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Aqua Vita

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Posts posted by Aqua Vita

  1. An aged Bartrand would read the notice as he'd sip his drink. "... Perhaps this man can do some good for humanity. His hasn't done much to secure the faith of some Orenians, seeing as he's working with Orens enemies. Then again, the past few emperors haven't done a whole lot in this regard either. Either way, I just hope Haense and it's people will find some peace."

  2. MC Name: Aqua_Vita2

    Discord: Aqua Vita

    Timezone: EST

    Age: 17
    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the application standards?: I've always paid attention to history and the impact of wars, even when inactive. Not so much magic, but I suppose I can learn that. 

    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?: When I first joined LotC my biggest issue was trying to figure out what to do. I'm a shy person, by nature, so I never really initiated RP with anyone. I'd like to help other people overcome this first hurdle.

    Beyond reviewing whitelist applications, what ways do you think you would enjoy helping new applicants?: By guiding them after they join and watching them grow/what they end up doing.


    How do you think the server’s application process could be improved?: I think it functions fine the way it is now, but if I had to make one change it would be to make sure new players truly understand the rules. We have new players who get banned within the first couple weeks of joining for things like no RP killing. I think we should strive to educate those new players.

    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?: I do have somewhat limited time due to work and school.


    Tell me a joke: A 17 year old who plays MineCraft

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