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Posts posted by Razorshawl

  1. The Bards laughing and dancing from the Guild begin their way to the center of town. Cheers and calls to the citizens to join them. Giliath comes up with Lux and the two stand together. 


    "We as a family will never break, we will always be together even if we lose our homes. Even if we lose our land, because our hearts are still one. We will always, always, love each other no matter where we are,"

    Giliath turns to Lux as she begins to sing the rest of the Bards taking up chorus with her.




    The song goes on and on as the citizens of Salvus stand together. Even if trouble comes upon them, no one will break who they truly are. That is what Salvus is, we are family, we care for each other and every ones beliefs. We will not hurt or harm others, we want peace and will always defend our own. 


    Salvus is a family, it has always been so, and it shall always be so.

  2. *Walks through the doors of the Salvus he has been long absent from.*


    *Sitting down he looks over to a pile of new applications. A grin upon his face he picks them up.*


    "New applicants well let's see what we can do."


    ((Any and all current applicants are under scrutiny, message me ingame or on Skype I will be adding you all momentarily.))


    ) Full Name: Zane Luca Capette

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: None
    III) Place of origin: Lindale, Fenn
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: I am an experienced author, and I was told the best choice for me is to become a Bard
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: I wish to write a book, an inspiring novel that would be read by the entire realm.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? .Peace
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? The outskirts of Adrallan, in the south of the realm.
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment, it's 2 red strikes
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The Chancellor
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every 16 years
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? dannybr31
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? Nope.
    Welcome! I can't wait to see what you bring to the table.

    ) Full Name: Orion

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice:
    III) Place of origin: Petrus.
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Arts or Music.
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian.
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: Well, I just want to learn the art of music.
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Currently I'm not sure.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace.
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? South.
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment.
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? Inner Chambers.
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? 16 years.
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name?  Private.
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? None.
    Welcome! I will contact you via Skype and we can see how you will progress!
  5. OOC:
    IGN: Razorshawl
    How active are you?: (Post approx time with time zones.) It's always random with my work schedule, but i am usually on after 6pm central time
    Do you have Skype? If so post name here: (Highly recommended feature) You have it my good sir
    Do you have TS?: (Recommended feature) Again we speak a lot there
    Name: Giliath Haldar
    Age: 77
    Race: Dark Elf, Mali'ker
    Profession or other specialty: Cooking, Farming, Breeding
    What job position are you aiming for?: (The higher you reach the more we'd need to speak!) Worker, or Direct worker
    Anything extra? (Why you wish to join, ect.): To help maybe bring in a few more minas so that I can work on more projects for Salvus in the future.

    I) Full Name:  Aethos Tyberian

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Consul of Salvus
    III) Place of origin: Far back.
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: ​After reading some poetry of the guild, I have been compelled to join. 
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Odd poetry
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace, and enlightenment.
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? The South
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-enlightenment
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? Inner Chamber, specifically David Campos, the chancellor
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every sixteen years
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name?  You got it bb
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? Nub
    Welcome to the Guild! I hope you enjoy all we have to offer! I can't wait to see what you bring to the table. I really am excited to see what you will write!
  7. +1 Agreed with Bunnyboy there! He's one of the most helpful people I have ever met. He was with me every step of my way of coming onto this server and is still helping me to this day! I know for a fact he will do great!


    I) Full Name: Ryllae

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: None.
    III) Place of origin: A small nameless village around 1380.
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: All of them hold a bit of interest, but most literature.
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Citizen of the Lorri'sae farm, south of Cerulin.
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: I've always held an interest in the arts, mainly literaturate. And I was look for something meaningful to do to occupy my time.
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: I'm not sure at the moment about any projects, because I just let inspiration come to me. I work hard when the inspiration does come to me.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war?
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently?
    The skirts of Embermoore, and the Forests of Adrallan.
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment?
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic?
    Inner Council of the Salvian Authorities.
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with?
    Every sixteen years, as well as the overall Salvian Election period. 
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? 
    Giliath has it. :)
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence?
    Not at the moment, but if I have any questions, I'll be sure to ask!
    Welcome and Welcome, I really hope I get to read what you write and see everything you get to do for us!!!
  9. Yes I have had this problem happen a couple times.


    I put a stack of meat in to be auctioned, then when it is returned or bought it is only given out as one item. The auction states it's for the stack. Though I only get one item back from 64


    I) Full Name: Raggnar Grey

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Gavin Blacksmith co.
    III) Place of origin: Eruthos Canyon
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Music
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Werdenberg
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: I enjoy life and music alike. Id like to express myself in both with friendly people as well as keep the realm of Athera peaceful. My culture also supports music very much and I strive to keep my homeland's heritage in line.
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Not sure i will see what the gods bring me. I do plan to write a song based on the hardships of man.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war?  Peace
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? The skirts of Embermoore, and the forest of addrallan.
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-enlightment.
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? Council of salvian authorities.
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every sixteen years as well as the election period.
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? yes I do it is Elijahwatt.
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? None at all.
     I look forward to seeing my fellow bard brothers
    Welcome Brother! I hope your brothers and sisters here in the Guild will be what you expect! I can't wait to see what heights you achieve!

    I) Full Name: Caelik Tyelka

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Other than Salvus, Laureh'lin
    III) Place of origin: Laureh'lin
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Music
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: I wish to help spread the joys of music
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Writing songs to reflect on history.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? In the south of Athera, east of the Elven lands.
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The Council ( Inner Chamber)
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every 16 years, coinciding with the Salvian election period.
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? You already have my skype.
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? Nope
    Welcome to the Guild! I look forward to all your hard work!

    I) Full Name: Roopak Khalin

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Overseer of the Salvian Syndicate, Owner of Khalin Agriculture
    III) Place of origin: Southern Lands
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: To improve my enlightenment, and study literature.
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Write my own books, help with the Salvian Library and maybe collect books from ruins and such.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace, of course!
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? The south
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment 
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The Inner Chamber
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every 16 years an election takes place.
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? I assume you know
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence?  Nope, not at the moment.
    Welcome to the Bards Guild! I hope to see your hardwork paid off in the near future! I can't wait to see what you shall bring to this Guild!

    I) Full Name: Solenoden Azirus

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Salvus Peacekeepers, Valdeg Lumber company, Salvus Alchemist's common, The Enchanted                                                            book valiase
    III) Place of origin: Malinor, Anthos
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: To further my enlightenment 
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Help build the Salvian Library and write a few of my own books
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? In the South
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The inner chamber
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every 16 Years
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? Yes, Gavin De Bruyn
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? Nope
    Wondrous! I can't wait to see what kind of work you will help the Bards Guild to achieve! Come and let us have a grand time!
  14. -Takes a quick look over the post and gives a wide grin- 


    "It's good to hear the Bards are spreading! I can't wait till all of us are bringing enjoyment to others!"


    -Moves the post next to his with a smile, let the people choose, again a bards life is to bring enjoyment to others.-


    I) Full Name:   Luxeanna 'Lux' Du Couteau

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice:  None.
    III) Place of origin:  The Du Couteau Estates
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Music, but with the side dish of literature and arts.
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards:   From when I was young, I had a love for music - and i wish to share it with everyone. 
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do:
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war?: peace
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently?: to the south. 
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment?:  Anti-enlightenment
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The inner chambers.
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Every 16 years. 
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name?  You guys already know ^~^
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? Nay! Let's get this party started! 
    I will let your future projects stay blank because you are currently working with me on a few. Welcome to the Bards Guild! I can't wait to see what more you have in store!

    I) Full Name: Menithrian

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Consul of the Republic and Chairman of its Hawkers' Club
    III) Place of origin: The Farlands
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: It takes true understanding of your aims to lead with them, and an inherent love for anything cultured.
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Many, including a book on the ideology behind our Republic, bard tales, and prints on independent economism.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war?
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently?
    The skirts of Embermoore, and the Forests of Adrallan: to the South.
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic?
    Inner Chamber (Council) of the Salvian Authorities.
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with?
    Every sixteen years, along with the overall Salvian Election period. 
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name?
    Yes. moali125
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence?
    Nope. Had a big hand in envisioning and creating it. I'm more here to answer absolutely anything to do with the Bards and the Republic, in fact. 
    Let's make this awesome! 
    I look forward to all your hardwork!
  17. Full Name: Giliath Haldar


    Place of Birth: Luminair, of Anthos


    Date of Birth: 1424


    Age: 74


    Profession: Sector: Guilds

                       Place of work: Salvian Bards Guild

                       Role in workplace Curator


    Date of Issue: 5th of The First Seed 1503


    Date of Expiry: 1507


    Core Guild Enlistment: Bards Guild


    Valais entitlement Status: No


    Ownership of property within Salvus: 3rd Tower Lane

  18. The way it glistens just so,

    crystals dazzle in soft glow.

    Hues of blue caress the eyes,

    as if upon the sunlit sky.


    Veins of black obsidian cold,

    what stories does thou tell of old.

    Your strength hid in your dark core,

    oh you could be so much more!


    The sound of a stream tickles mine ear,

    like the soft whisper of vines I hear,

    Stones of moss and age,

    give me freedom in your cage.


    Thank you for the read and I hoped you enjoyed another one. I really loved the way Ker'nor looked and it helped to inspire this one.

  19. Walking home from the days toil,
    through the towns trodden soil.
    Come up to the doors and push aside,
    your troubles with a smile wide.
    Call the girls, call the men
    gather them all so we can then,
    show this town that fun can vary,
    eat, drink, and let's be merry.
    Grab a mug with a sounding cry,
    raise it, raise it to the sky.
    Tonight we shall drink our fill,
    tonight we shall be merry still.
    ((Newer to the server myself, though, I want to try my hand at being a bard. I am not that skilled with punctuation other than insert when a breath is needed. That's bout all I know, if anyone has critics and helpful advice please give them. I am willing to learn much more. Also could not find the spoiler tag when creating this message.))
  20. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Razorshawl

    How old are you?:24

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I personally agree with them all. The one's that I am most happy about is the no discrimination rule and nothing ERP (Erotice Roleplay) I am really glad to see that one.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): None what so ever the rules are very easy to comprehend.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: My friend Moali125 suggested this server because he knew how much I love roleplay and good servers that have quality players to roleplay with.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Becoming another person in your entirety. You embody a person who's life and experiences happened, they laughed and cried. They have done a lot, and you as the person behind the strings have to make sure they keep their life going. More as a definition, the act of becoming or playing another person, or something else, such as a made up character.

    What is metagaming?: Taking information you acquire OOC, or out of character and applying the knowledge to your incharacter persona. (Such would be, I read on the forums of someones weakness, then turn around and use it without any prior knowledge for my character to know how.

    What is powergaming?: Forcing something you do onto another player without them being able to react. An example would be, "I stabbed and killed person from behind." There is no reason for such a thing to happen if the other person does not wish it or it was not agreed upon before hand.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Giliath Haldar

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Dark Elf

    Character’s age: 67

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): 


    ((Please forgive any timelines that may have been a bit skewed, I was trying to order it all correctly and had a bit of a difficult time navigating the wiki. There is so much information.))


    Giliath was born in Luminaire, of Anthos. a son to the Haldar family. The family was not one of much notoriety for the people there. He had two brothers and a sister older than he. Giliath worked diligently for years under his Fathers eyes learning few things from the father such as Swordsmanship, and Blacksmithing. His mother taught him the ways of the arts. He would sit there listening to her tales and songs of old, his favorite always being Song to the Forest, he can hear her still singing those lyrics today, though now it's he who sings and his mother who listens. His passion for the arts was always higher than those he had for the way of the blade, or forging. He works hard under his fathers tutelage and is still making way to his first true masterpiece of an Elven blade. He has a few friends about in the city of Luminaire, and in his time he had to himself they would always sing and dance what hours they had away. Being as carefree as he was he enjoyed living every moment how he wanted.


    Many things in his younger years happened upon him and his family. Having to move from Luminaire because of the Scourge making the place uninhabitable, they made their way to a New Malinor to live, though soon as well they left because of The Conclave of Malin, had taken over even though it was without bloodshed. Most of his young life, he kept moving with this family. He would sing songs and be merry with the others around if only to raise spirits. After a while in Anthos they settled into a town Darkhaven which was mostly populated with their kind.


    After years there something odd had begun to happen, at first him and his family thought nothing of it. They thought it was just raining. But soon it had started flooding and the family packed up and left Darkhaven along with others who were smart enough to leave. Being young still he remembers people moving forward as the Scourge moved forward. Eventually the arrived at the Cloud Temple, where they sat as refugees for but a short time. As time moved forward they were forced to go through the Door of Eternity along with others. Having to turn their back on his homeland where he was born. Events kept happening as he grew older, the moved from The Fringe and forward as the landscape could no longer hold life. They reached Thales but after three short years they were forced again to move.


    Now in 1468 he was just turning 44 most of his early years were spent running they have decided to just keep moving forward, They settled in Haelun'or after it was built, having spent the years before just traveling in case of the need to move again was brought forward.


    His parents had started urging him to take a wife around his 50's though still kind of young he refused. He finally told them that he does not fancy women, and he will uphold this one part of his life to himself. Though upset at the fact he would not give fruit to children in the family, they have accepted him for who he is. Still now to this day he works diligently under his older siblings teachings so they may pass on everything they know.. He still wishes to travel the lands, to sing and dance with the other denizens of Athera. Though for now he is content just being with his family and gaining more knowledge. 


    After so many years finally in this land of Athera, he is hopeful he will be able to finally run the land and sing songs of days gone by. To cheer and make merry with others. Though at this point he did not know if he could leave just yet because of his young age. Though he still sings to his mother every night.



    Personality Traits:

    • Carefree, but able to understand when he needs to be serious.
    • Creative
    • Empathetic
    • Lyrical
    • Understanding


    • He has a desire to fulfill his families expectations. He loves music and has learned quite a few instruments and likes to sing openly. His actual dream is to be a traveling Bard singing the songs of days gone by to those whom he meets. Though he also wishes to work harder in his sword making, and to one day make a masterpiece that his family and elders will be proud of,


    • Swordsmanship, being taught since a young age, he is decent with a sword.
    • Blacksmith, again his own father taught him everything he knows.
    • Music, his love of music is widely known since all Dark Elves do practice the arts this is not a surprise to anyone.
    • He can get along with anyone, he has no quarrels over pasts, he merely just likes to have fun when allowed.


    • He can not use a bow, though his parents have tried to teach him, it seems he has never adapted to it.
    • Though easy to get along with, his flaring temper can be a problem. He will not fight someone but he does tend to mouth off easily if another is insulting him, his family, or friends.
    • He also tends to over care about people with how he is, it's gotten him into trouble several times, though it seems that one day it may take his life. Combine this with his short temper he is as stubborn as a mule and will not move on a decision once it's made.
    • He has been able to wield a sword, but his knowledge of actual battle is limited, his older siblings are usually the ones out fighting or defending where as he is still a bit young compared to them, and he must still study his arts, and trades.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): 6'1", 155 lbs, he has a slim waste and legs, his arms are more developed along with his chest. His fingers are nimble and thin.




    ((that is my picture above.))

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