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Posts posted by RyothGaming

  1. OOC:

    Minecraft name: RyothGaming

    Skype name: Towle24

    Do you use Teamspeak?: Yes



    Name?: Jason Nightwrath

    Previous Experience: I have previous experience in old guilds and old discontinued armies (from the last map)

  2. "Algarath Blaxland the former agent 69 has been presumed dead for 2-3 years, Until now we had assumed we thought wrong.... He has choosen to return under a new name a name we do not yet know my time is short but I warn the world to be carful for he is dangerous and a powerfull enemy" *Suddenley algarath appears out no where and rams his blade deep into the enemys throat, he picks up the pen and writes "The Return Of Chaos is invetible"

  3. *Sitting In his home algarath stares at the recruitment letter smirking he rises up picking his sword up and sheathing it as he moves towards the flames and throws the letter in as it burns he grins with crimson spark in his eye*


    "Stupid Fools they cannot rid something that is naturel in this world, The Conclave will live."

  4. *Letters spread through athera in dark ally's and on the streets a sigil at the bottom Bearing the words The Crimsion Smuggler*


    I am currently hiring myself out if you need any goods smuggleing feel free hit me up. Just send me bird [pm] Witch the details of the job.


    -The Crimson Smuggler


    [Just trying get some more smuggler rp going]

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