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Posts posted by Stannerys

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Stannerys

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I’m aware.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: “In order to engage in PvP you must have sufficient roleplay to do so, even if a player is running from ‘Halt!’ you may not PvP them. If the roleplay beforehand is major (e.g. a conflict) and they run from roleplay you may drop them but you must revive them.”

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): All the rules seem relatively clear and straightforward.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I’ve heard many people speak oF the server in good regard from posts etc.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is to act and speak as if you as the character, you portray the characters speech, actions.

    What is metagaming?: Using game information outside of what is available in-game to give said player an advantage in-game.

    What is powergaming?: Power Gaming is both the focussed desire to make your character overwhelmingly powerful, using emotes that do not give the other person any time to react or respond. Draining the fun out of RP.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Faendral-Aeryn Thuarslan.

    Character’s gender: Male.

    Character’s race: High elf.

    Character’s age: 367


    Faendral Aeryn Thuarslan was born to the High Elf Aeryndrel and Alyndral Thurslan  during the peak of the summer solstice, where the sun shone its golden rays over the serene city of Haelun'or. After almost 5 years of attempts, it seemed like a blessing to the two new parents that finally they had produced a child. With a matted, wispy tuft of hair upon his head, minute and pointed ears and piercing olive eyes, Faendral took his first breath of the world around him, no more than a newborn babe swaddled in cloth. His parents afforded comfortable lodgings within the “City of Peace”, his father a budding herbalist who worked alongside the rest of the High Elves of the city and his mother a devoted wife and mother.

    Throughout his childhood, Faendral was taught by the Haelun'or College the fundamental lessons each true High Elf child would receive. The wisdom of the college allowed him to gain an insight to the common tongue, and by age 6 he was well-versed in Elven.

    Faendral’s adolescence was mainly spent within the Haelun'or College, being further educated with literature and language, rather than arts and sciences. Upon reaching 67 years of age, Faendral went his separate ways to pursue careers and to experience the world outside of Haelun'or’s safe confines.  In the years of his travels, Faendral had seen and experienced much. He had spent his first year working as an apothecary and an attentive gardener to a wealthy Human family in Reformed Kingdom of Oren.

    Upon return to his hometown of Haelun'or at the age of 112, Faendral was utterly horrified. His mother was infected with Ki'katta. After the following months of further corruption, Alyndral was no longer a recognisable much to the dismay of Faendral. Alyndral passed away at the hands of Faendral’s father, a motion of pity, when Faendral was 115, leaving behind sorrow, pain and a long-lasting hatred of the Ki'katta menace for Faendral. Faendral preoccupied much of his time with his studies in swordplay under the teachings of Galadherdir, using it as a means to further his much-needed distraction from mourning.

    Personality Traits:

    Faendral enjoys possessing a sense of fellowship around those he calls his friends and having polite mannerisms when in the company of his peers , though at times he can be somewhat outspoken and thus voice his own opinions freely (though he is far from having a brain like a sieve). He possesses a confident demeanour, remaining optimistic through thick and thin, strong-willed when faced with challenges and upbeat in his approach to daily life. Faendral is also rather focused. He wishes to be an experienced swordsman. His focus and devotion nature also aid him in his gardening, a challenge and hobby which he excels at; whilst also permitting Faendral  to stay true to his ideals. Faendral is a fast learner and has a keen eye for detail. As a result of this, he has steadily picked up knowledge of politics, botany and other such pursuits over the decades.


    Faendral currently is mostly aimless with his ambitions.


    Adept Swordsman: Wielding a sword as means of progressing his physical health and to hone his patience, Faendrals’ wielding of a sword for twenty years has rendered him to become a proficient and skilled swordsman. He treasures a bastard sword but uses it for both sport and as a weapon. Swordplay is his primary form of combat.

    Studious:  Faendral is highly confident in his ability, knowledge and his confidence for learning. His strong focus and his devoted nature come together and permit him to be an inquisitive and studious fellow, and as such be able to pick up information and retain it. His vigour and passion for information helped his concentration when he first began to learn swordplay under Galadherdir.


    A weak left leg: Having near-shattered the bones of his left leg as a child has resulted in a much weaker knee, and he often suffers during climbing or exercise if he pushes himself too far with it. When in combat, despite how rarely this is due to his relaxed nature, he can be easily overcome with a carefully-placed attack so to wear him out. It makes climbing quite difficult, though rarely inhibits running or jogging unless he is fatigued.

    Fear of Heights: Faendral has a crippling fear of heights which has lasted with him ever since he had a terrible accident as a child. He generally refuses to climb nowadays, and can be sent into fits of worry when approached by such challenges, leaving others to have to give him the confidence he needs.


    Standing at 6’3”and weighing roughly 198 lbs, Faendral can be described as tall lean, high elf. His muscle predominantly resides in his upper torso and arms, due to constant wielding of his sword. Faendral also holds muscle in his legs due to constant leg work as one would have being a swordsman. (Artwork of the character: http://imgur.com/a/fb2iX  )

    Appearance: http://gyazo.com/2575e58bba3b379b6aa25c8356d49fe3, http://gyazo.com/40247318fe17c4c27c1c7d09e6096891,


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