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Posts posted by ghiren2

  1. I am born at Hanseti, my name is ghiren now my age is 18 year old, I am alone hunter who disconection with nobleman in the castle my favourist weapon is sword and bow, I hunt around the animal of Hanseti,

    I hate the wars and battle of race or man to man, I like to fight monster alone by my self, I no family I no dad no mom, I was treat by mercenary, my farther in law(jackson) train me to be soldier, frist time to face to war it full of blood, it make me mad , I run away from battle, but I have hunt by my father in law and his army

    He shot me by the bow I hurt


    (jackson): why you run coward!!

    (Me): I no need to kill a men, no reason to kill them for just money

    (Jackson): I no need of you any more, KILL HIM!!


    His troop surround me I step back to the high hill, just one step I chose to go to  die by  next sword more than this, I jump, lucky it have liver under the hill I survival


    THAT IS THE PAST OF ME (13 years old)

    My ambition is no more, now I am hunter my heart is full of pain and empty, I escape people, I meet only merchant who buy meat from me, I have trusted pet is my horse it’s name ZAKU2 I love it very much,  and I scare of girl or beautiful women, I never speak to them then I never think to marry with any one, (I am not gay)  I have listen from Jackson that “the woman that always stay on our  back it best position to use knife kill us or betray us”

    In the front you see me as strong hunter but not at all, my mind is week and never trust any body I fear to talk with people fear to their lie fear to their betray now I have no home, I no hope, I no future,


    In the deep of my heart I want some friend who can trust, who never betray me,

  2. Name: Ghiren

    Lastname : Zabis

    Race : Human

    Sex: male

    Age: 32

    Height: 176

    Weight: 88


    I born from San vitar , when my childhood I help my mother do cooking in kitchen in small restaurant  I like to making foods  I want to be chief in future, but now my restaurant is close because of loan from brought the material and labor wages


    Now I am hunter who kill the pigs and cows in forest  and sell their meats to the market , I have some skill of butcher my food always delicious some time I see bad guy try to kill me for steal food I no skill in combat I always run or give up and give them all them need  I have fall in love with Nena she is elf her ever talk to me when I sell meats to her , she is very beautiful but she have a husband is LEGOLUS a golden longhair elf, who is handsome and skillfull advance of bow.


    Surely she never interest of me, but I always love her when she come to buy meats  from me, yes I just a hunter and bad smell of blood like the butcher not nice as LEGOLUS who have every thing perfect  handsome, I envy of him , I cant do any thing when she come with him

  3. NAME: Ghiren

    LASTNAME : Zabis

    AGE: 32

    RACE: HUman

    Class: Bandit

    Strongest: eat

    weakness: sport


    Personality traits : Fat man

    Ambitions : to be foe of Red dragon


    Height: 176 CM

    Weight: 120 KG



    My Biography


    I am bandit team who steal the foods from supplies of Red Dragon Army to Give to KIDS and poor people hungry near to die, My Boss name Leonan Die in Action when meet the trap of Red dragon army His head step on the top of pike  to show no mercy to anyone who fight them ,


    My duty is do farm..... oh no, revenge for my boss who slain to them, yes i am fat man but i am not slow man ,i am professional bandit who fight in shadow for red dragon they not count me to big enemy because I am just a theft just a small rat....

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