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Posts posted by Durgak

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Durgak


    How old are you?: 19


    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications)https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124123-durgaks-application-for-lotc/


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Absolutely


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: To be honest, it's not a rule but the fact that the server requires a whitelist to join, i've played in other roleplay servers before and lack of whitelist made it really difficult to roleplay with someone that's to put it nicely "dislikes" roleplay.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope.


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Simply searching for minecraft roleplay server on google.



    Feel FREE to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Acting the character which you created, making up his backstory, skills, weaknesses and allowing him to progress trough the world as a different person from you.


    What is metagaming?: To make it short, metagaming is when a person uses information gained in OOC ways and uses it in character. That includes names, other player's life story and so on...


    What is powergaming?: Not letting your opponent to do anything in a roleplay combat situation. For example simply beheading him instead of allowing him to dodge or defend himself.


    In-Character Information




    Character’s name: Durgak Gro-Arzuk (Real name Durgak Kri-Krual)


    Character’s gender: Male


    Character’s race: Orc


    Character’s age: 35


    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):  Durgak was born in a small hut several miles away from San'Vitar in Athera. Just a month after being born his parents were chopped to pieces by high elven bandits that wandered around the area in search for more people to rob and Durgak's parents found bandits a threat to their child and simply atacked them and simply getting outnumbered. After bandits ruined his home in search of goods they found the orc child and decided to take him in as a slave. Durgak was taken to a cave few miles away from Petrus. He was thrown among other young uruks and had his future ruined. Untill he reached age of six and managed to beat two ten year old uruks to death with his bare hands in rage since they made fun of his uncommon size. The elven guards noticed young orc's skills and instead of remaining a slave he was thrown in the pits to fight other orc's for the elven bandit entertainment. Fighting in the pits for ten years made the bandits to give him a nickname of "Bone chewer". One night after all of the fighters were thrown back in their cells Durgak had planed out an escape out of the underground base. He grabbed the guard that was trying to feed him and bashed his face to the bars until his face looked like a mush. He grabbed keys and a hatchet off the bandit guard's corpse, silently making his way out of the base. Sneaking by every single bandit in his way, blindly searching for the exit. After an hour of wander, Durgak managed to make his way out of the base, covered in blood and knowing that he left a guard corpse, he ran as fast and as far as he could so they wouldn't catch him again.


    After wandering and hunting in the wilderness for few days, Durgak was approached by an old uruk. After few minutes of Durgak's attempts to murder the uruk and him dodging and blocking every swing of the hatchet, uruk simply offered Durgak food and shelter. It took a minute of grunting for Durgak to accept the old orc's offer as he was showing no threat to the young orc. The orc named Burguk Gro-Arzuk simply adopted the young orc and started training him as a hunter. Despite both orcs being from a savage race, Burguk taught Durgak to read and write. Ten years with Burguk made Durgak into a new orc. Rather intelligent for someone being an orc. And a skilled monster hunter with skills both with dual axes and a crossbow. Durgak learned how to be smart in a fight and use poisons which Burguk taught him to make on bolts and axe blades. One dark night both orcs went out for hunting. And suddently Burguk fell down on the hard ground, after rushing to his corpse Durgak realised that there's an arrow in Burguk's forehead and he heard talking in the trees. Blindingly throwing a stone which he grabbed off the ground to the trees he noticed that a wood elf archer has fallen out, he swiftly got back on his feet and pointed his bow at the orc. Durgak's eyes filled with rage he rushed towards the elf, Durgak got an arrow to his right shoulder but didn't flintch and kept charging at the archer, elf noticed that it's no use to shoot him so he drew his sword before Durgak got too close. After few minutes of fighting, Durgak came out on top, murdering the wood elf and turning him to a pile of limbs, ending up with only injured shoulder and cut onto his chest. He took Burguk's corpse back to their hut and the same night he burned the old orc which he called father onto a large fire. The next morning despite Durgak getting absolutely no sleep, he packed some belongings off his, burned down the hut and left to wander the wilderness. After a month of wandering, hunting and ambushing random elves in the wilderness, Durgak managed to join a bandit group near Eruthos Canyon. Several months of robbing and burning passing merchant and slave trader caravans Durgak felt good about what he's doing, he started wandering to villages, towns and cities with his group, acting around people and guards as a common citizen, Durgak learned how to properly communicate and act around people without blindingly slaughtering everyone in his path. To this day Durgak's wandering Athera as a monster hunter as his "proffesion" and a bandit as his "secret" occupation.


    Personality Traits: Durgak's quite harsh even for smallest mistakes, but despite being an orc he can be quite friendly and loyal. Heavily dislikes all elves (exept dark elves) and won't even bother having a friendly conversation with them. Values honor and valor almost more than anything else.

    Ambitions: Despite being a raging savage in appearance Durgak wishes to settle down someday and create a family.


    Strengths/Talents: Master with dual war axes and adept with a crossbow, slightly more swift and agile than rest of the Uruks, ability to talk in few languages including human, orcish and common elven thanks to reading quite the amout of literature despite being an orc.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Not as physically strong as the rest of Uruks, lack of fear makes Durgak difficult to stay uninjured for a long time. Using a battle style of savage berserker he doesn't fear to get damaged in almost any way which can easily lead to his defeat. Durgak dislikes heavy armor so light (mostly fur) armor leaves him vulnerable for almost any kind of weapon, which can again, lead to his defeat.


    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): 6'3ft tall, weighting 250 pounds Durgak has a common build for Uruks although not being as large and slightly more agile. Black mohawk and a short beard is all hair that Durgak seems to have (Yes, he doesn't have body hair) Although his faded green skin makes him look far from a human, his face does look rather human'ish apart from the large jaw with two sharp tusks and "permanent" intimidating expression, blood-red eyes help to the mix...


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):  NqJ6A6S.png

  2. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Durgak


    How old are you?: 19


    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Absolutely


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: To be honest, it's not a rule but the fact that the server requires a whitelist to join, i've played in other roleplay servers before and lack of whitelist made it really difficult to roleplay with someone that's to put it nicely "dislikes" roleplay.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope.


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Simply searching for minecraft roleplay server on google.



    Feel FREEarrow-10x10.png to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Acting the character which you created, making up his backstory, skills, weaknesses and allowing him to progress trough the world as a different person from you.


    What is metagaming?: To make it short, metagaming is when a person uses information gained in OOC ways and uses it in character. That includes names, other player's life story and so on...


    What is powergaming?: Not letting your opponent to do anything in a roleplay combat situation. For example simply beheading him instead of allowing him to dodge or defend himself.


    In-Character Information




    Character’s name: Durgak Gro-Arzuk (Real name Durgak Kri-Krual)


    Character’s gender: Male


    Character’s race: Orc


    Character’s age: 35


    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):  Durgak was born in a small hut several miles away from San'Vitar in Athera. Just a month after being born his parents were chopped to pieces by high elven bandits that wandered around the area. Durgak was taken to a cave few miles away from Petrus. He was thrown among other young uruks and had his future ruined. Untill he reached age of six and managed to beat three ten year old uruks to death with his bare hands in rage since they made fun of his uncommon size. The elven guards noticed young orc's skills and instead of remaining a slave he was thrown in the pits to fight other orc's for the elven bandit entertainment. Fighting in the pits for ten years made the bandits to give him a nickname of "Bone chewer". One night after all of the fighters were thrown back in their cells Durgak had planed out an escape out of the underground base. He grabbed the guard that was trying to feed him and bashed his face to the bars until his face looked like a mush. He grabbed keys and a hatchet off the bandit guard's corpse, silently making his way out of the base. Murdering every single bandit in his way by swinging the hatchet at the backs of their heads. After an hour of wander and murder, Durgak managed to make his way out of the base, covered in blood and knowing that he left about fifteen corpses behind, he ran as fast and as far as he could so they wouldn't catch him again.


    After wandering and hunting in the wilderness for few days, Durgak was approached by an old uruk. After few minutes of Durgak's attempts to murder the uruk and him dodging and blocking every swing of the hatchet, uruk simply offered Durgak food and shelter. It took a minute of grunting for Durgak to accept the old orc's offer as he was showing no threat to the young orc. The orc named Burguk Gro-Arzuk simply adopted the young orc and started training him as a hunter. Despite both orcs being from a savage race, Burguk taught Durgak to read and write. Ten years with Burguk made Durgak into a new orc. Rather intelligent for someone being an orc. And a skilled monster hunter with skills both with dual axes and a crossbow. Durgak learned how to be smart in a fight and use poisons which Burguk taught him to make on bolts and axe blades. One dark night both orcs went out for hunting. And suddently Burguk fell down on the hard ground, after rushing to his corpse Durgak realised that there's two arrows in Burguk's forehead and he heard talking in the trees. Blindingly throwing a stone which he grabbed off the ground to the trees he noticed that a wood elf archer has fallen out and a moment later few more climbed off the trees and pointed their bows at the orc. Durgak's eyes filled with rage he rushed towards the group of elves, somehow managing to dodge every arrow that flew towards him, elves noticed that it's no use to shoot him so they drew their swords. After few moments of fighting, Durgak came out on top, murdering four wood elves and turning them to piles of limbs. He took Burguk's corpse back to their hut and the same night he burned the old orc which he called father onto a large fire. The next morning despite Durgak getting absolutely no sleep, he packed some belongings off his, burned down the hut and left to wander the wilderness. After a month of wandering, hunting and murdering random elves in the wilderness, Durgak managed to join a bandit group near Eruthos Canyon. Several months of robbing and burning passing merchant and slave trader caravans Durgak felt good about what he's doing, he started wandering to villages, towns and cities with his group, acting around people and guards as a common citizen, Durgak learned how to properly communicate and act around people without blindingly slaughtering everyone in his path. To this day Durgak's wandering Athera as a monster hunter as his "proffesion" and a bandit as his "secret" occupation.


    Personality Traits: Durgak's quite harsh even for smallest mistakes, but despite being an orc he can be quite friendly and loyal. Heavily dislikes all elves (exept dark elves) and won't even bother having a friendly conversation with them. Values honor and valor almost more than anything else.

    Ambitions: Despite being a raging savage in appearance Durgak wishes to settle down someday and create a family.


    Strengths/Talents: Master with dual war axes and adept with a crossbow, slightly more swift and agile than rest of the Uruks, ability to talk in few languages including human, orcish and common elven thanks to reading quite the amout of literature despite being an orc.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Not as physically strong as the rest of Uruks, lack of fear makes Durgak difficult to stay uninjured for a long time. Using a battle style of savage berserker he doesn't fear to get damaged in almost any way which can easily lead to his defeat. Durgak dislikes heavy armor so light (mostly fur) armor leaves him vulnerable for almost any kind of weapon, which can again, lead to his defeat.


    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): 6'3ft tall, weighting 250 pounds Durgak has a common build for Uruks although not being as large and slightly more agile. Black mohawk and a short beard is all hair that Durgak seems to have (Yes, he doesn't have body hair) Although his faded green skin makes him look far from a human, his face does look rather human'ish apart from the large jaw with two sharp tusks and "permanent" intimidating expression, blood-red eyes help to the mix...


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): AZFbDPg.png

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