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Posts posted by Fatsquishypanda

  1. In all honesty, it would piss me off having a wipe, considering that means I spent hours upon hours gathering xp to get my characters where they were today, mechanically anyways. And that would be all for naught. In the end, if so many people find this system problematic, annoying, or just plain stupid, create a new system, distribute out xp to a limited extent for those who did spend large amounts of their time and life mining, lumber-jacking, fishing or whatever else they decided to focus on. I personally think the system we have now for skills and crafting is quite fine, if not just something to force players to farm for hours upon end, just to be able to craft one thing or another. No matter what you do, people will be able to rp crafting, with or without the system, it's just if the player is wanting or able to do exactly that. Having a system to abide by helps mechanically and makes sense rply if you go on the fact that people need to spend time and effort to raise their skill level. Either way, if it changes people will eventually be unhappy, if it doesn't people will be unhappy, after all you just can't please everyone anymore. :/

  2. Walking into the room, he pulls forth a black obsidian pen from his pocket, signing the document, he looks to the rest gathered around. He gives a polite bow, before walking off and going back to his original work.

  3. People complaining how big the map is. XD Hilarious, considering we at some point will be getting fast travel, longer roads means better road rp. On top of that, it makes horses and breeders more of a viable and important job. And I understand if someone wants to get from one place to another really fast. But with others, and friends walking paths across the land becomes more realistic, and enjoyable. Those who don't enjoy it as much are just in too much of a hurry. Mobs are quite a problem seeing as it feels like we're playing legend of zelda: twilight princess with the mobs shot up to 250% spawn rate, geebus. Not many complaints from myself, but those that are complaining in my opinion just don't like the change themselves, even though we've only been on the map for about a day. xD Well hope you all enjoy roleplaying, night/morning to you all, enjoy the next week of the new map. <3

  4. Stares at the man from distance ontop of a rooftop as he bursts in laughs, going to place his hand over his katana hilt, going to place the hood back on his head and hide again into the shadows.

    ((The real question is how you could of found my character, not only in ANY one of the capitals, but also to find him out of ALL the people looking at the fliers occasionally. Yay, powergaming for the win, isn't that right? -.- yeah whatever, see you around.))

  5. Amon Del'Aragno shudders as the vision comes over him, looking back at what he has created he sighs. "Damn, and I was just beginning to have fun. Eve! Tell everyone to pack, we have work to do!" He drops a goblin to the ground, stomping on its neck repeatedly, putting his tools away he turns back to his room. "This is going to be annoying..."

  6. From what I'm reading, and what I see ingame, there are many problems, but no one wants to change them because at the moment it seems like there is no PLAN to change it. My own opinion I see that on the current map, Lore for the dwarfs was destroyed because nothing came together and people decided to botch it, EVEN THOUGH this map was meant to build onto dwarven lore. The map is slightly to small, the capitals are all so close you can walk to all of them within eight minutes. Because of the closeness of the capitals and how small things are at the moment there is a lot of conflict, and there is from what I've seen currently a lot of racism, prejudice, and war happening between the races. Roleplay is at the moment restricted not only by the map, because of the lore created through racism, and the hate between races. But also the players, I personally wouldn't mind a new map, but not a massive one where RP is thrown around, even if the "capitals" can be fast traveled to. The mentallity of fast travel causing road rp to dissapear? No that is just the players being lazy, and not wanting to travel, or explore the roads. If you want to dissist such actions then set a heavy price on fast traveling, to deter those away from it. Increasing road travel no matter how much people complain, this can cause interesting RP, keep taverns alive, and will incourage people to buy horses. Along the roads I believe there should be minimal areas opened for villages, to keep them lively, while also having a place for players to live, and travel to other then capitals. Camps for events, druids and such should either be kept on the far outskirts of cities, or in the farther reaches of the map to keep it varied, and diverse, while having an easy route to get there. Intersections along roads, between capitals and villages would keep things from getting too built up around specific locations. I personally believe the Nexus stuff is quite fine as it is, many people say it's restricting, well if you feel that way, too bad it's just how things are, until those in charge say otherwise. Or provide another way of protecting our ****, while also being in control to a degree. The largest problem with the server has to deal with the players overall, the orcs try to enslave, and kill waaay to many people, waaay to often. I've almost been kidnapped eight times now, and was almost enslaved just yesterday! The dwarves can seem too cold when dealing with other races, and too cruel when dealing with orcs, even though orc and dwarf should hate eachother they band together and pay eachother to kill elves! Humans can be religious radicals, on a rampage with hatred towards the elves, while even the elves can be straight up assholes! The lore makes it so everyone has all these perks, while their personalities become racist, and full of hate towards the others. I've seen few on the road or in cities who hate having to deal with others of a different race. At the moment everyone just seems uneasy, too familiar with the roads, and waaay to comfortable with becoming hostile, even against those who are new. This is just what I believe might need to be changed, or dealt with, it might just be time to do a slight tweak to the lore with the map change, seeing as we could be "settling" this new land, the outlook of the people who move there can be slightly different than before. I don't know, it's just me I guess, well have a nice day everyone.


    P.S.S: From what many people tell me, it might just be time to reinstate the Khajyre, and add some interesting RP dealing with some of the races that are uncommonly used, or RP'd as too.

  7. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Fatsquishypanda
    How old are you?: 18
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): I am fully aware.
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No, this is my first time.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No villainous acts may be performed inside of the mine worlds. This includes banditing, murder, theft, and so forth.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): N/A.
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? A friend recommended it to me, so I decided to come and apply.
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?: To play a role of intended purpous, or ability. Meaning that the individual pretends to be another person, and to act out their speech and actions in a larger sceme. To keep things interesting, fun, and moving along at a pace that benefits all.
    What is metagaming?: A way of either knowing information, which your character does not know, or would have no way of knowing it. On addition, to do things within the ruleset of the game universe that would usually be out of context, or unfair to others.
    What is powergaming?: A form of cheating, or playing unfairly that causes a character, or multiple at times. To become overly powered, and become characters that would in other words be god-modded, or over powering, to other Roleplayers.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    Character’s name: Amon Del'Aragno
    Character’s gender: Male
    Character’s race: Dark Elf
    Character’s age: 78 years of age.
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Amon Del'Aragno was born on the night of a dark moon. This was a bad omen at the time, the clock struck midnight as the moon rose high into the sky. The cries of a child could be heard as he was brought into this world, but to the dismay of his father. The mother had past on into the after life, and so Amon was raised without a mother, his father working hard on his job in Masonry. Left Amon alone, much of the time, and this is how Amon in his early years of his young life grew to be mischievious. Picking fights, stealing, and causing trouble where none needed to happen, he became quite stealthy over time even for such a young and inexperienced lad himself. Getting his education was something his father forced upon him, making him learn what was necessary to become a business man. He on the other hand had other plans for himself, enjoying his Martial Arts, and Weapons training overall, he focused his time on practice. Learning how to defend himself quite well, and even having the determination to get ever better. But as only a little boy, he didn't have the natural strength he desired at the time.


                                                  When he was entering his 42nd year his father decided to announce that they would be moving to another town. Unable to at the time to afford appropriate protection, or guards they walked the trails leading to other towns. On their way they came across a group of wandering travelers, the group which was made up of humans stopped them in their tracks. They ended up beating and killing his father infront of him, causing him to grow up with a distaste and dislike of humans. Through his years, he was dragged into some of the edgier parts of society, and has grown living between right and wrong. He follows his heart, and does what he believes is best for himself, and those he cares about. To this day though, he has learned over the years to master the blade, and his body. Though he may not be the one to take too many hits, he is definately the one to strike first. When he found out that a human king died in the Elven capital, and caused this brutality towards his race, he never truly forgave humanity for what they did to him, and his father since he had no idea at the time what had happened.

    Personality Traits: Calm, Coragous, Mischievious, Optimistic, Open-Minded, Worldy, Self-confident, Intelligent, Adventurous, Cautious, Curious.

    Ambitions: To amass wealth, to live his life freely, to adventure/travel, and to gain power/strength.

    Strengths/Talents:  Quick Reflexes, Observant, Well-Built, Practiced Precision/Accuracy, Night-Vision (Dark Elves, usually have an innate ability to see in very dark places.), Affinity to Darkness (Meaning he enjoys being in the dark more often over light filled areas.)

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Sight weakened in day-light, Too trusting if given time, A bit too curious at times, has a slight drinking problem, is emotionally unstable, but usually hides his true emotions.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):




    A Dark Elf, with dark, deep red eyes. He wears a hood over his head, to hide his appearance, and to keep his white hair from drawing any attention. His ears poke out of the side of his hood though, his skin is an ebony. (As is the norm for dark elves.) He is of average height, but his build is quite fit, he keeps his face hidden most of the time, but when he removes the mask and hood. You will instantly notice a fine jaw-line, with a look of determination drawn across his face. Most tend to also notice when they look up close, that he has a scar that runs down his eye brow, and across the left eye, and ends towards the middle of his upper cheek.

    Height: 6"0

    Weight: 154lbs

    Build: Muscular/Athletic

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