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Posts posted by Dadarkangel

  1. Combined Application:

    • Minecraft name: dadarkangel

    • Skype ID: dadarkangel

    • Timezone: GMT

    • Do you hold/have you held any other staff positions?: No

    • Why do you want to be both a builder and an actor for the ET?: I want to be an actor as I wish to create rp for players and I am quite good at building, so I thought it would be useful to become both an actor and a builder for efficiency.

    • What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible):

    These are my two most treasured builds.

    -A small shrine in the middle of a forest to some unknown entity: (Unfortunately I only have one screenshot as the build server I built it on was taken down. Apologies).


    -A giant war elephant:






    • Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?: I can handle all the aspects of building, however I do work with one other person when building normally, however I can work perfectly fine without him.

    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that are based on the lore of LOTC, and that you would organize:


    1. Well Lurker





    The sun sets in the isles of Sutica.

    A strange being leaves his cave, he is half man half orc.

    Living off seaweed and flesh he is not accustomed to society.


    A scream is heard echoing from the fountain, a boy is missing and blood washes over the stone road.

    Many see the blood and hear the scream.

    Once a small gathering has formed they decided to send out a search party, they follow the faint trail of blood towards a well!

    They suddenly notice a compartment at the bottom of the well.


    The search party swim down the well and into the cavern below.

    The floor is littered with bones and seaweed.

    A bed of sorts had been crafted in the corner.


    The group suddenly notice a strange turqoise being in the corner holding the boy, a gash in his leg.

    A few rocks crumble down in the cave.

    The group must get the boy and escape the cave before it crumbles down.

    They suddenly notice a small tunnel on the other side of the cavern, it would be risky but they could make it.

    A rock cracks off and hits the 'Well Lurker' allowing the group to grab the boy.


    The group must then escape through the treacherous tunnel/parkour course.

    If they fall there are ladders to help them back up, however time is short.

    (They will have five minutes to complete a short parkour course)

    "Well done everyone!" Archrim says as he checks the survivors.


    The small boy pulls out some Well Lurker Bones to give to the group for helping him.

    "Thank you!" He would say, before running off into the woods to find his father.



    2. Bob's Race






    An old farmer wearing ragged robes is walking slowly towards the docks. His shoes were worn out and his feet hot, he decided to sit down and check his bag.

    Shocked, he put his head in his hands and wept! His seeds were gone, how was he going to make any money?

    He sat there, looking at the gaping hole in his bag, growing angrier with himself for not checking earlier.

    The journey from his house to the boats was so long and tiresome, he was extremely old after all, he stood up from the fountain and folded his bag.

    He spotted a young woman and asked her for help. "Excuse me?" He asks in his soft tone. "Can you gather a group for me?"

    The young woman took pity on the man, calling upon her citizens to help this old man. "What do you need?" She asks smiling at him.

    He  explains the story to her, saying. "My bag had a hole in it! My seeds will be all over this town now!" More people begin to gather around as he speaks.

    "I will give a prize to whoever gets me those seeds!" He smiles slightly.

    Then the princess sends the gathering off to go and get the seeds, and bring them back.


    When the person with the most seeds brings them forward to Bob, he puts his hand into his ragged coat pocket and pulls out a strange seed.

    "Call me and I will help you plant this!"


    After saying this, Bob collects all the seeds and puts them in his pockets and walks off to the docks.

    He calls behind him in a frail old voice. "Thank you!"




    3. Magical Seed





    The winner of Bob's Race would call upon Bob to help them farm their seed.

    “Sir I was wondering if you could help me plant this magical seed?”

    “Sure.” Bob says smiling.

    Bob gets the whole crowd to gather around as the plant is spectacular.


    After they have planted the magical seed correctly and watered it.

    After a few minutes a horrible plant erupts from the ground.

    Its petals are a deep hue of red, like the blood of wild dogs.

    And its stalk, thick and brown, covered in spikes.


    Suddenly a huge earthquake hits, yet it is not an earthquake.

    More of these brown thorn covered stalks erupt all over the city.

    The citizens are scared as the huge overgrowth of plant becomes a maze.

    (Everyone is teleported to a separate world of sutica where there is a hedge maze implemented).


    The group try to work their way through the maze which is full of lethal traps,

    Yet great prizes around every corner.

    They must journey to the center of the maze to find the core of the plant and destroy it.

    When they reach the middle they will see the core of the plant and try and destroy it.

    (Roleplay battle where I play the plant)


    After destroying the plant all the bramble crumbles and disappear.

    The people are rewarded with items related to the plant.




    • How long does it take for you to complete a build? The average house in Sutica took me twenty minutes, however a random style I haven't built with before could take about an hour of a smilar size.

    • Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel, World Edit, Craftbook, etc...): I can World Edit, I have a basic understanding of Craftbook and Voxel, however I am no expert.

    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET?: As long as possible

    • Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads): Armour stands in the ground then you use a piston to push a block into it, look like graves.

    • Tell me a joke!: How do we know Noah’s wife was hot, he needed a lot of wood to build that ark.




    **** Realised this is a day to late ok


  2. The man could not find himself,

    He did not know, human or elf?

    So he fled running across Ceru to the bay.

    He surivived off the wild animals that lived there,

    and some plants he found along the way.

    Trouble had stirred in his wake, he was unaware.

     So he trecked back to Sutica,

    Dirtty, messy and tired.

    He could almost hear the musica,

    Until his energy expired. 

    So he wrote up a poster,

    and gave it to each member.

    it read: 





    Adventurer's Guild

    The time for your test is now.


    There will be a trial.


    You will be partenered with someone.


    You two must work together.


    To create the ultimate survival pack.


    The teams will be assessed on what they chose to bring.


    You will each be assigned a role in the guild.


    You must only collect things to do with that role.


    Any other things will cause deducted points.


    The team that worked best together.


    Will not only be given a higher rank.


    Also a special something....






    The event will take place this upcoming saturday

    at 24:00 GMT, 19:00 EST, 18:00 CST, 16:00 PST



  3. On 15/08/2016 at 4:32 AM, Bomber_ said:

    Name: Rykov Tanet

    Race: Highlander

    Age: 28

    Professions: Farmer & Miner

    Mc Name: AerysAegis

    Skype: nawimberly


    On 13/08/2016 at 0:01 AM, mafiaxsaint said:

    Name: Edith

    Race: Human

    Age: 19

    Professions: Scholar 

    Mc Name: Hmu4loud

    Skype: Hmu4loud


  4. Just now, Duke of The Edge said:



    Name: Marc Volaire Zuberzuri Proudfoot

    Race: Half-Elf

    Age: 30

    Professions: Miner, and Breeder

    Skype: You have it old friend.



    Just now, RedDoesGames said:

    Oh **** yeah my bad



    ((Accepted! You will be added to the skype chat shortly.))

  5. 8 minutes ago, RedDoesGames said:



    Contact me: Lemik Rextiureus/dadarkangel


    Form: Heartlander


    Name: Kalash Yanovich

    Age: 27

    Professions: Hunter, Sailor, Survivalist, Jack of all trades

    Skype: I don't use skype, trust me its not that hard

    ((Sorry forgot to add this to the form but can I get your mc name?))

  6. Just now, Roopak said:

    Name: Roopak Khalin

    Age: 65

    Professions: Farmer and Chef

    Skype: you got it ;)))


    Just now, morrisaye said:

    Name: Avayla Winterleaf

    Age: 103, I think.

    Professions: Woodworking, lumberjack.

    Skype: I'm in the group. 


    3 minutes ago, SeventhCircle said:

    Name: Alem'sion Vanguard

    Age: 63

    Race: High Elf

    Professions: Alchemist and Chef.

    Skype: You have it

    ((Accepted! You will be added to the skype chat shortly.))

  7. -----=Sutican Explorer's Guild=-----



    It was a cold day on the Isle of Ceru, the wind was howling on the mountains. The trees rocked in the storm. A man stepped off of a boat and into a onslaught of ice and wind and snow. He quickly ran off the cold, old dock and onto a soft yet crispy path. He leaped towards a nearby cave and sat in there patiently waiting for the horrendous event to blow over. He planned to only stay for a few seconds, but the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes to hours as the storm grew and grew engulfing the landscape. The man wrapped himself in his warm garments examining the cave, the air was filled with damp yet he could not see water anywhere.


    The man, Lemik, lay down amongst the stones. The gravel dug into Lemik's back and his head ached, he was desperate for water. He looked to his right and saw a strange piece of snow, it looked like a rib cage. He sat up in exasperation, it was a giant ribcage, it was the ribcage of an animal he had seen before. The Lubba, a large sea serpent like creature from Vailor. He wondered how it had got here so he packed a bone into his satchel and marked the cave on his map with some blotchy black ink.


    After marking his map Lemik stepped off into the blizzard, he hiked for two days before he reached Sutica. He then rested himself for almost a month untill he decided it was time. Lemik went back to the cave and bit by bit brought back the Lubba skeleton and soon he had the entire thing stored in his house. He knew what he had wanted to do up untill now. In Athera and Vailor he had always taught Alchemy, but now it was a new chapter, a new age, a new adventure. 


    Lemik drew up a poster, it appeared as some parchment with a Lubba faded in the background. The poster read:






    Men and women.


    Old and young.


    Tall and Small.


    Farmers and Warriors.


    Adventurers and Explorers!


    You are hereby invited!


    Send a bird to Lemik Rextiureus.


    And complete this form.






    Contact me: Lemik Rextiureus/dadarkangel








    Mc Name:


  8. [!] The sound of sails flapping resounds throughout Sutica. A poster is planted around the city, it reads:


    "Citizens of Sutica! You are hereby invited to the flint competition!

    The task is to collect as much flint as possible.

    The winner will recieve a grand prize of two thousand minas.

    The title of 'Grand Flinter' and will be rewarded with not only money but a shovel for their flinting needs.

    So I invite you to sign up below:"


    There is a drawing of a carbarum spade with a wooden handle.


    State your name:

    State your age:


    How to contact you (Skype):



    "I look forward to seeing you all, the competition will begin in one elven day and will end two elven days later."


    "You must deposit your flint in a chest by the palace."



    Starts at sunday at midnight

    Ends on wednesday at midnight

    Donation chests with each candidates name will be outside the palace.



  9. A cloaked man would run past you, as he does so he would drop a bottle. The bottle would hit the ground and smash, as smoke spills out of the bottle you see a note amongst the remains. You pick up the note to read it: 


    -=The White Vial=-


    *An orchid is drawn*


    Alchemists, you are invited to the white vial! The grand re-opening will take place in a few elven days. This will give alchemists a chance to prove themselves as botanists. Search far and wide to find rare reagents. This is the first of four events which you must attend to join the guild. You may travel through the raging sandstorms of the south to find a Lizard or a Cactus. 




    You may travel high into the thin air of mountains to find a Boar or a Lily.




    You may travel to oases to find Frogs and Olives.




    You may travel to flowering caves to find a Bat or an Orchid.




    Sons and daughters of Krug, Malin, Horen and Urguan you invited to the White Vial.


    -Signed Lemik Rextiureus




    Saturday 5PM EST 

    Describe a reagent which is not an mc item.

  10. A cloaked man would run past you, as he does so he would drop a bottle. The bottle would hit the ground and smash, as smoke spills out of the bottle you see a note amongst the remains. You pick up the note to read it: 


    -=The White Vial=-


    *An orchid is drawn*


    Alchemists, you are invited to the white vial! The grand re-opening will take place in a few elven days. This will give alchemists a chance to prove themselves as botanists. Search far and wide to find rare reagents. This is the first of four events which you must attend to join the guild. You may travel through the raging sandstorms of the south to find a Lizard or a Cactus. 




    You may travel high into the thin air of mountains to find a Boar or a Lily.




    You may travel to oases to find Frogs and Olives.




    You may travel to flowering caves to find a Bat or an Orchid.




    Sons and daughters of Krug, Malin, Horen and Urguan you invited to the White Vial.


    -Signed Lemik Rextiureus




    Saturday 5PM EST 

    Describe a reagent which is not an mc item.






  11. +1


    Spreads out rp far too much, I know everyone said Athera was way too small but atleast if you walked into an Orenian town/city you would see people. On this map you have to search for rp or make it yourself, which alot of players do not want to do. 

  12. MC Name: dadarkangel


    IC Name: Barry Oaken


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Forest Dwarf


    Transformed Form: Golem


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: MC: Mordew_    IC: Thatch


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Golems are slaves to their Impera to who they only listen to. They do not sleep, eat or drink and they are very large and slow. Golems are often used in labour. Golems can either be powered by a thanium core or a soulbound core, construted by a Golemancer. This allows Golems to move speak and see, when a Golem first constructed it only understands Impera. The first person it sees is its Impera.

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