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Posts posted by ManOfZhal

  1. Ruslan stirred in his chair inside his lazy pants. He tucked away his orc erotica book, sitting pensively. A fireplace beside him was lit, sixteen bottles of mead lay around his recliner chair. His house inside Markev was just a day before saturday - cleaning day, and thus was a mess. Bowls of what was once stew littered the sink, having been promised to been washed hours earlier. His herb and flower pants unwatered for the day. The floor was covered in dust and food-sauce stains, and his dog's muddy paw-prints. Still, Ruslan was no elf. Ruslan was a simple man, a working class man who did not care about having a messy home, even if he intended to clean it the next day. Ruslan sat there in his wifebeater shirt and grey sweatpants, thinking about all those elves he had ambushed on the road. "Yam will now into killing them in dream." He found his messy bed, and slept. Inside his dreams, the fight continued.

  2. "Yooh winnae singal reyd, tae which yooh outnumbah'd ah'm, an' yoohr boahstin'? Theyr gonnae tahk a fat shat down yoohr throa' nehxt tyme! Allegedleh, 'alf of yooh loht DYED as weyoll! Aye'd be cryin', noh celehbrahtin'. Whit aey shame." With that; Malcolm the Daelsman simply solemnly shook his head at the news.


    A Call to Home


    Home… It mooves arooun’, fickol like wind far people lyke os. An’ noow, we’yr in Atlas. Nae numberin’ as maneh as wey we’yr befor’, nae. Sadleh; ae loht o’ us hav’ gon’ seekin’ bettar pastahs. So, ‘is an opan lettah tooh thohse in Atlas. Owahr bro’ers an’ sistahs in this continant! We’yre ‘ere noow. Home’s callin’ tae yooh, far once in maneh decades. Answer tha’ coll. Com’ tae us. We’yre waitin’ far ye’.




    The old culture and nation of Daeland is reforming & invitations are sent out to those looking for family & slice of life RP. The RP entails merely village lifestyle peasantry RP; suited for those who aren’t looking for participating in typical human nobility-based RP, and suited for those who just want to chill. RP between families are common & so are events. More so of a relaxed, town-based RP. There are three clans available to be joined, each with their own descriptions:


    Gromach: Farmers, lumberjacks, and the current ruling clan of Daeland. Albeit rather populated; entry is prefered to be halted for now, though applicable. A hardly clan of entirely ginger, especially roudy folk. Largest and most active clan, though we intend to change that by growing others.


    Guthrie: Merchants, craftsmen and brewers. The more industrious clan, actively seeking members! Members will be given good trading roles within the large village; to increase opportunity.


    Drummond: Miners, other lumberjacks and labourers. The hardiest, humblest working man’s clan. Certainly the backbone of the tribal conglomerate, members are the gruffest of the bunch, and still looking for more members.


    Gallic: The newest clan, a clan of happy-go-lucky peaceful merchants, extremely down to earth and relaxed as well as tightly knit and outgoing.


    Other clans are formable with families of 4 or more people!




    Discord Zhaldak#7793, Blago#7594 or Dewper#3791 to join!








    Lore Post:



  4. 55 minutes ago, adamc2000 said:

    chocolate or vanilla?

    what type of rp u first done and which rp was ur favorite?

    vanilla for ever my dude. also frog meme rp (pepe). & erp best rp.


    2 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    What is your opinion on the halfling race?

    nothing until I see an olog **** a halfling

  5. I only have one nut; I'm really short and hispanic. The illuminati gives me free info & I've swallowed the bog, red, black and hogpills. 



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