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Soviet Red

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Posts posted by Soviet Red

  1. USSR


    “In response to the North Korean conflict with the China and Japan, the Motherland must answer it’s honored treaty with our fellow comrades! The Asian Axis push hostility and militarism unto the world, they must not be allow such domination in Asia!”


    “As such the entire wrath of the Soviet People’s will come down upon China and Japan like a hammer upon an Anvil. This war will require more than the brave soldiers already serving the cause, so we ask that any true son or daughter of the Motherland head to the nearest recruitment center and join the fight!”


    With global conflicts heating up, the USSR has chosen to engage China and Japan. As if China wasn’t already meddling in Turkish/Greek affairs now it seems war was a requirement to keep the would be giant in check.


    The Russian Army and Airforce work in tandem as they deploy to the Chinese border to begin an immediate invasion of Chinese lands. They are ordered to show no mercy to any resistance, and any attempts are to be met with unyielding fury.




    3 Missile Cruisers - 18

    2 Destroyers - 8

    1 Submarine - 4



    42,000 Infantry - 8

    52 Fighters - 2

    52 Bombers - 2

    210 Helicopters - 2

    105 AA - 1

    525 APCs - 2

    210 Tanks - 2

    52 Mobile Artillery - 1


    Space Navy

    2 Cossack Class Corvettes

    100 Space Fighters

    100 Space Bombers



    Base AP: 6

    Provinces (168): 16

    Union of Lands: 16

    Foundries (2): 6

    Foundry OSS: 3

    Agri OSS: 2

    Trade: 2 (6 Partners)

    Thorium: 6

    Total AP: 57

    Anterior Coalition, Yugo Federation, China, Japan, United States of America, Republic of Ukraine


    Continued Research into Fusion Reactors (4 RP, 20 total)


    The USSR begins research into Laser Weaponry (2 RP)


    The USSR finishes it’s Foundry (3, 25 total)


    To aid in the coming conflict Russia begins to work it’s industry for all its worth!


    161,250 Infantry - 30 AP

    21 Gunships - 4 AP

    1,075 Helicopters - 10 AP

    537 AA - 5 AP

    134 Fighters - 5 AP

  2. USSR




    3 Missile Cruisers - 18

    2 Destroyers - 8

    1 Submarine - 4


    42,000 Infantry - 8

    52 Fighters - 2

    52 Bombers - 2

    210 Helicopters - 2

    105 AA - 1

    525 APCs - 2

    210 Tanks - 2

    52 Mobile Artillery - 1



    Base AP: 6

    Provinces (168): 16

    Union of Lands: 16

    Foundries (2): 6

    Trade: 2 (6 Partners)

    Thorium: 6

    Total AP: 52

    Anterior Coalition, Yugo Federation, China, Japan, United States of America, Republic of Ukraine


    Continued Research into Fusion Reactors (6 RP, 16 total)


    The USSR works to finish the Military OSS (6 AP, 20 AP)


    Alongside the other Space based constructions the USSR begins construction on a Hydroponics Space Station (20 AP)


    Another Foundry begins production! (22 AP)


    In the USSR Space Yards they begins construction on two Cossack Class Corvettes the first of their kind! And 100 ‘Star’ Fighters and Bombers (4 AP)


    The USSR signs co-operative agreement with the DPRK furthering ties between the two countries.


  3. USSR

    “Oh Mother Russia, Union of Lands.”


    Soviets Can Into Space!

    The USSR had put a strong focus on it’s space programs, Russia had pushed far ahead of many other nations even the mighty America!


    With its sights set to the stars the Soviet Peoples knew other would grow weary, grow jealous of the Motherland’s accomplishments. So thus an ally needed to be found, and found one they did.


    The Moscow-Pyongyang Treaty

    The Motherland along with the DPRK signed a Defensive Pact to defend one another from foreign hostilities on earth and to the stars.


    As the ever unending expansion of Soviet influence spreads, the ability to move men and material is not enough to quench the thirst for the Motherlands goal of spreading her will, so as demands a shipyard to allow the USSR to exert its might in space!




    3 Missile Cruisers - 18

    2 Destroyers - 8

    1 Submarine - 4


    42,000 Infantry - 8

    52 Fighters - 2

    52 Bombers - 2

    210 Helicopters - 2

    105 AA - 1

    525 APCs - 2

    210 Tanks - 2

    52 Mobile Artillery - 1



    Base AP: 6

    Foundries (2): 6

    Trade: 2 (6 Partners)

    Anterior Coalition, Yugo Federation, China, Japan, United States of America, Republic of Ukraine


    Continued Research into Fusion Reactors (5 RP, 10 total)


    The USSR continues its work to finish the Military OSS (4 AP, 14 Total)


    The USSR begins construction of its own Shipyard (10 AP)


    The USSR reaches out to Ukraine and Belarus pushing for them to join as apart of the Motherland, so that all may be together in glorious union! (Mod)


    In the interest of Peace and Order the USSR signs the Moscow-Pyongyang Treaty, a Defensive Alliance with the DPRK!

  4. USSR



    (One time use only)

    -Starting Investments-

    Launchpad 100 AP

    Foundries (2) 50 AP


    First Turn Military Investments

    50 Total

    3 Missile Cruisers - 18

    2 Destroyers - 8

    1 Submarine - 4


    42,000 Infantry - 8

    52 Fighters - 2

    52 Bombers - 2

    210 Helicopters - 2

    105 AA - 1

    525 APCs - 2

    210 Tanks - 2

    52 Mobile Artillery - 1



    Base AP: 6

    Foundries (2): 6


    The USSR Begins construction on an Military OSS (Orbital Space Station) - 12 AP


    The USSR sends offers of trade to the following Nations

    Anterior Coalition

    Yugo Federation



    United States of America

    Republic of Ukraine


  5. Application:

    Your Discord’s name: Comrade Yuri#9852latest?cb=20121219004646


    Your Nation: United Soviet States of Russia (USSR)


    Short background of nation: After the failure of the EU, the devastating Indi-Chinese War, and the American Civil War. Russia took many steps to secure itself once again, the Communist had once again seized power in the Old Federation. Former KGB Officer and FSS Director Vladamir Putin helped set the stage for the USSR’s rebirth, the glory of days past has come once again for the Soviet Peoples and no power on earth will stop the power of the People!


    The USSR had begone to take more aggressive steps in Europe with the fall of the EU, proving only once again that globalism and the European Elite can not stem the tide of the proletariat! For the people have spoken,


    Government type: Autocratic


    Suggestions/Feedback: Oh Mother Russia!


    Nations standing army/navy.: https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=russia

  6. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 12,000

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault


    Sanctuary - White/Black Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere sighs beneath her cloak “This is annoying.” she comments


    Vianmir smiles “My Queen, it’s all apart of the plan. My men watch the General for a short time, distract his guards then you two get some personal face time. How do you plan on sneaking in once the opportunity arises?” he asks


    Queen Atheare simply vanishes after making a spell gesture.


    Vianmir sighs “Of course.” he chuckles.


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    Queen Athaere works with her Spymaster in an attempt gain a meeting with the General of Shimmerene, whether he wants it or not. Not kidnapping or the sort, but rather an unexpected meeting with the General should he ‘find’ himself in an isolated place. (5 AP)

  7. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 12,000

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault

    Sanctuary - White/Black Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    Queen Athaere would personally wish to meet with each of those currently attempting to fill the power vacuum created with the death of Shimmerene’s previous Lady (1 AP)


    The Dominion begins construction on a Shipyard (4 AP)

  8. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 10,900

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault

    Sanctuary - White/Black Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere, Councillor Aelsinire, Martial Adus, High Priest Telion, Spymaster Vianmir, and Steward Barthir are all sitting in the Palace Chambers locked away from the world.


    I’ve some urgent news for you all..


    The group looks to their Queen, glancing at each other wondering what could have happened already.


    “Lady Elanrine was poisoned, she has passed on the Healers couldn’t save her.” she announces as everyone seems rather shocked. “Who could’ve possibly done this?” Sagelock asks. Suddenly the group looks to Vianmir who looks up from his drink “What?..Don’t look at me!


    Queen Athaere shakes her head “I don’t believe any of us did it, nor do I believe Nalanye is cunning enough. Nonetheless I’ve been offered to go to the funeral, which I plan to go. There is more going on it feels, and me not going would only make us seem guilty. I cannot afford such a rumor to hatch.


    Spymaster Vianmir stands up and bows “I will seek out every contact I possibly can to discover the true nature behind this my lady, I will not allow this event to sour your good name.


    Queen Athaere nods “For now we must wait and watch..you may all return to your duties.


    She watches all of her faithful followers leave the Palace as Shadow walks up behind her “My Queen..now is the perfect time to seize control of Shimmerene..


    Queen Athaere simply narrows her eyes “We shall see..


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    Queen Athaere along with Adus, Shadow and a contingent of 30 Troops will travel to Shimmerene to attend Lady Elanrine’s Funeral. (1 AP)


    Spymaster Vianmir works through every angle he can in an attempt to possibly discover more about Elanrine’s death from rumors to the underground. (4 AP)


  9. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 10,900

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault

    Sanctuary - White/Black Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere and Martial Adus ride alongside one another on horseback, Aldmeri Scouts and Soldiers up front with White Script Troops on the flanks. The Mages in the middle as they aren’t as capable in a close up fight.


    Well, Lady Nalanye was quite friendly wasn’t she?” Adus comments. Athaere nods “Indeed, while not someone I would trust on the higher end of a leadership role in our planned Dominion but she certainly makes a good friendly face for the people to look up to.


    One of the more odded Mages, whom carries a sword and a darker set of Robes. Often he works with Queen Athaere in private, many distrust him but no one dares confront him about such thoughts. Only Queen Athaere knows his name, the Court simply knows him as the Queen’s Shadow.


    He rides behind Adus and the others, his hood turns eyeing a small rocky outcropping as he spots something. “My Queen!” he calls out before suddenly an arrow flies past Adus’ head “AMBUSH!” someone calls out, the trained and superior armed troops quickly move to formation raising their shields and blocking several more arrows. From all sides 20 Bandits charge the group, a grave mistake. Quickly The Bandits are cut down and sliced to pieces, a single bandit breaks through the formation going for Athaere only to be parried by Adus’ shield followed by a swift gauntlet to the face, the force immediately kills the man. Queen Athaere dismounts her horse to remain more prepared. She looks up just in time to spot a single archer, bow knocked back and arrow ready.


    Before she can even react he fires, she could have sworn she saw her life flash before her eyes. A young Dominion Soldier moves in the way, though he focused more to get there than ready his shield. The arrow strikes the young man in the chest, he falls to Athaere’s feet holding the arrow in pain. Athaere looks up making eye contact with the Bandit, his eyes filled with fear as he realized there..he made a mistake. The Queen and her Shadow both raise their hands thrusting their hands out at the Archer and his compatriot as a dark flash of magic shoots past them.


    Another Bosmer runs up behind the Altmer Bandit “Come on we have to get out of here!” The two of them turn around as they both faced two large armored beings.


    Staring into the bright blue eyes of death itself, they didn’t even have enough time to scream before clawed gauntlets gripped into the Wood Elf’s jugular lifting him off the ground as he slowly bled and suffocated. His other friend found himself impaled by a longsword as he grabbed and feebly beat on the Dremoran Warrior's armor. Moments later their lifelessly bodies fall to the ground. The Battle was won.


    Queen Athaere dismisses her conjured warrior, leaning down to the soldier at her feet. With a wince the arrow is removed as she plants a hand on his chest slowly healing him “Your Queen won’t let you fall today, and what is my most loyal soldier’s name?” she asks, the young bosmer speechless attempts to speak his own name somewhat shocked by the whole ordeal.


    A..Atherion my Lady...Atherion of House Aedahl.” he finally gets out.


    Adus turns around after he knows for sure the last of the scum have been vanquished. Her Shadow passes by Adus as he grips his sword, that old Mage had always given him a bad feeling.


    My Lady...you shouldn’t worry about your lessers..it is not befitting..” He says to her, she turns giving him a glare “I will treat and interact with whomever I please Shadow..mind your place.” she threatens as he bows and backs off. With a sigh she looks back down at Atherion with a smile “Up Soldier! The Dominion carries on.” she grabs his arm pulling him to his feet, the hole in his armor still present but his wounds healed “Yes My Lady!” he salutes with a fist over his heart and bows his head.


    The Group re-organizes with no losses and no prisoners. The bodies dumped and buried as ordered by the Queen, such garbage should not ruin the beauty of the Isles.


    --Months Later--

    Queen Athaere and her court ready in the Palace, the Festival is in full swing within Alinor. People celebrate and enjoy simple pleasures of drink and company. Children play and people of the High Court mingle amongst the commoners.


    It is a time for all of the Dominion to celebrate.


    At the Height of the First Day for the Festival Queen Athaere stands before her subjects. Her most loyal and veteran troops line the front forming a barrier between the Court and the Crowd, though not armed to keep anyone back they bear flags of different houses, they’re armor decorative as well.


    People of Alinor! Proud Soldiers of the Dominion! Children of Auri-El!


    Today we celebrate our success in restoring Order to Alinor! And let this be the first of many celebrations for the future. A glorious day it truly is, as Auri-El has truly blessed me.” she smiles “I have been blessed with great people to be at my side and to look over. For I alone do not make Alinor what it is, That honor falls to you all. Farmers, Blacksmiths, and those of you who labor away everyday are what makes the Dominion strong! You are what makes it so blessed..” she holds her arms out “So let us all celebrate together!


    At that right on cue the troops break formation, Mages shoot combinations of spells into the air. Fireworks for the crowd as the festival is in full swing. Queen Athaere indulges herself to join in on the festivities for a time. Adus at her side at every moment.


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    The whole of Alinor along with it’s honored guests celebrate The White Bannered Festival, as the week goes on Royal Guests and others of the Court meet in the Palace to feast and discuss Alliances (4 AP)

  10. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,900

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault

    Sanctuary- White/Black Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere stands by her balcony door staring out the glass at Alinor. The greatest city of all of Summerset. It was only fitting to be hers, the Capital city for the Queen...no The Future Empress of a united Summerset Isle. One who could defend her people both at home and in distant lands. A ruler that fights on the frontlines to personally strike fear into the enemies of the Dominion. She sits upon the throne, Lords and Ladys from separate provinces bow before their Empress, the great Golden Banner flies above all of Summerset Isle...upon the world-


    A knock on the door brings Athaere back to reality.


    Yes?” she asks


    A muffled voice comes from the other side of the door “The council has been summoned in your throne room Lady Athaere.” the guard stood away from the door, her servant opens the door for her as she strides out, a golden cape trails behind her as she marches down the golden halls and enters the throne room.


    All rise for Queen Athaere, Lord of Alinor!” a man announces as her Court is filled with Lesser Nobles, High Ranking Mages, White Script Leaders, and her Advisers.


    Queen Athaere stands in front of her throne looking down at all her subjects. “I would like to thank you all for coming, we have a large event to discuss. Including those of lesser status in the court, your involvement would be much appreciated.


    She gestures for them all to sit as she takes her seat in the throne. They all sit after her to show respect, her Advisers stand on the lower steps to her left and right.


    We shall hold a massive celebration, to give thanks to Auri-El for our prosperity. To offer thanks and tribute to him, to share our wealth and prosperity with Shimmerene and Sunhold.


    The White Bannered Festival.


    She looks over her subjects to gauge their reactions. Many seem to agree, some seem on the fence but don’t stand against or deny such a notion.


    Then it is settled, we shall have to prepare Alinor for such a large Festival. I personally shall travel to Sunhold and Shimmerene and personally invite both Lady Nalanye and Lady Elanrine to this event.” she says, Martial Adus turns to her “I will personally see to your escort My Lady.” he bows his head.


    Queen Athaere nods “Excellent, I ask the rest of you. Promote yourselves, sell food cheap and offer excess for free to the lesser citizens. We must show the rest of Summerset how United we are in our ideals.


    Queen Athaere stands and marches to the edge of her platform “We will show all why Alinor shall Always! Forever! Be the Heart of the Dominion!!!


    For the coming Months, Farms, Weavers, and Merchants are offered excellent deals and organized spaces throughout Alinor as the city is adorned with the Colors of the Dominion, Flags, Banners, strips of cloth cover the city.


    Day after Day Dominion Soldiers march and show off their new and improved armor for the masses in hope to inspire their citizens.


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    The Dominion of Alinor works to prepare for the White Bannered Festival to take place next Spring, inviting Merchants, Farmers, and craftsmen to come sell and promote their wares in the Festival. This Festival is to show the Unity of Alinor, and it’s Queen’s devotion to a united Summerset (3 AP)


    Queen Athaere, Martial Adus, 3 Master Mages, 2 Experts, 4 Adepts, 20 White Script Soldiers, and 30 Dominion Soldiers travel to Sunhold and Shimmerene to allow Queen Athaere to invite Lady Nalanye and Lady Elanrine to the Festival for a celebration and to discuss an Alliance (1 AP)

  11. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,900

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault

    Sanctuary/White Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere and Martial Adus trade blows back and forth, both in their own personal sets of armor. Adus fighting with his sword, Queen Athaere swings her saber down to strike at Adus and he parries with a swift block as Queen Athaere’s blade snaps and breaks. The Blade flies into the air and lands between them. Martial Adus chuckles “A bit harsh on your equipment My Lady.”


    Queen Athaere throws her broken blade into the dirt. “It’s good quality but not good enough to meet my standards, the Dominion will require better quality equipment to handle the tasks ahead. The Scripts will also require better quality armor and weapons for their tasks.”


    “See to it personally Martial.” she orders.


    Martial Adus sheathes his sword and bows to her “At once my Lady.”


    The Forges and Smiths work day and night improving the arms & armors for their soldiers.


    Meanwhile her majesty’s Spymaster works with the other Master Mages to finish work on the Black Script HQ.


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    The Forges and Blacksmith’s are put to work to improve the quality of all the armor provided to the Army and White Script (2 AP)


    Work continues in the Sanctuary hoping to finish the construction of the Black Script HQ (2 AP)

  12. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,900

    Army: 1,000

    White Script: 200 - 2 N, 1 Ap



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault

    Sanctuary/White Script HQ



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    11 Apprentices

    2 Novices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    High Priest and Master of the Sanctuary, Telion stood in the courtyard looking over the 200 new White Script recruits. Devotees, Warriors, Hunters, and a few Mages have all chosen to join the White Script. A far larger number than Telion had expected. Though most were Devotees and Worshippers of Auri-El and didn’t particularly show much talent, all were equally important to the Script.


    I would like to thank you all, on behalf of Alinor..on behalf of Summerset when she is once again united. You two hundred souls have offered to devote your time, effort, blood and lives to this Sanctuary and what it stands for. So that there is no confusion for anyone in or outside of the Sanctuary let me make our goals clear.


    We exist to fight dark creatures and enemies whom would seek our total annihilation. To preserve and spread Auri-El’s influence wherever we may reach. To find and secure items of Magical Power, so that we and the Mage’s Guild can keep them safe and out of the hands of those not disciplined to use their power.


    That is our purpose, in times of peace however. We watch over all that we have accomplished, to maintain that peace as best we can and to ensure the health and safety of the Summerset Isles. While you may be talented individuals, training and discipline is needed for the task ahead. So for the next year we will begin training you all and commissioning expeditions into the wilds of Alinor and perhaps Sunhold in search of ruins, items of magic, and possible enemies of the realm. May Auri-El’s light guide you all, and be ever vigilant of the darkness.


    The Dominion of Alinor would continue it’s work on the Sanctuary, though much more discrete and low profiled. The Black Script Headquarters begins construction beneath the Sanctuary. Rooms, Armory, Forge, Master Rooms, Interrogation/torture chambers.


    Men and Women of Martial Talent train alongside the 1,000 Soldiers of the Dominion.


    Heavy Dominion Soldier, Light Dominion Soldier, Dominion Battle Mage, Dominion Officer (Left to Right Respectively)


    Dominion Army - 1,000

    Front line Soldiers/Melee - 500

    Archers/Ranged - 250

    Cavalry/Melee - 250


    White Script Forces 200 - 125 Capable combatants

    75 Soldiers

    25 Hunters

    25 Agents


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    The Dominion Army and some of the White Script’s more Combatant Members work together to further their combat skills and tactics (2 AP)


    Work continues in the Sanctuary beginning to construct the Black Script HQ (2 AP)

  13. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,900

    Army: 1,000 - Steel Arms & Armor - Trained



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault



    5 Masters

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    High Priest Telion paces back and forth looking over names, dossiers, and people of talent listed in his documents. He was given charge of the White Script by Queen Athaere herself, he had a lot to live up too. A knock on his door caught his attention, his bright eyes turned but his body did not as he simply stopped pacing “Come in.” he answers.


    The door opens as Vianmir enters the room “How goes the search my friend?” he asks as Telion goes and takes a seat “It goes well, now that construction is coming along just fine I need to start pulling in candidates for the Script.” he says looking over the papers again.


    Vianmir shrugs leaning against the table “I’ve been talking to Queen Athaere, she has been training with the troops with Adus. Their training is complete for now, so we can devote more time to aiding in forming the Script. I’m here to help with that.


    Telion keeps reading over his papers “To help me or your Black Script?” he asks, Vianmir stands up straight glaring at Telion “How do you know-” Telion looks up at Vianmir “I am charged with running the Sanctuary...Of course I know about it, you aren’t the only one with ears in Alinor Spymaster Vianmir..


    Queen Athaere stands alongside other Mage’s where the Sanctuary is at “We will finish everything for the White Script this year. Rooms, Training Area, Master Quarters.” she nods looking over as Telion and Vianmir approaches the site. A Young woman in tow behind Telion, she wears bright white and golden clothing with red trim, she carries a bow on her back. Between her chest and her shoulder a badge of the Sun. Telion’s first recruit for the White Script.


    Athaere nods “I see you’re already hard at work Master Telion. Come to help have we?


    Telion and Vianmir nod “Yes my Queen.


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    Work continues on the Sanctuary hoping to finish the Headquarters for the White Script (2 AP)


    Master Telion works to recruit people for the White Script. Mages, Talented Fighters, and Devoted Worshipers of Auri-El (2 AP)

  14. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,900

    Army: 1,000



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks

    Magic Hall w/ Vault



    5 Masters (Including Queen Athaere)

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere stood nearby as she watched a younger Altmer train with one of the Master Mages.


    “Ready?” he asked as he conjured a ball of flame in his hand. The Apprentice nodded as he held his hands up putting up a ward, The Master suddenly forms a second flame thrusting both hands outward as it flies and strikes the ward dissipating it immediately. The Apprentice stumbles slightly caught by surprise “I did it. I did it!” he cheers as the master nods “You’ve been practicing, good. Now onto the next lesson.”


    Queen Athaere would step out leaving the Mage Hall towards the war room where her Martial Adus and her Spymaster Vianmir would be sitting looking over a map of Tamriel, they stand immediately and bow respectfully “My Queen.” they greet.


    “Hello gentlemen, what are you both up to?” she walks over looking down at the map. A blue flag over Sunhold, white over Shimmerene and black marked on all other provinces “Sunhold and Shimmerene for now are the only friendly neighbors we know of, I greatly suggest we prepare better ways of gathering information and gaining infiltration in the long run, My Lady.”


    Queen Athaere looks down at a few documents “It isn’t a reformation of the Thalmor. They were fools.” Adus and Vianmir look at her oddly “My Lady?” Adus asks. She looks to them “We are superior yes, that goes without saying. However that isn’t an excuse for such lowly work and subterfuge. We are the rightful rulers of Tamriel because we are the Children of Auri-El! He lead us here with a purpose. Perhaps one day..we can ascend and rejoin Auri-El one day just as it had been for our Aldmer ancestors. But until then it is our responsibility to bring Order and Discipline to the races of this world. To guide them, Humanity and the Beastfolk are too young to be allowed to rule. But with our guidance, we can bring a sense of Order and Civilization to all...THAT is why we do what we do gentlemen and Vianmir is right, we need to get more aggressive with our plans. In the coming years we will do so after home is properly prepared.”


    Vianmir takes his documents and stands bowing to her “I shall begin working to reform and create such an organization capable of enforcing such a task My Lady.” he dismisses himself from the room and Athaere looks to Adus “Now I have a job for you Adus.” he looks to her standing “What do you require of me My Lady?” he asks


    Athaere smiles “Time to begin training everyone, I will be joining you.”


    Meanwhile Vianmir and Sagelock look over an old site of abandoned building “I do believe here would be a good place for what Lady Athaere and you seek to create. Though it will certainly take longer than just one year.” he states as Vianmir paces forward putting his hands on his hips looking over the area, the ground, the sky. He was odd at times, dark and some would say paranoid but there is a reason he is the Queen’s Spymaster. He was damn good at what he did.


    “Good, I wasn’t expecting this to take less than a year. I’m expecting a couple at least.” he’d turn to notice an Altmer clad in white robes with some light steel armor beneath them approach. He was tall, stoic and graceful. His white cloak was gilded with golden engravings and he wore a sunlight crown. It was Telion Faeihle, High Priest of Alinor and one of the most devoted Auri-El worshippers in the kingdom. “So I see you’ve begun planning without me?” he asked


    Steward Sagelock shook his head “Just trying to be ahead of schedule.” he comments


    The three advisors would work throughout the year in the construction for the Scripture Headquarters. It was meant to serve as a place to train and organize Agents of the Scripture. On the outside and top sections it would hold the HQ for the White Scripture. These Men and Women would serve as the face of it’s operations. Openly spreading Auri-El’s influence where they can and the more experienced would serve as a personal guard for Queen Athaere.


    Agents and Fighters of the White Script


    The White Scripture would also be charged with hunting and rooting out undead and other unwanted creatures of dark nature. On the subject of Dark Nature..A secret section was to be created beneath the Sanctuary, the HQ for the Black Scripture. Assassin, Thieves, and Agents meant to work the more shadowed jobs and operations. Though only Queen Athaere and Spymaster Vianmir would hold any knowledge of Black Scripture Agents, tasks, and their purpose. All answer to Athaere, Queen and future Empress of the Dominion...


    Agents of the Black Script


    ----Dominion Edicts----


    Continued negotiations take place between Alinor and Shimmerene (0 AP)


    Martial Adus would begin training and regimenting the new troops with exercises and drills to better prepare them to defend or fight for Alinor, Queen Athaere would do so right alongside them. (2 AP)


    Spymaster Vianmir works alongside Steward Sagelock, High Priest Telion and a few Master and Expert Mages in the creation what is being known as the Sanctuary, a structure to house the Headquarters of the White and Black Scriptures. The building is to be a fort in and of itself, the Black Scipture HQ only accessible by it’s agents. The Master and Expert Mages are their to aid in creating Magical Defenses for bothe the White & Black Script Headquarters (2 AP)

  15. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,000

    Army: 1,000



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge & Barracks



    5 Masters (Including Queen Athaere)

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere sits in her throne bored, holding up her hand she practices several different spells watching the magics whirl about. She needed something to do to pass the time, something to devote to when the Realm didn’t need her constant attention.


    So it struck her, She would work and form the Mages into a full fledged group, two birds with one stone she could use that to devote her studies and practice while organizing the Mages into a full fledged force.


    Queen Athaere along with all the other Mages work together to construct and organize a large section in a secured area of the Palace. Where Mage’s could train, study, and the Masters can safely secure and study powerful magics and artifacts.


    ---Dominion Edicts---


    Queen Athaere works with her fellow Mage’s to build a place of learning and diverts labor into aiding in it’s construction. (4 AP)

  16. The Golden Dominion


    Current Assets & AP Accumulation


    Population: 9,000

    Army: 1,000



    Walls Fully Repaired (3 AP Total - Completed)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)

    Forge (2 AP)



    5 Masters (Including Queen Athaere)

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Queen Athaere nods to the Altmer before her “You are dismissed.” she states as he bows and leaves to mingle amongst the other members of her court, to rest and replenish before he leaves Alinor returning to Sunhold.


    She sighs, this being the first successful diplomacy she has been able to establish. One more step towards a united Summerset, but a long journey before the resurgence of the Dominion…


    Meanwhile in the courtyard of the Military District, One thousand Altmer and Bosmer soldiers stand in a rough formation.


    Martial Adus sighs “Well, it’s a thousant men. Not the best, but atleast it’s something.” his captain nods “You can fix that Sir. We just need to build the barracks and forge their gear, after that you can train them into proper Aldmeri Warriors worthy of Auri-El’s name.”


    Adus nods looking down at his troops “Get building the Barracks and rally yard, I’ll send the order to the smiths to begin. Then they can man the walls.”


    --Dominion Edicts--


    Alinor’s Forges begin work to fill the needed order to equip all One Thousand Dominion soldiers with Steel Arms & Armor (2 AP)


    The Dominion begins construction of a Barracks (2 AP)

  17. The Golden Dominion



    Current Assets & AP Accumulation



    Better Repaired Walls (2 AP Total - Almost Done)

    Corundum/Iron Mine (2 AP Total)




    5 Masters (Including Queen Athaere)

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices


    ---------------RP Section-----------------


    Alinor will soon become what it once was at this rate. The Seat and truest symbol of Altmer Power and Influence. The Walls were nearly finished and would be completed this year.


    Queen Athaere heads through the city to her palace with Sagelock, her steward in tow, though trying to keep up with her and write in his book was difficult though he managed. “My Lady, The Forge is completed and ready to begin making new armor and weapons for our armory.” he says scribbling in his book


    “Excellent work, So what is next on the list Barthir?” she asked as he followed up closer to her side “We still need to begin recruiting and building a proper Barracks, The Walls should be finished this year with at least minimal assigned labor and…” he thinks looking through his notes “Oh and then there are the secondary priorities My Lady. The Roads need reconstruction, the Docks and Shipyard..and then anything else you require.”


    Athaere waves her hand dismissively “Get to organizing construction of the Barracks and finishing the walls, and keep up the good work.” she states as he bows his head breaking off and heading elsewhere.


    Athaere soon reaches her Palace, the vessel which held the throne and her court. Martial Adus and Councillor Aelsinire awaited her standing at the top of the raised floor near the throne. They turn to her and bow “My Lady Athaere.” they greet in unison. She offers a short gesture “You both being here has saved me time. Martial Adus what do you immediately recommend troops or the Barracks?”


    Adus stands his full height “I recommend immediate recruitment for troops, the Forge I hear is ready to begin making Steel for our troops.”


    She strides past them and sits on the throne “Go find Barthir and inform him to just focus on the walls repair.” He bows to her then turns to head off. “Councillor I would like you to please head off immediately to Shimmerene to represent me in Lady Elanrine’s Court.”


    After her Councillor had left, Athaere stood off the throne and paced taking her exit as she left the city to explore the country side and the beauty that the forests of Alinor held. All creatures and plants were bred for perfection and beauty. The Summerset Isles is a testament to the influence and superiority the Altmer can offer.



    --Dominion Edicts--


    The city of Alinor works to finish the repairs and reinforcement of its walls (1 AP)


    The Dominion begins to recruit troops into their ranks (2 AP)


    Councillor Aelsinire is sent to Shimmerene to represent Alinor for political discussions (1 AP)


    Queen Athaere accepts Lady Nalanye’s offer to send a diplomat and allows he or she to stay in her court at the Palace for Diplomatic talks (Mod)

  18. The Golden Dominion



    Current Assets & AP Accumulation



    Crudely Repaired Walls (1 AP Total)

    Corundum Mine (2 AP Total)




    5 Masters (Including Queen Athaere)

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices



    Alinor’s walls have begun to return to their former glory, but it would require much more work before they could defend Alinor properly.


    The Mines having not produced anything new in recent efforts the Council has decided to wait expansion and focus on defense and diplomacy.


    Queen Athaere and two of her Advisors, her Steward and her Martial plan out a section of the city to be designated for Military purposes, from training, to forges, and the Shipyard.


    “We’ll need a forge first, a better one to produce the steel we need to arm our soldiers. The Barracks and such can be improvised until then, Soldiers and gear to arm them is most important now.”


    Her Martial looks about nodding “I agree My Lady, we shall begin work on it immediatly."


    Queen Athaere returns to her Palace where she awaits word on current projects. In her spare time she sits in her private study with ink and parchment.


    “ To Lady Nalanye Chamaine, I write to you in hopes of opening up trade and Diplomatic ties. From what I hear you rule over your people well, you take care of them and in turn take care of your realm. It is excellent to know that competent people have arisen to quell the chaos since the events 70 years ago. I will not hide my wish to unite Summerset Isles under a strong rulership, The world may soon shift its attentions to Summerset for past transgressions. The Humans and Beastfolk if the rumors hold true are responsible for the 70 years of chaos. Let us open our Provinces to one another in hope and progress towards a strong Summerset, a United Dominion. I will of course be willing to meet with you in the future in person to better discuss possible agreements. For now I only ask for open trade and travel between our lands.”


    With great respects - Kariea Athaere, Queen of Alinor


    Athaere carefully folds the parchment and seals it before putting it in a shielded container and sets it aside. For she had more to address..


    “To Lady Elanrine Aedaine, I am writing to you personally in hopes of achieving open trade and borders for our people. Your exploits as a strong and stoic leader have reached my ears. Such is expected from an Altmer, for it is our place to lead others is it not? I ask you this for I hope our similar views may bring a sort of Cooperation between our respective Rulerships. In the near future should relations be accomplished I hope to send my Advisor to represent me in your court. Enemies surround Summerset and even within her borders, but we are capable of returning Order to this Chaos. I pray to Auri-El that too know of the stories of who has caused this great shattering of the world. They deserve to be punished.”


    With Great Respects - Kariea Athaere, Queen of Alinor


    These letters would be sent to their respective destinations in Shimmerene and Sunhold


    --Dominion Edicts--


    The Dominion begins construction of a Forge for Alinor’s soon to be army.  (3 AP)


    Alinor continues work to rebuild it’s walls (1 AP)

  19. The Golden Dominion



    Current Assets

    Corundum Mining Operations, Farms

    Treasury: 90,000 Gold



    5 Masters (Including Queen Athaere)

    4 Experts

    8 Adepts

    10 Apprentices


    The Great City of Alinor, Heart of the Dominion



    The Glass city was finally rebuilt, mostly. The City Walls were still in great need of repair along with a great other many concerns.


    Queen Athaere



    She stood amongst her newly formed council, carefully chosen for their talents and skills. As well as their loyalty. Councillor Aelsinire was her diplomat and foreign ambassador, a quick mind and silver tongue. Vallanil Adus was the Martial, her General and personal trainer. Barthir Sagelock, Athaere’s personal steward for Valinor, who knew inner city bureaucracy and what it needed to thrive. What made him stick out amongst her Advisors was that he was a Bosmer the only Wood Elf in her inner circle, he had earned his place.


    Vianmir was her Spymaster, a cunning & skillful Elf. Quick with a blade and an expert in field of Cloak & Dagger. Last but not least was her High Priest Telion Faeihle, a faithful follower of Auri-El and organizes local Religious Events and is her advisor on all Religious Affairs.


    These men have all answered their Queen’s call for service to the Golden Dominion of Alinor, and together they hope to reunite all of the Summerset Isles and bring order to Altmer Society once again.


    Queen Athaere was 73 years old, not the youngest Queen to ever rule in the Isles but still younger in the eyes of her Altmer colleagues. She was only 3 years old when the Great Event took place. Since then she has grown up training her magical abilities to a Mastery, her Martial Skills may lack somewhat, not quite that of a true warrior yet.


    She was born under The Atronach, seen from her birth as to be gifted as a powerful sorceress. This grew true in her years of training and practice. She was a young girl, with high dreams and ambitions. But that was then, and this was now…



    Queen Athaere stood looking out the window of her Palace into the great city of Alinor, her followers and loyal subjects moved about the city. She turned to face her advisors, her long blonde hair past her shoulders. A sign of her age, she kept it well and personally sees it as a sign of her long life. Tall and thin with a slight muscular build from her time training amongst her guard, she wasn’t some high and mighty lord, She had earned her place and her title as Queen.


    “My lady, the mines are bringing in Corundum Ore for the city and the Farms are working well to provide food for the citizens.” her Steward Sagelock read off his reports “But we have much more to do before the city is able to stand and be ready for your rule in the long run.” he bows his head respectfully.


    “Very good. I’ve read your reports on what we should do next. I agree taxes should be kept at a Moderate level, we need more to expand and repair Alinor. As well as for defense.” She took a seat at the end of the table. “Martial Adus, I understand your concerns for our military and we shall act on them first. But we also need to expand our mining efforts if we are to be able to equipt our soldiers with what they need. No True Elf should suffer the petty smithing of men, We will show Tamriel what true Elven Skill is.”



    --Dominion Edicts--


    Taxes are put at a Moderate level to allow better expansion for the state but not stress its populations.


    The Dominion looks to expand their mining operations, mining and tunneling in search of Iron, Quick-Silver, and Moonstone. - 30,000 Gold


    Alinor’s Defense is given a High Priority, the Capital begins to rebuild and repair its walls - 10,000 Gold


    Steward Sagelock also oversee the construction of a proper Barracks and Forge/Armory - 8,000 & 7,000 Gold Respectively


    Queen Athaere and her Master Mages work together to create a Library and Area in the Palace to gather Items, Books, and other items related to Magic - 10,000 Gold


    Martial Adus works to recruit loyal and capable Altmer and Bosmer into the Dominion Military - 5,000 Gold


    Spymaster Vianmir works to recruit a small number of Altmer to send into the neighboring provinces of Sunhold and Shimmerene to establish basic Networks to allow Alinor an ear in the basic happenings of these areas - 5,000 Gold


    Remaining Treasury - 15,000 Gold


    The End of the old world is over, but a whole new fate for Tamriel is just beginning.

    And nothing can stop it...


  20. norsca tribe of the north



    As they finish their training the leader walks to the training grounds * well done warriors now I have a task for you, we need to scout out the area and explore to see what we are up aginst so I want 50 archers and 100 warriors to go on a expedition around the area. The rest of you to start working on new crops to grow as in what will grow and what wont.*



    scouting south and east of us (2points)

    working on new farming crops and growing technique (2points)

  21. Norsca Tribe of the North


    "Leader leader!" the elders yell as they approach him with a few hunters. "Our scouts have heared the noises of the great monsters." Their Chieftain looks over them before glancing to his men "We're not capable of fighting these beasts in this weather..Gather the men we'll need to begin training for winter."


    The army would gather in the center of camp. Half of the Army would train in Melee combat in their iron armor, the other would train in ranged combat. The purpose of this was to condition the men to be able to fight in the harsh winter weather.


    The simple tribesmen and women would simply continue living their lives. Staying within the safety of the camp and their warm huts.




    The Army would train 500 of its Warriors in basic combat, while the other 500 would train in ranged comat with their bows. This training in the Winter would help condition their men for Arctic Warfare (4 Points)



    The Tribesmen had done what they could constructing part of the port and what outlining of the palisade. But winter had settled in, truly a harsher winter then that of their homeland. The Tribe's People remain for the most part within their homes and huts. The Chieftain stood with a large number of men at the outskirts of the village.


    "Alright, I've chosen the lot of you for an important assignment. The Camp needs wood, not a massive amount of lumber, but enough wood to keep the fires going throughout winter. Our Warriors will aid in your security, we'll go when the weather is as good as it's gonna get and collect as much as we can."


    A number of 75 Men alongside a number of 100 Warriors would leave the camp every couple of days should the weather permit, to gather firewood for the village.




    Meanwhile the local remaining 900 Warriors would continue their patrols and keep a vigilant eye around the village.




    75 Men joined alongside 100 Warriors would collect and gather lumber needed to keep the fires burning in the village for the remaining winter. (2 AP)


    The Remaining 900 Warriors would keep a watchful eye on the edges of the camp to keep beasts away and protect their stores of food and supplies (2 AP)



    As we finally set up a basic camp the leader Morgerroth stands there in his iron armor with a bear skin over his shoulders. "Listen you children of Taelos! As we begin rebuilding our lives I stand here your leader, your commander, and your chieftain. I'm aware of the hardship that we shall face together, first thing we must do is prepare ourselves for the coming winter. How we shall accomplish this is by building a fishing port to claim food from the sea for the winter. Secondly we shall begin construction of a fortified palisade. Finally we shall be able to call this hunk of ice home."


    As the leader finishes his speech the man of the village begin to go collect wood for a fire as the women gather berries and start building huts. Guards all around walk their paths to watch for animals and beast who may try and call us lunch. The leader returns to his hut and begins to plan for winter.




    The tribesman begin constructions on a fishing port (2 ap)

    The rest of the villagers begin to work on the palisade (2 ap)

  24. Flag(Optional):


    Name of Civilization: Norsca Tribes of the Frozen Wastes

    Type of Government w/ Ruler: Tribal Hierarchy

    Race(Limited amount of racial bonuses(nothing serious): Norse Humans, Arctic Adaptation

    Religion: Paganistic

    Location w/ Picture: http://imgur.com/a/mprn0

    Skype (For Updates): supernordmark

    Short Backstory: The Great Norsca Tribes were driven away from their original homeland after a great war had starved and brought destruction and chaos to their peoples. They now find themselves landing on the shores of a foreign but seemingly familiar new land. Hopefully, with their blessings from their God of Travels and Protection Keltar will guide them to a new horizon.


    Advanced Civilization 2 Points

    Small Village Warband 1 Point

    Iron Mine 4 Points



    The Beginning of the End

    As the Horde's peoples and armies meet within the Ancient City, an evil stirs below. La'kir has gone missing below the city, he and several orcs seem to have gone completely mad before vanishing deep within the city.

    Thralm, Karguk, Vasla and Drahk arrive at the city with their own respective forces, the bulk of them working to establish the settlement, the four of them travel down into the depths of the city in search for their lost brothers.

    La'kir sits in a locked room with the others "They'll find us...THEY WILL FIND US!.." La'kir lashes out at him "Calm yourself!..." he looks to the book as he turns to the wall, 3 dead orcs lay dead as he writes connecting symbols across the wall in their blood "Soon...very soon...they will arrive...and I shall show Thralm and the Dragons what this world truly needs..." he begins chanting incoherently as he continues to draw the circle.


    1. Farpoint is near completion (1 Post)

    2. La'kir The Mad attempts to recreate a portal to the Demon's realm (MOD PLZ)


    3. The Horde begins gathering its forces at the Ruined City as they prepare for the long road ahead.

    4. Iron Defenses nearing completion (4 Posts)

    5. Iron Weapons have been made Standard throughout the Horde.

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