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Posts posted by Dantory

  1. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    My friends and I had a inside joke about our archduchess Tillydactyl rpname Renilde the First. We worshipped her character irp during a downtime night at 2AM. My friend Exogens put illusion magic upon my friend Arygon. Arygon turned into Renilde the First. Led to meme rp and MikhaiI creating an ftb emote. Everyone involved in the rp was within a discord call.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I can agree that the roleplay is weird. I've been pretty far removed from community views on this server for some time. I'm not used to how this new direction LOTC has been going in. This meme rp would've maybe been acceptable back when I was playing, although now I see it's a negative influence on the server and the community I was apart of. As for the future, I'd just be mindful of bringing that kinda rp into the server. One thing I do disagree with, is how the ban was handled. I wish I could've received more insight on my ban, as I got banned mid-rp. I was left in the dark for the past couple days, and only just now learned I was banned for a month. I disagree for my ban-length, and severity.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I would like to play with my friends, and do tavern roleplay.


    Attach other relevant information.


    I do like minecraft rp, it's fun. I like playing my tavernkeep with my three sons, and two daughters.

  2. *A multitude of posters would be posted along the crossroads. You'd notice them to have been posted very hastily, as none of them are leveled or posted in a particular pattern on the various posters. You'd begin to read.*

    "Calling everyone from all corners of Atlas, this is an urgent message! Perhaps you think you're strong enough to go against the various ruffians Atlas has to offer? Perhaps you are looking to socialize over a nice cup of ale. Or maybe even perhaps you are just looking for something new and exciting to watch! If you are looking for any of that, head over to the Mother's Breast's newest fighting pit. Place live bets at the bet table, then take a seat, or stand if you'd like, and watch two entrants fight from across the land! A most astonishing spectacle indeed. With special lights for even night brawls, the fun truly has no end. However for those wishing to show your strength to the populace, simply seek out the Mother's Breast tavern and sign up! Let your unquenchable thirst be at rest, with a jaw dropped to your chest. At a contest so blessed at the Mother's Breast!"


    *A few drawings would be drawn among the fliers, showing a beautifully drawn fighting pit. Signed at the bottom would be Mother Lorelle, the very Mother of the Mother's Breast*



    Current Username: Dantory
    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice): Dantory#5220
    Timezone(s) you mainly play: PST - 3pm - 7pm
    What group/nation do you consider to be your main? 

    Have you held a staff position before?

    Do you currently hold a staff position?

    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?

    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?     

    Yes; Can't find exactly when, but it was about over a year ago for raiding with fast travel.

    What kind of media formats would you like to work on the most?

    Video Projects
    List three factors/tips you feel are important to work in the fields of PR and expand on them.

    -Organization, everything lines up nicely for a nice visual representation

    -Good writing, with a comedic factor

    -Photogenic and vibrant visuals that catch the eye (optical clickbait)

    Provide three examples of your previous work (Either three portfolios with different themed screenshots, three different videos or three different news posts):




    Why do you wish to become an MST-Editor Member?

    Maybe my amateur editing and directing skills can be of use to a Minecraft server I play on. 
    What strengths would you bring to the team?

    Very amateur editing skills that I can still improve. I mainly use Sony Vegas Pro 12.
    What are your weaknesses?

    I'd say my skills. I'm nothing professional, and my work shows it. I mainly created the MetaGame for the sole purpose of entertainment and comedy. However, if we were to do something serious that is in urgent need of quality work my current skills now will probably not be a strong suit for that. Another weakness I might have is working with other people. I have never edited a video with multiple people at once, I have only worked with several voice actors and implemented their voices into my videos. I have yet to see how it will be like working with other people.
    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?

    As much time as needed, or as I possibly could. I have a busy lifestyle with school, but whenever I am on LOTC instead of running about and wasting time, which I happen to do quite frequently, I could work on projects. Usually when I start editing a video I do not stop until it is finished, but on the off chances that I do save projects, I do begin to procrastinate.       


  4. Just when you thought our tavern couldn't get any better.



    On your next visit to the tavern, hear actual good music coming from the jukebox instead of that same Minecraft music.

    Only sound changed is the CD - Mellohi, but all other MC vanilla sounds remain the same. (This will be changed if we get more CD's.)



    Mellohi (Vanilla) - Black Wolfs Inn;Derek Fiechter 

    Every other record is still the default Minecraft song.



    http://www.mediafire.com/file/s2m9hws8gt91b0z/Tavern Music.zip

    Tavern by anotherwanderer

  5. Name of the club: The MetaGame Symposium

    What type of club is it? (Public, Private): Public

    What is the theme of this club? (Politics, group, etc.): The MetaGame

    Why should this club be created? What is the purpose of this club? Does it add something not already fulfilled by an existing club?: This club should be created, because only I and a small amount of people have been gathering news for the entertaining show called The MetaGame. At this point we are only showing off a fraction of the happenings around the LOTC world. The purpose of this club is for an influx of news to be shown on the show. 

    Who will moderate this club?: Me, and my research team. 





    Do you understand that failure to moderate your own club to their respective rules can result in FM interventions?: Yes.

    Are there any exemptions to the rules that you would like, if so why? (N/A if open club or none needed.): N/A

  6. (In Character)

    -Name: Ryon Silvius

    -Age: 23

    -Race (Only Humans): Heartlander

    -Gender: Male

    -Place of Residence (You will be required to move to Felsen): None at the moment.

    Are you part of any other groups or guilds?: No


    (Out of Character)

    -MC name: CreamtoryIsReady

    -IRL Age? (We need to ensure maturity in our group): 13

    -If you advance past Recruit, do you agree to a Perma Kill clause (the only person being able to force this being the Emperor, or the Commander)?: Of course.

    -Persona Professions, and rank: Adequate Miner, Adequate Leatherworker.

    -You realize you will be asked to occasionally gather supplies, correct?: Yes.

  7. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - Rantory

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- Outgrown (Changing it to Dantory back soon. Note made of 10/5/15)


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes of course. I have never been banned.

    Do you understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LoTC?: About 8 months

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted?: Only one which is Outgrown.



    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Daren Arenfere

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Highlander, Human

    Character’s age: 21

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Daren was born on 1506 just a few years before the departure of Athera. Daren was an only child and was taught in the ways of the creator and of farming. Since he was so little he could not get hands on activity, but still he knew about different types of crops and animals. Daren's family were poor and their house was breaking apart due to the recent war before Daren's arrival upon the world. With this struggle Daren and his family lived quite the trek from Petrus while they resided in Athera. They constantly took journeys to Petrus for supplies and back leaving sore feet and aching backs. Only then they realize they still have to tend to a farm. Right about when everyone migrated to Vailor Daren and his family set up another farm just like before. Even with the long walk away from Felsen as they had from Petrus. As a teenager Daren was given hard labor upon the farm working with his father as his mother tended to the cattle.

    Daren's life did not change a single bit for many, many years. His routine was the same for all, but as time grows things change. Daren's father was getting weaker from age and his mother slowly, but gradually falling from the same fate. Daren did not let it stop him for he worked the fields and tended to the small farm and appreciated the praise from his mother and father. During the deadly year of 1526 the plague epidemic hastily spread throughout Vailor eventually grasping Daren's father in the process. Daren cared for the cattle now for his mother watched over his father. Daren was working full time and the stress was catching up to him. One night Daren returned from Felsen with some mushrooms a so called "alchemist" who told him it could heal anything. Only to see his mother crying abroad the side of his father resting eyes closed on the bed. He passed away that night leaving Daren and his mother to tend to the small, but torturous farm. Eventually it caught up to his mother the depression led her to suicide. Daren came inside crops in his hands calling his mother. He found her hung in her bedroom from a rugged rope. The farm started to rot and Daren stayed inside for weeks on end after the death of his parents. He eventually ran low on food and decided to stop the madness and leave his home. He packed a scruffy brown bag with a couple of minas and three loaves of bread. Daren left his home at the start of 1527 after the death of his king looking back at his mother and father's resting place. He had buried them himself and put signs to commemorate for the event. His muddy footprints continued along the path toward Felsen where he would look for a job and get somewhere in life other than a measly little farm.

    Personality Traits: Warm hearted, Love of Family, Nice, Gullible.

    Ambitions: Rule over a piece of land as a King would.

    Strengths/Talents: Bulky due to lots of hard labor on his farm.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Doesn't know of society other than markets and shops. Does not know how to fight. Sight disability (Can't see most things about 12 feet away from him)

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Daren treads the fields at 6 feet while weighing 153 lbs. He has dark brown hair and broad shoulders. He glares at you with meager brown eyes. Can't see the best out of the bunch.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):  https://gyazo.com/0e2f8cb217aa8a3db56e002e74d81fb5

  8. Recently I was making a new persona. While 'attempting' to make the new persona It told me to write his/her name. I wrote his name "Kenrir Viabon" and the same message popped up. I modreq'd and luckily BrandNewKitten replied. We could not fix the problem, but he was able to create a persona perfectly fine. I have a picture as to what it looked like after several attempts of doing so. lR37TH2.png I also had my pex restarted and minecraft restarted along with several re-logs.

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