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Posts posted by NariA7x

  1. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: NariA7x

    How old are you?:  14

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yup.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): Nope.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yup.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Having to use a lore-compliant skin.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No. I'm pretty okay with the rules.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: By friends. Specifically Shuikenai and Feykronos. (they smell like cabbages :O )



    What is roleplaying?: To basically take on the role of something or someone. You could take on the role of a cat or dog, guard or knight, king or queen and many more. 

    What is metagaming?: Using out-of-character knowledge and putting it into in-character-knoweledge, even though your character never had that knowledge in the first place.

    What is power gaming?: Basically forcing actions against another player.


    In-Character Information 

    Character’s name: Rei Kanter


    Character’s gender: Female


    Character’s race: Human


    Character’s age: 22



    Rei was born after two travelers had met when they would often cross paths on the same route and eventually built up a relationship which each other. She was a child that was almost excited by everything. From roaring fires to stray dogs playing on the streets. Her life went along like a calm river, nothing too bad happening. The family settled down near the Northern Mountains, the climate somewhat chilling to Rei. Due to the cold and chilling feelings, Rei never wanted to really go outside as she found it to be much more comforting. She always enjoyed staring at the mountains, wondering if they were living things that couldn't move but could watch the world from the greatest heights. It sparked up something in her head as she grew older, the need to be something like that. Wanting to be something majestic like the giant mountains with great power. Rei knew that something like this could never happen in her lifetime however, eventually shutting her ambitions down. By the time Rei had reached adulthood, she had suffered a bit from wanderlust. The need to surround herself with new experiences and newer areas of the realm was starting to grow onto her. The woman moved out of her house after gathering a few trinkets and some money that her parents would often give her to get food from the market. They would let her keep the leftovers. After several hours of walking down from the mountain and into Gimblewood, Rei had gotten lost as she strayed off the path. Wasting a few hours before managing to get back on the path again. As she walked further into Gimblewood, Rei had noticed halflings with two different colored eyes, and admired them for a while and wanted to ask so many questions, but decided to avoid that for now. Eventually, Rei had come across a caravan and was told about areas of the realm. She certainly didn't want to be in San'Vitar, knowing that she'd get chewed up or killed. While she didn't care for the rest of the towns and specific areas, Rei's attention was caught as she heard about Petrus. The caravan master frantically talked about it being the 'Jewel of Humanity'. At first it creeped her out, but it did catch her attention.. Rei decided to just stay away from the caravan master as he wouldn't stop talking. Awkwardly edging away as she continued following the Stone Road to Petrus. The thought of meeting all different kinds of races and people had excited her. 



    Personality Traits: Aggressive. Intense. Able to be overwhelmed by emotions easily. Very expressive and easy to excite.


    Ambitions: Rei is basically just a house-jumper and a drifter. While she has no true goals or a major ambition, all what she just really wants is a comfortable life and to live to achieve whatever she desires.


    Strengths/Talents: Manipulative with words, easy to 'befriend'. She loves being surrounded by people and likes socializing with others.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Lacks upper-body strength and tends to be overwhelmed by negative emotions. 


    Appearance: Rei is a rather short woman, being 5'0". While she holds a skinny appearance, Rei wears a black-thin coat around her, with a red shirt underneath. Her pants hold a boring-grey color and her boots hold a dark-brown color. Two straps go around her waist and her stomach. Her hair is short, somewhat of a mess sometimes. Rei's eyes hold a reddish-brownish color, almost like rust. Two beads are braided into her hair, one blue and the other is green. There is a small scar that is on her left cheek.


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin


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