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Posts posted by Dracofire

  1. So there is something very suttle which is bothering me which not many people have noticed. If you look at the perks of the VIP ranks (Which you only can see ingame, which makes it even harder for people to know about it since you have to use the /store command which not many know about), you will see that the third persona slot infact was moved to Bedrock VIP, as seen at the bottom of this screenshot.
    Now let's go look at the Store page on the forums shall we? This is the page that you want to look at. You can clearly tell that under the 'Bedrock VIP' tab it says nothing about the 3rd persona slot, but neither does it at gold, where you previously unlocked the 3rd persona slot.

    So  is this a problem? Not necessarily. But the prices are poorly balanced.
    For you to buy Bedrock VIP, it would require you to buy 2 Aengul crown packs. Since Bedrock VIP costs 22000 Crowns, and 1 Aengul Crown pack gives you 12100 for the ridiculous price of 100$. This would require you to spend a total of 200$ to get Bedrock VIP. This definitely needs to be changed, I'm not willing to pay 200$ just to unlock that 3rd persona slot, it used to only cost 50$ when you bought Gold VIP. That's 150$ dollars you have to pay extra, which is quite the huge amount of money.
    Not only that, the Crown system nearly always leaves you with Crowns to spare, but nearly always never with enough Crowns to buy anything, only if you're aiming for the expensive packets. It doesn't make much sense either that a gold pack doesn't give you enough to buy Gold VIP, but you have to buy more packs to get it if you're buying a gold pack or less.

    TL;DR Crown pricing is unbalanced. 200$ for 3rd character slot rant. Administration team have been poor at giving us information regarding the Crown system, although it's nice to see the updates they come with from time to time. I know that this is just a single time, and I generally feel like they're good at giving us information and keeping us updated.


    I would really like to see this system work, and I expect changes to be done to it, since it in it's current state I believe it's quite unbalanced.

  2. Raziel walks up the the poster for the second time this evening, feeling satisfied with himself "A job well done, his fingers cut off." takes his hands down to his pockets, begining to slowly walk away, "Atleast that will keep him from doing any more crimes for now."

  3. Application:

    Thobithos Fanrenson slumps down in the chair, offering you to take your own. He leans forward with his elbows on the table, his hands clasped with his chin resting atop. He studies you with his piercing emerald eyes. He strokes his grey beard in thought before finally speaking. He speaks with a rough Northern accent.


    “Wha’s yer name friend?” (Name): Raziel

    “‘ow many winters ye seen?” (Age): 20 Winters Sir.

    “Wha’ ancestry do ye ‘ave?”(Race) I'm a proud Highlander.

    “Wha’s yer preferred weapon?”(Bow or Sword): I owe both weapons my life, that's why I prefer both.

    “Tell me a lil’ bi’ abou’ yerself”(Description): I travelled a lot, I was raised by my dad and grandfather, my grandfather told me how to wield a sword, and my father told me how to survive. My mom ran away with a rich man when I was little. I left my home when I became a teen, to provide for myself, and not be reliant on my father and grandfather.



    Minecraft Name: Dracofire

    Skype?:(Send via PM) You got it.

    Do you have teamspeak?: Yes.

    Timezone: CET/GMT+1.

    How often are you online and when?: I've been inactive lately, didn't have a reason to play, I want a new reason to play therfore; I apply here.

    Is this character your main character?: Yes.

    Would you mind putting on a uniform skin?: I would prefer not to but when on duty I will.

  4. Out-Of-Character Information

    I have been enjoying playing MMORPGs and just RPGs in general, and i want to try something new, so i saw this Minecraft RPG, and i wanted to give it a try.
    I have read the human lore and a couple of others.
    I have been playing Minecraft since beta 1.6.6.
    Best at English in my class, so you can expect a good use of english from me.
    Comic Sans, it burns.


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Dracofire

    How old are you?: 13

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, i have read them all, and understood them.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Breaking server lore. Becuase I think it's imporant to follow the lore to make it more enjoyable for everyone!

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?
    I went to Minecraft Serverlist becuase the old server i've played on closed, after i've been playing 900 hours + on it, where my last 100 hours or so was as admin. (Looked it up on their website)



    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is like being in a theater, everything is a scenario, nothing of the things happening will not happen in real life just becuase they happend here, to make it short, you are playing someone who you aren't, but are in some sort of way.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is a method, tactic or something else that you learned from real world knowledge to help yourself while rople playing.

    What is powergaming?: Basicly tryharding and doing something beyond what your characters strengh. For Example: ''I shot him in his knee with my first arrow, hitting him in the knee, killing him instantly'' (Get the reference?)


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Kichitsu Kizu (No SAO references btw just tried to make myself able to write it with Japanese letters, which required me to put 'u' at the end of Kichitu.) Name in Japanese Katakana: ツ(Kichitsu)(Kizu) Name in Japanese Hiriganaきちつ(Kichitsu)きず(Kizu)

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: Twentyone years old.

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):
    I was born in 
    Hanseti in Athera, I was trained at a young age in the art of sword fighting, and i had a natural talent for using a sword. My mother ran away when I was 5 years old, so i didn't understand what happend back then, to this day I still don't know where she is.

    When i turned 10, my dad begun training me in mastering the sword till i was fourteen years old, where i moved to live at my grandparents.
    My grandfather was just a blacksmith, he trained me in the art of blacksmithing but I wasn't intrested enough, so i quickly forgot everything he had learned me. My grandmother although, teached me how to make delicious food.
    I lived at my grandparents till i was 18 where i moved out to begin my own life.
    I adventured alot, and camped for night, many diffrent places around the world. My favorite book is A Traveller's Guide to Athera, and my favorite chapter is the one about Kazadrin Mountains
    . I enjoy travelling around to the diffrent ruins and natural formations in Athera, and just enjoy the peace there. When i turned 20, I decided to begin training my swordskill again, to become a great swordsman, and now I am 21 years old and is where I am today. Training hard to become the master of the sword.

    Personality Traits: I am nice and posetive, trying to find all the posetive points in a negative situation. But can also look negativly on things in bad mood.
    Ambitions: Becoming a great swordsman.

    Strengths/Talents: Easily handles a sword.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Asthma, so I don't have as good lungs as others do, and when I'm exhaust, I am more exhausted than others without asthma woudld be.

    Appearance: Black hair, weighs about 45kg, about 1,75 meters high. looks young, white skinned.

    New Skin: 
    http://imgur.com/RzF7jgz,pzOKON7,JByDR1P,PZ1QKQ0,lkRHCdV,ItL9yf2 Quite outdated website tho, have been playing since Beta 1.6.6.

    EDIT: Few typos edited lore, and added the new skin.


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