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Posts posted by 10apes

  1. Name: Tanya'onn
    Age: 21
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: Masonry and Blacksmithing
    How many will be moving in with you?: Just me
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?: I do


    Mc Name: 10apes
    Skype: (msg you ig)

  2. Nature of the bug: Nexus Profession 

    [b]First occurrence: March 30th at 6:22 am EST
    [b] Describe exactly all the actions you took leading up to the bug: Chopping logs from tree and experience does not change.

    [b] What messages are/aren't you getting that you would/wouldn't get normally :No messages

    [b] Frequency of occurrence: Everytime I try to chop wood.

    [b] Are you able to reproduce the bug: Yes

  3. Name Amias Gandharva
    ((In game name))
    Current skill in your profession Blacksmith
    What you want to be registered as in the guild (Miner, smith, or merchant) Smith
    ((Are you VIP if you are applying for merchant, or do you have the ability to travel and make sales, specify)) No, I'm not
    What region, guild, or house are you currently working for or are apart of? Dystov and Salvus
    Are you willing to make weapons for the Dystovs? Yes
  4. Application

    Name:Amias Gandharva

    (MC Name):10apes

    Are you at least half mali blood?:No, I am human.

    Who will be living with you?:Single if space is available.

    (Additional MC Names):None

    (Town Pillar Citizen or Passport?):Passport

    (Optional, add if you'd like to be in the nation chat - Skype Name):

  5. OOC:

    IGN: 10apes

    How active are you?: (Post approx time with time zones.) About ten hours a week US Eastern Time

    Do you have Skype? If so post name here: (Highly recommended feature) nguyen1041

    Do you have TS? If so post here: (Recommended Feature)


    Name: Amias Gandharva

    Race & profession or other specialty: Highlander - Runesmithing

    Would you like to join Salvus?: Yes I am a current citizen of Salvus

    What job position are you aiming for?: (The higher you reach the more we'd need to speak!) High Overseer of Runesmithing

    Anything extra? (Why you wish to join, ect.): I wish for my talents will promote prosperity for the Republic of Salvus and to own a library which houses many novels and stories from Athera.

  6. IC: 

    Name: Amias Gandharva

    Race: Human

    Age: 18

    Short Backstory and reason for app: Been traveling the lands of Athera and wanting to join the ranks of Owynwood.


    MC Name: 10apes

    Skype: No

    Teamspeak: No

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name? 10apes

    How old are you? 18

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): I am aware this server is PG-13.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules? I have read and agreed with the rules.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most? I agree with the rule about discrimination and prejudice to others unless you are IC.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): I understand all the rules however, I do have an off topic question. The reason I want to join this server is because of the Nexus Magic plugin that was created. I am kind of confuse on how a person can learn magic if race specific and is it specifically for role-play purpose or can it be used in Minecraft Mechanics.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I found the Lord of the Craft on the Minecraft-server-list website.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying? Roleplaying is when a person becomes the character they created. The person behaves and thinks as the character and pretends to have the same traits and personalities the fictional character has.

    What is metagaming? Metagaming is when a person IC uses information that has been learned OOC. For example knowing someone’s name by reading their persona card without that person telling you their name.

    What is powergaming? Powergaming is when a character emotes his or her actions without letting the other person respond to the action. Powergaming can also be creating a character that is too powerful and is unbeatable.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Amias Gandharva

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Human - Highlanders

    Character’s age: 18

    Biography (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Amias Gandharva grew up in Athera all his life. His father, Reed Gandharva, and mother, Arabesque Gandharva, escaped from Thales during the Great Winter arrival. Much of the knowledge about his parents is unknown to Amias because when he was only four his parents were murdered by spectral while they were traveling through Athera. His father according to the Cloud Temple Monks was a bard whose occupation required him to travel from tavern to tavern and sometimes played the flute near the temple. The whole family was traveling off the road when they encountered a monstrous greenish troll. The troll threw boulders at them crushing his father. In his left hand the troll lunged a wooden spear at Amias mother severely injuring her as she tried to retreat with Amias to the main road. Arabesque and Amias narrowly escaped the encounter and walked slowly to the Cloud Temple. The monks desperately tried to heal the gauges of Arabesque but they were too deep and she bled out. The monks then turned to Amias Gandharva and raised him and cared for him.


    As the years went by Amias innate musical talent probably from his father allowed him to play the flute and he is occasionally found under a tree playing his favorite song Maiden of the Tree. Amias is a very adept reader and loved reading the books at the Temple about the Wandering Wizard and Sage Arcadius, of the Ascended. Amias was also very intrigue for his age about magic and how magical spells are learned and require intense concentration to form a connection with the Void. During his childhood, Amias worked at the Temple doing chores that involved farming and construction projects that taught him the skills he needed to be able to build strong structural architecture.


    When Amias turned the age of eighteen he decided to dedicate his life and follow his father’s footsteps of traveling around Athera. He wanted to experience the culture and festivities he read in the books at the Temple when he was younger. Amias was also inspired by the stories of the Wandering Wizard’s actions of trying to protect the descendant mortals from the undead motivating Amias to try to help others. So on his 18th birthday Amias sways his left hand goodbye to the Cloud Temple and on his back that contains two sets of clothes and numerous books, he walks forward to start his new journey in Athera and also in other realms that he may encounter.


    Personality Traits: Amias is shy, quiet, intelligent, determined, meticulous, cautious, suspicious, forgiving, intuitive, clever, loving, and caring.

    Ambitions: Amias Gandharva’s main goal in his life is to pursue to be a great mage that rival the other races.

    Strengths/Talents: Amias Gandharva is a human who can adapt and accept the different cultures in the world of Athera. He is an adept reader who loves literature and music and spends most of his day sitting under a tree reading novels and stories. He has the ability to play the flute subpar and piano. Amias is very knowledgeable of magic and tries to study it daily through practice and repetition. Amias has an innate ability to care about other people and tries to aid them in any way he can through charity or manual labor. Amias quiet demeanor allows him to listen to others and have a sense of empathy towards people who are less fortunate. His legs from traveling Athera are built strong allowing him to cover more terrain than most humans. Amias is able to sneak by most people allowing him to avoid altercations with others. He is also great with a hammer and saw which allows him to have a natural ability to construct magnificent buildings and structures.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Amias Gandharva is very shy and in-secure. He is very meticulous in the task at hand which sometimes take up excessive amounts of time needed to complete even for the most simplistic projects. Amias is very weak and frail and tends to cower away from confrontations except when the people he cares about are in danger. He is very quiet even at social gatherings and likes being alone to think about the past. Amias is suspicious about everyone and views the world in a pessimistic point of view. He cannot stand up for himself and tends to ignore confrontations with others. He is very cautious and tends to react slower than most people.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Amias Gandharva stands 5’ 7” weighing around 165 pounds. He is very lean from traversing the terrain of Athera. He has short brown hair, dark blue eyes, and small ears on the sides of his oval shaped head.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


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