

    What's the rule you agree with most?: No powergaming or metagaming

    Are there any rule's that confuse you or don't make sense?: No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Through friends



    Roleplaying: Putting yourself in the position of another to play or act a specific role.

    Powergaming: Doing something impossible or making your character abnormally strong/over powered. Also controlling other people's characters.

    Metagaming: Using ooc information in character that your character should not know.


    In-Character Information

    Name: Émile Ceux les Sombres

    Gender: Male

    Race: Heartlander

    Age: 39

    Biography: Émile's father, Alain was a skilled horse trainer. He was a much sought after servant, and so received good pay. Alain, was therefore able to pay to educate his son Émile, even sending him to college. However, upon Alain's death, no one cared to keep Émile around anymore, he could train horses, however was not as skilled as his father. He studied language and literature such as 'The Wandering Wizard' and geography of many far away places, but education was not so unique as to make him largely desirable.


    Émile acted as a travelling tutor for years, teaching language  to landlords children. He traversed much of Athera and so learned a lot about it's terrain. On his travels, he met his future wife, Charlotte in the city of Kal'Agnar. When the got married they settled in a villag. They were married young, age 18 and had their first son when Émile was 19 as well as a second when Émile was 21. No one else in the village was educated, making Émile a stick in the mud and shunned by most. Rumours spread of him dabbling in dark magic. Therefore he and his wife did not have much friends. They ran a library and had an uneventful life.


    When Émile was 28 his wife died young of fever. Being his only friend, Émile was devastated at her passing. From that moment on he held his family closer. He put his sons first and prayed every night to God they would have a happier life than he would and that one day before his sons' passing, Iblees' curse would be lifted allowing his sons longer life. He applied the moral of putting his children first in every act he commited.


    When Émile was 35 a young far folk turned up in the village. She was 15 years of age and no doors were opened to her. He decided he would accept her and become her foster father. She was grateful for this and took over the wifely duties in the house, even to Émiles protests.


    Émiles children grew up and were again shunned, learning from their parents to shun the anyone different and with an education, which Émile had passed to his children. One day they decided to leave, to seek a new life in the educated world, packing their bags of their little belongings through the day, Émile, his two sons and his adopted daughter set out. Before leaving they knocked on a local wood elf's door. The elf was also disrespected due to being different, so Émile invited him to go along with them on a journey to Oren. The Elf agreed and they set off on their journey, eventually arriving in Oren.


    Personality traits: Friendly, kind hearted, overly trusting, intelligent.

    Ambitions: To become more powerful and gain knowledge. His optimum goal in life is to create a strong future for his children.

    Strengths/talents: Intelligent, educated.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Puts his family first, very trusting, getting old and losing his physical strength.

    Appearance: Brown hair, short but not military short. Blue eyes, brown stubble, but not a full beard. Five foot 8 inches tall, thin.

    Skin:<a href="http://imgur.com/ostYHCK"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/ostYHCK.png?1" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

    Now ready to be rejudged. Thanks.

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