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Posts posted by JuanPlays

  1. What’s your Minecraft account name?: Juan_Plays

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How old are you?: 14

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I understand this.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read, and I completely agree with these rules.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I agree with the no cyber-bullying rule. It may sound cliché to agree with this rule the most, but there's a lot of bullying and hate these days, gets old, y'know?

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): I think I understand every rule

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I remembered that a long time ago, I was looking for lord of the rings server, but never decided to apply, as I hated whitelist at the time 

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): I've never made a whitelist application, I used to have applying for things, but now, I don't mind doing it

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes, I've looked around a few times, looks awesome, and I'd be really excited if I could join,


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is acting In the role of a character, and making actions/speaking as them, in different activites

    What is metagaming?: Meta-gaming is using outside knowledge irp to predict, and/or do actions depending on what said outside source had talked about

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Power-gaming is forcing actions on other players, instead of attempting to do so


    Character’s name: Cyrus Arialis

    Character’s sex:  Male

    Character’s race: Human (Farfolk)

    Character’s age: 18

    Biography: Cyrus, growing up in a small village in the Sutican Islas, was mostly kept in the dark, when it came to culture in the outside world. He knew that father wasn't home, until he was 5, when the war between Haense and Courtland finally ended. He also knew that his father left once more when he was 7, but quickly returned home when he was eight, because of the war between Courtland and Mardon. His father, and his mother, never really told him anything about the war, nor much of the outside world. It's not that his family didn't want him to know, but rather, he was young,  and they spent most of their time  and effort teaching his older brother. Cyrus, as such, mostly did physical labor for his family, never getting a chance to learn to read or write, learning language through people speaking to him. He had always dreamed of traveling, going out and finding adventures. Whenever he had a chance to spare, his mother would teach him basic skills, like starting fires with flint, understanding that he wanted to instead, travel, instead of living his life at the house. As he got older, he did jobs to earn money, hoping to afford enough to find a way to get somewhere else, anywhere else, really. However, when he told his father, he absolutely forbade him.

    When he turned 16, however, his father finally allowed him to leave, but Cyrus was confused as to why, but never-the-less, he was ecstatic. In his spare time, Cyrus had practiced a lot of skills, including swimming, practicing fighting with the wood-axe he used, but, above all, lighting fires. Cyrus loved fire, and showed no fear when it came to handling it. He found it beautiful, and powerful, and he'd constantly stay up late, by a campfire, just because so. He had grown up, to be a brave, curious, and strong person, but still, he had never learned to read or write, and still didn't know much about the history of the land he walked. He finally afforded enough, and took his few belongings: His wood-axe, his fire-lighter, and a few spare clothes, and set out, wanting to discover all he could, and maybe find a purpose in the world that felt right to him.

    Personality Traits: Cyrus is curious, confident, and brave, but when it comes to him not being able to write, he is unsecure, and was always jealous of the attention his brother had gotten.

    Ambitions: Cyrus wishes to really, just travel, and to adventure. He also hopes to learn to read and write,  but, beyond that, his dreams of traveling out, and learning new things from experience are his defining dreams, and he will wait before learning to read and write.

    Strengths/Talents: Cyrus is strong, from his years of constantly working, and can run for long periods of time. He is an expert swimmer, survivalist, and, is unafraid of fire. He has been burned several times, and is now an expert when it comes to fire.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Cyrus is illiterate, only knowing the most basic of words. He cannot read or write, and knows almost nothing about Axios. He has also never seen combat, and as such, may be strong, but he is inexperienced in fighting. He also has never really seen magic, or much of other races,  and as such, will most likely be both afraid, and awed by those things.

    Appearance: Cyrus is dark-skinned, with black hair, and more medium-built. He doesn't look like he has much muscle, but his muscles are well-defined, and is strong none-the-less. Standing around 5 foot 11 inches, he was always seen as tall, getting it from his mother's side. His eyes are bright blue, much like the sea, and was almost always seen with his flint and steel. His feet, and hands, are covered in calluses, and cuts, from his years of work for his family. He doesn't wear flashy clothes, but rather, ones that are better for braving nature, and as such, he wears mostly plain-colored clothes, aside from his red vest. However, he doesn't wear shoes often, preferring to feel the dirt, and grass, or sand beneath his feet, his calluses mostly protecting him from rocks and stones.


    Sorry, forgot to add, I had changed my username from when I first made an account, it's now Juan_Plays, instead of JuanPlays_, sorry about that


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