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Almighty Thor

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Posts posted by Almighty Thor

  1. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Odins_son

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: thor92299 (I no longer use this due to it being broken)

    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LotC?: Over two years

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: Only the main

  2. Durac Ireheart walks into the kingdom of the dwarves and smiles looking about. "Aftah all meh years o findin back 'ome oi see dis! Gret job lads! Now lets git tah werk!" clapping his hands he would set off to find Agnar Ireheart.

  3. =(Election Ballot of Urguan)=-
    Place an X next to the candidate of your choice.
    Your Name ((RP and MC)): Durac Ireheart (thor92299)
    Race: Dwarf

    Kalion Grandaxe (Dashing_Knight)
    Lathros Irongrinder (Lathros)
    Verthaik Frostbeard (Kralek) XXX

    Skippy Irongut (Skippy369)
    Fili Grandaxe (Cpt_Noobman)

  4. MC Name:




    Character Name:


    "Galmir Ireheart."


    Character Age:


    "Around 50."




    "Sellsword/Former Lumberjack."




    "Petite, yet stout stature, crowned with unkempt, neck-length reddish-brown hair hanging over wide blue eyes,  sun-kissed skin, and exceptionally soft features that rather betray his rowdy, boyish nature."




    "Line of Olaf."


    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline:


    "Grandson of Odin, Son of Bugbum."


    Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?:


    "Of course."


    Do you have Teamspeak?:




    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm):


    "Jay Lapin (Kumamon)."



    Accepted! You will be contacted in rp to begin trials! Please DM me on skype or on here if you have any questions!

  5. OOC Name: thor9299

    IC Name: Jeffery Stonetosser

    Do you swear to thrive to take down the weak Halfling nation?: Hell yes

    Which section of the army do you wish to be in? (Engineering/Infantry): Infantry mostly but also smith

    Do you have skype? If so what is your username: you got me on skype

    Do you have Teamspeak?: yes

    • Minecraft name(s): thor92299

    • Skype ID: The Almighty Thor [noly_g]

    • Time zone: EST

    • Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: 1  2 (I believe to say number two was just a simple mistake)

    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? On other servers

    • What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present) Chivalry, Arma, Adventure Quest, Wizard 101, Pirate 101, League of Legends, Runescape, and Lord of the Rings online.

    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member? I play as a dwarf, human (haven't used in forever), and a troll. I would be willing to give up my human and troll characters.

    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain. I would prefer to do dwarf events since there are barely any to be seen. But if I cannot do such a thing I want to have an event where is either has a ton of mystery, action, or surprise. Such as playing the board game 'Clue', but adding a brutal and murderous add on to it. 

    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? The players in the event and dedication to it. I believe when there are a group of friends that work together that's when they are at their strongest. 

    • When was the last time you saw a event? A few days ago. It was for me to do the Ireheart dire wolf event. Sadly I had to sift through about three ETs and a MOD to ask. 

    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? I say that in some cases of lore I am quite knowledgeable but in other stances I can create simple and quick events for the bored players. Or I can make a large one and have a huge crowd join in and have a blast.

    • Why do you want to be part of the ET? I want to give more of a chance of rp to people. I want to create a large community where people can just simply ask for an event and I can do it. Lately I haven't seen much events without waiting for a long period of time or having to ask multiple ETs or getting permission from MODs. 

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Freema, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.

      • 1) For 1-3 person: I would have a some sort of spectral being float around and lead people to a desolate area where there they would find an ancient ruins. In this is it could spark a sort of lore idea or player rp that would advance and make it more enjoyable. But of course a small reward/surprise if they find it.

      • 2) For a group of 5-10 A crazed man would ran about asking for those that are ready to seek fortune or fame. Those that say fortune would follow the man into a forest where there would be a large stockpile of loot from a bandit raid. He asks for nothing but simple help to retrieve his heirloom and the others may split the rest. While he retrieves his heirloom he gets shot by a bandit, and suddenly a group of bandits appear and attempt to rob/kill them for trying to steal from the bandits.  

      • 3) For a group of 20+ An unknown essence draws people to this tavern in which all are merry but uneasy about the location. At moments there would be moans, howls, screams, and cackles that make the players uneasy. After a while undead would begin to surround the tavern and attempt to kill the intruders that ruin their day of celebration of their war. After so many undead are killed a necromancer or graven would appear demanding satisfaction for the slaughter of his minions. If some say yes he would either kill them or shackle them and store in cages outside the tavern that hang from trees. Those that don't he would fight to the death with. Once dead a group of clerics would run to the tavern armed and reciting religious phrases. They noticing the necromancer or essence of the graven that has past they thank the players and offer reward and feast. Also they gain favor with the clerics, priests, and/or paladins of the religion.  

    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET? As long as I can! I want to stay and give people a great chance at rp and have fun. Not be afraid of once they leave their lands that they fear of being robbed or killed. 

    • Tell me a joke:   

    • Teacher: "Anyone who thinks he's stupid may stand up!"

    • *Nobody stands up*

    • Teacher: "Im sure there are some stupid students over here!!"

      *Little Johnny stands up* 

      Teacher: "Ohh, Johnny you think you're stupid?" 

      Little Johnny: "No... i just feel bad that you're standing alone..."


    Builder App



    • Why do you want to be a builder for the ET? I heard that you didn't have that many builders in the ET group and wanted to help as best as I could! Also if possible help out and make more complex events for others.
    • What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible): One of them is the Frostbeard clan hall that I helped with mostly. Raomir can vouch for me. Helping in creating the Ireheart housing area.
    • Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each: 1 This barracks was used to house some human soldiers. It has housing,armory (of course), and semi-stable. 2 A nice rustic house that can be seen in a forest or swamp. (I am really sorry for such small gyazos)  
    • Please provide an example of a decent sized ruin build (stone or otherwise): Surrounding pillars a few blocks around an altar that is half destroyed. 
    • Please provide an example of terraforming: Adding on/removing blocks to add more space. Also it's to naturalize it. 
    • Please provide an example of a organic build: A large elven treehouse. 
    • Please provide an example of a High fantasy build: A large wizard tower with multiple floating sections only connected by an aura like bridge. 
    • Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build? I can handle ALL aspects. The more the builders the faster and better it would be! But I am able to create somethings by myself. 
    • Do you know much about redstone? I do dabble a bit in it, but it's not in my strong suit. I do have room to improve with it.
    • How long does it take for you to complete a build? It depends on the size. But besides that it should be quite fast, usually an hour or two. 
    • Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build. I first start with the base and flooring to be a simple context and zone I can build in. After getting the main structures finished I add on the details as best as I can. I do invert from multiple texture packs to test on the looks. Vanilla Minecraft, John Smith, Conquest, and DokuCraft. 
    • Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...): I know on how to World Edit. I have heard of Craftbook and Voxel but barely. 
    • Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads) I can create a secret ladder with using vines and paintings/frames. 
    • Tell me what you want from the ET. I want them to be brutally honest with me and tell me on what to make it so they can be as comfortable as possible! I just want to take pride in my work and the same with them.
  6. MC Name: thor92299


    Character Name: Durac 


    Character Age: 47


    Profession: Blacksmith/Alchemist


    Appearance: Having a beard of fire like looks adorning face with many scars and burns beneath his armor.  


    Bloodline - Feel free to contact Bastion (Lefty_Bojengles), Odin (greener161) or Drynn (Ikea17): 


    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son of ___, grandson of ___ etc): Related to Bastion as a cousin or distant brother. (His choice) 



    Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?: Yes


    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes


    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm): The Almighty Thor [noly_g]


    Image of the skin you intend to use: http://gyazo.com/35818b6706a48eaad8c522acce40a893

  7. MC Name: thor92299


    Character Name: Durac Goldhand


    Profession: Blacksmith/ Alchemist 


    Have you read the clan history? (Please actually read through it): Yes 


    Short Bio: Durac Goldhand was born from his father Urbaz and a Grandaxe for a mother (unknown name). Durac became quite enthused by the use of alchemy and blacksmithing. He took great pride in his work but took more with his wealth. He would try to expend the most he could the littlest amount. With a strong arm and a strict mind he wishes to rise in his family and become known.


    What are your characters ambitions? (become famous merchant, head guard, etc.): To become a renown blacksmith and become one of the most wealthy of dwarves.  


    What kind of experience are you looking for in this clan? (friendship, rp experience, etc): I hope for better rp


    What clan member are you related to, and do you have permission to roleplay as their relative, son, or daughter, or where you bloodbonded?: Urbaz Goldhand


    Do you swear your loyalty to the Goldhand Clan, and to carry out the honor and pride of the clan?: With my honor I pledge it. Till my death I shall hold to it.

  8. +1

    You have been a great mentor to me once I started playing on Lotc. You taught me so much and helped me through out my times. You had great interactions with people and helped everyone you met. I am glad to say you best friend but I'm more glad to see you truly seeing your worth and doing a job that fits you! Baron you've been a great man since I met you. Good luck with this, get the job and prove it!

  9. Ok...Well...Sigh. Due to the fact that Knights has a bad.... (I wouldn't even call it bad it's bloody horrific) reputation in Oren and most importantly Petrus I would expect many -1's from the lads in that community due to Knight's frequent Blob and Graven Incidents. But all kidding aside Knights is an amazing story teller (Whether it be lies...) or any form of tale, Knights can make something great in seconds.

    And for that reason I give Knights a big ol'    +1 



    Same words I would say, BUT he needs to work on his RP a bit more. +1 


    -=(Election Ballot of Urguan)=-

    Place an X next to the candidate of your choice.

    Your Name ((RP and MC)): Thror Grandaxe/Irongut (thor92299)

    Race: Dwarf


    Akvar Ireheart (Vekrus)

    Falent Ireheart (MonkeyFaceGamer)

    Hodir Doomforge (Goldrim) 


    -=(Election Ballot of Urguan)=-

    Place an X next to the candidate of your choice.

    Your Name ((RP and MC)): Barundin Doomforge (thor92299)

    Race: Dwarf


    Akvar Ireheart (Vekrus)

    Falent Ireheart (MonkeyFaceGamer)

    Hodir Doomforge (Goldrim) X




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