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Posts posted by Colin_Ginger

  1. With all due respect, I thoroughly disagree with the conclusion of your thesis. Free will is the greatest gift that our Creator has bestowed upon us, and to deny it would be a sin. Our Creator has laid down certain laws and tells us to follow them. He does not say that we will follow them, or that he will make us comply, he tells us we should. Without free will there is no accountability. I could murder a man and say "God determined I was to do so from the beginning of time" and if that is the case, than this could not be considered a sin, and I could join God in the Seventh Sky. The mere existence of the idea of 'ought implies that we have a choice. Yes, the Creator laid down the path from the beginning, and he knows what choices we will make, but he does not choose them for us.

  2. House name : Montney

    Username(s) : Colin_Ginger


    Ser John Montney pens a letter to Lord van Ruthern.

    "Dear Lord van Ruthern,

    I would ask that you invite the gentlemen of the Nauzican brigade. As sworn protectors of the emperor it is extremely important that myself and my fellow Nauzicans stay at peak marshall ability.

    Thank you my lord.

    John Montney."

  3. Travel to any settlement in Oren and two things will be guaranteed: there will be a church, and it will be empty. The church for the most part acts as a small community unto itself, with few interactions with the outside population.


    There are several reasons for this it seems. First of all, not many people interact with the church correctly. When I was active as my priest character, almost anytime I talked with a regular citizen there typical response was "hur dur, there is no God, ATHEISM RULES." Besides the obvious fact that this is not a very realistic point of view in terms of a medieval peasant or merchant, it's indicative of the fact that the church has no lasting impression on peoples RP day to day, especially for those new to the server and not aware of every facet that is the lore. Second, the church has little to no impact within the greater lore. As much as Oren likes to be self contained, and shun the other races, it thrives because it plays that bigotry up, and conquers and subjugates other races, creating conflict. The church creates little to no conflict because of many of its doctrines. There is no reason for a priest to interact with a druid, because the church states that even though they don't believe in exactly the same thing, it's close enough. The third reason is simple enough, and it is that church rp as is, is not exciting. For a mass to be held, a priest calls the town people in, they afk, he types a message that very few read, and then one dude goes to confession afterwords. There is no chance for the non priest character to interact with their environment, and RP is about interacting with your environment.


    So what is there to be done? The server is soon entering 5.0 and allows for the church to change along with the server. One of the main events that is occurring is a religious war between the elven druids and orcish shamans. This is a perfect place for humanity to shoehorn their own believes in and either choose a side or to denounce both and start on its own crusade. This creates church related events that are exciting for a player to participate in. Instead of the previously mentioned mass, a priest could be found standing on a street corner rallying a mob to attack the local pagans. The church itself can begin splitting into factions on what should occur. The average Orenian now has stakes in what occurs within the church because it has a direct impact on them. Not only that, but the average LotC player now anticipates the next move of the church because it will have a hand on the world lore.



    That is my two cents on the topic. I would love to hear others opinions, because I'm fairly uninvolved with the church as is. Would you want to see a change that would make others more invested in church rp? 

  4. Name ((OOC Name)): Colin_Ginger

    Surname/House: Montney
    Date of Birth: 23rd of Malin's Welcome, 1544
    Gender: Male
    Race: Highlander
    Citizenship Class (A or B): B

    Physical Description

    Height: 6'3
    Weight: 190
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Skin Color/Shade: Caucasian
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: None

    Personal Information

    Home Address: The Nauzican Barracks
    Region of Residence: Crownlands
    Profession/Occupation: Member of the Nauzican Brigade

    "I, John Montney, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  5. I think Nexus should be removed in favor of another system. I would prefer something much closer to vanilla, that slightly polices recipes to ensure power gaming doesn't even happen. Even if you do keep  nexus, maybe just get rid of a lot of the skills. For example there is no need for basic collecting skills such as farming/mining/logging. Get rid of those skills and instead create a time based leveling system for the few that actually make since (ie; blacksmithing, enchanting, woodworking to some extent.) With a time based system, the skill would increase with however old the Persona is. As long as the Persona got on say every 3 days, than there skills would increase with time. So when I play a persona for 3 months IRL, it'll allow them to have around 12 years of experience in a field, making them a veteran of the craft. And then just make a skill cut off at masterful.

  6. Colin of Brelus sighs at the letter. Weary in his old age of the mans call to action.


    Corruption is the root of politics. When a tree becomes infected, you must remove the sick branches in order to save the trunk. Yet this was never done, and now the tree is saturated from root to limb with corruption. I admire your zeal, but to have a true change, Oren needs a new champion that would represent God's will and have the power, and self control to enact it in government. Will you be the one to take on this burden? For true change to occur, a man must take a stand, and writing letters does little, especially when anonymous. Bring forth a new Horen, or Godfrey, to bring change. But no one is brave enough to carry that burden, so in corruption Oren will sit.

  7. Colin of Brelus slowly eased himself into the chair at his desk. He smiled thinking back to his youth when he fervently wrote, with the mindset that he was going to fix the world. He thought to himself before dipping the quill in ink once more, that of his life. He began writing.


    "Joy is a precious resource. As you work hard for bread on your table and money in your pocket do not forget to work towards joy. I am an old man, and have lived a long life. As I look back I find myself, not remembering the hardships and struggles, but of the laughter, and friendship. My name sake comes from a dead town, that was ruled by a man who was long ago executed. Yet when I think of my time at Brelus, I am not sad. I am happy that I got to sit across from young men and women like myself and laugh at our own mistakes. I am happy of the many masses I held in the beautiful cathedral there. I am happy knowing, that though the town may have been burned to the ground, that the life I led there was not one invested in myself, but invested in others. That is the root of my joy, service to others. 'For I placed into thy heart a wealth of virtue, and I have created for thee a garden of abundance. And thou shalt give unto the world the physical abundance of fullness and warmth, and the virtuous wealth of the spirit. For the wealth of the spirit is never divided, but multiplied.' Horen 2:3. When we share with others, we not only satisfy their physical needs, but the needs of the spirit as well. I have often heard it said that a full stomach listens better. So let us feed the people first, and then they will know of the Creator through our actions. 


    Do not mistake my words though, for hard times will fall on all of us. Yet in the midst of this darkness we must find joy. As a child food was scarce for my family. Yet on the nights when we had no food, we still gathered around the table. My mother would ask every one of my brothers and sisters of their day. And on those nights it was not hard to forget your empty stomach, as we were fed by the love of each other. In all of life's struggles, we must look for the hand of the Creator. 'For I have given to thee the pains of the world, and I have given to thee their cure. And thou shalt know the trials of the theatre of virtue, and know that all creation is for thy benefit.' Horen 5:3. When struggle comes our way, let it not drag us down. Let it be known that our struggle comes with a purpose, and though we may not have the wisdom to see the purpose now, that we will gain it later. 


    I regret the nights that I went to sleep angry, or sad. Much like how the physical body has scars of our past, so does our spiritual body. When you go to sleep with anger or despair in your heart, you let these wounds fester. An infection like this will surely kill the spirit, as an infection on the skin will kill the body. You and I cannot prevent the bad from happening. But what we can do is change our mindset on the issue. If someone has wronged you, or you have wronged someone else, do not rest until the issue is fixed. For only then do we truly clean out the wounds of our psyche.


    In my long days in the wilderness, I would often ask the Creator 'Why am I here?' I would feel so small and insignificant against the sweeping forces of this world. Yet my reverse narcism did not accomplish anything. Learn from my mistakes children, do not spend your life in despair. The Creator does not want us to question our importance. For we all have a part to play in his world. And we should do so with diligence and play the part to the best of our ability.


    In all I have said, I hope you find peace my child, and I hope you find the joy in your own life. As always, go with the Creator.

    -Colin of Brelus"


  8. If one were to sit in a forest they would notice that there are an abundance of large trees shielding our eyes from the sun's hot rays. But the shade that aids us, prevents the growth of other trees. Such trees grow old, and began to wither, yet they stay, blocking new plants from germinating. Soon the old trees sap all the nutrients from the earth, and the once fertile land drys up.

    And then fire comes. With fire, those old trees release the nutrients they have stored and share it back with the ground. The sky once thick with leaves now is open and full of new prospect. New trees grow in it's place, and the forest becomes alive again.


    What has happened is a grand tragedy. The Pontiff was murdered. Yet with each tragedy is a silver lining. Perhaps with the death of an oak, a grand sequoia can grow in it's place. Let us look at each thing the creator does as a blessing to us. I am not pardoning the man who did this crime, or saying his actions are at all justified. What I am saying, is to look at this great tragedy as it is, a tragedy, and then move on. For with each death comes new life for the world.

  9. Colin Samston Writes to the young women

    "My dear ladies, and Children of the Creator,

    Do not fear, as I am not asking for invitation, I am only hoping that you hold this feast with the upmost regard for the Creator. I love a good feast, and find the theme quite amusing, however I warn not to give into any of the vice's that you masquerade as. I hope that this feast can serve as a reminder of the virtues of our lord, and how vices, while enjoyable in the moment, are fleeting pleasures, and serve us little in the long run. I do hope that you enjoy yourselves. We have little time on this earth, and as long as we do not overindulge ourselves, fun is always good.

    Go with God my children

    -Colin of Brelus

  10. "Dear Acolyte of the church,


    I thank you for taking the time to respond to my letter. Despite the fact that you are not Oscar, you do yourself have a way of arguing, and you should not lessen your worth as a theologian.


    In your letter you say that there are 'brothers such as yourself.' I have come to the conclusion you mean followers of the Flammen ideals. I, contrary to what some of my writings have indicated, am no anti flammen. Quite the opposite, I find a call for war to defend the faith necessary at times. But what you ask for in your letter, a strong church foundation, can only be accomplished if we are not constantly at war with our enemies. What protects the church from said war, is the backing of a strong united Kingdom of Oren. If we are to allow a very non-holy war to take place, we are personally allowing the destruction of our protectors. I do believe that you miss the point of Flamenism entirely. The point of it is not to support war, in every facet of its existence, it is to bring strength to God's church. Such feuds do not bring strength to the church, they destroy it.


    Your second paragraph I'm having a bit of trouble understanding. I did not know that the men of Bar, were involved in the conflict. I also ask what sin have I brought among myself? I have showed anger at times, yes. Righteous anger is not something inherently bad, and I do believe my anger was righteous. If the sin I have committed is striking a man, than I must point back to your flammen schol of thought. Does the flammen not believe the life of a clergy more valuable, than that of average sinner? I was attacked by said man, and defended myself accordingly. If that is not flammen of me, I do not know what is.

    Go with God my Son

    -Colin of Brelus

  11. He looks at the response from the Eastcliffe man

    "Dear my fellow of the Adrian parish,

    I must ask from now on that you read what I have wrote before adding your comments to it. This had nothing to do with the events that took place today, because when I wrote it, they had yet to take place. When you say I attacked a man, was it before or after I was attempted to be both stabbed and punched by these men? You also mistake the fact that I am defending the De Solas, another problem that could have been fixed if you actually read my letter. I call for both sides to lay down their arms, for they are both equally at fault. I thank you for calling me pious on the matter, for I fear that so often we see men of God turn away from piousness for worldly matters.


    "I am only relaying what both sides called for as crimes against their houses, I am not supporting the claims of either. As you tell me to think first, I must ask you this; Pray to God before you so casually throw the lives of these men in the garbage.

  12. "Dear my fellow members of the church,

    I write this knowing full well what it means. Few of those in the church agree with my views, which is why I write this. I would like to state my views, and say why the church's position in current affairs is all to secular.


    Before I was a priest, I worked for a mercenary company. I fought many, and personally took the lives of four of our brothers in creation. Two were sons of Krug, one a dwarf, and the last a human. Besides this, I have seen many of my friends die on the battlefield. I have heard men's last words, I have heard their last screams, and I have seen their eyes glaze over as they face eternity. Many dream of seeing war. Many take pleasure in it. I am no such man. War is what fuels Iblees, for it was the blood that Krug spilled that a woke the daemon in the first place.


    War can be justified in my mind for one reason only. If someone attacks the church or it's ideals, than we must protect it. If a war is made because a lord wants more land, or has stared at the other lord the wrong way, then what is the point? These wars are caused because Iblees has a hold on all of our hearts. And if you give in to it, than you will soon find yourself clamoring to slay a brother of yours too.


    And that is what we are. We are all brothers. For Horen had three brothers, and from them birthed all of intelligent life. So why do we hold the lives of some more dearly than the lives of others? A De Sola is just as much a human as a Vladov. Both have sinned, both have faults, and both are forgiven by God. If God, someone so great and powerful, can forgive us, why can we not forgive each other? The scroll of virtue says "And thou shalt be without pretense or conceit, for before the mountain, the ant and the aurochs are equally small." We are all equally small, and we are all equally sinful.


    So what is the churches wrongdoing? The church has done little to stop, if not fully sanctioned the war. Instead of beging for them to forgive each other, our high pontiff tells them "Make sure you pray for your enemies as well." Aye and while we are at Sixtus, shall we supply them the swords to slay each other? The High Pontiff is so worried that he will lose face if he does not appease both sides of the conflict, that he allows their fratricide to continue. And many agree with him on this point. Why advise to pray for your enemy, when you can simply stop them from being enemies.


    I have talked to both houses on the matter. De Sola feels wronged that the Vladovs have allegedly housed Camel Bandits in their realm, and allowed them to attack their people. The Vladovs feel wrong because their brothers were slain at the hands of The De Sola's. Both sides have sinned against one another. And yet their solution is to perpetuate the conflict by sending more men to die. If they continue on this path it will lead to the extinction of both houses.


    I beg both houses; Lay down your weapons, and begin to talk of peace! If you simply heard eachothers opinions than we can stop more from dying.

    I beg the High Pontiff; Do not allow this war to continue, less you see the guardians of the faith tear each other a part. Who will protect our churches, when they have killed each other?

    Finally I beg the people; Do not wish for war. It is not glorious, it is not satisfying, it is not fun. Friends and family die in war, and then you are left with nothing except holes in your heart.


    -Colin Samston, Priest of Brelus

  13. "Dear Oscar of Norfolk


    I must be careful how I write in these messages. Your ability to counter every point I make, even those whichI did not believe were to be debated on, is astounding. I may only hope that every young priest is as eager to read as you say, for though I regret it, I often found myself skimming the lines of other religious writings.


    I must say that you are right on the fact of personal preference to the writings. I simply think back to my days before priesthood, and how little of an understanding I had on churchly matters, and attempt to write to that self. I often hope that a regular man, much like the man I once was, will stumble upon my writings, and understand the church a little more because of them.


    To clarify my calling of the propaganda terrorism I will say this. What fuels the fire of terror, can be considered terrorism. If such 'pleas' as you call them strike fear in the peoples hearts, than I do believe they can be considered terrorist acts. And fear such plea did strike '[The orc]was the very same evil and dejected creature that took my elder brother as a prisoner years ago. Forced into arduous labor, flesh marred by his captors’ wicked lashings, my kinsman was enslaved and tortured for three cruel years.' This is a direct quote from our mans speech. Does it not place fear into your heart, that a loved one, or yourself could be the next victim? While what he says may be true, he says it very carefully in order to secure his hold on our hearts. Now that we fear the enemy, he can say whatever to ensure we defeat it. Such propaganda must be considered terroristic in some form of the word, because it causes terror, and makes us want to incite violence.


    To say his speech was not propaganda is to act naive. He said the speech in a very public place, so that many could hear. If he did not wish to influence the peoples decisions he would have done such in a much more private manner. And did evidence show that people wanted a crusade before said speech? I heard no talk of a crusade until after the count and his men were calling for one. Therefore this further proves my point that it was propaganda, and it was successful at it's goal.


    On to your next point. As a man of Brelus, I feel as though I have closer ties to the Vladovs. Living in Savoy lands yourself, perhaps you can reach out to the De Sola clan. Let us solve this problem once in for all and bring these two houses together once more, so Oren can stand tall.


    I do agree that church should be globally reaching, but the point of my statement was specifically on the kingdom of Oren. If each kingdom plays a part in the global stage, we must  first fix our own before we can begin to hope to help others.


    I believe it is best to leave the decision of the Diocese to the pope as you said. I have said my peace on who I think will fill the role best.


    Go with God my friend

    -Colin of Brelus."

  14. Dear Oscar of Norfolk


    Once more, your wisdom has inspired me to continue to write. I thank thee for such a profound debate. I shall keep this letter shorter than our last few, because I fear that one day a young theologian such as ourselves may find themselves reading it, and I do not wish to bore them to death with every flourish of my quill.


    I must say that I disagree with you on your first point once more. While 'dumbing down' it may be considered, I often find that I learn much better when analogies are drawn to something I already understand. If we are to 'dumb down' our writing in order for it to be more accessible to the public, than so be it.


    Your recollection serves you correct, as I did personally go to Sixtus to speak on the orcish problem. I must say that I was angry at the Uruk people for the transgressions they caused during my peaceful mission, though I must say, in the situation, I would not usually find myself calling for a war. The fact of the matter, is that the idea was already planted in my head. The men of Amyas, had attempted to instill prejudices into our heads of the orcs. When a single event happen to me, with only two of the orcish people, I suddenly recalled said prejudices and correlated it to my own experience, despite the fact meeting several very gracious Uruks before hand. I must say that to use such propaganda so effectively is an act of terrorism itself. For to control the way that we think is to control how we live or lives. I am not accusing the men of Aymas being master propagandist, I am simply saying that in one instance it worked. It worked against myself.


    I must agree with you this topic is trivial compared to the current problem at hand, but I may also say that even the smallest cut can fester and become infected. Therefore, we should treat all wounds equally in the metaphorical body that our kingdom is. I must say that we should collaborate together later on how to solve the Vladov/De Sola conflict. I can only imagine how long winded we can get when working together.


    I will skip to your final statement where you suggest the problem may be due to a lack of the church in their lands. I must agree wholeheartedly with you on such a topic, and must say that would be a large first step in the right direction for solving said problem. I  know of several very fine priest who could fill the position, but the first that jumps to my mind is Edmond of Eastcliff. The man has a way with people, and words. I am sure that if anyone were to set the Aymas men on the right track, it would be Edmond


    Go with God my friend

    -Colin of Brelus

  15. Colin takes a walk to the newly built barracks, looking for his friend Charles. He unfortunately finds him. The once Commander of The Guard is now riddled with stab wounds, and is laying in a pool of his own blood. His body is rigid and freezing. His once pink skin is now as white as parchment. With tears Colin lifts the body, and cradles it like a child. He carries it to the church and lays it across the altar. Colin begins to make the arrangements for his friends funeral.

  16. Dear Oscar of Norfolk


    I would first like to thank you for your response. Often times, I feel as though no one reads these writings, and it is important to have theological debates, so that we may grow in our faith together. For the opportunity to assess and improve upon the points I made in the thesis, I thank you.


    In your first paragraph you dismiss my analogy of abuse to terrorism. While it is not a perfect example of what terrorism is, I stand by said analogy. You will never get a perfect comparison, when talking on matters as such, and I simply meant to bring such a grand topic into a more understandable view. As such, I firmly believe I succeeded at my task, as it brought the idea of terrorism into an understandable light.


    I must say, yes, the crimes for public execution are quiet large, and to murder another is enough to call for death. What I was merely stating in my thesis, is that they need not be public. And if a public execution is to take place, than let it be by the hands of the king, and not vigilantes who take the law into their own hands. Twice in my travels to Felsen, I have seen men of the Amyas order take the lives of those, with no trial, jury, or judge. They merely took the law into their own hands, and executed those who may have been innocent, if not as guilty as the men had stated, to create a sense of power among the people. Thus I stand by my analogy to abuse once more, as they abused the law, in order to create fear.


    I must apologize for the misunderstanding in my readings of the order of St. Lucien, I will retract that statement, as I was not well enough informed on the topic to comment on it.


    To my hypocrisy I will talk of next. Yes, in one instance I supported their claim, though it was in a nature of spite, not love. I too fell victim to the Orders fear mongering, and felt it was the only way necessary for me to in act personal revenge. Therefore, call me a hypocrite, for I agree with you I am one. I sinned, by letting my anger take the best of me at the time, and only look to fix my prior mistakes.


    Your next statement, I must take as a bit of an insult though. Are we as people not string enough to deal with two tasks at once? I have said my peace on the Vladov, De Sola incident, as I myself was attacked by Vladov men. I talked to the elders of said house, and have come to peace with the incident, but I do agree with you action must be taken. My belief though is that we are able to multitask, and should not shoot down one anothers ideas, because we feel at though other topics are more important. This is suppose to be an open forum, let us not regulate it.


    My final argument is on centralization once more. I stand by said argument, and say this. I do not call for more military orders, quite the opposite I call for less. You may say that the Amyas men help grow our numbers, but is it out of love for the Creator? When have you seen an Amyas men teach those in need of God's love? Instead they persecute heathens, while not allowing them to know of what the Creator has provided for us. Therefore, I still call on centralization, so that we may disband such groups, or at least reorganize them in order to agree with the church's theology.


    I must once again thank you. No one has put my previous writings under such scrutiny, and I believe it is for the betterment of both of us. Go with God.

    -Colin of Brelus

  17. If the point of my writings was not clear enough, I will reiterate. I wish to see a church that is free from a soiled reputation. What soils our reputation is when certain groups take matters into their own hands, get punished for their brashness, then try to incite violence on their behalf under the guise of religion. The church and the state are to very different things, and to allow matters that should be dealt with by the state affect or harm the church is ridiculous. In order to fix this, unless a group is directly affiliated with the church, they should not use the church as an excuse to justify their actions. Plain and Simple.

  18. To begin to even understand the topic of terrorism, you must first define the word. This may seem elementary to some, but defining a meaning of the word is important to get to the roots of the problems I will address. Quite simply terrorism is taking an unnecessary action in the hopes it will strike fear. A modern issue that we face, familial abuse, can be classified as a form of terrorism for example. In an abusive family one figure often the father, (we will save an in depth discussion on this for a later date) uses terror and fear to get obedience from his family. This need to cause fear in order to gain results often falls to the fact that the abusive member feels weak in their own regard. Abuse may be the only way for them to gain power, in a position where thy were once powerless.


    I digress. Terrorism in our state, The Kingdom of Oren, can be drawn back to the above reasons. A person, or group feels powerless in a situation. In order to gain power, they decide to use fear, instead of love, and use this to control the emotions of the people. An example of such would be to put someone on public execution. It does not matter whether or not the said person deserved the execution, the message is simple: mess with us, and you will also be punished.


    How does this relate to the church though? Simply enough put, it is relatable. If someone does an act of terrorism under the guise of being holy, they are more likely to be celebrated. Still feared by the people, but celebrated. Going back to my previous example, if I were to execute a man, and say it was for heresy against the church, less would question my actions. In fact, more would turn more devout due to the fact. They may attend church more often, donate more money to the church, and volunteer to help the church.


    So why is terrorism considered wrong if it can be used for "good"? If I am going to church more often out of fear, than am I really attending church for the right reason? The Creator made us through his love for creation, not from fear, or malice. Therefore the creator wants us to love him, so that we may learn of his love for us. To fear that you will be harmed if you do not go to church does not foster a healthy environment for a relationship to grow. Our relationship with the creator needs to grow in order for us to love him.


    The history of terrorism in the church is unfortunately a long one. The most memorable terrorist group in the church's history was The Order of St. Lucien. This order used fear to control the church and it's actions, leading to inter-church conflicts and open warfare. It escalated far enough to cause the assassination of the High Pontiff of the time.


    In modern times, the church has made an attempt to correct previous errors by not associating with orders who use terror and religion as a way of controlling the people. While this is a step in the right direction, more action is needed in order to insure peace of mind among the people. Recently, a very secular group, who disguises themselves under a saints name have taken to terrorizing the people in order to satisfy their bloodlust. Oren is in a period of peace, longer than most have ever lived to seen. And yet said group has the audacity to call for crusades, because they are not powerful enough to fight their own battles. They use terror in order to sway the people to their side, and only the wisdom of our pontiff has kept us out of warfare.


    In order to fix these problems we must look to further our role as a moral compass for the people. We must see that any organization that uses religious imagery, or ideals falls directly under our command, and all others are disbanded. This is not to secure more power to the church, but instead to insure that the church is looked upon in a proper light. If we are ever to reach foreign nations with our message, we can not be looked upon as murders. We must be diligent to protect the church's image so that it may spread it's message farther than ever

    -Colin of Brelus, Priest of The Church

  19. His face bruised, and battered Colin sits at his desk and begins to write a letter to the marshals of the land, as well as one to the High Pontiff Sixtus The III.

    "Dear men of the Realm.

    Today, as I was taking my morning prayer walk, I came upon several men holding men of the guard to the sword. Knowing one of the men who was on the offending side, that being the once devout member of the church Constantine, I assumed it was a misunderstanding.


    As I approached, I asked them to stop what they were doing, as I was hoping for an explanation. Instead I was told to walk off, as it was none of my business. I told them once more to stop what they were doing, this time I said in the name of the church. They refused to stop. Then one man, who the others called 'Rodney' Lifted a warhammer to strike my friend Yenu. I stepped between before he could strike. The Rodney man, with his hammer still in the air, told me to step away or I would be hit. I told him once more to stop in the name of the church. He did not stop, and hit me with the pommel of his hammer, quite hard.


    I reeled back in pain, and was taken a back for a moment, as I had not been in a true fight since joining the church years ago. I once more stepped between the men, never drawing a weapon, and wearing nothing but my priestly garb. The man once more forcefully told me to move, but I could not do so when that meant the injury of my friend. So once more he hit me, this time with his fist. I stepped back to see that my friend Charles was being beaten near death with a sword, that my friend Iren had been choked unconscious, and that Constantine and Rodney were moving on my friend Yenu. 


    After they had detained the men Constantine insulted me, and they left. I being in the moment rashly said the church will bring swift punishment to them for their actions. So as to not make me a liar I request that the one called Rodney be charged with First degree assault, for willingly and knowingly bringing harm to a man of the faith, with no remorse. I also call for the charge of third degree assault to Constantine and his fellow attackers, for watching without stopping the man.


    My final request to put this whole bloody mess behind us is specifically to the high pontiff. Excommunicate this Rodney fellow. He has sinned against the church. I hold no grudge against the man, and have forgave him with my heart, but if he is to strike one priest down, whats to say he will not do it again. Remove this man from the church, and et him not bring harm to God's shepherds again.


    In all this I ask that you do so with God's will.

    Walk with God men of the realm

    Colin, Priest of Brelus."

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