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Posts posted by LoLzboi

  1. ziKinUcnU3XEK5JDy0v0MLgdEcQyTskn-k-gdmM_GbSfCR6wvwzBYwLRpfdyYGke06LPG9cWRBeo5KDTTtDwZ413DlFwgFTSeCyPM3u6zmnIJhrxA1SoKs0Sg4c-Id2k4VpO83rs

    A painting depicting Yurii Vankovich Radovic, High Pontiff Emeritus

    8th of Sun’s Smile, 1719





    The brilliant red of an early morning sun broke through the dim interior of the small hovel, its light illuminating the dirt floor as it traced itself across the cramped expanse to the foot of a bed nestled against the opposite wall. Moans and cries seeped from the sheets as blood dripped to the floor from a baby writhing against the hands of its father. The man looking lovingly between the white cloth swaddled youth that laid in his hands, and what youth remained on the weary and sweat stained face of the woman laying in the bed.





    The sun danced through the leaves of a small patch of trees as two boys ran hither and thither along the banks of a babbling brook, calling out to each other as they pranced eagerly after the toads leaping fearfully away from their small hands. Their playfulness soon tiring them as each collapsed upon the soft sweet grasses, their eyes drawing upwards to the flock of crows peering down upon them. Yet peculiarly there was one different to the others, its white feathers drawing the attention of one of the boys, his eyes widening at such a sight.





    Frost clung to the walls of the hovel, an eerie silence bearing over the inhabitants as they huddled together upon a bed nestled against the opposite wall from the window. Their bodies shivering as they pressed closer beneath the furs wrapped tightly against themselves. Every now and then a rumble from a stomach could be heard.





    Sails whipped in the wind as the great ship cut through the water easily, its deck filled with men cloaked in brilliant white bearing crimson crosses. A boy stood on the stern of the monstrous titan his head turned down as a great figure loomed over him, the gold of a crown glinting in the bleached sunlight. Its brilliance only being matched by the approving smile offered to the youth.





    A robed man stood at the gilded altar, his hands moving in ritualistic fashion as chants rose from the depths of his throat. The youth before him kneeling low upon the ground with, his light voice echoing the words spoken. The light of a solitary candle illuminating the white robes of the icon resting against stone.





    The tavern bustled with rowdy laughter, cheers, and singing. Folk from across the world could be seen frollicking amongst each other, buxom women with scarred suitors, men coaxing their friends towards stunning maidens, magi lighting candles with nothing but their hands, drink laiden barmaids snaking their way through the littering of guests, and even a dreadknight standing ominously still amidst the clambering. Its inhabitants too joyful and boisterous to notice a barmaid lingering at a table too long.





    A gathered mob marched down the immaculately kept knave of the grand cathedral towards the white robed figures at the far end. Their leader brandishing a letter with fury in his eyes and stabbing words from his lips as he spat at the most predominant of the robed men. Yet his hand went to lower the pitchfork raised by his companion as it was brandished.





    The man leaned back in his seat as he clutched his arm, the throbbing pain causing him to drop the quell onto the parchment laiden desk. His eyes peering out to the rookery that lay just beyond his small cell. All but two of its inhabitants missing. With a sigh, he leaned forward to take up the quell once more just as a white feather fell onto his current document.





    Three figures huddled in a small room, two facing one. Their voices lowered as they spoke, yet filled with life. Looks passed freely as a white shawl was placed about a portion of the gathering.





    The ring of Laurels descended slowly from above, the man beneath them peering out to the gathered throngs that clogged the grand cathedrals knave. His face, although it should have been marked with great pride, remained staunch and unmoved. That is until a flock of doves was released, their movement a flourish as they soared.





    A baby cried out in the night as its mother moved quickly through the darkened city streets. Her eyes passing feverishly about her as she made her way beyond the red brick walls and into the forests that lay beyond. Her figure meeting another in a low cut clearing who took the babe before they continued onward together.





    An elderly man moved through darkened alleys as his companions shooed away any stragglers before them, shaska’s glinting a bright light as they made their way beyond the walls. Behind them came the calls of joy as robed men paraded through the main square lofting on high a small scrap of parchment.





    A large room filled with aged men echoed with shouts, parchment turning, and innocuous remarks as each waived a finger at the other. The chaos revelled between the walls until the disunified voices began to repeat a single phrase.







    An ancient man sat at a well worn desk, his wrinkled hands shaking feverishly as he scratched upon the parchment what words he was able to. As the time passed the parchment became darker with blotches of spilled ink and crossed out sentences. The old man would pause for moments at a time to give long lasting bouts of coughing, leaving his frame bent over itself for a time after it had ceased as if the act of straightening himself was difficult.


    On the third round of the coughing, as he huddled bent over himself and rested his head against his knees he heard a soft song from the window. For a moment he seemed as if to question if the sound had come indeed, but as it continued he would look towards its source. There, in the window, sat a peculiar crow. One that was far different than the other crows he had seen, and it sung to him with a peculiar voice.


    As he pressed himself from his desk to the sound of popping and creaking joints the bird continued, and as he shuffled towards it the beak turned towards him fully. With eyes wide, the elderly man seemed to pick up pace. His strides much larger, his joints no longer creaking, and as he reached the bird he felt a warmth he had not felt. Yet, as he reached out to touch its wings, it spread them and took to the air only to perch upon his shoulder. With amusement, the elderly man gave a raspy chuckle before a second bird of the same variety came through the window and landed on his second shoulder.


    Looking betwixt them, the weight he had known his whole life seemed to lift from himself as they began to beat their wings in unison. The wrinkled ancient man rose beyond the confines of his room, beyond the limits of his window, and found himself soaring across a brilliant red sky.










    13th of Sigismund’s End, 1719






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…















    THE METROPOLITANATE OF RHODESIA - Encompassing the City of Helena, its respective lands, and minor vassals. Administered by HIS HOLINESS, SIEGMUND and FATHER BERTHOLDT DUPONT as Priest.


    THE DIOCESE OF CURONIA - Encompassing the Kingdom of Curon, the City of Avalain, its respective lands, and minor vassals. Administered by FATHER FREDERICK as Priest.







    During the years since the beginning of the Heartland Schism, the Synod of the Holy Mother Church has been left vacant.. In effort to restore her, the Synodal College shall be made with the following appointments.


    FATHER FREDERICK shall be appointed to the Synodal College


    FATHER BERTHARDT DUPONT shall be appointed to the Synodal College









    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya






    See the source image

    A painting depicting Saint Arpad Vsevolod Carrion

    9th of Sun’s Smile, 1719






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth proclaim…





    A brief history of the Kingdom of Ruska




    There have been few histories written as decorated, sorrowful, or mesmerizing as those histories of the Kingdom of Ruska. Her origins rooted deep to the riverlands, an untamed and unkempt wilderness filled with rich waters, fertile plains, and temperate forests only brought to heel by the guiding hand of Joren, son of Horen. In these earliest years the people that inhabited these fertile plains were a reflection of the diversity found across the breadth of the river mouths and sunken swamps, with varying cultures rising distinct from among them.


    Through this backdrop, was birthed the proto-Raevir, a staunch people with a love for trade and exploration almost foreign to their demeanor. Through these first Raev, came forth a multitude of trading outposts, villages, and cities that dotted the winding waterways of their homeland. From these came the first Hetmen, leaders of the Raev, who served to press further the abilities of the Raevir as they began to consolidate regions to themselves.Their efforts culminating in a single  figure, Karol Ruswalda, who would go on to unify the Raevir beneath his banner after defeating the Raevir peoples adversaries, the Hansetians. Through his persistence, he would form the Kingdom of Ruska beneath his newly minted house, Karovic. His legacy anglicized in the histories to Karl Carrion.


    From this united front burst forth a renaissance of Raevir artwork, architecture, theology, and study that revolutionised both the common Raev’s life, and the whole of the Kingdom. Yet, this golden age would cease when the Calamity struck. Within a few short days the whole of the Kingdom was consumed by the sudden emergence of undead horrors and break apart what was the Raevir and subjects them to oppression, shame, and suppression for decades. In this dark time, the Raev suffered a rebellion that would see the Carrion Dynasty nearly wiped out, their vestige to their histories nearly destroyed.


    But through the darkest hours of the Raev came another great ruler, Siegmund Carrion, sometimes anglicized to Sigismund and Prophet, who would put down the rebellion that had seen his bloodline slaughtered, and gather the peoples of the Raevir about a single ruler once more. His efforts and careful statecraft forming a strong and capable body that would be recognised by the Holy Canonist Church, resulting in Siegmund Carrion being crowned the Apostolic King of Ruska and the rebirth of his people's pride. Ruska, as it is colloquially called, being a hallmark of Raevir stories, histories, and remembrances for centuries to come.







    The Crowning of the Rightful King


    It is with humility that the Holy Canonist Church has not recognised the plight of the peoples of Ruska, named Raevir, for centuries after Prophet Siegmund Carrions reign, and it is with a great reverence for the contributions of the Raev peoples that we, the Holy Mother Church, do seek to remedy this insensitivity rendered to them through our inaction.


    Thus the Holy Canonist Church, through the will of High Pontiff Siegmund I as Vicar of God, does recognise the lineage of Siegmund Carrion, and thus his rightful heir to the Apostolic Kingdom of Ruska, through his lineage as outlined herein:


    Siegmund ‘Soothsayer’ Carrion, Apostolic King of Ruska

    Tobias ‘Rosebud’ Carrion, First Born Son of Siegmund Carrion

    Alexander ‘The Careless’ Carrion, First Born Son of Tobias Carrion

    John I Horen of the Johannian line, Successful Claimant to the Apostolic Kingdom of Ruska

    John II Horen of the Johannian line, First Born Son of John I Horen

    Sveneld Carrion, Successful Claimant to the Apostolic Kingdom of Ruska

    Theodore Carrion, First Born Son of Sveneld Carrion

    Arpad Vsevolod Carrion, First Born Son of Theodore Carrion


    We, the Holy Canonist Church, through the lineage outlined of the title of Apostolic Kingdom of Ruska, do recognise, officiate, and coronate the living Saint Arpad Vsevolod Carrion to be the rightful and uncontested Apostolic King of Ruska.


    Following this declaration we, the Holy Mother Church, do condemn any who claim this title unrightfully to perpetual excommunication from the Holy Mother Church, and their claims to be an act against the Holy Canonist Church in its entirety. For to claim an Apostolic Title while lacking the lineage necessary to do so admonishes the Holy Mother Church, and denigrates the Vicar of God.







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya



    On the Virtues and Vices of Men and the Lesser Races


    See the source image

    A painting depicting High Pontiff Siegmund I, speaking with High Keeper Aeyn I at the Hellenic Council of Renatian Faiths

    13th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1718






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth proclaim…





    Within these troubled times we, the faithful flock, do find ourselves to be cast away in a sea of vitriol, its waves crashing against our sensibilities with ever increasing force while its winds rip at our rectitude and its rains threaten to drown our virtues. Yet, even in these dark times we, the faithful, stand steadfast and firm against the onslaught of such decrepit forces as these we see about us. It is with pious grace that our wills do not succumb, and it is fervent belief that guards our souls, and with these, my brothers and sisters, I speak to you of a unity we may find in unexpected spaces.


    Thus, in the interest of upholding the Divine mandate in the plains of mortal men, the Holy Canonist Church and the Red Faith do find that through open dialogue there is no difference to be found within certain aspects of our combined moralities, and thusly do stand unified in one sole and undeniable truth of Divinity that overarches all beliefs of the land. This revelation of a unified understanding of what causes us goodness and virtue has led the Holy Canonist Church and the Red Faith to vehemently support a unified effort in quelling the aforementioned vitriol, and stand together against the immoralities that plague our combined faithful.


    The following mandates are unilaterally agreed upon by myself, Siegmund I, High Pontiff of the Holy Canonist Church, and Aeyn I, High Keeper of the Red Faith, to be upheld by the men and women of our faiths without squabble or neglect. Together, as brothers and sisters in virtuous morality, may we stand against the ceaseless corruptions before us.





    The Divinity of Natural Law


    I. Clarifying the nature of Divine Law


    In the lives of the faithful flock we experience a flowing and unseen force that guides the people of GOD together towards His Holy Light, their devotions and prayers and tolerances deviating betwixt one another yet consolidating without error about few, yet robust, ideals that are held universal. These ideals care not for birth, or creed, or culture, or mindset to find themselves propagated, supported, and unrefuted, for they flourish and become ever more rooted as if the very act of devotion cultivates them with the soils of belief and the waters of will.


    This thriving nature to these beliefs is naught folly, nor circumstantial, nor even a product of augmentation or adjustment of a core belief, instead propagating itself naturally in all beliefs from their very founding. The foundations sharing bricks and mortar with but different houses laid upon them. It is with this understanding that the faithful can, and do on occasion, see others from beyond the reach of His Church providing virtuous deeds and graceful inclinations that would align to those professed by His Holy Canonist Church as truly Holy and Merciful actions, to the same extent in the Red Faith as well.


    Thus, together in this unity, the Holy Canonist Church and the Red Faith do see our utterly separate and more often at odds beliefs sharing amongst themselves a few key principles that are universal between us. These beliefs having been found to be universally applicable cannot be denied for truly Divinely Inspired works, but as Divinely given seeds to the estates of men so that they may grow great fields of convictions that all share their roots and thusly unite the world in Him. With this, the following writings are to embolden the shared core of ourselves, so that all the faithful flock may witness them without the turning of the cheek in defiance and arrogant ignorance.


    II. Precepts of life in accordance with Divine Law


    The fundamentals of Divine Law establish a two fold order of the natural world, one fold enveloping the feminine, while the other the masculine. In this the Divine law stipulates universally, with only the carrying out of its mandates differing between any two faiths. During an exhaustive dialogue, Divine Law is hereby established to be the following;


    Divine Law concerning the Feminine


    To the women of the world a natural form of modesty has always been applied, whether it be by the tribals of the unsettled regions through Chieftains and Clan Leaders, or in the more civilized world through the likes of Dukes and Kings. One thing has always been maintained, the necessity for women to be kept in proper modesty during their youth and courting years, so that they may be prepared and capable of retaining their feminine traits intact for marriage and child rearing.

    In the last few decades upon these expansive lands we have come to know as ours, these standards and expectations have waned and faded for more urgent causes such as political strife or theological debate. Yet they have not been forgotten, and it is now that we faithful must strike up the old traditions of yore to shield ourselves from the corrupting and corrosive nature of the modern concepts of womanhood and mothering. Thus the following expectations are to be held across the entirety of Humanity, so that we may once again foster the strength of our communities through the nurturing care of our women once more.


    1. All women, in youth or age, shall be covered in a modest fashion regardless of their position or title in any land or lands they inhabit. This modesty shall entail:

      1. Coverings to hide or obscure the shoulders and ankles of all women

      2. Women of the courting age and younger may wear their hair loose or covered, while women of married status must have a covering adorned upon their heads at all times

      3. Women must not remove their coverings in the presence of men for modesty's sake, unless they be of their Husband or Children

    2. All women, in youth or age, must be kept and barred from the actions of Harlots and Night Walkers to protect the sanctity of our youth and community.

      1. Any woman that partakes in these actions shall be cut from the communication of the faithful, and their body cleansed by priest or by public humiliation

      2. Any one who aids, or allows these actions to be taken shall be cut from the communication of the faithful, and their body cleansed by a priest of by public humiliation twice that of the Harlot and/or Night Walker they aided or allowed

    3. All women are to engage in a traditional courting process, with their familial patriarchs consent, of prospective partners. Relations outside of this are to be considered Harlotry

    4. All women are to be kept and barred from consorting with those of other races

      1. Should a woman partake in this action, his body shall be cleansed by fire


    Divine Law concerning the Masculine


    To the men of the world a natural form of propriety has always been applied, whether it be by the tribals of the unsettles regions through Chieftains and Clan Leaders, or in the more civilized world through the likes of Dukes and Kings. One thing has always been maintained, the necessity for men to be kept in proper propriety during their youth and courting years, so that they may be prepared and capable of retaining their masculine traits for marriage.

    In the last few decades upon these expansive lands we have come to know as ours, these standards and expectations have waned and faded for more urgent causes such as political strife or theological debate. Yet they have not been forgotten, and it is now that we faithful must strike up the old traditions of yore to shield ourselves from the corrupting and corrosive nature of the modern concepts of manhood. Thus the following expectations are to be held across the entirety of Humanity, so that we may once again foster the strength of our communities through the disciplining of our men once more.


    1. All men, in youth and age, must be kept and barred from the actions of whoring and adultery to protect the sanctity of our community.

      1. Any man that partakes in these actions shall be cut from the communication of the faithful, and their body cleansed by priest or by fire

      2. Any man that partakes in these actions with another man shall have their body cleansed by public humiliation

      3. Any one who aids, or allows these actions to be taken shall be cut from the communication of the faithful, and their body cleansed by a priest of by public humiliation twice that of the Whorer and/or Adulterer they aided or allowed

    2. All men are to engage in a traditional courting process, with the consent of the woman's familial patriarch, of prospective partners. Relations outside of this are to be considered Whoring

      1. Men who engage in whoring shall be refused the sanctity of marriage until they are cleansed.

    3. Any man who refuses the sanctity of marriage to a bride deemed suitable by the Holy Canonist Church shall be recognised as a homosexual and summarily cleansed by public humiliation

    4. All men are to be kept and barred from consorting with those of other races

      1. Should a man partake in this action, her body shall be cleansed by fire


    III. The Erroneous nature of the ‘Nenzing’ Ethic


    For too long have the secularist lordlings found across the breadth and expanse of Humanity thought themselves above the Divine Judgment and Edicts passed down to the faithful. Stepping upon the notion of Divine Law without care, compassion, or knowledge of what it is they tread upon. For too long have the faithful held their breath and for too long has the world been drowned in deafening silence to their false calls of savior.


    It is with this backdrop that we unitedly oppose the contents of the Nenzing Proclamation.


    Ethic of Equality


    The opening remark of the Nenzing Proclamation is as follows:


    “And GOD made man equal in all things”


    An easily misleading statement for one not versed upon the creation mythos of the Holy Canonist Church as surely a self proclaimed man of faith as Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna would know. For nowhere in our Holy Scrolls mentions that the first Man and first Woman were made to be equal, nor of any other man or woman thereafter. A cursory look at simply the anatomy of each would tell any reasonable thinker that these two specimens are indeed separate and unique to one another, let alone equal in any one thing. Furthering this thought, it goes so far as to break the Divine Law most irreparably through the possibility that, as he would have you believe, the Divine did not seek to order the world clearly, with beasts arranged in a hierarchical manner of feeding as but one example.


    Should we turn our attention to the secular, by this very notion Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna would throw away any idea that he is the rightful Emperor, for how can a man equal to all others claim dominance over them? How can he sit upon his throne and cast judgement of any others equal claim to his own station, if not but to spit upon this very notion of equality he so effortlessly puts forth as a basic principle? It is clear to any reasonable mind that these notions of equality cannot work so long as a single man claims that he is above them.


    Following this thinking then, it is of clarity that the Divine Law presents itself clearly in regards to the ‘equality’ of Humankind, for it simply cannot exist in a world not based upon fiction. For even should every man and woman maintain the same abilities of mind, what does he say to the innate differences of the body? Does he truly hold that a woman is more competent in militarism, a man more competent in child birth, than they are by fact of both social and physical limitation? The Divine Law is yet to be broken by an inkling such as this, and only proves that any thought of Equality amongst Humanity is but a tale spun up by a man who desperately wishes to garner the support of those not capable of understanding the full depth of what it is he proposes.


    Ethic of Liberty


    This document goes on to express the goodness of Liberty, purporting it to be a heightened form of governance that may only be achieved by the most refined of cultures and kingdoms. To this, it is a laughable claim to propagate. For within the demesne where Liberty reigns there are an endless supply of Vagabonds, Harlots, Adulterers, Atheists, Whoremongers, and Hypocrites to name but a few, while simultaneously they deny the Divine will and Law in favour of man-made distractions that reap nothing but sin upon those that take them unto themselves.


    An anarchy settles deep within the hearts and minds of those who look upon Divine mandate as a suggestion, for they deny these bonds that tether them to a place of reasonability while they turn and fill their desires eagerly. A chaotic showing of savagery and debauchery flows well from the fount of egocentrism, each speaking boldly that their version of morality is truly good while allowing all those around them to say the same. Society torn asunder by the whims and inklings of its members and all at odds with one another upon the fundamental questions that are posed by the world, an anarchy they purport to be true freedom.


    Freedom, a thing they bastardise to suit their purposes. For should any man rise and say, through his own freedom, that they act in sin he is cast down and trampled beneath the foot of tyranny and oppression. For in a society without a governing morality through the Divine the only morality they know is that of no morality, and through this they turn themselves into the very thing they say they oppose. A twisted idea held high by twisted men.


    Yet, what is more free than a man whose only limits are those of Divine morality? A man who can see clearly through his streets for they are barren of filth, who can speak openly without fear of offending another, who can look upon the irrational and recognise it for what it is without worry that he shall be flogged by the community for daring to question it? A truly free world is given to the faithful, yet it is these destroyers of freedom that seek to place legislation and false ideals upon the station of Divine mandate.





    The Condition Of The Faithful


    I. On the Divinity of Mankind and the Subhumans


        There is no greater evidence of the divine nature of mankind than the enduring dominion and uncontestable supremacy which we, humanity have exerted over the countless ages of this world. Mankind can only be challenged, be weakened by its own ilk. Thus the man is clearly the favoured of the divine, the most favoured of the heaven. Rendering all those varying from this divine blueprint of form and function. Of Mind and Flesh as aberrant to the divine law of the heavens.


        It is humanity alone that forms the most stable, most prosperous, most pious realms. Our might rendering our realms safe from genuine threat nigh the wrath of the divine. Yet those great blessings bestowed upon us by divinity are in turn our greatest curse. The abberants in their uncountable hordes do flock to our prosperous realms. Seeking to exploit our competence, our fortune for their own ends. They bask in the security we provide, relish in the riches and treasures produced and captured. Marvel at our palaces, dance in our streets. Yet it is all a rot, a great cancer festering ever growing at the very heart of our realm. To propose that aberrants, varying from the divine plan could ever exist as equals within the realms of man is the very height of folly.  Their origins are steeped in sin, in failure, in incompetence and vice. And it is this foul stain that they render upon our own civilization merely with their presence.


        Debasing the morals of our youth, flooding our markets with cheap foreign goods, sabotaging us in war, in statecraft, in our eternal labour of peace. Thus we, the keepers of the gate. Doctors of the soul gazing upon a grand edifice evermore burdened by rot and disease, must excise this tumour, that the body may remain healthy and whole. No longer shall race mixers be tolerated amongst the glorious realms of Renatus.No longer shall foreigners be permitted to freely enjoy the luxuries earned by hard spilt Renatian blood. Drastic action is called for in this most pressing time of war, that we do ensure that the great Renatian realm does not suffer from internal sabotage. Either illicit or explicit, conscious or unconscious. Constant vigilance is paramount on the part of not only clerical authorities, but also secular authorities nigh even the average patriotic human unashamed of his superiority. Thus we do undertake the following actions.


        Subhumans who do not serve the divine state of Renatus at the pleasure of a Renatian must be registered to the Society for Moral Health. Those registered and deemed acceptable enough to remain within the confines of the Empire shall be obliged to bear an arm band, collar or tatoo marking their status as a permitted subhuman. Unregistered subhumans found within the empire must be immediately processed and registered by the S.M.H or they shall be marked via brand to the forehead and ejected from the realm.


    II. The curse of the Magi


        There exists, as a constant reminder of the eternal presence of the Fallen, those mortal souls who would take unto themselves eldritch powers. Rejecting the role placed upon them by the divine these individuals reject divinity itself. Succumbing to the temptations of the Fallen that they may maximize their hedonistic desires. That they may be ‘free’. ‘Freedom’, a caustic word for cowardly men. Why should any man need freedom when the course is clear. Unquestioned and complete obedience to the imperative. To the divine. Anything less can result in nothing other than damnation.


        Yet these degenerates, these apostates insist in spitting in the face of the divine that they may satiate some base animalistic needs. That they may subvert the divine law in the short term to satisfy some grandiose ambition. Yet none can escape the divine forever. For its law, is unbreakable, and eternal. All must one day face judgement. So too must these, most grievous of offenders. For further proof look no further than the realms of Haense, a realm of cravens and oath breakers. Claiming mandate from the almighty creator whilst it harbours witches and daemonic agents in its midst. The rampant animalistic nature of the savage eldar of the woods is even moreso of a testament. Infamous are they, witches of the woods, for their sexual deviancy in all its forms. What further evidence is needed when the truth is plain before us. Witchcraft and the antics of the Magi blacken the soul and twist the very fabric of our divine creation.


    It must therefore, to a last be wiped out. Every olde tome containing a shred of witchcraft will be burnt. Every edifice sheltering them, shall be torn to the ground. Those creatures embedded with innate demonry shall be given the mercy of a pyre. For they too must be saved from themselves. Furthermore the foulness of Witches and Magi, cannot be suffered any longer. They must, one by one be taken. Marked and bound. That they may never again exploit their foul witch craft. The [insert regulatory faith group] shall capture each of these offenders and imprison them. Subhecting them to rehabilitatory practices. Ensuring they are both incapable of the execution of witchcraft and unwilling to ever pursue it again.  







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.





    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya










    10th of Sigismund’s End 1717






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth mock…




    To the fool who calls himself a Holy man, let me remind you of the occurrences that took place around the time of Aurelis Horen’s attempt of ousting the rightfully elected High Pontiff and use his militaristic might to force the weak and simple Synod to attempt a coup of the Immaculate Throne of GODs Church.


    For what was written within the Tenth Golden Bull of Rhodesia does indeed predate that which occurred after its writing. I have included a small snippet from my own personal archives so that all may see:


    And a snippet from my own archives of the unforgivable sin of a false election, for the Synod was not even called into Eccumenical Council to discuss the successorship, despite what lies he unfurls to confuse the less knowledgeable:




    Held within the Tenth Golden Bull of Rhodesia was the dismissal of the Synod precisely to safeguard the Holy Mother Church from the corruption of weak and infertile men, removing them from any authority to not only remove the current High Pontiff, but elect a new one and avoid a successorship crisis within the Papacy. Yet, the weak minded fools of the once Synod ignored this when they eagerly lofted on high the first of the Anti-Pontiffs, Elwood. Declaring him to be the rightful successor and beginning the schism that carries forth to this very day.


    This fool rebrandishes the history of the crisis as if these men of the once Synod truly felt the necessity of deposing their High Pontiff at the words of a mortal man, thus turning their backs upon Holy Canonist Tradition of upholding the Faith in the face of the greatest tests. It was not some mere defenceless boy who slaughtered the clergy and innocence on that day as this worm tongued welp would suggest, but a man placed highly within the Imperial forces. Nor was it but one voice that mourned the slaughter of their people, but many. But how could you suppose a man who was not present, nor knowledgeable upon the subject understand its intricacies? Especially when his words twist what was a deposition of a High Pontiff into but the mere reorganizing of a pesky monk.


    Even when he muses upon the thought of himself being what he is, the anti-Pontiff, he gracelessly hides behind the Pertinaxi line which he acknowledges his so called excommunication of. For, if he truly believes that the thought that a multitude of uncoronated emperors would somehow delegitimize my claims, then surely he sees the Church as no more than a political weapon for the vices and greeds of the unworthy men who wish to utilize it against one another in the mortal plain. We see this most astoundingly in practice within his so called ‘Faith’, for through political disagreement he sent the weazel Zachary out to the Helena Cathedral to board its doors so that the public may not even pray within the sacred and sanctified halls of GODs mortal home. If this does not speak of one wholly corrupted by aspirations of some divinely given right to rule over the spirits of men, then how can he possibly explain his actions in this regard? Or even bring up the thought of Canon Law as he dances across its pages with muddied shoes?


    The last, and saddest, assertion he makes is to claim that I believe Godfrey III to be the ruler of Man. Clearly his eyes have failed him in his reading of my words, for he mistakes the lowering to comparisons between Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna and Godfrey III to mock his small minded priest to some sort of grandiose show of support to his claim that I am not even sure he asserts. He even miss understands that Aurelius Horen was never coronated by the Holy Mother Church as the ruler of Man, only accepted as the de facto ruler of Man for he did govern all men at one time. Thus, he even calls into question the claim of Aurelius Horen to being the divine ruler of Man through his lackluster musings and further weakens what attempt of an argument he provides. Even going so far as to miss that if he should follow his own logic then surely he sees that if Godfrey III is not the rightful ruler of Man through his bloodline, that at one time did rule over the United Human Body, then Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna holds even less of a claim to that title for his has not. Leading to the puzzling circumstance we find ourselves in with himself supporting a weaker claim to the governance of Humanity instead of acting as the High Pontiffs have acted for centuries, mediators of men, and thusly attempting to quiet the discontent between these two who are so opposed.


    What amuses me most, perhaps, of his writing, is the thought that he might be capable of dismissing any man from GODs service by simply writing upon a slip of paper and showing it to his mother for approval. For if he truly did have any authority that he claims to hold, that being of the true and unsullied Canonist Faith and proper Vicar of GOD, he would not hide these words at the bottom of a long winded diatribe of his own excuse of an intellectual proof of certainty. No, he would write them proudly and boldly across a document dedicated to their purpose, yet what can one expect from a man who hold an effeminate attitude towards proper governance of the Faithful?


    I leave you with these words, lest they not confuse you too deeply;


    “But finally it came that the last virtuous ruler of men, Daniel of the line of Horen, departed from his throne into the north, to seek the path of Joren and Owyn. And the kingdom of Oren fell to the rule of those who cast out his heir; witches, consorters with Iblees, Saulicans, necromancers, and the destroyers of the virtuous.”







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya




    21st of Harren’s Folley, 1717






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth reply…




    Dear brothers and sisters of the Holy Canonist Church, it has come to my attention that one so-called priest held beneath the Anti-Pontiff Everard V, a tarnishing of such a Saintly name for sure, has wished to slander you for your steadfast beliefs in the continuation of the rightful successorship of both the Imperial Throne and the Pontificate.


    This man, as best as he can, slanders the good name of the Empire through little more than pathetic attempt of drawing sympathy from the actions done during its founding. He even goes so far to say that Sigmar Lothar Barbanov swore fealty for he recognised the strength of a united Humanity. If this was the case, as suredly he purports, then why is it that it is Haense that has rebelled from the Empire now? If Haense had recognised this strength so early on, then most assuredly they would stand by the Emperor until his demise much the same as they had done under Emperor Philip Frederick before his cold passing. Perhaps the men of Hanseti had swore for fear of their destruction if they withheld, instead of any real dedication or devotion to the cause? Perhaps, the men of Hanseti forgot the masses of bodies upon the Czena River that came after the flood of violence they caused in that war as well? Perhaps. These men wish nothing more than to slaughter fellow Canonists for their own perverse love, or ritual? Even now, while he writes, vassals beneath Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna are becoming uneasy, the Curonese changing banners not a month ago as a sign of his fracturing estate.


    Lo’ he then besmirches the good man Godfrey III as a form of shadow or implied wraith, even stooping to the blood that flows in his veins. Yet, he conveniently forgets that it was the green of Staunton banners flying over Johannesburg before its decimation, or that these same banners flew above the North until it capitulated to his kin. He forgets that intermarriage of these families unites two lines that had conquested the Human world individually from one another, and forgets that by this token Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna cannot compare in the slightest by blood to Godfrey III as a leader of men.


    He then asks questions that truly should be directed not upon Godfrey III who upholds the Imperium of Aurelius Horen, but upon Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna. For what gain is there in drawing out yet another civil war but to create devastation and death in his wake? What purpose does revolt serve but to further his own egocentrism and inflate his own self worth? Why turn against one once sworn to if not but to seek to replace him, and by token replace the so called ‘exalted’ line from Aurelius Horen, the ‘GOD Emperor’ of mankind with one of inferior stock?


    For in his next few words he directs his dialogue to myself, calling me a coward as if he has not hid from the Renatian soldiers as they passed through the Hanseti lands freely. Hypocrisy is the mark of a sinful man and it is in his writing that one may glimpse at the desolation of his own soul, for he points to Aurelius Horen who had, as he notes, ‘aided in banishing’ myself.

    Firstly, Aurelius Horen proclaimed himself to be GOD, if that was true then surely GOD could banish a single man without the aid of any others. If he believes Aurelius Horen needed others to banish me, such as the imperial army or the Synod, then we know most assuredly that he is not GOD and therefore the schism the vipers brought upon the Church was their own doing as corrupters of the Faith and not that of my renunciation of Aurelis’ claim to BE the Godhead.

    Secondly, if Aurelius Horen banished myself, and he uses this as support for why I should not be believed, then the direct descendant of this man who welcomes me with open arms without a word of previous banishment would clearly lay the matter to rest and reinstill Faith that I am truly what I am, the true and unchanged High Pontiff of the Canonist Church. To think any other would by to again lay down at the feet of hypocrisy.


    He then compares Aurelius Horen to the likes of Joseph ‘Joey’ Marna, a ruler who united Humanity beneath his banner to a ruler who has broken Humanity asunder with his viperous deeds. Shall I truly go into depth upon how this can only be connected within the mind of one who sees no issue with comparing these two as if they are but one?

    And in his last comments he notes that Oren is the lifeblood of Humanity, yet it was not Oren that united Humanity beneath Aurelius Horen, a man he claims to be the ultimate of goodness, and so his hypocrisy shows once more for if Aurelius Horen might unite Humanity from without Oren, then Oren cannot be the life blood of Humanity nor can it even be said to be required for such an occurrence to be undertaken.


    I leave you, my brothers and sister in Faith, with the following text from the Holy Scroll of Auspice, so we may reflect upon the revelation of the apocalypse wholly:

    “And Glory treadeth the world upon a steed of smoke, and he is uncovered, and goeth forth to subjugate”







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya





    14th of Owyn’s Light, 1717






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth bemuse…





    To the Brothers and Sisters who have been without a true and proper Pontiff by which to guide them for the course of the multitude of years I have been lost to the whimsical nature of the sea, I write to you this day upon that which I have come to reflect upon in my first year upon this new continent of Acras. It has taken me far longer than I had hoped to fully begin to grasp that which has taken place since my forced leave by Aurelius Horen, the so called ‘Divine’ Emperor, and in that time it seems to me that the good faith by which we wish to serve GOD dutifully and fully through has been wholly corrupted against this very action.


    Bemusement of the State of the Political Realm:


    Upon my return it had baffled me initially to learn that a once united and strong Canonist people had, once again, been divided amongst themselves by greed, and sin, and hatred untoward one another. Yet this is not the full extent of my bewilderment, for to learn that the so called ‘Divine’ bloodline of Horen had rebelled against themselves had truly thrown me to the wayside of expectancy unexpectedly. Truly, for the blood lines of the Horens to bear their teeth and gnash at each others necks, only a few short years after Aurelius Horen had abdicated his throne and disappeared into the sunset of time, is most definitely a sign that perhaps all came to pass as a punishment by GOD for abandoning Him and upholding a pretender in His place as a sullied icon. The same punishment handed down to he who did the same to the once deposed High Pontiff Theodosius II before meeting his own end at the physical manifestation of his cold deeds towards GOD’s humble servants.


    Bemusement of the State of the Religious Realm:


    Now in the modern age that is this war, I see two who claim divine right above one another. In this, I most certainly detest, yet perhaps there is merit to one cause that the other does lack. For instance, upon my return the Emperor Godfrey III wholly accepted me and all that that would bring without a blink of doubt in his eye, much more than the viper tongued words of those who whispered amongst themselves blasphemies and derogations towards GOD’s true Pontiff. Once more, to learn that a Holy Orenian Emperor had been coronated brought forth an anger in myself that I had not felt since Aurelius’ first proclamation, for how can a pretender to GOD’s most high mortal station ever hope to coronate a Divinely inspired ruler if he himself is not Divine by right of following in the footsteps of those men who were excommunicated for their treachery against Him? Especially when the coronation requires the Holy Relic of the Crown of Horen, an artifact that I am in possession of, for it to be truly done to the letter of what GOD requires? No, there is but one Emperor upon Acras and beside him but one High Pontiff, and to those men who look upon Joseph Marna with any esteem, I beg of you to truly head my words. You stand beside a pretender bearing a false crown, given to him by a pretender bearing false Laurels, all the while the holy men that surround them both dance and cheer for the continuation of bloodshed and paganistic ritual sacrifice of their enemies.


    Reflections of an aging man:


    In these last words, brother and sisters in GOD, I speak in the most plain of tongue for your understanding;


    Let us not be drawn into hatred for these men who rise against their true Emperor and throw off the true Faith from their shoulders, for we should pity them and their misgivings for one day each will receive his penance as he deserves from GOD above.


    Pray for them, borthers and sisters, perhaps there is hope yet for their souls.







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya






    An artists rendition of High Pontiff Jude I sailing to the new world of Atlas


    6th of Sun’s Smile, 1716






    The waters rippled lazily as a soft wind blew across the expanse of the great Ocean, it’s colour a dark green murk beneath the light blue of the skies above. It would be silent if not for the periodic cackling screech of the seagulls as they flew about the small dingy, the small boat jostling listlessly even to the smallest murmur of a wave as it made its way starkly against the horizon. Beneath the proverbial rats of the skies, came the more melodically paced grunts and laboured breathing of the men manning the oars. Their bodies, once muscled and fit yet now almost naught but lanky bones covered with a thin mat of skin, pressed earnestly against the oars with little relief from the hanging backdrop of the unfilled sails. Amidst these men sat one who seemed nearly thrice their age, for his hair hung low and long about him as if it was to be his clothes entirely.


    The men in their dingy rowed for yet another day, and for another night the men slept as best they could for they exchanged watches of the night sky so that they might not drift irreparably off course. This is the way they had existed for years since the last ship of the great nations moved beyond the horizon from themselves, their progress slowed by the lack of sails or men to man the oars as those great behemoths had supply of. The week prior to them departing from the fleets company being marked by a storm that had thrown Bogdan from their boat unceremoniously, their uncle being swallowed by the thrashing sea instantly and leaving them at an odd number. Their hope had dwindled and was replaced with the methodic movements of the oars, their dreams turned not from earthly pleasures but of those wonders they might find once their toil had ended in the skies above. The sounds of the seagulls and the slapping of oar against water replaced what was joviality amongst the pitifully few crew months after their departure from the main fleet, leaving a horrid sense of unspoken despair that all the men shared.


    Vitaly Radovic pressed his remaining arm against the now perfectly smooth oar handle, while his cousin Gleb pressed at the same time beside him, the dingy lurching forward only a few inches before its speed dipped once again before the next thrust of their labours. Eyes glossed over, neither of them saw what came first as a trick of the mind, a mirage, but later grew to certainty before the ever watchful gaze of their kin, Siegmund.


    A bellow of excitement for the first time in living memory came from the aged and decrepit man, his hand lifting shakily forward to the west, but one word escaping his parched throat “Land” before he broke into a violent bout of coughing. The two men raised their heads, their eyes losing the glaze of hopelessness, as they too saw the landmass before them emerge from the dark green of the waters before them, their blistered and cracked skin flexing as they broke into broad and cheerful smiles as new energy they had not known to be within them burst forth to their limbs.


    The trio had found Arcas.





    The dingy twisted and moaned, its wood and bindings flexing under the stress of the rough waters of the isle it passed through them. It had taken another two days for the men to reach the coasts since their sighting, their newfound energy now depleted as they once again fell into the methodic movement they had known for so long, however the silence was shattered between them. Vitaly mused about the foods they would find once landed while Gleb spoke of the land they could once again walk on, and what goodness would come from having a piece of it for themselves once more. While the others babbled and laughed between each other, Siegmund sat in silence, his gaze fixated on the rolling green of the trees that covered the land and the birds that inhabited them.


    The first time the trio landed their dingy upon the coast they ran it onto a soft sanded beach, and in their excitement they nearly forgot to secure the dingy or help their elder upon the shores. Yet, once both were done the would be settlers came across the warm sands of the beach and into the shaded growth of the forest beyond, their eyes searching for anything they could eat, their hands grasping and working at the foliage hastily. By the end of day, the trio were full of leaves and other sorts of plants as they sat resting and watched the sun die over the ocean that was their prison.


    The second time they landed, it was upon a rocky coastline. Gleb, having explored heavily the first landing site, insisted they continue into the isle so that they might find a more suitable area to keep themselves, for he had discovered swine trails that gave him an uneasy feeling for they had no weapons to defend themselves from the beasts. The rocks of this coast gave Siegmund a great trial to traverse them, and so the trio was forced back onto their dingy and continue.


    The third time, they landed at the mouth of a river. Briefly the three discussed of the likelihood of a settlement, if this was truly where the fleet had landed, being further up and all agreed it was best to continue onward and not tarry.


    The fourth and final time they landed, they did so on the edge of the river after travelling what seemed to be far enough inland. It is here that they met their first foreign man, a hunter by the name of Terrance. The trio had stumbled across his cabin as they made their way around the river, which resulted in a great fest compared to the rations they had subsisted off of upon the dingy, they were then guided North-West, to the city of Helena.


    High Pontiff Siegmund I had come.


  9. Spoiler







    A painting depicting High Pontiff Siegmund I on the left, supported by the common folk, and Anti-Pontiff Daniel V on the right, supported by the Empire


    13th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1694






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth clarify…





    To the brothers and sisters who hold the Faith in GOD staunchly in opposition to the vile and diminutive Elwood, I speak to you on the foundations of his schism, and clarify what has happened in regards to the Faith.


    It is clear that the events that unfolded as follows, have been somewhat manipulated by Elwood so that he may fashion a false and weak narrative against the one true Faith of GOD, and defile that same thing.


    Upon the False Election


    Elwood, among his conspirators, has taken it to himself to fashion the election held after the abolishment of the College of Bishops, and subsequently the Synod, to be true when it is simply not.

    For, the Synod was abolished near a full day before ( https://prntscr.com/lv4a2a ) that election, which was held a day after ( https://prntscr.com/lv4ad8 ), thus the election in its entirety is therefore null and void of any merit, even when they took it upon themselves to write the date as if it were done a full month prior, for they were not made to be capable of holding that election at the time it was held.


    Thus, the Anti-Pontiffs election was done in arrogance, and under falsehood for he was not elected truly to any station of the Holy Mother Church from it.


    Upon the acceptance of the Tenth Golden Bull of Rhodesia


    We see this, through his own acceptance of the items enclosed within the Tenth Golden Bull of Rhodesia. For he in the impure writings within the First Golden Bull of Carolustadt, does admit that what was enclosed within the Tenth Golden Bull of Rhodesia was done truly, and correctly, and purely, for he in this work of his, seeks to undo all of those things.


    Thus, if the Tenth Golden Bull of Rhodesia was an impure document, as he purports it to be with lies, then he would not see it fit to address any of these items in the First Golden Bull of Carolustadt.


    So then, we see clearly and evidently that the abolishment of the Synod of the Holy Mother Church was done correctly, without contest, and that the election held after its abolishment must therefore be a fabrication to lead the Flock of GOD astray and truly appoint a false man to a false station to harm GOD’s people unduly.






    Anti-Pontiff Daniel V recognised High Pontiff Siegmund I’s action to abolish the synod as true and just in his golden bull, by reinstating the synod and reconstructing the diocese. Thus, he shows himself to be the true Anti-Pontiff, for if he was the True Pontiff he would not admit that these things were done at all.







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya




    13th of Sigismund’s End, 1694






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth reply…





    Following my previous criticism of Aurelius Horen, enclosed here for simple reading:







    To the man who falsely fashions himself High Pontiff Daniel V, previously known as Father Elwood, or more simply as Elwood for he does not deserve, nor has any authority to, the titles he claims to hold. A man who, at the beckoning of Aurelius Horen, has taken it upon himself to create a false electorate so that he may be elected to a man-made station that shares the name of the one true station of GOD, the Pontificate I hold.


    In my response to Aurelius Horen, I stated clearly that he could not, and cannot be GOD for he fails in the most simple of tests by which we might measure his Divinity. In this, I spoke of his failure of each aspect he named, and in each of these things I ushered to him the truth of his Sinful and treacherous declaration of being GOD.


    Yet, I find in your issued Golden Bull of Carolustadt no mention of these things, for, to any who pay attention to the subtleties of these matters, it seems to be you support his declaration of GODHOOD, the very thing that sparked this in the beginning, through the silence you hold on this matter.


    For you declare transparency is needed in that Church you have formed, and you have declared that there is value in tradition through virtue and wisdom. If that is to be the case, then surely you would be the first to share with the righteous flock of GOD in the denouncement of a man who falsely claims to be GOD, yet you instead spend time denouncing me, the man who held the Pontificate and the Holy Mother Church above any mortal man, as a corrupter, and a divider.


    You, a man claiming to be pious and true, have in fact divided the Holy Mother Church yourself, following the will of Aurelius Horen the self proclaimed GOD-Emperor in the attempted usurpation of the Pontificate instead of defending the Holy Mother Church against this blasphemy !


    You, a man claiming to be righteous and gracious, have in fact not emphasized the unity of Humanity through your own actions, nor have you held the TRUE Church of GOD through the succession by instead becoming a traitor to GOD, as Saul had done, and reek upon the pious a great and terrible plague of deceit !


    You, a man claiming to be defender and guardian, have in fact sought to decimate the values bestowed to us through the wisdom of the Holy Scrolls, and lead astray the flock of GOD from His true Light through the lies you purport across your inner circle and those who listen to you for fear of Aurelius’  Sentinels !


    And you, a man claiming to be the true Pontiff of the true Church, have corrupted the Holy Mother Church through schism in the name of Aurelius Horen so that HE may hold power for selfish purposes, and strip the sanctity of the very station you claim to hold !


    For it is YOU who have bowed to the self-proclaimed GOD-Emperor, have rendered your false Church beneath that man’s thumb, and have emptied the chambers of purity from your own heart for a false GOD !







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya

  11. Book Seventh

    Concerning Eternity



    Saint Julia expelling the followers of Saul from Horen’s tribe


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Sun’s Smile, 1694





    In my final work upon these subjects, I shall leave this plain and concern myself solely with what comes after, that of the Kingdom of GOD in the Seven Skies.





    Upon the question of death


    To many among us, the thought of death brings naught but grief and fear, for we fear what might be done to us in this mortal plain, and not concern ourselves with what lays beyond that which we perceive at this moment. From this, we gather many who would turn themselves into a parody of themselves should the promise of a swift and gentle end be given to us so that we might not suffer but another second in a life of suffering.


    To these folk, I write directly. There is not to fear in death, but the thought that you might fear to greet GOD ever so much sooner than you would if you would live to the end of your natural life. And so, why fear? Why fret? Why tear yourself apart thinking of what might be and what might come? For the journey we all walk ends the same way should we be pious, and steadfast, and righteous in our final moments.

    So I give to you, worrier, overwhelmed one, child of terror, these words and these words solely:


    “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”


    And with these words you should know that death will carry you as gently as any mother would carry her babe, and more quickly than any cart might do, to the eternal paradise of the Seven Skies, wisdom given to us by Him. So fear not, worry not, be overwhelmed not, be terrified not, for GOD shall walk with you as he walks with us all.


    Upon the question of eternity within ourselves


    What lays in the after lays deeply in us, I believe. For the virtues spoken to us by GOD, through the Prophets, are born into us naturally as I briefly mused in book six. For each of us knows of the virtues, indulges in their usage, and cooperates with the needs of them, but for a select few within their direct life. As I spoke, the mother cares solely for her own kin and not that of another, and so gives charity only to her son and not that of others sons.


    So then, I would think that should the after be marked without suffering as known in this plain, without iniquity as seen eagerly present here, as known as easily as the name of another, then perhaps our nature to espouse these virtues would come unhindered, each man and woman who takes the faith in their hands, and hearts, and minds eagerly and willingly giving to each other and themselves a life in the eternal of virtue.


    Upon the question of eternity within others


    And from each of these individuals who partake in the espousing of these virtues, grows a great and mighty community of all those who have believed in GOD utmostly through the hardships and suffering of their mortal stay. One that is absolutely pure in piety, and free of the burdens of mortality, one that sees and is seen as the pinnacle of ourselves in an organized and widespread people.


    A glorious testament to what we are in our purest form, that of the children of the four brothers unmolested by the curses and lies of Iblees, to live as purely as the first man and woman lived under the careful nurturing and sustenance of GOD and within His mightiest creation, that of His home.


    Upon the question of eternity


    From this we then might see a grand and mighty thing like that of our Empires that graced the mortal plain, a unifying and righteous being made up of all of ourselves. The culmination and clear sighted presence of an Empire that all of us strive to create in the mortal plain, a pure and beautiful work, a satisfying and satisfied state, a humble and sturdy Society, a gracious and malevolent body from which stems all goodness, with ourselves looking down upon the mortal plain in the joy of an elderly woman looking upon her grandchildren as they stumble and trip to find their way in their world.


    All of this, and more, shall be, in my mind, that which makes up the eternity. Ourselves creating the glorious and beautiful afterlife to which we all strive, and all of us, without exception, bathed in the Light of GOD from His throne to us who surround him as many children do to any great story teller, but his words are that of all things and not but a fictition, his tales that of paradise and not of false lands, his joy and his love emanating stronger to us, and reverberating inside us more so than any great love ballad that we have heard has done.


    Upon my own eternity


    With these thoughts as full and complete as I might make them at this time, with the grace given to myself for perhaps some thoughts may be left incomplete, or some rambling parable left wanting, I bid thee dear reader farewell, for I shall find if my musings upon the after truly are those of truth, or if my mind drifted to that of what I hope it will be, as we all will find when it should come.




  12. Book Sixth

    Concerning Mortality


    Related image

    Exalted Horen teaching his tribe of GOD after the betrayal of Saul


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Tobias’ Bounty, 1694





    In this work I shall focus primarily on the societies, communities, and ultimately families from which we are all from as referenced in book five, as the stage for our mortal lives.


    We each are born to a family, within a community, which is a part of a society, and thus all these are essential in understanding how we as mortals might interact and live amongst one another in the light of GOD’s truth.


    As such, I shall delve to present each in the context of spiritual life, and relate each to the fruits of the merits each presented to GOD. To those that continue to read my works to find error, let them see by what I reference through history as opposed to solely through the lense of Religion.





    Upon the question of mortal men


    Continuing the thoughts upon the three institutions we find in every descendants life, those of family, and community, and society, found in book five, we embark now to understanding how the Sins found in each may be rectified, and cleansed, so that we may enjoy the fruits of this world, and not dwell upon the horrific nature that these things quickly devolve into once left to hold themselves alone without His intervention. For mortal men are not bound to endure the onslaughts of evil, and wicked things for long without drifting to find themselves amongst them, and so the individual is not capable of living a just life if they are left to their own devices with no inputs of another. So then, the individual is easily manipulated, and coerced into actions not becoming of themselves. This leading to the necessity of maintaining the familial, communal, or societal bond at the least to each individual found amongst them, for one twig is not but weak compared to that of the bundle of the same.


    Upon the question of family


    So then, to speak easily, let us focus on the family, its parts being of a purpose with function assigned to each. Each man and woman born into this world is done through the efforts of the man and the woman that make up their parents, yet their efforts are not the same, nor are they equivalent in nature.


    The man, as noble, and swift, and brave as he, is set to be the caretaker of the family in whole, his duties to the preservation of his lineage, his birthed blood, his wife, his adopted blood, and himself, his carried blood. The reflection of his diligence over these three things is shown plainly upon the lives of each among them, for a man who does not care take for his lineage has no children or permits them to death and thus ends the propagation of GOD’s greater creation, if he does not care take of his wife then his lineage shall be spoiled by vindictiveness and malice and turned away from him utmostly, if he does not care take of himself his moralities and strength shall falter and wayne until they are but naught. Thus, the man is bound to uphold the moral goodness of his family the very same as he is bound to uphold his own wellbeing, for dereliction in this duty is to curse himself and all those around him with a burdensome and troubled lot who have no strong hand of guidance, much the same as those who languish without sight of GOD.


    The woman, as gentle, and supple, and steadfast as she, is set to be the caregiver of the family in whole, her duties to the nurturing of her lineage, her birthed blood, her husband, her embraced blood, and herself, her carried blood. The reflection of her diligence, unlike to that of her husband, is shown plainly by the joy within each life among her, for a woman who does not give care to her lineage permits her children to wallow in self doubt and instability, if she does not give care to her husband he has no healing when he is physically and mentally suffering, if she does not give care to herself then she shall fall to the burdens placed upon her and seek safety through vanity and self indulgence. Thus, the woman is bound to uphold the goodness of her family and all those around her in these things, lest they succumb to weakness and envy and untamed anger, much the same as those who languish without sight of GOD.


    In this, both the man and the woman are responsible for the molding of the child they bear together, its life bound to theirs as its moral, and ethical mind is created in light of their own. A reflection upon that same molding of children that took place when the first man and woman birthed the four brothers, and from them gave to these infants the first breaths of the Faith we all endear ourselves to.


    Yet, the child as well is to be taken into account within the family, for a child shown the goodness of good acts through disciplined education from the father shall surely grow to be inclined upon the furthering of these things. But a child who is left to his own devices, without guidance from the father, or weak guidance thereof, is left to his own intentions good or bad, and if these bad acts should bear more fruit than that of what good do, then it surely shall be inclined to pursue these acts instead of good. Much to the same as the mother, for a mother who does not calm a child sufficiently, or care for it as necessary, shall surely permit the child to grow ingrained in the giving of great emotions and so too shall bear upon the child the inclination for ever more extreme acts driven by emotion besides that of reasoning. These combined only leading to a great many wrongs to be committed against the good and the bad alike of this world, for the child has been permitted to fester in his own wants and desires and cares, and so too shall embrace these more and manifest them more completely than that of the opposing charity and temperance.


    Upon the question of community


    From the family, we then extend our eyes outwards to the community that surrounds it. The combination of many separate and distinct families, united by location, and culture, and history, their bonds as deeply rooted as any tree amongst them. From these disparate peoples, divided by blood, comes forth the family in the community, for each knows of one another, and in turn the next, as fondly and well as those who know of their brothers or sisters.

    In this, then, the community is structured much the same as that of the family, for the mayor, or otherwise leader, of them is alike to that of the father, and his agents, or otherwise attendants, alike to that of the mother of the community.

    For the mayor, or father, of the community busies himself with the maintenance of the community outwardly, these being arranged much the same way as that of the family with his duties engaging in that of association, those without of the community, his agents, those within the community, and his mayorship, that of his governance. The reflection of these is shown plainly upon the unity found within and without, for a mayor who does not care for association grinds his peoples against those of his neighbors and sows dissent and ultimate quarrel between them, if the mayor ignores his own agents the community shall suffer from neglect and direpair for the objects to which the agents were assigned will lay unattended, if the mayor does not take care for his own office then he damns it to collapse and the disarray of the entire community.


    The agents, in this, busy themselves with the maintenance of the community inwardly, their works revolving around the supporting the community, that of the families held within, the execution of the mayors will, upholding his decrees, and managing themselves, all those agents beneath the mayor. The reflection of these is shown plainly upon the efficient workings within, for an agency who does not support the community permits it to grow resentful to itself and bitter towards their actions with the ultimate outcome of resistance, an agency who does not execute the mayors will permits any good judgements made on behalf of the community to be left unattended and so leave the community to flounder upon its own path to its own detriment, an agency who does not manage themselves effectively shall lead itself to bloating and eventual laxity in the upholding of mandates with its intents shifting to the maintenance of its workforce above that of what it was assigned to accomplish.


    With these both, the mayor and his agents are responsible for molding and conforming the community they represent to the moral, and ethical prospects expected of it by those who place them in authority to do so. This reflection is alike to that of the child, for each family within the community may make its own choices for its own benefit, with the community enforcing only what is good and right within itself as decided by all families that make its body. Yet, even as a child might be influenced by that of the father and mother, the families shall be influenced in the same way by the decisions of the mayor and his agents, for a good mayor who leaves lax the laws of the community only invites his member families to take advantage of these laxities, and a bad mayor who enforces harsh and unjust rulings upon his people so too forces upon them the bad acts they may partake in to alleviate their suffering. Yet, unlike to the family, the community may be influenced by its member peoples, for a community who brings foul families amongst themselves only permits for foulness to be propagated to all that make it up. And so, in this, these two aspects of our mortal life interact to form what we refer to as community, with the community only being as good as its mayor, and agents, and families combined may be, yet it is more capable of suppressing the bad and rejoicing in the good should enough of good intents be amongst themselves, in contrast to that of the family which is fundamentally more easily twisted through the laxity of but one or both parts.


    Upon the question of society


    From these foundations of Community and Family, the Society we all live, and love is built, it’s halls of institutions, its chambers of collective knowledge, and its windows to the light of creativity, each reflecting all those beliefs, and ideals, and wants of ourselves that make it. For the Community and Family act as the Father and Mother as referenced previously, and so too may be corrupted, yet Societies own corruption stems from its own nature and not that of another. For a Society may be made of good families, and good communities, but if the leadership of the Society be of a Sinful nature, then all those ruled beneath them shall share in the iniquity and be led to Sin.


    Yet, in contrast, a good ruler who rules over evil communities and evil families may impart upon them goodness through actions than beliefs. For even though one may hold evil in their heart utterly, if they should be made to provide charity to the poor then all benefit, the evil doer for the actions of purity, and the poor for the receiving of alms.


    But, Societies give these natures not outwardly, for the corruption lies within the thought of perceived absolute governance. This thought, as malignant as it is, breeds not harshly, nor quickly, but festers for a time in the thoughts of those who are held high. To those leaders of Society that are deemed to be complete in their authority and absolute in their will. For a good man may be turned to evil if his thoughts upon the nature of his leadership be turned from the masses he governs to the desires of himself or his close circle.


    And so, the rulers of Society must delve and devote themselves to the constant reminding that they are but men, and alike to all men, they are not pure, as discussed in book five, and so must work to overcome their ingrained nature to be truly enlightened and rule with pure goodness and not that of evil.


    Upon the question of good society


    To these thoughts, we then might concern ourselves with that of the good ruler, who leads his Society with pure intentions, and good thoughts, and pious will. From these, then, we might draw that the most glorious Societies to grace this plain were done so with the blessing of GOD above them, for the Holy Orenian Empire, from which came the numerous revitalizations of itself, was created over the purity of those who delved to do so, their actions graced by GOD through the coronation done so by the High Pontiff of the Holy Canonist Church to the men that sat her throne.


    With this benefit, these multiple Societies of the same name went to dominate the regions they inhabited, and united the sons of Horen most effectively and efficiently compared to those of other, lesser, merits. Each ruler being coronated as a ruler who rules with divine inspiration, which of course translates into their effective statesmanship, and long standing rule.


    So then, a good ruler submits himself to GOD fully before he takes complete authority over the secular world, and within himself offers his own abilities and skills so that GOD may enhance them should he truly walk the path of the rightful ruler. And once he receives these gifts, he sets about to make them take root amongst all those he rules, for the good and bad communities and families alike shall be graced by the purity of one who is graced by GOD, and so these Societies are of a Holy nature.


    Thus, the Holy Orenian Empire, at its founding, was made to be good and righteous and whole in its nomenclature without error or remission of it, and so might be taken to be a good Society upon this plain.


    Upon the question of evil society


    Yet, the corruption spoken of previously is not found quickly, and so even though the Holy Orenian Empire may have been created in the fires of righteous war and cast in the steel of piety, one cannot assume that this nature remains manifest, even should the same ruler be seated upon the throne for its entire existence. For a most stark example of this, we might then look to that of the happenings of the Fifth Holy Orenian Empire.


    This Empire, alike to those of its predecessors, was founded in steadfast Faith, her first Emperor being coronated and seated upon her throne with great fanfare and celebration, from this came forth sixty-nine years of Imperial dominance, beneath it reigned the goodness of GOD’s light upon all, and each kept safe and secure after the horrors of the Duke’s War.


    Yet, even in this relatively long period, the corruptions of Society soon manifested themselves, for each ruler slowly wayned his devotion to the Holy Mother Church, and through this the Faith of GOD Himself. For they believed themselves to be of absolute authority without peer, for even the High Pontiff, nor the Holy Canonist Church could match their own self indulgence in power with guidance away from this evil. These corruptions leading to the blatant and easily recognised Sins that the Emperors took part in, their last and most heinous within their line being that of Emperor Philip Frederick Horen. A man who was so abhorrent to GOD, that he claimed himself to be free of all Sin while simultaneously rejoicing and relishing in the very acts he denounced having taken part in.


    From this, the then High Pontiff Theodosius II did see it fit to excommunicate him, a grievous action in his own eyes. And so, Emperor Philip Frederick Horen dispatched to the Pontificate a force dedicated to the murder of a High Pontiff, the glaring and fragrant culmination of the sins of the Horen line at this time.


    For, near the second the High Pontiff was murdered, while his blood still flowed and bore warmth, a great schism came for the Sinful Emperor, Philip Frederick Horen, then proclaimed it necessary to appoint his own High Pontiff under guise of Ecclesiastical Election. An election held with a sword to the true men of GOD and benefits gifted to those who did his will without question.

    From this usurpation of the House of GOD on this plain, came forth all manners of works held against the corrupted and evil Emperor. For it was not but a schism that came from his actions, but the whole of his Empire was torn asunder by the men of the Courlandic Coalition. So violent and eager were they to turn the once proud Society that he governed to ash that they crushed his Imperial forces in a matter of years, making it to the doorstep of the Imperial City of Johannesburg.


    And like to his own Sin, a self destructing and evil thing, he ordered the Thanhium he had stored beneath the city to be ignited, and so committed murder of all those innocents within, and committed suicide so that he may not face the punishment within the mortal plain GOD had set for him.


    Thus, the Holy Orenian Empire fell to something not truly Holy, and not truly Imperial for its lands had been conquested fully. The fruits of Sin showing their twisted, and disgusting features to the whole of the world and to be written of in works such as these until our final salvation comes.


    Upon the question of mortality


    From these explanations, we find the answer of ourselves to be wrought in that of Iniquity thus far. Our presence upon this plain not but filled with Sin as described in book five, corruption as referenced within the context of the Fifth Holy Orenian Empire, and Iniquity found in our everyday lives as each of us walks through holy grounds so that we might only but get to our mortal pleasures ever so much faster. Mortality based in Sin shall lead to naught but Eternity in the Void. Alike to that of Saul within Horen’s camp, we find the evil amongst the good working to stain it so that it may resemble itself.


    Yet even in this, we find that our nature also brings ourselves to that of GOD naturally, as Horen was brought to GOD out of nature and not of his own desire. For all strive to create something of goodness in the world, each striving to meet the virtues GOD has given us, yet each only applying them as we see fit. For a mother may give freely to her own children, but to those of another spurn them away from her and so does not give charity to those without her own kin. So we see that virtue does exist naturally to us to an extent, yet we do not fully give ourselves to it but for our own selfish desires.




  13. Book Fifth

    Concerning Sin



    The murder of Saint Godwin of Paradisus at the hands of Harren


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1694





    Furthering upon my thoughts on the false Gods through the context of their Religious institutions that grace this plain, I shall expand upon my thoughts in this work regarding to what the true Faith must be, as well as what the other Faiths will bring to bear should they be entertained.


    In this, I shall discuss the Faith we of Humanity bear and its context in this world, to hopefully bring forth the truth of the matter of GOD to those who have and do spurn it for their own vices.


    So, without further meddling with an explanation, I shall begin promptly where I had left myself in the previous work.





    Upon the question of true Religion


    With these thoughts upon a fraction of the multitude of Faiths we find ourselves surrounded by, those leaders being those of the Druids of the Elves, Prelates of the Dwarves, Shamans of the Orcs, and the Religious leaders such as the Keepers within Mankind which were referenced previously, alongside the numerous and lesser known Religions, we might then question to what the true Religion among them might be, and of this Religion, what its nature might be, and to what these other Religions serve to warn us of?


    And so, like the events that transpired upon Horens tribe when Saul, influenced by Iblees’ corruptions, led them to a great slaughter along with those of the tribes of Malin, Urguan, and Krug at the hands of those same corruptions, we then must recognize the only fruits to bear from these false Faiths are those of unjust, and impure, and horrid squalor in which those who hold them high find themselves within.


    But to what do conditions as these find their check? What binds them, and bounds them from our societies, to keep us from their clutches?


    That is the the word of GOD, passed to us from Himself wholly, and truly, and uncorrupted, by any.


    Upon the question of the meaning of true Religion


    But from where does the word of GOD come from, for some see fit to ignore that which is handed to them by any mortal professing Faith, while yet others reject that which they cannot read for themselves, and yet more refuse anything that they had not bore personal witness to as folly, if not from GOD himself, either in His own person, or by those who are of His service?


    For instance, GOD gave upon the first man and woman His word so that they might live a life of purity in His creation, and instill in their sons the same virtues instilled in them with GOD’s help. To these others, this word is insufficient for how could any trust the recordings of this time, nor how can any trust these writings if they are not able to read upon their contents freely, nor how can any believe any of these events did happen for none alive today were there to witness it and therefore it is naught but a tale.


    To the first of these, the recordings are written from the word of GOD Himself, through inspiration, that espouse these happenings in some cases, in a multitude of mortal sources in others, and thus are as traceable, and comparable as any history of this world which they undoubtedly take as the fact of the matter of the time and event discussed within them. So to contest upon this ground is to contest all knowledge they have gleaned from the written word of any, for how can any trust what is truth if not by the ability to compare between writings of the same subject?


    To the second of these, by what measure do they profess the writings to be inaccessible? Do the documents that record the taxation of Imperial subjects not tell the truth for they are not privy to any enquiring mind to read upon? Perhaps the diary of a woman tells not but lies and slanders for none but herself are capable of reading it? For rejecting the thought that truth might be written and kept from those that seek to obscure, corrupt, or re-interpret that which has been written and taught for the very purpose of keeping the truth the truth is beyond the capabilities of their understanding.


    To the third of these, as with the first, the mere absence of the individual from the event does not negate the happenings upon which the absence was inflicted upon. For Imperial Court meets regardless of who is in attendance, and the edicts passed from it are as factual as they are applicable to all beneath the Crown. Thus, to reject that which one was not in attendance to witness is most assuredly a step upon the trail of denial.

    Therefore, as the recordings of this time tell in the writings that have been passed down to us through the centuries, GOD gave to us the word through the first man and woman, and through them to the sons, fathers of all the descendants, these same words. And so, we know of Malin, and Urguan, and Krug, and Horen, and of their tribes, and what befell them at Iblees’ hands, and what brought upon them the curses which all bear, and what gifts GOD imparted to them as explored in the second of these books.


    Upon the question of the foundation of the true Religion


    And from there, these same teachings were passed down to all descendants equally. Yet, as wrathful as Iblees’ was in defeat, the seeds which were planted within us all blossomed and bloomed into what we recognise as the many Gods of this world, so that we might be taken and lost upon a sea of falsity, to forever despair and be used but as meat in a grinding, and boiling pot.


    It is with this that GOD recognised that the tribe of Horen followed in His path, for Horen was the only son to actively and dutifully seek GOD in the first years the brothers roamed, and from this was rewarded, and hailed as the first Prophet. Yet, in his passing, GOD witnessed the corruptions seep into these pious peoples once more, and out of love for these men He sent the Aengul Artifai down to Harren, son of Horen, King of Idunia, to give to him His favour the like of which Horen enjoyed to keep these peoples pure, yet Harren did naught but turn from Artifai, instead seeking to reclaim lands from the sons of Krug in a great bloodletting, and when Artifai returned Harren once more turned him away, seeking to revel in his glory, and when Artifai returned once more with GOD’s message Harren relented and accepted. Yet, in his heart burned the lust for personal gain, and envy of his brothers Godwin, and Joren, and from this came the spurning of GOD’s call. And so, as Saul sought to claim the tribe of Horen for himself with Iblees’ whispers, Harren sought to claim the lands of Godwin, and Joren for himself out of lust for power, and from this bore the fruits of slaughter upon Godwin’s people like that of Horen’s tribe at the hands of Saul, and ultimately the kinslaying of Godwin at the hands of his brother Harren.


    From this, the peoples of Horen became divided more than they had been, once brothers now enemies, and of these enemies fled the son of Godwin, Owyn, to the lands of Joren for safety for seven years.


    Yet even in this safety Harren’s malevolence had no bounds, and upon hearing of the betrothal of Owyn, sent word to him to make peace and wed upon the land his father, Owyn’s uncle, had once ruled. And so, out of goodness of heart did Owyn travel there with Joren and a great fanfare for a wedding, yet were met by the steel and callous brutality of Harren whereby Owyn was cast down to the sewer out of fear for his life as all he had once known were slaughtered above him.


    It is here, that GOD spoke to him directly, and directed him to reclaim his place, and return to Him the peoples who were once so pious, now distraught and detestable.

    It is with this, that the rock upon which the true Faith of GOD is built upon is established, for out of His will was born the second Prophet from the most pious peoples, and from this Prophet was to come the Religion of His word, and truth uncorrupted, and unbroken as it was, and is.


    Upon the question of true teachings


    From these two Prophets, came the first scrolls of His teachings. The first, by virtue of Exalted Horen, came the virtues espoused by GOD to the first man, and woman, and then to their sons, those of Faith, of Charity, of Temperance, of Diligence, of Patience, of Fidelity, of Humility by which all descendants must abide by, for to stray from these is to bring the rot by which Saul, and Harren, brought upon the tribe of Horen as Iblees brought upon the tribes of Malin, and Urguan, and Krug.


    The second, by virtue of Exalted Owyn, came forth the guidance to each of the descendants races, and the peoples of Horen, and the mystics amongst all of them. For living a life abiding by the virtues alone does naught but instill a false sense of incorruptibility amongst us, and so ultimately breeds vices from which our Faith will be corrupted.


    The third, by virtue of Exalted Godfrey, gave to us the context by which we might recognise the sowing of iniquity amongst ourselves, and combat it before it, in its repulsive, and totalic grasp, strips all we know of GOD, and Faith, to replace it with wretchedness.


    The fourth, by virtue of Exalted Siegmund, provided the culmination of our diligence, the salvation we shall meet, and the signs by which we might recognise it when it comes to us.

    From these teachings of GOD, passed to us throughout the centuries, and upheld by the Holy Mother Church of Canon without alteration, GOD’s people flourish broadly, and proudly. A living testament to the truth by which GOD has illuminated our lives.


    Upon the question of the meaning of Sin


    Even with these teachings, and Faith, and Religion, the true word of GOD still finds itself assaulted upon each side, the purity of the word drawing the corrupted from all corners to attempt to feast upon her Holy body, and rip it asunder into an irreparable mess as the wolves do to any animal they hunt. With this, then, what might Sin be seen as? What makes an act Sinful in nature, or might lead to Sinful nature? And of this Sin, is it but the creation of the Creator, and thus a natural part of creation in itself?


    To understand Sin, in its baseness, is to understand that it is a word, or deed, or desire which opposes the eternal law of GOD, opposition in the sense of known and enacted acts, or unknown and enacted acts against the law of GOD. For one who knows of the law of GOD and chooses to act against it is Sinful in the innermost, and one who does not know the law of GOD but acts against it is Sinful in the outermost. With this, we then look to acts that occur naturally, the sense of that word being a near part of one's conscience, such as kleptomania found in the downtrodden of society, or psychoticism found in those who have suffered a great misfortune for many years. It is not with the intent or knowledge that they break the law of GOD through their deeds, nor even the deed itself, although still wrong, necessarily, but the habitual nature that comes from enacting that deed upon others. For, they have taken into themselves a corruption of their soul that permeates its fault upon anything they take part in. Yet, this Sin, although repeated on a vast scale, still finds itself roots within the first deed enacted by the Sinner, and thus the Sin is not of the natural state, but of a learned one. For they have not been corrected and placed back into GOD’s goodness, or if they have been corrected and refused GOD’s goodness, they have taken it upon themselves to continue their sickened ways. From this, then, we must find that there is no natural state by which any descendant finds themselves in Sin, for none are born in Sin for they are not born to deeds but make deeds after their birth, none are born with kleptomania, nor psychoticism, and thus these things come after. Following, then, these acts conducted against the law of GOD are perpetrated not in His image, nor His will, for He has given to us the gift of freedom of will as spoken of in book two nor has he enacted any Sin upon us, and thusly any choice made by us is of us and no other, with the fruits of that choice bore solely by us, for GOD does not Sin on our behalves, nor does He take necessity in sowing Sin within us but for His own enjoyment of clearing us of it. And of the thought that Sin might be natural in that it exists in the world, and thus must be natural, so too does the will to create, and yet not all might create well, or at all. So then, Sin cannot be a natural state of descendants for not all are affected in the same way that not all descendants are of a creative spirit, and thus the personal inclinations of each sows their ideals upon themselves, for naturally there are to be both goodness and badness, for they are of a coin, in the world, and so neither can truly be said to be of the base trait universally from birth.


    Upon the question of the origin of Sin


    With Sin being not of the base trait in us, then what might draw us to it, or to the goodness of GOD for that matter? The teachings of whatever Deity our parents hold dear are passed down to us and are of the most intrinsic governance of our personal traits, separate and after those passed to us by our father and mother, and so the most base guidance we receive from birth is that of our father and mother and not necessarily of any Religion. So then, with this in mind, we draw that our father and mother teach us the goodness and badness of the world before any Religious leader might do so, and with this, our immediate carnal, and moral, and spiritual desires are in unison with those of our parents.


    Upon the question of familial Sin


    And if they are of our parents, then whereby had our parents received these traits from which their child learns? It is only natural that these issues arise from their own lives, for no matter the Deity they worship, the teachings espoused by any God to them are either ignored, unfulfilled, or left to the wayside for other pursuits. And so, we see, that the father and mother of the child impart upon them the Sins they delve into, and those Sins they hold dear.


    For a father and mother to meet in union outside of the union of marriage do impart immediately upon the child the wickedness of a child conceived in guilt, and surely born to punishment by themselves or by the world abroad. What they partake in is depraved and illicit, the action shameful and improper, vain and unprofitable, and the child from which these deeds create is left with the mark of the itch of their flesh, the heat of their passion marked with lust, and worse yet with the stain of Sin already upon them. The child forever to be haunted with the knowledge of these depraved acts, with which offend against the judgement of GOD, and that same child to be condemned by his neighbors, and himself, for the acts which his parents partook in to defile his name without his consent forevermore. And so, through this deed alone, the parents impart upon the child the rottenness of their own works to forever stink and reek for as long as the child lives, with such foul odors permeating deep into the bloodline that even their grandchildren shall be marked similar in this. And this does not yet take into account those other acts the parents have committed throughout the formative years of the child, nor those they enact throughout the remainder of their lives from which their child still sees, and in part accepts within themselves for the bonding of blood runs ever deeply throughout we descendants, and alike to it our want to imitate one another.


    With this, then, the child is born into a family of Sin, and yet, even as he might grow, is marked with the same Sins of the parents, cursed to repeat them should no guiding hand interfere.


    Upon the question of communal Sin


    Yet it is not solely that of the family that imparts Sin upon a child as this, or as another, for if Sin exists within the family then should it not also extend to that of the community? It is only natural that those of the Elders, and Aldermen, and fellow citizens among them that interact, do impart upon the child their own Sins alike to that of the imparting with which the parents do, so alike to the family the community does also impart Sin.


    For the community roils itself in the toil and hardship of existing, and with it the anxieties of all who live within it do form. For in these anxieties, from the community in which they are birthed, come all kinds of cares that wrack the mind of they who live amongst them, the burdensome worry, they tremble and shrink with fears and terrors, are weighed down with sorrows, their nervousness to these things makes them depressed, and their depression only feeding their own nervousness. The rich and the poor, the married and single, the good and the bad alike are all taken to these things, and from them they all suffer worldly torments, and are tormented by wordly vexations. And from these things, these wretched products of community, are birthed the lusts for worldly joys, the seeking for affluence, the groping for power and authority, the never ceasing hunger that drives men to do horrid, and despicable acts upon one another to achieve respite from these anxieties. And for what? For he who seeks for affluence and riches is drawn to immorality, the sucking of the lifeblood of others for his own gain, his moralities ever shifting so long as they garner him ever more wealth, his own children being reduced to pawns but for his own games ! For he who gropes for power and authority is drawn to vanity, his own image becoming all he strives for, his own lusting to authority giving him an uncaring demeanor to any who suffer beneath his hands and feet as he climbs to them, never satisfied with whatever plateau he finds himself upon, and so is driven to climb ever higher ! For he who hungers for release from these anxieties draws himself to shame, for no deed is too depraved, no word is too foul, no action too morbid for his curiosities to be quelled and calmed, and so his hunger grows ever more desperate as each successive thing leaves him only satiated for an inkling of time ! And from amongst all these things, the child is stationed at their forefront, the sickness of the communities Sins staining themselves upon him in the same way those stains of his parents were placed upon him.

    From this we see that it is not but solely the family that works to foster Sin upon a child, but also that of the community they are a part of, and so is marked with both his familial Sin, and his communal Sin.


    Upon the question of societal Sin


    From these two places Sin festers, yet if it festers in these then should it not be spread across the whole of society? It is only natural that Sin fostered within the family, and community of this child is only reinforced by that of the society on the whole, for if the family and community impart their own Sins onto others then surely they impart their Sins to the society, and likewise from the Sins of the society to that of the community and family.


    So then the society that comes from those same communities and families, and the communities from those same families and societies, and the families from these same communities and societies, draws itself upon the greatest Sins of all, for suppose any man is drawn to rule over the whole of society without guidance from GOD, suppose in his hands rests the authority of the whole of his peoples wrested from them by conquest, and governance, and ultimate force of will. Suppose that burdening him are all the lusts of these communities and families, his shoulders growing heavy beneath their combined weight, his worries surmounting all those lesser ones of the individual communities and families beneath his control, his hunger being replete with the ever surmounting distress, his sleep marked with the depths of the ever jittering and fidgeting of unclean and unclear thoughts ! And suppose almost the whole life of all descendants is wrought by these same insecurities, these same anxieties, these same inequalities, and who then might we point to for purity within this filth, when one can scarcely find anyone who does not go astray from the path of GOD, does not return to his own Sinful vomit, and rot in his own dung ! For instead of seeing clearly the squalorous rot they lay themselves into willingly, they rejoice in the thought of wickedness, and Sin, they wish to be filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, envy, contentions, deciets, evil, detractors, hateful to GOD for he sees them for what they are, irreverent, proud, haughty, plotters of evil, foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy !


    This world without GOD and His teachings abounds in heretics and schismatics, traitors and tyrants, simonists and hypocrites, the ambitious and covetous, robbers and brigands, violent men, extortionists, userers, forgers, the impious and sacrilegious, the betrayers and liars, the flatterers and deceivers, gossips, tricksters, adulterers, incestuous men, deviates, and the dirty minded, the lazy, the careless, the vain, the prodigal, the impetuous, the irascible, the impatient and inconstant, poisoners, fortune tellers, perjurers, cursors, men who are presumptuous and arrogant, unbelieving and desperate, and finally those ensnared in all these vices together born in society, and community, and family, to forevermark the face of all the descendants who spurn the teachings of GOD.


    Upon the question of Sin


    With this we see clearly, without obscurity, or indistinctness, the Sins passed down to us not by GOD but our own freedom of will, the choices our parents and their parents, our communities and their communities, our societies and their societies all made and make from this day to the end day by which we all shall bear witness to. Thus we see, plastered brilliantly and vibrantly before us, the necessity and absolute requirement for the judgements of GOD to be upheld, and through this the necessity and absolute requirement for the Holy Mother Church, the sole apostolic institution devoted to preserving, teaching, and carrying on His message, to be made a part of our families, our communities, and our societies on the whole of the world, across all races, to keep us as a whole from the Sins of Iblees, and through them, our ultimate destruction and absolute damnation.




  14. Book Fourth

    Concerning Religion



    Saint Jude of Cyranium giving a sermon to the Orcs, before their mass conversion


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Owyn’s Light, 1694





    Throughout my thoughts upon the false gods, GOD, and Faith, I find myself drawing nearer to the question that many have sought to answer for themselves, if not to be fed the answer by their spiritual leaders then, through their own reasoning.


    As such, I shall build upon my thoughts of Faith in the most recognised institutions across all peoples and cultures, the very religions that espouse to be the true religion, or perhaps the many religions that espouse to be the one true multi-faced religion. Yet, I have little time to delve into each separately, and in doing so would most assuredly bore some, and anger others, so I shall restrict myself to simplistic examples of them.


    Now, for those who read on to find offense as most assuredly some have in my previous works, I extend a hand to you. For I wish not to confront, nor demean, but to shed light upon areas most dark and murky, revealing to us some modicum of understanding.





    Upon the question of the necessity of Religion


    From the darkness of the past, the atrocities, the glories, the mediocre, we look back upon the world we once knew from that which we now know, and ask ourselves as to where we shall go forth into? This has been the recycled occurrence across all peoples, and shall continue across all peoples until the end of time.


    Yet, what do we look back in hopes of finding? Perhaps the history of great wars, the development of art, great musical composers, legends in tales, the glory of a nation, or the humble life of our grandfather, or grandmother. From these we take many lessons, and we look upon these as cautionary stories of error, or glorious stories of victory.


    But yet there is one thing that has united all of these things for countless centuries, one thing that binds these peoples together not by the colour of their hair, nor the wealth they have accumulated. It is not the land upon which they stand, for many have bled upon it, broke it, and rebuilt it in their image, nor is it the cultures by which they identify themselves from one another, it is the Faith that binds them together, straddles all divides, and assures them of hope in the most terrible of times, and reminds them of humility in the most blessed of times.


    It is Faith, kept pure of corruptions, and miscarriages, and envious deeds. Their lives revolving around it, whether they embrace it, or deny it, or reject it they are defined by it, and through this definement we see the eternal presence of it.

    From this, then, we know of Faith through our fathers, forefathers, mothers, daughters, sons, and communities. All bound upon its teachings and guided by its hand through the spiritual world.

    But then why are we bound so deeply to it? What separates it from all other aspects of our lives, yet allows it to permeate throughout them thoroughly?


    It is the fundamental of our very beings, the unquestionable, the unalienable, the rock from which our communities, our families, and ourselves are built upon. Faith is the stalwart defender of all we have known, now know, and will know, with itself tethered to us through both tradition and Religion, the institutions from which exude the judgements of GOD passed down to us through the ages, and through the many faces of His servants.

    And so, the institutions of tradition and Religion is the absolute way in which we descendants connect ourselves to our forefathers, Malin, Urguan, Krug, Horen, and from them to the first man and woman, and ultimately GOD Himself, with all the lessons, teachings, guidance, and otherwise offerings they had received at His behest until the date in which I write this sentence.


    Thusly, tradition combined with Religion was, and is, and will be the absolute necessity of we, the descendants of GOD, forevermore upon this plain, and within the Skies themselves.


    Upon the question of corruption in Religion


    Yet, there are those who would point to any given Religion and decry it, for they point to the individuals who espouse it, to the nation that upholds it, to the race that abides by it, and fundamentally ignore that which it is, the foundations it is built upon, and the teachings it professes to be true and unaltered.


    They point to the knot in the tree and state with great confidence within themselves that, due to the existence of an imperfection, the whole of the tree must be weak, and frail, and ready to collapse, and must be taken down, chopped apart, removed, refined, and remade by our hands, instead of removing the knot of the tree so that it might mend and bear bark once more. These same would say that, the existence of a cut upon the hand necessitates the removal of the arm, for it has been utterly ruined by that damage, while they neglect that the removal of the arm is more detrimental to the wholeness of the person.


    Yet, such is the case with those who attack Religion for the conduct or beliefs of its individual members or institutions. For although they might serve the Religion, they too are but mortal and may find themselves straying apart from Faith as any mortal being might do. But because they fall astray, it does not equate to them sullying the Religion they serve, nor corrupt the Faith they hold, for to corrupt the Faith or sully the Religion requires a much more sinister devotion than the lack of abidance by its principles with which they might be guided back to goodness should they be shown their error.


    So then, we might look upon those that fall astray of Religion and Faith as we do a lost child, for in their journey they have lost the sight of their mother and call out, and wail, and cause commotion, but they have not lost the love for their mother, and cease to fuss when she finds them once more.


    Then what constitutes corruption in religion, if it is not the individual members? What can be shown to be a falseness from GOD's word, a changing of His teaching handed down as truth, and ultimately a corruption in His Faith?


    Upon the question of what is meant by Religion


    To find that which it is, we might then utilize the tool of definement for clarification.


    First, a Religion is defined by its bedrock foundation in a Deity or Deities, for without a Deity or Deities does it not but become a cult of personality, or worship of a mortal man or woman equal to that of worship to the Deities? If it has no Deity or Deities, can it even be referred to as a Religion, and not simply a cultural custom? And of this Deity or Deities, as previously explored in my first work, can they be held as the Creator of creation and not simply a part of creation?


    Second, all Religions that hold high a Deity or Deities build upon that foundation with the teachings of that Diety or Deities. For without harmonious word to guide, or writings to hold how then can any Religion be formed? And further, if none of these exist, how can the Deity or Deities even be known to exist, or if they showed themselves and yet did not give any of these then how can the Deity or Deities be worthy of worship if they have no care for us as we do them, and violate that which we found to be true concerning God?


    Third, all Religions are molded upon this foundation from the teachings they have received. For if they do not mold themselves to the teachings, and then work to abide by them, how then might they be a Religion defined and not be but the likes of a cherry picker who takes only the best fruit to market, or none at all?


    Fourth, all Religions have succession amongst their spiritual leaders. If there is no succession, then how can it be known that the teachings they hold are truly those handed down and not but the works of a mortal who wishes to bend the will of all to their thought of mind by carrying themselves as equal to they? If there is no succession, how can the Religion draw itself back to the four brothers, from which we all came from, the father and mother, and ultimately GOD Himself as we found to be true?


    All of these must exist in turn and as layered as they are, for if the teachings come before the Deity, then can one trust they are from them? If the Religion comes before the teachings, can one then trust they are giving truthful teachings of the Deity? If succession is lost, can one yet draw themselves to Deity and their teachings? If there is no Deity or Deities, as some espouse, then how can there be teachings, and Religion, and succession of these at all?


    Upon the question of false Religions


    With these we turn ourselves to the multitude of Religions that grace this earth on which we stand, and from which espouse all manners of Gods, teachings, Religions, and successions. For how can there be so many across the world giving so many contradictory statements upon originalities, if all are true? How can there be endless numbers of Deities all claiming creation of their own making, through distinct and disunified chorus? How can there be new and old Gods, some of which have only recently been worshipped, while others have existed for millenia, with all being true?


    The Elves have their own Gods, the Dwarves the same, the Orcs, and Men alike to these too. Yet, from this plethora might we take examples of each, to give clarity to the thought of what is false, how it is false, why it is false, and finally how this falsehood has brought not but destruction the likes of which Saul wrought on Horen's tribe.


    Upon the question of falsity within Elvenkind


    So let us begin with the Aspects, Cerridwen, and Cernunnos, as taught by the Druids and Worshippers of they, are thought to be the ultimate Gods within Elvenkind, their dominion stalwart. Thus the Elves have worshipped them for centuries, yet what are they exactly?


    In brief, Cerridwen, said to represent fertility, the cycle of life, and the harvest, concerns itself with the growing of the natural world, and its ultimate reaping end.


    Cernunnos, said to represent the hunt, and general predation, concerns itself with violent acts and revels in death, whether it be from necessity of an animal to eat or an elf to cause plunder it seems.


    From these, we immediately see that which cannot be true of these Gods. Neither is the Creator for neither concerns themselves with anything but the natural world and Elvenkind. Thus, how is it possible for these to be worshipped the same as the Creator, with the Druids and Worshippers rejecting wholly the truth of the Creator through their worship of these, if they cannot be the Creator and thus the true GOD? So then these must be not but caretakers of the Creators creation, mistaken for himself at best, taken to replace the Creator for the sourness Elvenkind bears at the thought of Him at worst.


    And to what teachings do these Druids point to to hold high their religion? For they speak and speak upon the laws that govern all Elvenkind, yet their great and omnipotent Gods could not have the power, foresight, or ability to codify these laws into written form? Or, perhaps, these laws were spoken to the Druids, yet for lust for their own authority they did not write them down to bolster their own position within Elven society. But if that is true, then how is it possible that these words passed down so many centuries without alteration, abbreviation, addition, or subtraction, at the hands of a lazy teacher, or one not capable of full explanation? And further, how then might we be able to tell if change has occurred within the word and law if there is not to compare it to? Perhaps the Druids seek only to protect their authority, or perhaps they do truly pass on the word, but how might we distinguish between the two?


    And from these laws, what governs the conduct of the Druids, or all Elves for that matter? Is it the simple nay or yay saying of one particular Druid upon one particular question? Perhaps they hold council and all give their guidance, or worse yet give their guidance only to be forced to repeat it for they lack the will to write down the laws and make them available easily. And what of the Druids that reject these teachings and make known changes in them? Are they brought to reasoning through the words of a Druid solely, or a council of Druids? Do the Druids but speak and speak on the error for they have naught to list but their own recollections of these laws? Worse still, perhaps the Druids live in absolute of the laws passed to them by their Aspects, does this mean each Elf must reside within a Grotto doing not but speaking words and laying with one another for centuries?


    And what of these teachers, as before their teachings may be incomplete, changed, or otherwise revised to fit their personal preference upon the ideas or what they remember from their own learning, for do they trace themselves to the first Elves that heard from the Aspects, or do they continuously hear from them and must remember each word spoken for a quill is but too unworthy of conveying them to parchment? And from the Aspects that cannot be the Creator, how can these words spoken be known to be true and not the fancies of a higher creation to themselves? Perhaps these Aspects play with their bumbling wards, seeking never ending praise for the nothing they provide. For surely out of love these Aspects would at least care for these peoples, yet they have permitted them to be subjugated beneath great races, brutalized and slaughtered in masses, oppressed and repressed over centuries, and ultimately must lie to them of whatever afterlife they say exists as they have lied about their love. For they take more care in the plants and the lesser animals than these people.


    Upon the question of falsity within Dwarvenkind


    Unlike the Elves who have two Gods, the Dwarves hold many Gods within them. A great Pantheon helmed by one they call Yemekar, their Creator, and thusly the one from which all lesser Gods pay homage to. Yet, he is perhaps the most outwardly exclusive God in known existence, plainly stating that he is Creator over Dwarvenkind and solely Dwarvenkind;


    “Yemekar is the father and creator of the dwarven race.”

    - The Dwarven Religions: Yemekar, The Maker


    So openly the High Prelates of the Ar Yemarin Anaros say these words it puts the efforts of writing upon them to utter uselessness when discussing if he is the true Creator. For he does not claim to be the creator of all, and in the truth of that there is honour to be found. But even as it is, why do the Dwarves then not worship the one that is the Creator of all if not but for their own self indulgence at the thought of being the perfect creatures, born from a God separate from all others, then for what other purpose do they resign themselves to he that claims creation over them? Perhaps it is the same as those held by the Elves, that of sourness towards the true Creator of all. And the same might be said of the Pantheon that surrounds Yemekar, for each devotes themselves to an aspect of the Dwarvenkind yet none ventures beyond,  as they too declare themselves Creators, yet not as grand as that of Yemekar.


    The most interesting aspect, set aside from the Pantheon, is that the Ar Yemarin Anaros do in fact carry traditions, teachings, and laws down from Yemekar. This being interesting in that, as admitted by themselves within the Third Holy Mandate, the Ar Yemarin Anaros had dwindled to the point that it was necessary for High King Garrond Frostbeard to appoint a High Prelate from nothing, for even the Prelate Council had fallen to abandon. And from this appointment came a great flurry of works, such as the Prelates of Yemekar, which have yet to be completed. So then, from this, how might a High Prelate, a Council, and the Religion of Ar Yemarin Anaros then be seen as the continuation of itself if it ceased to exist for a period of time? Perhaps within this lack of teachers some aspects of the Faith were lost, perhaps some aspects changed from recollection, perhaps some left aside, perhaps some created from nothing, who is to tell if there are none who were capable of carrying on the teaching? For if the Council had fallen to ruin, then surely there were none beneath that Council that still practiced the Religion absolutely, and thus an appointment to the High Prelates station in hopes of reviving a dead Religion placed it in the hands of a potential corrupter from which any published works regarding the Religion should be questioned for accuracy of their content. But then who is left to question its accuracy?


    To this the Ar Yemarin Anaros point to the belief their traditions are passed down through craftsmanship, trade, and everyday works, and so long as the trade is plied the truth of Yemekar shall remain. Yet, what this does not account for is the gradual adjustment and refinement of these things, for a craftsman that works in the ways of the ancients produces inferior quality to that of what we produce now, much the same as the younger painter is much worse a painter than to himself that is older who has adjusted his painting. And what of those craftsmen who do poor work, or those uncaring enough to improve, or those that abbreviate or lengthen their processes to achieve a better outcome? To this, it is plain to see that perhaps some of the Faith is kept, but it is not absolute. For if the Faith was capable of being passed this way, then what need is there in the Ar Yemarin Anaros at all, for the people of Yemekar are already being guided through their own trades. Here, lays the great falsity that lays open to those who look, for in that same work, that being of the Third Holy Mandate, it is specifically said that;


    “Since the landing of our people on these lands our religious leaders have been mostly absent, with no one stepping up to take the official mantle of High Prelate except Thoak of Clan Goldhand for a brief period of time during Hamnil Frostbeard’s reign. Since then all dwedmar have suffered from a lack of knowledge in the ways of the Brathmordakin and a general decline of culture has taken place as a result.” - THE THIRD HOLY MANDATE


    And so, there is ultimately no traditions, teachings, or unaltered Faith that can be handed down to the descendants of Urguan from Yemekar through craftsmanship, trade, or everyday works as described in that same work from which this premise was born from;


    “Due to the common occurrence of traditions being contorted through misconceptions, the Prelates of the Brathmordakin are responsible for leading, and ensuring that their respectable clergy does not succumb to chaos, and heresy” - AR YEMARIN ANAROS: CLERGY OF THE HOLY TRUTH


    And with the aforementioned lack of clergy to keep the traditions, and teachings from contortion of misconception, it only follows that this new clergy that has been appointed due to the absence of itself can surely not be held to be a clergy not ripe with contortions of the Faith through misconceptions itself. Thusly, their own Faith is undone by their own laxness in application, and from this the other devices have fallen away to leave but a shell of what it was. And so the Dwarves have been led astray both by a false God, and their failure to uphold what beliefs they had, reducing themselves to the perpetual oblivion they shall find once they pass on, for nothing Yemekar has promised might be true now for their lack of Faith has taken it from them.


    Upon the question of falsity within the Orcishkind


    Seperate to these others are the Orcs who host great worship to their ancestor Krug, from which they recognise their descent from, and a great plethora of Gods that even the Dwarves are placed to shame for their paltry number in comparison to those of these folk. From these many Gods, none stands above another in a most easily discernible sense, for it seems all the Gods of the Orcs stand alone over their own realm and answer to no other. Yet from these, Krug stands above all in his strength, even in death. And so, as perhaps akin to that of the Dwarves Yemekar, the Gods of the Orcs have not claimed creation over all, but only parts of it to which they devote themselves to in the same regards as their worshippers devote themselves to the God of a particular part. Even Krug, as authoritative and powerful as he seems to be, is admitted to being the first of the Shamans, his power being derived from others as all Shamans are bound to. So in this regard it is evident that, although as flamboyant and energetic as these Gods do tend to be, these Gods are not the Creator.


    Yet, the line of Shamans that guide the horde through the rituals needed to gain favour of one God or another remains an unbroken chain, each having been taught by another, with their origination being Krug, and so in some sense the Orcs are not as barbarous as many of the other descendants would attest. For without the Shamans, the knowledge of Ritual would be lost, and without Ritual, the Gods of the Orcs would remain mute to their devoted worshippers.

    Yet, to what do these Gods speak upon to the throngs of these tusked men? What great wisdom might be garnered from them? For, in their seemingly endless number, the Orcish Gods in all their Ritualistic behaviour still stumble upon the thought of a creed for themselves. What teachings do the Gods pass down but the indulgence of slaughter that they find so necessary to be conversed with, and from this slaughter a fleeting benefit to not all Orcs, but of a select few or one, with only they garnering abilities or knowledge even with these being degrees below that of a Shaman. So select are these gifts, that the very totems erected in observance of these Ritualistic needs are built by the hands of the Orc that shall receive them, so then we cannot say these are truly teachings for they are not retained upon the masses by the Shamans who profess to know of the Gods so well, or by the general populace of Orcish peoples.


    So by what then do the Orcish peoples observe the wants of their Gods if not by the mindless and endless Ritualistic slaughter of innocents, for they sacrifice other descendants and themselves, unless that is the sole of the purpose of these Rituals. If that is the case, then are these not Gods but twisted and malignant spirits sent by Iblees to complete the utter corruption of the Orcish peoples for all time? In digressing upon this thought, it is plain to see that the Orcs embrace falsity not in the form of Religion, for what one might call their Faith in the Gods, but in the very Gods, or to be specific, the spirits, from which they obtain the corrupting energies of the impure and boast of them as a great gift to be sought.


    Thusly, although the Orcs carry on the traditions of their Gods as guided to do so by the Shamans who hold a succession, no teachings of these Gods can be, or are abided by in unison with another, for no universal creed of the Gods teachings exists making such demonstrations impossible, especially when devotion to one God is favoured over devotions to many. And further, what teaching does exist exudes the horrific nature that is bloodlust which is not a mark of the Creator, for the Creator does not wish upon His own creation undue punishments, but the mark of Iblees. So then, the Orcish peoples worship, in their totality, that which is not God, the Void, and from it pull what they can, that being corruption of themselves through what they call gifts, into this plain in defiance of the Creator. Their worship being the destruction of all things good, and the hedonistic embrace of things other to this world.


    Upon the question of falsity within Mankind


    Unique to the others, stand the men and women of Humanity, their teeming masses sprawling across all the world. Within them, many languages, and cultures, which birth many false Religions. For we might speak then upon the men and women of the Red Faith, who espouse the All-Father to be the true God over us all, and Creator of all for one such belief. Yet, separate to the Elves who draw themselves to Malin, Dwarves who draw themselves to Urguan, and Orcs who draw themselves to Krug, who do these men draw themselves to but Thoromor Ruric who lived about the year thirteen hundred, and was the first to hear of this God not but over a millenia after all the other descendants heard of theirs. So then, we know that whatever this God might be, he cannot then be the Creator for he did not show himself to Horen in the time he lived, nor Malin, nor Urguan, nor Krug for no history leading to that of the year thirteen hundred records any being known as the All-Father. And so, if he cannot be the Creator out of simply drawing of a line to the four brothers, and the first man and woman, then how can any teachings of his be true and worthy? For Malin, Urguan, Krug, and Horen all heard of teachings from GOD, knew the first man and woman as father and mother, and passed down their teachings to their tribe and children all before this original prophet was born. So then, was the All-Father but a creation of the Creator after over a millenia, with his purpose being that of shining a light to one mortal man as was recorded in the first documents of this Faith?


    And of the teachings of this God, which were passed to Thoromir Ruric through some method unknown for the light that proved this Gods existence in Thoromir’s eyes did not speak, remake that which is known by all the descendants, with such passages from those who seek to become professors of this Faith espousing;


    “All beings that are man or are not man were created from man. They were created from man who’s sin and lack of devotion twisted their bodies, souls, and minds into what they are now. Forever cursed with a body and faith that forces them away from the All-Father and his followers.”

    - ON THE CREATION OF BEINGS, Author Unknown


    To great chorus. For man is the progenitor of himself through some method, and all others, those being of the descendants, being made from man as well. Perhaps the pupil of the Keepers did not fully grasp that which they believe, perhaps he reports exactly what they believe, in both it draws the question of who, or whom they believe this man to be? Is it but one individual, with themselves holding Horen above his brothers, or many individuals, with themselves holding Horens tribe above the tribes of Malin, Urguan, and Krug? And in this same passage from this same pupil it declares that the Elves of Malin come from senseless slaughter, the Dwarves of Urguan come from greed, and the Goblins, not even those of the Orcs, of Krug come from sin in general, and had the Men of Horen not sinned these other races would not exist today.

    Further, another pupil describes the state from which all descendants come as;


    “As the scrolls tell us, menfolk came from what some perceive to be clay body’s with souls of fire.”

    - ON LIFE, Magnus Ironwood


    A perception of the scrolls, not even the words themselves. So then, to take the perception of that of the teacher of this pupil, the Creator did not create the first man or woman but, or rather, husks of clay filled with fire, which they take to be souls, and called them creatures. If this was the case, then the great Elven Magi could equal GOD in power, for they bring to life beings made of stone, metal, and clay as described with their powers with somewhat regular efficiency. This pupil goes on to muse upon the thought that these bodies were not ready to take the land which the All-Father has created, if this was true, then why would he give them souls to bring them to that of life like we currently hold?

    And the last of these pupils I will delve to present, is that of one who discusses salvation;


    “We are told as Arthas has written, that men and women of the All Father will have our Salvation. Our doom will come, but then a man born of human flesh blessed by the Dawnlord will come to us. He will ignite the pyre of the mortal soul.” - ON THE HOPE OF MAN, Harry Ragnarson


    From this, then, we must take that only those of Man might enjoy salvation through the lighting of the mortal soul. Yet, if the souls are said to be of fire then how might they be ignited? Is this perhaps a contradiction amongst teachers of these pupils, for should they accurately portray the Faith then the teachings it abides by are false, yet if they make error in their explanation then what teaching might be passed to the next generation of Keepers if these become their teachers?


    So then, the Red Faith shows plainly the contradictions and false beliefs openly upheld by themselves. For their God is not that of the Creator for he came after the first of creations, his teachings are flawed and corrupt from the contradictions found in his own scrolls, the Faith is then further corrupted by compounding errors, or by virtue of the teachings being corrupt, and succession to the first man and woman of these teachings is broken, for they came thirteen hundred years after the first man and woman.


    Upon the question of the summation of false Religions


    And so, we find that these Gods, and those not mentioned, are all equally false, their teachings therefore being incomplete and spontaneously inspired by the will of mortal or spirit hand. Thusly, any Religion formed upon them is, by virtue of the foundations it is built upon, false, with any succession after that being entirely irrelevant for if the foundations it is built upon are rotten, twisted, and infirm, how can any build a grand and glorious house to GOD upon them without itself becoming rotten, twisted, and infirm as well?


    With this in mind, we then find ourselves to understand further the necessity of Religion in our lives, a guiding force of truth, and goodness to the ultimate salvation at the hands of the Creator when our time upon this mortal plain ends.




  15. Book Third

    Concerning Faith



    The Baptism of High Pontiff, St. Daniel I


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Horen’s Calling, 1694





    Within this book I shall be continuing my thoughts upon Faith, with this iteration concerning itself wholly with the fundamental goodness found within it, as opposed to my previous work which explored the lack of it.


    So, with as little further explanation of its contents will provide, I shan’t bore you anymore with my explanation of this book, and shall begin where I had left myself.





    Upon the question of Faith regarding what is Faith


    With this understanding of what the lack of Faith entails, and encompasses, and is, we then move on to that which is left. The leavings being, through the discernment of what it is not, Faith.

    For if the lack of Faith is defined as the absence of belief, and discernment, and acceptance, and application, then the Faith would be defined as the presence of these things wholly, completely, and without modification.


    Upon the question of the meaning of Faith


    So then, as naturally as the question arises when discussing the topic, what is to be the benefits of upholding GOD’s teachings above any other mortal or false deities, if not but to preserve one’s self from punishment, as the most forceful of corrections, at the hands of GOD? This being the inverse to the previously explored question regarding the fruits of lack of Faith, yet also as equally flawed. For it is not the punishment from which we remove ourselves from, for the punishment is but only a guidance to the truth, but the goodness of life, and its fulfillment with GOD.


    So to cower as a dog would do from a brutal, and cruel master when the question of faith arises is to cower from one's own salvation, with any actions done in fear of suffering being numb to the reasoning of why they are done in the first place. For it is not out of cruelty, or malice, or enjoyment of suffering that GOD passed down His judgements to us, but out of love for us so that we might grow within His gardens of creation, and protect it as He has done to us. So with a heart of fear one cannot truly hope to follow the path of GOD, for they have already been led astray.


    Upon the question of Faith regarding the fruits of Faith


    With this framing of GOD's love, we might then move to that which is the subsequent joyous celebration of our Faith upon this earth. Glorious is He, for although the corruptions I spoke of are true to each descendant race, for even through the hardships given to us by Iblees’ and his corruptions, we find our savior in GOD ultimately through Faith. It is He that, upon the ending war with Iblees and the casting of him down from this plain, saw what Iblees had cursed us with, and it is He that alleviated those curses with gifts of His own.


    “So Aeriel came among them, and by GOD’s will the brothers were alleviated of the pains of their imperfections. And thus Krug’s wrath was tempered with honor, Malin’s impotency with sanctuary, and Urguan’s greed with strength of will. But at the command of GOD, Aeriel did not alleviate Horen’s pain. For to Horen, the Lord promised the Skies.” - Godfrey 2:16


    To Malin and his tribe, he gave them sanctuary in the form of the grottoes and lifegiving abilities they enjoy within their realms. The tending to the plants and the animals with masterful ability, so that they might know of the parenthood they had been stripped of.


    To Urguan and his tribe, he gave them the strength of will each one carries. For even with their physical bodies reduced to those of the other descendants, they know not shame, nor sadness, and instead carry themselves and their brethren with great pride. Pride with which the people of Urguan carry into all things of their race.


    To Krug and his tribe, he gave them honour. For although they seem as brutish and backwards as any among the descendants, through honour they bind themselves together, and through honour they carry themselves from wallowing in the pits of blood and piss they fight within to greater achievements.


    To Horen and his tribe, he gave them the Seven Skies. For although humanity may suffer upon this earth with their curses, bleed and die in thousands in their wars, they shan't know of great fear so long as they know of GOD and what awaits them once their pain is ended.


    Upon the question of GOD's gifts


    Yet even with gifts such as these, most tangible and beneficial, some would question why GOD did not simply remove the curses of Iblees and cast them down with him. For what purpose did GOD see fit to leave these curses upon our combined flesh forever?


    To understand this, perhaps we must reflect upon the origins of the descendants in regards to Faith, or rather, the lack of Faith. For in a time when there were no curses, when the tribes lived, and loved, and were loved without suffering, or trouble, or hardship, what happened to each? In places of their choosing, with the bounties of all GOD's creation surrounding them, with no wants, or needs unmet, what occurred?


    For if it was not out of unrest, or displeasure, or some other feeling that the descendants were tempted by Iblees, then perhaps it was out of thought to ease what little pain they may have endured. Or perhaps to increase the pleasures they already knew, and enjoyed to feverish levels of indulgence. All of these perhaps led the descendants astray in those early times, or perhaps some other reason, but nonetheless they were led astray and paid in blood for their transgressions against Faith in GOD's judgements.


    And so, with this knowledge of their own transgressions being as quickly forgotten as the food they have eaten, or of a wrong they have done another to save their face in their own eyes, perhaps GOD did see fit to leave those marks of iniquity upon His peoples so that, should they think to forget His word, they might be reminded to the cost of what they wish to delve themselves once again into simply by looking upon one another and themselves. The ultimate, tangible, real, undeniable truth of these corruptions and what their fruits will forever be.


    Upon the question of Faith regarding its entirety


    And so, as we have delved to understand, that which we most commonly refer to as Faith is the guiding hand of GOD, gifted to us so that we may be led upon the righteous, and good path.

    From this, we take its devices, those of Belief, Discernment, Acceptance, Application. From them, we understand how each creates the whole, and acts as safeguard for the others.


    We understand the fruits of lack of this Faith, the detractions of inequity, the curses we suffer from, the ultimate pain we have.


    And we understand the fruits of this Faith, the salvations we garner, the gifts we have, the ultimate salvation from earthly discomforts.


    Finally, we postulate upon the retention of our curses at the hands of Iblees, and to what end they service ourselves in reminding us in the physical of each day what it is we work to overcome through faithfulness to GOD.

    With these thoughts bearing upon us, we then might understand that which we colloquially refer to as Faith in its most rudimentary form, and might yet seek to further refine its principles and doctrines with which we of the current age live to uphold. Those doctrines and principles being the foundations from which religion is built upon as a whole.




  16. Book Second

    Concerning Iniquity


    Related image

    The slaughter of Saul and the tribe of Horen at the hands of Iblees’ corruption


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Sigismund’s End, 1694





    Following my thoughts upon the divine as so inscribed within my previous work, the course naturally flows to the mortal plain, or more precisely, that which binds the mortal plain to GOD. This binding, of course as is only natural, being the fundamental ways by which He interacts and leads the beings capable of reason. I speak, therefore, of my thoughts upon the Faith, or rather Faiths, of the mortal plain, and to what end they might bring through dedication.


    For across this expanse about us, and through time neverending, there have come and gone many Faiths. All of them prospecting to the fundamental questions that recognising a God might bring, and all of them, through no lax effort, pressing that they do indeed have the answers to what questions they bring forward.


    Thus, I shall continue my thoughts fluently as to avoid the unnecessary burden of reiteration and subsequent boredom of you who wish to understand fully of what I refer to. And to you who do not read but to find offense or to contest, I say this, read on so that what wisdom I might impart should take root in you and aid you in your venture to the truth of which you have spurned for too long.





    Upon the question of the necessity of guidance


    So then, the question would arise, why would a GOD, as authoritative and powerful as He is, not solely reduce all of His creation to that of subservience and complete obedience? For, if He is truly the creator, would He not take offense to those who spurn Him openly or worship others as they would worship Him? Would He not set upon them punishments so dire, or set upon them in the person, that they who wander listlessly without Him be cast to the ground and weep of their ignorance or malevolence? Nay, for to what end do such actions provide? Shall the Creator gift to His creations that which He does not want them to have? But then why gift to His creations will at all?


    We might see that, in His great love, GOD had created intelligent creatures which we see as the animals of the world, so that they might enjoy His creation. For a monkey, or bird, or fish, or wolf might enjoy the base of it, they cannot enjoy the whole or appreciate the nuances which surround them. For this purpose GOD created higher beings, the father and mother, and from them came we the descendants. Yet the higher purpose to which I have given is not necessarily higher, but more broad in itself. The ability to understand, comprehend, and emulate the same creating hand, and due to this He could not limit the abilities of us as He had done to the lesser beings.


    Upon the question of what is guidance


    I speak, of course, of the will of which all descendants bear, as they bear a soul, which provides them the freedom of thought, and judgement, and reflection that other creations such as the fish, or the birds, or the wolves of the world do not enjoy. For this freedom of will is what He has provided to His creation so that it may develop as a child would develop, for a mother that locks her child away from all torments and misdeeds does not aid the child, rather, instead she would harm it more so by doing this than perhaps any other action. To deprive the child, which enjoys freedom of will as we all do, from these things is to shackle and chain them from all beauty, and deprive from them a fulfilling life to which they were created to fulfill.


    Through this, GOD not only created all of creation in the physical, but He also chose to create the moral, or in essence the dichromatic existence of good and evil should it be boiled down to such basic concepts, within this freedom of will. A second gift so profound that all cultures, peoples, and societies have, for the entirety of our combined history, observed and rendered them to be so true that they make-up the very foundation of all we know socially. That being the hierarchical structure of our families, societies, governments, of our various religions, and of the way we perceive actions taken by individuals or groups.


    Thereby, through His will, we have been gifted the first and most unrefined guidance from GOD, proving that, as with all creation, He does indeed care for us as He does the rest of His creation and therefore affirms himself to the concepts proposed in my first work. Thusly, once again affirming His position as GOD.


    Upon the question of what is meant by Faith


    Further to this, through the gift of morality, His creations, which would be the first man and woman, were given divine guidance in the earliest of days by GOD, as recorded in multiple sources upon the matter, and thus the foundation of the lens by which we see morality was established. Even further to this, with the coming of the sons named Malin, Urguan, Krug, and Horen, GOD set about, as well as the first man and woman, teaching the youths that came afterwards of these same moralities, again recorded in multiple sources.


    From these teachings, we now see the formation of the first faith present itself. That being, the faith in GOD and His judgements. Of course, in these early days, the idea of faith had not been fully formed, nor even articulated amongst the parents nor the children. All believed equally and wholly in the presence of GOD, and His will, and His creation without contest, or conjecture, or disinterest. However, none knew of this faith that now existed and so could not therefore foresee what the lack of this new faith would bring.


    So then we find that, as long lasting and fundamentally true as the concept of creation, the concept of faith too shares in our combined history as descendants of these first beings. That being the uncontested truth of there being a GOD, as a child would not contest the existence of their mother, as prevalent and as uncontested as the truth of there being creation.


    And so furthering to this understanding we can attribute faith to be the concept of guidance provided from GOD, for His judgments are those of guiding us towards a goodness that no other can, and the belief in the goodness of those judgements presenting themselves as the aforementioned idea.


    Upon the refinement of the question of Faith


    With Faith thusly being that of the belief in judgements made by GOD, we can therefore expand this to the happenings that follow the sons Malin, Urguan, Krug, and Horen from which all descendants attribute their lineages to in order to refine what it is. I speak then of the treachery of Iblees to GOD, a creation of GOD that, through the freedom of will gifted to him, rose up against Him in the effort to corrupt and destroy creation entirely. Now, to fully understand the implications of this, we must discuss that which I have put aside earlier, that being what the lack of faith would bring.


    To begin in this thought, however, the framing of the question is to be set in place. What does a lack of faith entail? The disbelief or disregard of GOD’s judgements? If that is so, then it would exclude from it the truthfulness that one may be lead astray. So then, perhaps a lack of faith is the inability to discern the truth from the untruth and subsequently lose the judgement passed down by GOD? Or, to further this question, a lack of faith is the inability to believe, discern, accept, apply, or all these together that which is GOD’s judgment. To be unable to believe in GOD’s judgement fully, discern GOD’s judgement from simply the word of one who is not GOD, accept GOD’s judgement easily, apply GOD’s judgement as it is handed down, or do these things in unison if it is necessary, to be the most clear in my meaning.


    With this, we may delve further into the question of the lack of faith among the four brothers in regards to Iblees’ sown corruptions against GOD within them, or more precisely the nature by which this lack of faith might define for us what is faith through the application of what it is not.


    Upon the question of Faith regarding lack of Faith


    We therefore begin in the time following GOD’s call for the first man and woman to join Him among the skies, apart from their children. The four sons now left isolated from their teachers, and so are left only with what was passed down, a parable to how we currently reside in this world, and to continue the teaching and adherence thereof.


    So the Lord was pleased to lay His favor upon the sons of His first man and woman, and He called the pair forth to reside in Sixth Sky and give the World over to the dominion of the Sons.” - Godfrey 1:14


    Following this absence, it is written in the sources from these early days that the sons soon began to drift from the teachings passed down to them. Their attentions diverted to those of the mortal realm in which they now dwelt entirely apart from their parents, their attentions taken from the common discussion with GOD to more earthly matters among themselves. The first most prevalent, depending on the source yet all agree upon the premise, the four sons separated, drifting apart to live apart among their own tribes, these tribes later being the four descendant races, but that is of no importance now, with each taking to themselves their own lands, and titles, and customs.


    From this we know the lack of faith, the lack of belief, discernment, and acceptance of judgement, was prevalent amongst all the sons people. To Malin in the forests, Urguan in the caverns, Krug in the deserts, and Horen in the plains, came forth Iblees and his corruptions, yet it is only Horen to which the absence of GOD did ring loudly to him and to which he sought for willingly.


    Yet, through his will to rejoin GOD, Horen did leave his tribe unguarded from the corruptions of Iblees, unlike his brothers who were corrupted easily by the deceiver themselves, for they had lost sight of GOD’s judgements, and warnings, and teachings that were passed down to them. In short of form Malin, Urguan, Krug, and the tribe of Horen lost faith.


    From this lost faith, or lack thereof, came the inevitable disaster that befell the three brother and the tribe of Horen, these being the weakening of Malin and his people, and Urguan and his people, and the kinslaying of Krug and his people, for at this time all tribes are as the brothers, and the deceiving of Saul within the tribe of Horen.


    First came the corruptions of GOD’s judgements, the corruption of faith itself through acceptance. The three brothers and their tribes falling to revelry and lazyness, laying with one another freely, and holding these corruptions of GOD’s judgements as the proper form of them, as written in the histories for they had no will to accept the judgements as passed to them and so instead chose to rework that which GOD had made for their own benefit.

    Second came the corruptions of GOD’s judgements through discernment. For each of the brothers and the tribe of Horen could not tell apart the word of mortal men from that of GOD, and so did bring forth the word of mortal men as equal word to that of GOD.


    Third came the corruptions of GOD’s applications, for as with the lack of acceptance and discernment of the judgements, so too did the three brothers and the tribe of Horen fall away from the proper application of such. This resulting in the loss of adherence to His word entirely and the leading of these first peoples from His path.


    Fourth came the corruptions of GOD’s faith through belief. For without the acceptance, nor the discernment, nor the application intact, there was nothing to correct the falsity that manifested itself within the fundamental belief. So then, if one does not accept the judgements of GOD and seeks to change them, and cannot discern these changes in judgements from the original, nor the application of those judgements and so changes them too, there can be nothing left of belief for to what does one then attribute to believe if they have rejected all the wisdoms given to them in that regard?


    And so, we know that Faith therefore must represent these four devices. Those of Belief, Discernment, Acceptance, and Application of GOD’s judgements wholly, truthfully, and without question, or favouritism, or modification.


    Upon the question of Faith regarding the fruits of lack of Faith


    And so we see that the lack of faith spread across the siblings and tribes easily through the corruptions of these devices, for none had safeguard against them save for Horen who gave Julia, his wife, the understanding to watch for and prevent these corruption. Yet, even with this safeguard, her reclusion to her tabernacle permitted Saul, who came with the offerings of Iblees to Horen's tribe, to spread the corruptions throughout her tribe, so much so that upon Horen’s return he found his own people as troubled as he had known they would be with Iblees’ words.


    Then what became of those of Horen's tribe who bathed in sin and coveted falsity jealously? What became of those men, and women, and children from which took the chalice of Saul and drank the wine of Iblees?


    For upon Horen's return to the camp, having found GOD and being gifted upon him His blessing, with himself glowing with the holiness of his anointment, these people he once could touch, could no longer touch him. And from him they sank away, and when Horen entered the tabernacle where his wife was tending to their children to speak, and upon his return to the masses he found them laying next to Saul upon the ground. For their sin, and iniquity, and falsity had led them to slaughter one another, the ground stained red with the blood of the corrupted.


    Then what became of those of Malin, and Urguan, and Krug who participated with their tribes in sin and coveted falsity jealously?


    To Malin, the oldest of the brothers, along with his people, the corruptions of Iblees gave them sterility, so that their number would forever be overshadowed with extinction.

    To Urguan, the second oldest of the brothers, along with his people, the corruptions of Iblees gave to them short, squalid, and ugly demeanours, so that they could not stand as equals among their brothers.

    To Krug, the second youngest, along with his people, the corruptions of Iblees gave them tusks in place of teeth, corrupted their very flesh to strange colours, and gave them a stature to match their insatiable bloodlust.


    Upon the question of lack of Faith


    From this knowledge then, we see that the lack of faith is to be chained to that which leads only to ruin. To cast aside the lifegiving truth of GOD, to remove from yourself the belief, and discernment, and acceptance, and application of His word, to submit yourself to the ultimate torture and death of yourself both through physicality and through your spiritual being, the soul you once bore purely.

    The lack of Faith being both the defining, and the limiting of your being, and your existence, and your accomplishments.


    Through this lack of Faith, the unbeliever has no standard, no guidance, and ultimately no conviction in their beliefs but for the conviction that they shall benefit from the lie they perpetuate upon themselves and others. And with it, no ability to hold themselves accountable for the wretchedness they bring upon themselves, for the wretchedness is all they have, and will know.




  17. Spoiler

    The coming book series will be distributed to the world by a few fat monks, penned in the years leading up to the Schism, they revolve around the Canonist Faith entirely.





    Book First

    Concerning God


    Image result for carl van loo saint augustin

    High Priest, St. Everard I of Al’Khazar being guided by the Prophet Owyn to protect the Faith


    Penned By High Pontiff Siegmund I


    1st of Harren’s Folly, 1694





    It has come, as it has come over the course of its history, that criticism of the Faith and the questioning of GOD that sinks its roots deep within the earthen body of Humanity resurfaces once again amongst us. Its tendrils snaking within to grasp the very stone foundations by which the whole is upheld upon, its purpose to dislodge, disassociate, and ultimately destroy that which binds we, the humble and pious, together beneath GOD’s great glory and sink us all to the depths of nothingness so that they might glimpse the pleasure of our suffering for even but a brief moment.


    With this plague, which crosses the hearts and minds of both intelligentsia and the masses, the highborn and low, I reach out to you, whether you be of the aforementioned or not, to discuss that which we the Faithful beneath GOD’s Light hold dear in our hearts and keep close in our minds. To discuss by what meaning we have lived, live, and will live upon this mortal plain until our existence here ends through great suffering or otherwise restful peace.


    Thus, with this in mind, I open now to you my thoughts upon the divine, with the intention that perhaps the wisdom of my words may come and ring the bell of truth to those too blind to its presence to perceive it or those too far astray to hear the sound so that they might be guided back to His path once and for all. But let these I mention not be the sole audience with which I engage, for these thoughts are not meant for the few, but for the whole of Humanity and beyond.





    Upon the question of what is meant by GOD


    Let me begin my explanation at the beginning, although it is also the end, of that being which we call GOD, or rather to present the initial before the summation, His work known as creation, upon which our ancestors, ourselves, and our children shall forever be home to for so long as we live.


    There is not born a Man, Dwarf, Elf, or even Orc from which the question of creation stays its hand and conceals itself from, for within the primal nature of the descendants exists the fundamental question of what, or rather, who or whom brought the existence of all they know, and see, and live to fruition.


    The question arising most naturally when the youth first looks out and ventures upon the fields, mountains, forests, seas, and skies of the world around them and ponders, perhaps in the most basic of terms, the thought, for whenever we find great beauty, or otherwise pleasure, in a creation we immediately turn our attention to the question of who or what produced it in hopes to garner further understanding, or for a replication of the work.


    So it is that the answer of what created the world is found in a multitude of sources, or more concisely phrased, the beings known as Deities or Gods, which are found in plethora amongst the array of religions that reside upon this mortal plain, for such great beauty must be made by one equally or more prominently above that which is created. Of these religions those Deities they purport to exist have created the world, whether it be made by a Pantheon of many Gods or perhaps a few Gods and their subordinates, or by a singular God which has created all but resides in one.


    With this, we might find the answer to what is meant by GOD, the creator, the lifegiver, the alpha, the ultimate, the benefactor of all existence. But from this, how are we to ascertain that which sets apart the true God or Gods from the false God or Gods?


    Upon the question of how we know GOD exists above all others


    These Deities, as numerous as they are, are piecemeal in their nature, in that through their own beliefs they leave aside pieces from the whole of creation.


    To the Elven Aspects, for one, industry and man-made, for the lack of a better term, creations are not seen as part of creation, for these Elven Gods only concern themselves with the natural world unchanged and in doing so leave apart from the whole these aspects of creation from their mythos and worship. Or, for yet another example among many that would surely bore you, the Nordengradic God, which only cares for that of the Nordengradic peoples, excluding all others. For he does not spread his Hearth Fire beyond the confines of their realm, and only delves in matters pertaining to that miniscule aspect of creation that is these peoples. Although this shall be delved into at a later time for I do not have the time to dwell upon this matter further, nor does it truly represent the thoughts herein presented.


    So then, to presume these Gods represent what is true and have made the totality of all creation, they would indeed need to embrace all of which they do not embrace, and are thusly incoherent in the teachings they supposedly provide.

    For apart from these Gods through which the majority of the descendants, as well as the various races not descended from the first man and woman, propose to exist, GOD stands singularly and in doing so through his singular presence and word, encompasses all aspects of the world. The Fauna and Flora, the seas and skies, the deepest caves and the highest mountains, the depths of the mind and the expanse of the heart, the very soul to which all descendants bear, even if they do not recognise such a thing themselves, are encompassed by Him and within Him, for He does not dwell within one place but within all places, and does not hold one above the other as these other Gods do.


    And so we might believe, given the nature of the other Gods apart from GOD, that these other Gods are mere creations themselves of a grander God, for a God would surely not be limited in power over creation if they are indeed the creator of creation themselves and would not pursue but one aspect of it continuously out of favour if all aspects were pursued in the beginning to form it.


    Upon the question of the nature of GOD


    So then, in representation of all there was, and is, and is to be, GOD exists as the whole of His creation and consequently knows of it as an inventor knows of his invention and naturally cares for it as would the same regardless of what aspect might be put through torment at the time.


    We may then, if it is rightful for a mortal to do such, presume that GOD cares for His creation as a mother would her child, guiding it and correcting it across the fabric of the era’s to form what we now briefly know as our plain of existence, the mortal realm. For if GOD did not care for the wellbeing of this plain, then he would surely allow a field torn apart to be left as mud and not see it reborn anew with fresh grasses, and flowers, and animals that remove the existence of such an unpleasant sight, and instead leave it for all eternity as but mud to never again be graced with the foliage it has lost.


    And if GOD is akin to that of a mother tending to her child, we might presume there is a love between creator and creation present. As like a child we beckon out to our surroundings looking for a figure by which to gain love from in times of hardship or distress, and like a mother GOD answers, perhaps not by words but, by the grace of all he has given us so that we might feel His affection albeit detached.


    Upon the nature of GOD's love


    Yet, even with this detachment present, GOD does not seek solely to love unconditionally His creation, as a mother does not unconditionally love her child or the child their mother. For the use of perceived absence, perceived uncaring, anger, or punishment is of the greatest benefit in teaching ones child right from wrong as a mother does throughout her child's life, so too does GOD engage in these same devices in order to guide His mortal creations upon the right, and just, and pure path.


    From this understanding of the limitations of GOD’s love, to which contesting voices might incorrectly cite as proof of the lack of GOD or even His malevolent nature, in respect to the aforementioned technique of teaching, we can rightfully say that GOD does not truly mean to bring unjust acts, cruel or otherwise, upon those who profess their Faith to Him or those that have wandered from Him. Instead, He merely wishes to press upon us the importance of the guidance which He provides to us, like a mother would do to her unruly son. For the son might not recognise the wisdom in his mother's words at the time of punishment, but may only understand the reasoning of said punishment through the lense of retrospect. Whether it be the following day or the following decade.


    Upon the necessities of GOD


    Thus we must draw from these aspects, those herein observed above, that the true God of Gods, or Creator or Creators as we might dually refer to Him or Them as, must therefore be the creator of all creation itself. Following this, God must be the absolute creator of creation with no peer, for a creator that is co-creator cannot be claimed to be the ultimate God for both creators must have their origins within something more authoritative and thusly powerful than that which is themselves or each other, and cares for His creation through without special preference of favouritism given to one aspect of the whole or another. This caring for creation by GOD must therefore come from a sense of love for His creation, and stewardship of it without abandon or disregard, for as an inventor cares for his invention a creator must therefore care for his creation. Lastly that this love extends itself into the necessary guidance required to keep ones loved one from torment or danger, even if through this guidance punishment must be serviced for not but the reason of betterment of it. So then, from these pieces we find the whole in which we know as the one true GOD, without peer.







    13th of Sun’s Smile, 1693






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth beseech…





    To those of the Faithful who hold the pious heart, those who seek for clarity and observance to the one true GOD, who hold high His virtues, and abide by His teachings, let us bear witness to that which we know as Schism.


    For in the early days of the Holy Mother Church, there was naught but two men, Saints Evaritus and Saint Clement, who received from Exalted Owyn the Laurels of Horen. The mark by which we know the true bearers of the Pontifical Succession, handed to them from GOD Himself. And so, the Laurels have passed down through the ages, bestowed by the Holy Synod of the Church, made to be the Triarchate in my coming to my station.


    And so, the Laurels rest upon my head as I, like to my forefathers in Faith, are stationed as the;


    High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


    and so I bear the true successorship of the Holy Canonist Church unmolested by corruption or falsity, the word of the Faith unaltered and unabridged, the continuation of the line passed down to us from above, and a man who champions the Faith before the horrifics of disaster.


    Yet, even in this truth the corruptors seek to dethrone all that is pure and good within the Faith, resorting to naming a false Pontiff, an Anti-Pontiff, who holds no true succession to the Saints Evaritus and Clement, nor Exalted Owyn, nor GOD, a pretender the same as Aurelius Horen.


    So then, dear faithful, let us witness that which is Schism, the defilement of the station of the High Pontiff by men who do not sit upon the Synod, nor have the authority to elect any High Pontiff within the Holy Mother Church. With this, we know the Heretic and Blasphemer where they lay, and should any of the true Faith of GOD accept this man amongst them, let it be known that they are of Sin, vile corruption, and a plague upon we the true Faithful of GOD.


    For this deed: We, the true Pontificate therefore declare that these men shall be branded EXCOMMICATE and ANATHEMA. They are hereby amputated from the Holy Canonist Church and the Society of all Canonists. They shall be shunned and evicted from any and all settlements who claim union with the Holy Mother Church of the Canon.







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






    Velykyy plan jest wypaczony przez povstannya




    13th of Sun’s Smile, 1693






    His Holiness Siegmund, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth clarify…





    To the Faithful men and women who hold the True Faith of GOD in their hearts, the coming days are filled with darkness for those of us who yearn for the Light of GOD to grace us. For centuries the Holy Mother Church has stood as guardian over that which is true and uncorrupted, the pure and beautiful, the elegant and graceful, and for centuries more we shall endure against the creeping sickness of Iblees upon our body.


    For Aurelius Horen, the despoiler of our Faith and violator of GOD’s purity, has taken action against that which has remained pure but for his own vain attempt to grasp total authority, not only of the lands which we tread upon, but those of the Seven Skies themselves.


    From this, dear brothers and sisters of GOD, do we see the coming of Exalted Siegmunds Prophecy of the ending times of the world. For in the Holy Scroll of Auspice, this grand Prophet does state clearly;


    “But there are yet faithful. And they are assailed by servants of the executioner, and they are named sentinels. And the citadel giveth way to the battlefield, and there is left no refuge, and men are slain.” - SIEGMUND 2:8


    These words ring clearly to us, for it is not we who shall bear the sword in the end but those who would wish our piety and purity to be besmirched and stricken down. The men and women of the imperial legion, the Sentinels of Aurelius Horen, shall reign down upon us, our citadels of Faith, the Churches, shall be torn asunder, and the Faithful shall be wracked with violence so that the impurity may stain us ever more deeply.


    Brothers and Sisters in GOD, recognise the signs of Sin marked clearly and flagrantly across the intents of Aurelius Horen and his deceivers. For the false men of GOD take upon themselves the mantle of the one true Faith for its own corruption. See the words written by these lier’s and usurpers of GOD’s purity written here, so that no doubt in our minds may exist in the attack we of the Faithful of GOD face this day.









    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.

    ☩ W IMIĘ OJCA, i Horena, i vysoka wznoisłw. Amin.






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