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Posts posted by Meulin

  1. What keeps you on LotC?


    Any tips on finding and making good roleplay?

    -- Friendly people, good roleplay.. Ye, stuff like that.

    .. Running inside of Petrus as an elf is a nice way. I suppose. 


    Favorite color?

    Maroon. Like the color of the blood of my enemies. <3


    What's you favourite song to play games to?

    Everything created by Lana Del Rey, Caravan Palace, Florence & The Machines and Marina & The Diamonds.



    1 Can love really last a lifetime
    2 Why do married folks begin to look like one another
    3 Can marriage survive betrayal
    4 Why does summer zoom by and winter drag on forever
    5 Do animals really have a sixth sense
    6 Why does the line you're in always move the slowest
    7 By what age should you know what to do wth your life
    8 Where do traffic jams come from
    9 When is your future behind you
    10 Do you have to love your job
    11 Can men and women ever just be friends
    12 When do you take away Grandpa's car keys
    13 Do siblings who fight really end up liking each other
    14 How do you know when to end a friendship
    15 Why do we turn into our parents when we swore we wouldn't


    Depends on how tolerant the people are.




    .. i aM 15 NOT A LOVE GURU.


    .. That's just how it is.




    ... irRELEVANCE.


    Idk. Probably never.








    Yes. #friendzoned


    shhh, my grandpa is dead. so, never.


    .. idk.




    .. i dont want to turn into my mom.




    Where do babies come from?

    Why are fire trucks red?

    Are you her?



    You buy them in baby-stores


    cuz they are


    am i what



  2. O-oh! That's pretty awesome. c: I am going to meet Robae in August, so that's going to be really interesting. Somehow his parents decided to go on vacation in the city I live in. Heh. Aaaalsooo, I cannot seem to find the Show Yourself thread. Help would be appreciated. :p

  3. SCANDINAVIA WUB WUB! ._. Welcome to a calm and friendly approaching community. JK Welcome to LotC.

    Since when was Denmark mini-Russia? o_o And thanksss, fellow wannabe-viking!






    Welcome to the community, I hope you enjoy your time on LOTC!

    Thank yooooou! c:

  4. tullebukk

    fite me. 


    So you're Norwegian?


    You can get rid of the white highlighting by clearing the font and changing it manually, by the way.

    Yes, I am. c: Also, thanks for telling me!






    Welcome aboard!




    There are other Norwegians on LotC? We should have a nordic thread.

    Literally please.


    like frooooooooooooooooot




    Get out while you still can!


    itS TOO LATE :c


    Are you Orenian scum?

    shush, we cute ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆




  5. Hallo, everybody!

    dem ugly white lines, doe. also can we talk about how I tried to put "c:" on the topic thingie. :c


    My name is Anette, I am 15- years old, and I am surprisingly enough not a genderbender. I felt the need to say that, because.. Ey, people were surprised when I joined the Savoy teamspeak.


    I've been on several other role-play servers, varying from known to unknown, and small to massive.

    Aaanyway, enough about that. I joined because of my darling friends; Katiesc, Robae, Zarijun and Thecookies19.

    This is probably highly irrelevant, but my hobbies are something as simple as gaming. I simply love the games from tell-tale, and of course, Life Is Strange. Who cannot love a time-bending teenager? Heh. I also enjoy reading English books, even though it's not my first language. I must admit that the Norwegian books are rather terrible. O-oh, I also like cooking. I especially  enjoy baking cakes and pastries. Uh, I also have an unhealthy, I think, obsession with Dita von Teese, Marie Antoinette, Lana del Rey, Marina Diamandis and Caravan Palace. Heh.

    My username has been Meulin for about a month, but I recently changed it to Soleie. My character's name is Carys Dexeraux, so please, if you see me - don't be afraid to approach me in role-play! I don't bite.



  6. Feel free to ignore the gross white lines and the formatting fails. I gave up.


    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


      What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:   Meulin

    How old are you?: I recently turned 15.

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 : Of course.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): .. No.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yep.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I really like the rule about cybering’s not being allowed. Why? Because I’m super-awkward around that topic, and I’d like to keep my innocence.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Katiesc, Robae, Zarijun & thecookies19



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is acting like a character, pretty much.

      What is metagaming?:   Using OOC information in roleplay.

      What is powergaming?:   Powergaming is for example - Attacking somebody, without giving them the chance to respond.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Carys Ysolde Dexeraux

    Character’s gender: Female.

    Character’s race: Human, Highlander.

    Character’s age: Twenty-one.


    Carys  Ysolde was born in 1470, into a wealthier family the Dexeraux, the daughter of Evan and Denise. The family lived within the mountains, hidden away from human connection,  within the boreders of Renatus, specfically Dragon’s Peek. The closet family they had was but two days trip from where they lived, they were the closet connection to human kind the Dexeraux family had. Evan was a blacksmith, the finest in Dragon’s Peek and some of the only, he’d often make trips to trading towns to sell merchandise and Evan made quite a lot of money off the tools and weapons and smelted.


    The young girl was born in a time of war, the war that took place between the Kingdom of Orens and Renatus. Evan, the man of the house, had left to hold back the undead forces that faught to obtain their lands, so Evan, her new born, and her three year old sibiling Sera  were alone in the state of war.


    A year after Evan’s leave, Denise gave birth to Astride, the last child to be born in the family. Kathryn and Azel, the cousin to Carys had visited the family home to server as the midwife. Astride was born as heathy child, and Azel kept the younger girls company while the event rolled on.


    While growing up, Carys normally would stay within the family’s drafty home, fearing the outside world at the age of three. Without the presence of a father, Denise constantly lived in a state of fear that someone may attack their homestead, hence the many locks on the door and the lack of windows. The most they’d hear from Evan was a raven that carried hand written notes, they normally spoke of the love for his family and a small update on how his camp was. Though at the age of eight, the notes stopped coming.


    Later on, Denise assumed the worse when the undead had taken the capital of Renatus, alone with a husband Denise took the burden of a family as a single mother. Though, despite the horrid events that continued to tumble in, Denise taught her children to read and write in hopes of bringing up proper ladies. Carys was quite interested in the stores that Denise would read, wishing for more and more knowledge. Er’thran, the brother of Evan would often visit to the family to check on his neices, durring his visit for Astride’s birthday, he brought a Puxie in hopes to cheer the family up.


    At the age of sixteen, Carys had become a well educated woman under the watch of Denise, though after being locked in doors for more than half her life she yearned to travel be herself. Though Denise assured herself that Carys would not leave her own mother alone within the lonesome mountains of Dragon’s Peek.

    When Carys came to the age of twenty, she decided right then and there she was to leave Dragon’s Peek, nothing could stop her from spreading her wings and leaving the Dexeraux homestead. She overheard that her cousin, Azel Dexeraux had also left Dragon’s Peek, so Carys left the next night in hopes to locate her cousin by foot.


    ~ Personality Traits:


    ·         Kind- Despite her ambitious attitude and her tendency to exaggerate her virtuous qualities, at her core Carys is a genuinely kind person. She believes that hurting people is wrong, and will go out of her way to make sure that others will not be overwhelmingly harmed in any of her plans, actions, or situation stirrings. This is not to say that she will not subjugate or put down nobles, but she would shy away from causing physical harm, or entirely ruining their reputation unless she has been incredibly infringed upon. When dealing with others, she would do her best to make them happy and treat them with kindness, reputation or not.


    ·         Innovative- As the most politically minded of her siblings, Carys maintains a very innovative mindset, and can usually think up one plot or another to get her more recognition. This is usually what gets her into most trouble, though it also means she is often one step ahead, and as such it prevents her from being caught unawares. Or, at the very least, she would be able to find a solution to the surprise relatively quickly. While Carys’ innovative ideas have been fondly garnered as ‘schemes’ by her relatives, it is something to be wary of for those who stand in her way.


    Ambitions- Carys has an earnest desire to become known and famous, heck. She’d even be all right with being infamous. She longs to flaunt whatever power, might or money she might have in the future.


    ~ Strengths/Talents:


    Innovative- As the most politically minded of her siblings, Carys maintains a very innovative mindset, and can usually think up one plot or another to get her more recognition. This is usually what gets her into most trouble, though it also means she is often one step ahead, and as such it prevents her from being caught unawares. Or, at the very least, she would be able to find a solution to the surprise relatively quickly. While Carys’ innovative ideas have been fondly garnered as ‘schemes’ by her relatives, it is something to be wary of for those who stand in her way.


    StudiousCarys is highly confident in her ability, knowledge and her confidence for learning. Her strong focus and her devoted nature come together and permit her to be an inquisitive and studious fellow, and as such be able to pick up information and retain it. Politics and administration are the latest things to have caught here eye, so she has digressed towards studying rigorously in her spare time.


    ~ Weaknesses/Inabilities:


    Narcissistic- Having gained a slight sense of narcissism in her lifetime, Carys is somewhat besmitten by her own good-looking appearance. This can result in people seeing her as somewhat arrogant and stubborn when the topic of beauty and appearance arises.


    Eyesight- Her eyesight is terribly bad, which while rarely affected her in day to day life, rendered her rather incapable of reading or writing without the addition of spectacles. Carys has a strong dislike of these due to her vanity, and as such will rarely go out of her way to read anything that is not personally addressed to her. This is also the reason why she will not write anything apart from her signature, anywhere other than from the comfort of her own house.


    Swords/axes- She is poor at wielding any axe or sword, waving them about in result. It is possible she could injure herself rather than others with these. Not only does Carys have no training, and barely knows the handle from the pointy end.


    Alcohol- Carys does anything unless she believes there something to be gained from it, either in regards to her image, her wealth, or her titles. Alcohol generally does it’s best to hinder these goals, and she will only drink on the occasion that she believes it will warm herself to the host. Other than that, she has a strong distaste for ale, and will usually only drink wine, or on occasion a brandy very rarely, and not much of it at that. She dislikes drunkards, and indeed any intoxicated individuals for the very reason she herself refrains from drinking, in that she believes them to be not entirely aware of what is going on around them. Carys relies on listening in and being in control of situations in order to herself feel comfortable in her surroundings.


    ~ Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


    ·         Carys is of average height, standing at 5’8.7” - a prominent feature in the human bloodline; in Carys’ case this is likely due to her long legs. Despite this, she is relatively thin, a testament to the complete lack of physical labour her life has failed to incur. Her physique is feminine, with a flat stomach and small chest. Although far from skeletal, her limbs are delicate and lacking in muscle tone, unused to any strenuous activity.


    ·         Carys’ skin is a milky white color, with a slight tint to a pink shade as a result of her heritage. Lacking any signs of obvious blemishes, she distinctly associates her physical well-being with great importance, caring for the quality of both the texture and appearance of her skin on a daily basis.


    ·         Carys’ face could be considered the usual representation of heart-shaped. She has a thin chin and jawline with a nose that is petite, yet sharp, and high cheekbones to compare with her father. Her soft, light-pink lips are full and plump, looking almost as if they pucker slightly the majority of the time. Her thin, slightly curved eyebrows are plucked and groomed regularly, always seeming to hoist upward in an intrigued manner whenever she discovers something peculiar.


    ·         Her eyes have a light, muted periwinkle rim around the edge of the iris, where the center is a concoction of dark blue and white flecks. The main iris is a mix between these colours, resulting in a hue similar to that of blue hyacinths in spring. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, and appear soft and forgiving in comparison. No matter her expression, Carys’ eyes often appear quite bright, and as such can seem kind and charitable in general.


    ·         Carys’ hair is long, and a light shade of pale blonde in colour, falling down around her waist. This is almost always left to fall down naturally, thought this is sometimes braided at the back or adorned with a thin silver circlet. Her hair is rather thick but with gentle, natural waves in it. Her hair is somewhat a thing of pride - as is the case with the majority of the Dexeraux household -  as such it is almost always immaculately well kept and presented.


    ·         Because of her interest in incorporating different textures, she often wears a combination of leather and lace. However, she also appreciates fabrics that breathe, though does not often sacrifice fashion for functionality.  Her favorite colors are tan, green, and deep, saturated copper, so she is frequently clothed in those colors. She has an obsession with corsets and is hardly seen without one about her tiny waist.  Her outfits change on a daily basis, so it is difficult to catch her in the same exact ensemble as she has worn before.


    ·         Her jewelry is usually very intricate, incorporating a great deal of brass metal and gaudy flourishes and swirls.

    ·         http://gyazo.com/9699ba69f1e49c88105386d0394a66ab

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