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Posts posted by _Ziiino

  1. Hello. My name is Matt and I've been a member on the server for over 5 years now. I have come back after a long hiatus to find a lot of my old friends seem to have moved on from the server and that's completely fine with me. I almost did the same lol. I'm interesting in either starting or joining a community of player to RP with. I want to get back into the deep RP and progression of the server that I used to love but it's harder when you don't know who you want to be as a character yet let alone who to talk to. 

    I'm open to any offers. I've got experience in loads of things from Militia commander, Cult leader, Kharajir cub, Oruk wanderer, Easterner ronin, dark elf family. And much more. I have also got experience from my old RP server I used to Co-own years ago to bring to the table. Don't be afraid to say hi if you see me on the server :) I look forward to meeting you all.

  2. Tis' I. I have returned. I doubt anyone remembers me. I used to be called TA1LFIN. Just putting a post up to see if anyone I know still plays this. I doubt it. It's been a while. Lockdown got me nostalgic I guess. Anyway if you're reading this I have returned and will probably be looking to set up a new char somewhere. I'll have a look over the forums later to see what's happening. But if you need experienced RP'ers for your town/ city/ army/ race/ whatever the set up, let me know. I've been on and off this server for like 5 and a half years now. Glad to be back.

    I have experience in Militia leadership, Duchy politics, Community leadership, and much more from positions low and high in wealth and status. Mostly human but have dabbled in most other races over the years also. Feel free to message me either on here or on my Discord which is Ziiino#2236

  3. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


    Name: Haturo Hasashi

    Age: 29

    Race: Human 

    Profession (N/A if none): blacksmith (retired warrior)

    Magics Known(N/A if none): n/a


    Username: ta1lfin

    Any Additional Information: he is an easterner, so be nice to him...  know it looks like he has a visual impairment to you westerners but he does try to fit in.




    The streets of Johannesburg were almost calm and peaceful, a swift change from the usual hustle and bustle of marching footmen and parties of townsfolk. Distant hums from instruments could be heard off in the distance, muffled by the walls of the great city. Though the light of day was still blooming, clouds had recently been massing overhead, as if they were to lay a siege upon the tranquil sky and put an end to the summers peace. As the droplets of rain began to fall on the stone streets of the city, a rustling of papers could be heard discarded (or perhaps misplaced) upon the steps to the local tavern. They read: 


    ...I have traveled far since my days on the farm. I can't say I regret my decision to travel and see the world. No. No I can not. The people I have met and the cultures I have learnt have granted me the will of an open mind. For this, I am eternally grateful. Johannesburg, for example, has beauty and charm the likes of which I fear no place could topple. I feel a warmth each and every time I come to this beautiful place. It means a lot to me. 

    Though I must admit, the can not stand the lack of intelligence and perception in her military. Do not get me wrong, Father. They're militia is strong and seemingly battle ready, but it lacks any forward-men, as you would call them. It lacks a team dedicated to recon and relations. Men who can look ahead of the battle and review the best strategy for the good of the main forces, they would be highly valuable. I feel like this is a major set back and it would favor humanity as a whole if the battle could not only by thought by brawn, but with brains also. It could be like the rangers back home. It's how we protected the farmland after all. Surely it is better that way for local conflicts than with heavy armor-clad men be doing such trivial work. I have heard word of a fellow archer enthusiast up in Haense. I feel like he may be able to help me in creating a group that can for fill this task, rangers who work with their minds first and their arrows later. Imagine it, Father. It would be a glorious way to serve the imperial course. I just hope more able men feel the same. 


    I hope to hear back from you soon on how the farm is doing back home, and how my brother is fairing without me to look after him. 

    I will keep pushing on, Father, for Mothers sake. 

    'A strong, open mind is the one that fires the arrow not for the sake of themselves, but for the greater good.'


    Yours faithfully,




  5. I've always wanted there to be a part of some kind of scouting team that did the reconnaissance and info gathering missions for an army/ nation. If any of you are interested in helping make this when let me know! I would go as far as to train people and have specialized sessions in recon and stealth. Members would wear lighter variants on an armies uniform, so maybe leather or something. Or maybe some of you guys would be interested in helping me make a scout mercenary group and we could get hired for missions instead of being tied to one force. I'm open for feedback and ideas :) Would love to make this work though! :D


  6. ((IGN)):MattTheShark



    Chosen Role:Knight


    ((Do you have skype and/or willing to get it?)):yes i have skype

    Skills:as an orc, borkul is all about aggression to overcome his target. He is 6'9 making him physically imposing, and is quick to anger meaning no one will want to mess with him, in their right mind. 

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: MattTheShark

    How old are you?: 18

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): no

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:Cyber bullying is strictly prohibited, and will not be condoned in any shape or form. If you promote, or take part in cyber bullying amongst the community, you will be punished just as severely.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): They all make perfect sense to me.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Youtibe, I watched ParkersCommunity's video series on it and enjoyed the aspect of roleplaying.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Taking on another persona and immersing yourself in that persona's world.

    What is metagaming? To use previously gained knowledge outside of the RP universe to gain an unfair advantage.

    What is powergaming?: How RP should not be played. Giving one party an unfair advantage over the other by forcing an event to happen in the scenario. For example *Stabs Tim and kills him*. Tim is standing right in front of me and I've just said no you are actually dead, sorry. He can't say or do anything about it if he is fully immerse and is forced to come out of character to review what has been said which is a game ruining issue. 

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Matthias Tilvane

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Human (Heartlander)

    Character’s age: 19

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Born in the rough end of Oren, in the backstreets of the market, Matthias was brought up to become a beggar like the rest of his family. Most poor families lived on the outskirts, some even taking to pillaging passes by, but not the Tilvane family. The Tilvanes, you see, were once honored members of the community and prospered as a warrior baring family. Warrior ancestors blessed them and they were known for being strong and fearsome in battle. After their fortune turned for the worst however, they lost it all. Their house mysteriously set on fire one fateful night and their bank had been stripped bare. Now they live on the streets begging for people to see them for what they once were, a fruitless cause.

    Matthias grew to despise his families outcome and would often run away to speak with the town guard about the adventures catching crooks and wrong doers in Oren. He loved their stories and always wanted to be a defender of the people. One night he decided enough was enough. He loved his family but this was no way to live! He took his old training sword and some scavenged food and ran away from them to start a new life and to regain the Tilvane family name. Now, at 19 years of age, Matthias is a wandering warrior in training seeking help from anyone with an experienced sword arm to train him. Maybe if he can find that one special trainer, he can make for one prospect of an apprentice...

    Personality Traits: Brave, Strong willed, Quick-tempered.

    Ambitions: To become a guardsman for the people. to save lives and to bring honor back to his family name.

    Strengths/Talents: Natural ability with a sword, Quick footed, Can pickpocket reasonably well.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Quick tempered, sometimes can be over-passionate about what he feels, is relatively thin in stature.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):

    height-5'10 weight-9'08

    Thin in stature due to the starvation of living on the streets.

    A little dirty, though he tries to stay cleaner than his relatives so people don't see him as what he used to be.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


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