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Posts posted by The_Epic_Potato

  1. 5 hours ago, Sky said:

    Will we ever see what exactly our donations are being spent on? As of lately the server has been acting up, and not exactly having the feeling that it is 'top of the line'.


    When will donations have worthwhile perks? You can argue that donations are to help the server and that alone till the cows come home but you cannot argue against a person's want to get something in return, consumirism. 


    Is there an ETA on the new map? It's no secret that one is in the works, whether it is still at the document stage or further down, simply wishing for some transparency.



  2. John Galt Redimet, admirer of the stories of Salvus and member of the Blood Moon Clan, stormed towards Sutica while mounted on his trusty polar bear. He intended to enter the city, however, he stopped short upon catching sight of an old Salvian who betrayed his culture and conformed to the whims of Lilyana and the cult of Sutica. John Galt unsheathed his sword and informed Roopak of his sins before charging him. Roopak Khalin put up a great fight; however, he was trampled and pierced through the heart before his head was removed from his body and attached to John's Polar Bear's saddle. John sees another foe along the coast and charges at them, but is met with a very skilled defense from Captain Kary. John made a hasty retreat after reinforcements arrive. This will be the first of many Sutican deaths.


    ((This is not a request for PK))

  3. 1 hour ago, Mj. said:

    Aethos remembers that he was on more often than most, especially the bards guild!

    James' father, Sterben Sa'Taire who was a founder of the Blood Moon Raiders and a Salvian peacekeeper, told James of a man named Aethos who visited Salvus from time to time.

  4. Sterben Sa'Taire kneels down next to a river and begins to rinse Mylas' blood off of the uniform that was given to him by the Cerulean Watch, the Sutican Guard. The amount of blood is the result of his trust in Ari's aim, as he was grappling Mylas when Mylas' throat was slashed. Sterben just had time to move his own head out of the way of her strike, trusting in his fellow Raider.

  5. MC Name: AccentGuy

    RP Name: Sterben Sa'Taire

    Which guild do you wish to join?: Mining Guild

    What is your level in the aligned profession?: Adept

    Skype name: carsoncasaday

    Are you able to use Teamspeak?: Yes

    How long have you been playing LOTC?: Longer than 2 years

    How many hours both week and weekend are you available?: 10

    What is your timezone?: CST

  6. Minecraft Name: AccentGuy

    Skype (Can be PM'd or saved until the application is reviewed, where I will ask you): carsoncasaday

    Previous History in Object Oriented Languages(C++, C#, Java, etc.): 1 year of java, just started learning c#

    Previous History in Java?:I started Java over one year ago and have made private programs and plugins in java since then.

    Any prior experience with Bukkit/Spigot/Another Minecraft server API?: I started Java in order to learn the Bukkit API, I've made private plugins for people through minecraft trade forums.

    If you have any public, open source works or even works you wish to share you can link them here be it repositories/screenshots/etc; My work has either been private or lost through computer OS changes. (I play with linux a lot and never saved to gitHub) 

    Do you acknowledge that you understand you will still be required to complete a small Spigot Plugin to showcase your ability and/or learn Spigot?: Yes, give me a challenge since I can't show you previous code!

  7. 23 minutes ago, First Enchanter said:

    I mean that would be easier done than said if both servers ran vanilla minecraft. . .



    Which they don't in case you haven't realized.

    As long as they both use a client based on the bukkit interface like spigot or craftBukkit, it should work fine. Actually, I think you could possibly use NMS, which could be very doable. It is probably easier said than done, I'll agree.

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