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Posts posted by mirofel9

  1. Bruce would hear the news on a distant journey.  Not caring what strangers observed him, he wept only for his old friend and king.  "Long live king Tobias.  May you find peace in the halls of our fathers, old friend."  Bruce would turn his horse about, leaving his journey and riding home to Courland midst a gentle rain.

  2. 14 hours ago, Glocky18 said:

    Holy Ser Romanos would be looking at the outcome of the battle, and shortly before the sermon held by Father Nikolas. He'd state. "GOD has granted us one more victory, us, the true Faithful. These fools thought they'd declare war on us and win, their army is running low on manpower and they have no morale and last but not least GOD has abandoned then. The Holy Crusade which was declared by Callixtus I is blessed by GOD. For Courland, for the Church of the True Faith and for our families!" Romanos would say to his Ordermen before the sermon starts.

    Bruce would answer, "For the true Faith and for our families!"

  3. 52 minutes ago, Glocky18 said:

    Holy Ser Romanos Palaiologos, after the battle would sit on the pile of men he killed in the battlefield and looks at them, a few moments later he says "These men once said; they will crash Courland within two years. Now this army has been destroyed by the Courlandic army. GOD gave victory to his true followers. The northmen made a huge mistake on declaring this war, no mercy on the heretics." Romanos would then begin to clean his sword while his fellow Ordermen join him in the pile of the dead Hansetians.


    Captain Bruce of the Order would walk up to join the Grandmaster and would clap him on the back with a gauntleted hand.  "Deus Vult, brother Romanos! God has willed us a victory this day."  They turn to watch the Courlandic forces return home from the slaughter.

  4. 4 hours ago, Glocky18 said:

    "The Church of the True Faith is far more pure than the Church of the Canon, the corrupted Church used by corrupted Empires and Kingdoms. The Holy Order will defend the Church of the True Faith and the true faithful of GOD" Romanos would state

    Bruce would hear the Grandmaster's words and cross himself.  "Deus Vult.  We will defend Courland and subdue Haense.  Let them come."

  5. Bruce would hear the rumors and laugh mirthlessly.  "There is more truth and compassion in the few knights of St. Lothar than in all of Haense's godless masses.  The wretches call good evil and evil good.  Murder and lies are named self-defense and misunderstandings.  God will judge the wretches who claim to know Him yet act like barbarian dogs."  He would take his sword and cry, "DEUS VULT!"

  6. MC Name: TheDarkknight7

    Tiles you own (include affiliated group): b11 (sub-region of Courland) and b25 (Veris)

    Regions you own (include affiliated group and tile it is located in): Silversteed  and Veris  


    (Disclaimer: Veris is ruled by a council, so land ownership is split between four players)

  7. Bruce, once a blacksmith but now a captain in the Order of St. Lothar, kneels in the quiet confines of the Temple of the Diarchs.  His head bowed, his hands resting on his sword hilt, he prays for strength for the coming conflict.  "May GOD give rest to the souls of Prince Meric, our good maer, and my brothers and sisters who have been slain while offering peace to lawless men.  May GOD give me strength to protect the true Faith and all people who suffer under the cruelty of twisted deceit.  May GOD give victory to those who stand as one to protect Axios from godless Haense.  And may GOD give my arms strength for battle so that I may bend a bow of bronze."


    He would pray quietly for a moment, then rise and look heavenward.  "Deus Vult!" he cries, gauntleted hand raised in a fist.  God wills it.  Haense will suffer for its crimes.

  8. IC

    Name: Bruce Valmson

    Age: 58

    Race [Human/Elf]: Human (Highlander)

    Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc): Commoner

    Place of Residence: Silversteed Castle/Aleksandria

    Martial Knowledge (if any): An old soldier who fought against old Orenia since Vailor

    Skills: Decent skill with the sword and axe.  A highly skilled bowman.  A negotiator and peacekeeper and a brother to all who need one.



    MC Name: TheDarkKnight7

    Skype: Ryan (aka the Good Version)


  9. On 1/28/2017 at 6:05 PM, Ever said:

     Really, the end-goal here is to prevent larger groups from bullying smaller groups out of roleplay // off the server.


    Like the Orenian Empire has done to every other race and nation since Athera?  Or is your intention by this rule change to defend the last vestige of the "human nation" that 70% of the humans rebelled against and tore apart?

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