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Knight of Elken

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Knight of Elken

  1. taking a break from lotc for a while, so if I know you, cya around

  2. I don't know how I feel about this forum change, it's pretty intimidating for me right now

  3. thinking about opening a skin shop for skinnly needs 

  4. eating ice cream in the cold what the hec k

  5. lagging out every fifteen seconds is really irritating me. is this happening to anyone else?

  6. dude holy cow star wars was a good deal

  7. if you have to say meme somewhere within your meme, it

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBzUfjkdPq4
    Merry Christmas to all of you. Here is my favorite tune.

  9. any of you musicians

  10. Free Rael, thanks.

  11. stupid sexy flanders

  12. hey there, support my et app if you want a new take on some vintage style events 


  13. oo a whoa whoa whoa, loves gonna come my way

  14. lf military order to dedicate my life to because im bored

  15. finals are killing me! anyone want to rp?? could use a fix!

  16. the eldritch man is eldritch 

  17. I've never heard the word 'coup' used so much in my life as I have in the past 6 hours.

  18. Looking for someone to take a skin request! 

  19. this is why we should rp warclaims!

  20. henlo beautiful birbs

  21. the fire fades.. and the lords of the craft go without thrones

  22. hello I am taking skin requests! 

  23. Mindcraft roleblay 👍


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