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Posts posted by TythusJr

  1. John Gallo, (TythusJr)

    Name ((OOC Name)):TythusJr


    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)):4th of the Sun's Smile, 1558.



    Citizenship Class (A or B): B


    Physical Description



    Weight:180 lbs

    Eye Color: black

    Hair Color: brown

    Skin Color/Shade: white, pale

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: none


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown): Oren/Johannesberg

    Profession/Occupation: Chef




    Oath(s) of Loyalty


    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):


    "I, John Gallo, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  2. Name: Deputy David Longfellow

    Race: Human

    Age: 26

    Occupation: Deputy/Baker

    Experience: training

    Proficiencies (Archery, etc.): Fighting farming and baking

    Place of Current Residence: Aleksgrad




    Username: colinizer

    Nexus Profession+Proficiency: Chef, Cooking/farming/fighting

    Timezone: EST

    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes

  3. My minecraft username is colinizer.

    I am 14 years of age precisely.

    I am well aware of the PG-13 warning.
    This is my first time applying but, I am an experienced roleplayer.

    I am aware of rules.

    I mostly agree with Metagame to stop NLR and other problems in one rule.

    I found out about lord of the craft on youtube.


    Roleplaying is the art of not being in a real life situation but acting it out to your best ability as if it was real.

    Metagaming is the prohibited practice of using information that you wouldn't have if the situation you were in was in real life.

    Powergaming is the practice of overpowering your character with unrealistic powers such as magic.


    My character's name is Sir David Longfellow but, prefers to be addressed as Sir Longfellow.

    My character's gender is Male.

    My character's race is Human.

    My character's age is 25.

                                                    Sir Longfellow born David Longfellow was born somewhere in The Coldest Season. The exact date is unknown. He is a Highlander . He was born in a high up cabin in an Hanseti. Nobody knows much about him. He was abandoned on the door step of an apothecary. He was knighted on a snowy day in, The Coldest Season. 

                                                                                Although we don't have much info on him we do know one thing. He had a small portrait with him when he was found. It showed him with his family on a large cliff with their house. We also know that his true parents cared for him because he came with woolen blankets, many of them indeed. He also had some nice clothing. He turned out to be an average joe though happening to be a Kaedrenian. His ancestor, Arthur Longfellow

    was a militia man in The Phoenix Revolution. Since David's knighting ceremony he has learned about The Phoenix Revolution and hopes to have a ceremony in honor of all those who lost their lives.


    He is a Highlander as you probably know. He thirsts for adventure and combat. He is a Kaedrenian and hopes to have a full scale domination war.


    He wants to some day fight in a war and go on a large adventure to assassinate a ruler and become famous. If need be he will be a terrorist to enemy villages.


    A good blacksmith. He can cook basic food. He is a good fighter so far. His training shows that he has killed a good amount of cows on The Great Hunt in the previous year.


    Not the best cook. Doesn't do extremely well at sea. Can't build well due to wood being too heavy.


    Sir Longfellow is a white male, beard on the face and a medium level of muscle. He is 6 foot 5 and 170 pounds.

    I followed the tutorial for the screenshot of the skin but it's not working but it's the Bearded Jesus

    skin on minecraftskins.com and the copy and paste isn't working so just search bearded jesus on that website and you'll see it.


    -Sir Longfellow (colinizer)

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