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Posts posted by PraiseToCthulhu

  1. Apologies for my previous post, It bugged out and I have no idea how to delete it.

    Do they live in big or small groups?

    Small, obviously like I said.

    Where would their homes be? 

    Trees and where ever possible, that needs to be added into the lore, I guess.

    Examples of accents?(broken common doesn't really work)

    Broken common isn't an accent, think of a German trying to speak English after only learning it for five months.

    nor really fun to play as in lotc.

    Neither are Ghosts but they're around.



    Any question I skipped I don't have an answer for, you'd have to speak with Kurt_BlowBlowBrains

    Walrus clearly has not read the post properly. It specifically states they live in woodlands, usually in the trees.

    On a further note, how fun a race is depends on the RPer. 

  2. Do they live in big or small groups?

    Small, obviously like I said.

    Where would their homes be? 

    Trees and where ever possible, that needs to be added into the lore, I guess.

    Examples of accents?(broken common doesn't really work)

    Broken common isn't an accent, think of a German trying to speak English after only learning it for five months.

    nor really fun to play as in lotc.

    Neither are Ghosts but they're around.



    Any question I skipped I don't have an answer for, you'd have to speak with Kurt_BlowBrains.

  3. a9b482d28fe9e84058aafa50030eff1b.thumb.j

    Race: Faeri

    (Idea and edited by PraiseToCthulhu - Written up by Hexe)


    General aspects:

    A faeri is a rather small, weak, winged human; usually no more than 6 inches in height. Faeris are solitary creatures, rarely interacting with the likes of druids or each other. Emotional bonds between 2 faeris are possible and usually occur if the pair have been together for a long period of time. As for their physically weak stature, a faeri can only manage to carry 0.5 times their own body weight with little effort – usually being able to manage a sewing needle or small fruits (e.g. nuts). Their limited strength also dictates the duration for which they can fly; despite the fact that their lightness can often benefit them, extended periods of flying tends to sap their energy greatly. This loss of energy often results in the faeri needing to rest, having to return to land after an hour or so.


    Appearance, form and personality:

    As previously mentioned, faeris have features similar to those of elves and humans. Despite this, it is impossible for them to gain any form of large muscle mass as a result of their delicate bones. In most cases faeris have long, light coloured hair and eyes, though darker colours can occur in rare cases. Their voices range from light and melodic to high pitched and skittish.
    Their clothing is mostly made of organic materials such as ivy or flower petals due to the featherweight quality of such materials and it's availability. Their choice in attire also provides good camouflage, though this is unintentional. The personality of an adult faeri is equivalent to that that of a child, never quiet understanding how the world around them functions, causing them to be somewhat curious, albeit bashful and apprehensive. They will always have a natural fear to darkness; partially because of predators and, much like the common moth, find themselves drawn towards light sources in the darkness. Because of this fear, they sleep through the night unless something interesting happens to wake them. Faeris are often found in woodland areas, setting up their homes high in the trees and away from dangerous creatures. Despite not enjoying company, once a friend is made they will panic if they are apart from each other for too long.
    As far as  birth names go, faeris are not directly given them, but instead often become attached to nicknames that they deem fitting or unique.

    Interactions with others, the world and fighting:

    Faeris are not great speakers. They struggle to learn new languages and can only speak in broken “common,” unless taught otherwise by a being with both great patience and the needed skill to not scare them off. Despite being able to talk, faeris are almost incapable of speaking any louder than a humans whisper (attempting to speak any louder is very draining for them), having to get closer to larger beings in order to be heard. Being hit by a faeri would most likely hurt them more than it would you.



    How did faeris come about?

    The death of a being with a strong bond between themselves and nature, can sometimes bring about a faeri. Despite this, It neither the soul nor a spirit.


    When & why did they first appear/were they first discovered?

    Faeris, being the shy creatures they are used to avoid human contact all together. It was only recently that they started to become more curious about the lives of human, orcs, elves and the like. The reason for this is that, over the decades, society has expanded and destroyed the forests that the faeris hold dear. It was this destruction that caused them to come out of hiding and slowly begin to interact with the new world forming around them.
    Even though many people began to notice these small creatures, many simply believed them to be hallucinations and ignored them but the ones that did not, began to research and study them.

  4. Given Name: Kurt Allerton

    True Name (MC Name): GameOgre

    (Skype Name): The Unforgiving God Of Ineptitude

    Race? Human

    Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? The Knight

    Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? Yes

  5. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: GameOgre

    How old are you?: Fifteen years.

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, i am aware of this.


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No, Not from what i can recall.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:'Do not change your username to anything which could be offensive, vulgar, or inflammatory, on any LotC medium. Breaking this rule will result in a ban of 30 days (the amount of time it takes to change your name via Mojang). Impersonating a player/staff member will result in a more severe punishment.'


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No, I understand all of the rules.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I read about it around one year ago on the Minecraft forums.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: To act as a person either slightly different or completely different from yourself.Usually to fill a role.

    What is metagaming?: Using out of character (Often real-life) information whilst role-playing.

    What is powergaming?: Forcing role-playing actions upon another player/character.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Kurt Allerton

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Heighlander (Human)

    Character’s age: 34


    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):  Kurt was born (and grew up) in Athera. As a child Kurt lived with with his mother, father and grandfather in a small Human village just between Werdenberg

    and petrus. Kurt had not been informed of any other settlements in the land apart from the ones mentioned in his grandfather's storieshowever his parent's managed to convince him that that's all they were, stories. Kurt's father was an adventurer and so was not often home. Other than this, Kurt's childhood was a rather normal one until he became fourteen years of age. It was at this time that Kurt's 'normal' life began to crumble around him. The other children in the settlement began to bully Kurt due to his father not being home (Since he had not returned for around a year). At the age of 17 Kurt's father returned Which, in the process, Stopped the bullying and Kurt began to feel happy again. A few weeks passed and the entire town was woken by shouting and the smell of burning wood, Some of the bandits that his father had encountered on his adventurers had found they're way to the settlement by following his father who just so happened to have killed a few of their friends. The bandits destroyed much of the settlement and badly injured his father along with many others) who later died from an infection.

    He spent the rest of his life Learning from his mother and the other townsfolk the arts of farming and archery. Kurt's grandfather died when Kurt was 26 and so it was only him and his mother from then on. I was only when Kurt was 29 that he decided he wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps. It was too late to turn back when Kurt realised that he had no skills required to actually be an adventurer and ended up breaking into a Inn and passing out from his injuries. He was nearly dead when the owners found him and He lived with the owners of the Inn for 2 years. During this time they taught him the basics of sword fighting and decided that he would continue on his journey. Kurt began to discover that there were many more settlements than his parent's had told him and from then on he quested across the lands helping anyone and killing any bandit that he could.


    Personality Traits: Often friendly, Hardly ever takes anything seriously and He will help anyone if he sees it as necessary.

    Ambitions: Kurt Wishes to become a well known adventurer so that he may have stories to tell (Much like his grandfather).

    Strengths/Talents: Good farmer and chef, He is a good swordsman (After more years of training).

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Fear of heights, stubborn, Get's easily drunk.


    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Kurt is 5'3 and 128 Pounds. He has green eyes. He also has a dark brown beard and hair (Long fringed). He wears a green, Hooded suit which he hardly ever removes and.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): 



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