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Posts posted by Asphyre

  1. Upon the heights of Morsgrad, Hrafn stood with eyes peering out towards the fleeting seas. His form turned away from the sight to find the aforementioned article posted in the public forum.


    He approached it with slow steps that wore a silent burden cast long ago.


    “It begins with us, this dream. Our prosperity is not given but earned. Maybe one day will we find more than the rest, bringing eyes to the path we take. Until then, we ought to struggle as our ancestors did.”

    ”Although we ought to do as they did. It is our duty to the marches and our kindred to do it better.”

    ”May we find our end near the ember when it burns brightest against the world’s darkness. And may we do it together, until the flame dies with our faith and the void returns to reclaim all.”

    Announced the young student, finding his way back to the heights as to observe the waves that sung to him so quietly, oh so quietly.

  2. Hrafn scrutinised the public message intently for the longest time before belligerently huffing. It was with a worried disposition that he quickly tacked on a well-written note of participation for the role of Mactroth.

    Name: Hrafn Hrafna

    Affiliation: Duchy of Courland

    Race: Human (Northspawn)

    Age: 18

    IGN: Asphyre

    Experience: Reading, Writing & Court Tradition

    Auditioning For: Mactroth

  3. Dear Master Sage Delaselva,

    Thank you to you and your peers that have invested time into this rewrite. As an Ascended rising the ranks, I appreciate the changes to come which I hope come swiftly. I've seen the project grow gradually over my many weeks of LoTC and to see it posted makes my day brighter. Ave Aeriel, may the reformation change our characters for the better.


  4. ((OOC
    MC Name: Daekra
    Skype Name [If Unwilling to Put, Will PM]: medz345

    Any History with RP Plays: No

    Active?: Yes

    Name ((Character Name)): Kinre 'Serpent' Solli'gra

    Age: 22

    Race: Ascended (Human)

    Perferred Role: Jonas Walkingsnake

    Can you Make A Rehersal in 2 Elven Days ((Saturday))?: Yes

    Do you think you'll be Available to do the Actual Performance?: Yes


    [Ascended] Kinre 'Serpent' Solli'gra's Student Application




    MC name: Daekra


    Character's name and age: Kinre 'Serpent' Solli'gra [18]


    Character’s Race: Highlander


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Blue Sect


    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?: Jallentime


    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?: Heial


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A




  6. Daekra Solli'gra



    Society: "Tell us some basic things about yourself."

    Society: "What would most people call you?"

    Me: "I use the name 'Frost' whenever I want to lie."


    Society: "How old are you, in terms of years?"

    Me: "Hmm... I existed before you were ugly which may translate to twenty one years of age."

    Society: "I'd hate to ask this but... are you a male or a female?"

    Me: "I carry a spare dagger at all times... in my back pocket, but yes I am a male."

    Society: "Please tell me you're not a human."

    Me: "I'm obviously a human, how'd you think I'm so messed up?"

    Society: "How's life treating you at this time?"

    Me: "Better than my victims."

    Society: "I'm afraid to see what the creator has conjured up..."

    Society: "How tall are you?"
    Me: "Tall enough to hang you from a tree."

     Society: "Are you fat?"

    Me: "I'm not your mother, am I?"


    Society: "Well, what does your body even look like?"

    Me: "I guess muscular enough to attract your mother."

    Society: "What do your eyes look like?"

    Me: "My eyes are a unique dull silver due to rotter's acid, still I'm able to see decently."


    Society: "What's with the long hair?"

    Me: "Helps me to block out society."

    Society: "So, how's the sun been treating you?"

    Me: "I guess I'm much lighter than those Caliphate guys."

    Society: "Have any kind of markings or tattoos?"

    Me: "Well... I do have quite the nice dragon tattoo on my right arm."

    "How healthy are you these days?"

    "Eh... it's not my health you should worry about."

    Society: "What... is wrong with you!?"

    Me: "I'll let you figure that out when I'm torturing you."

    Society: "W-What do you have in there..."

    Me: "Anything with the ability to cause pain or suffering to those in my way."

    Society: "Please... don't tell me more..."

    Me: "Nah... I'll just /show/ you more..."

    Society: "I'm not too sure if I want to know about you"

    Society: "I don't have to ask if your a good guy or not, do I?"

    Me: "I'm no good guy, that's for sure."

    Society: "Iblees could be the only one you worship."

    Me: "I'm my own God, someday all of Vailor will think so too."

    Society: "I hope the church could do something about you."

    Me: "Don't care, I'll do anything that prevents me from being flayed."

    Society: "Who are you loyal to?"

    Me: "Me, myself and I."

    Society: "People like you shouldn't have jobs."

    Me: "I know but I'm still a bounty hunter."

    Society: "What are you known as these days?"

    Me: "Pass."


    Society: "Have any sort of profession that doesn't include pain?"

    Me: "I cut down trees to recreate the feeling of splitting a skull

     then I shape it into something useful."

    Society: "Any special talents?"

    Me: "Playing the violin and causing mental suffering to others seems to be unique."

    Society: "Tell me your weaknesses."

    Me: "Women, alcohol and bad stamina don't mix very well."


    Society: "A person like you, could never be unarmed..."


    Society: "What's your fighting style?"

    Me: "I've always wanted to dual wield, makes better use of my hands."


    Society: "Trained in any kinds of weaponry?"

    Me: "Axes to chop, dagger to slit, a bow in case if I'm too lazy to walk."


    Society: "What is your weapon of choice?"



    Society: "I wonder what's more sad... your life or me asking about it."

    Society: "I can only imagine how proud your parents must be."

    Me: "Pfft... only thing I needed them for was to have me born."


    Society: "I could only hope some sibling will give you proper mental guidance."

    Me: "If I had any, I'd kill them to erase any emotional attachments."


    Society: "Care to have children some day and further devalue the gene pool?"

    Me: "Ew."

    Society: "Have any pets?"

    Me: "I see humans, orcs, elves, you name it... is lower than me."


    Society: "I don't want to ask about your past..."

    "I'll tell you soon after I dump this body." 

  7. I) Full Name: Daekra Solli'gra


    II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Squire of the Lancers of Dour Watch.


    III) Place of origin: Northern Mountains.


    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Music


    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian.


    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: Enlightenment and to express myself in the musical arts.


    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Anything from plays, balls or weddings would be early ambitions.


    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace.


    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? Capital of Leon, Northern Vailor.


    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightenment


    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? Guilds.


    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? Sixteen years with an election.


    OOC Section:


    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? Medz345


    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? None.

  8. Full legal name:

    Daekra Solli'gra



    Place of birth:

    Northern Mountains








    Choose, one of the following, as your dominant sect (by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate your response). Then, to those it’d concern, indicate (with ‘V’) your interests regarding other, non-dominant sects.


    Industrious sect: of the sciences, mechanics and labour.  [   ]


    Mercantile sect: of trade, Valaise and wealth.  [    ]


    Military sect: of defenses, law enforcement, and arms.  [V]


    Cultured sect: of arts, dramatic, literature or music.  [X]




    The following questions are to be answered by either ‘Ye’ or ‘Nay’.


    Do you pledge that your sole residence and Citizenship shall only be Salvian, upon completing this application?


    Do you show willingness to pay consistently as a tenant of Government property (that be, once a year)?


    Do you recognize that all non-neutral ties with other must be severed upon being of the neutral Republic of Salvus?


    Do you acknowledge that you are to be involved with Salvian Conscription, as any other Citizen, for a minimum eight year term?





    Settler’s Section : to be completed by all Current Salvians already with Passport, for at least one year. Failure to complete this section shall see their Passports being revoked.




    The following questions shall be answered with thorough and complete detail - otherwise, the responses are very likely to be rejected, along with the entire application. Upon reading Examples, please remove them from your response.


    State the street and door number of your place of residence (or, of the building it is contained within). Then, declare the price of tenancy of the property (check this with the S.A - should you not know the exact sum) per year.


    Homeless, $0.


    State the Guilds you are of, and what role/s you hold within them (please state if you are part of none).


    None as of  yet.


    State all maintained sources of your income - and approximate amounts of income from each - and the exact street and door numbers of the locale of your work:


    Aspiring to train as a Bard and working as a squire, which may earn 1000 Minae per year.

  9. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Leothyn


    How old are you?: 16 years of age


    Are you aware the server is PG-13?: Quite


    Have you applied to this server before?: Negative


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Indeed


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I see all rules to be equal in importance.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: I'm capable of reading, but I'd prefer to have .


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Through the power of the internet (Google, to be specific)




    What is roleplaying?: It is a... erm... *flips through notebook* It is a gathering of literal minds to act as a character created by them in universe guided by simple laws to allow for a smooth experience of creating stories and plots.


    What is metagaming?

    Well, it is the indecent act of knowing 'unknown' information to which your character has not been exposed to, such as knowing a stranger's name, what they had for breakfast, their secret collection of female fragrances.


    What is powergaming?:

    A simple explanation is Ciri from Witcher 3, a reasonable explanation is the player's bubbling adrenaline to override all common laws of nature and physics in which he/she would be able to impossible stunts such as twer... *cough cough* I mean doing backflips, having eyes in the back of their head (not literal) or double jumping.


    In-Character Information


    Name: Daekra Solli'gra


    Gender: Male


    Race: Human


    Age: 18 years old




    "A wolf that never hunts, is a wolf that never eats."


    It was cold, the firsts wisps of air that touched my fragile body as I was born in a world of pain and suffering but one of magnificence and wonder. As I began to walk, talk and act like those who surrounded me in the small village I grew up in, I was sent on a journey at the age of sixteen to find my own fortune. I was skeptical at first, thinking of all the horrible possibilities that could lead to my death, but then a spark of curiosity was felt as I exited the walls that protected me from the war that ravaged the land between the Reformed Kingdom of Oren and the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or.


    I foraged, fished, hunted and did my best to survive my early days as a free man, traveling throughout the 'Northern Mountains' as I and many others landed in the 'Isles of Vailor' which further enticed my lust of knowledge as new mysteries surrounded the new frontier. As I became the age of eighteen I started to travel to cities, exploring the expansive streets hugged by stone walls and the bustling populace that aimed to gain profit. I studied different forms of culture through books as I strived to fit in with the common folk, I was ample in blending in with the common crowd which would prove useful, now I must continue my pursuit of power so that I may become more than I am now.


    Personality Traits




















    Learn violin


    Become a bard


    Train with axes


    Train with bows


    Train with daggers


    Train with mental magic


    Find a lover


    Become married


    Become a father


    Become a witcher


    Create a settlement
























    Daekra is 6'1 in height, 173 lbs. He has mild muscular features with an agile fit as he is of a lean mesomorph build. His hair is wavy when long but more straight when cut short, at this time it is long and wavy. He has a dragon tattoo on his right arm, his skin is pale like most northerners. He has his 'canine' teeth sharpened and he has numerous deep but healed scratch marks on his back from multiple animal attacks during his time surviving in the northern mountains. 



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