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Posts posted by DoctorKillinger

  1.  Thoughts of a Traveller
    Leon sighed softly as he waved his saviours goodbye, heading out of the cave and starting his journey heading east, he had plans to completely avoid anything around the Caliphate, go east, then head north before turnining west to get to the Dwarven capital and take a boat from there.
    As he started walking his mind would wander off as it usually does, he'd think of all the events that had happened, the fighting, the anvil that had broken his nose, everything. He had come to the conclusion that this was his fault, if he had just kept his mouth shut about his Raevir blood none of this would have ever happened. The monks wouldn't have needed to stand up for him or Enepay for that matter, but he was glad that they did.
    Leon swore he would repay these people in one way or another, they were good people who had left their homes and become outlaws,  just for him, and for this he was grateful.
    He had never thought anything of his Raevir blood, before now. 
    And one thing was for sure, he'll never talk about his heritage ever again.
  2. This guy was one of the first people who I roleplayed with when I joined the server, my character joined his characters clan and this led to him hosting a sort of 'mini event' with my character taming a rhino, his way of composing sentences really makes one paint a scene in their heads. 

    An overall good guy who I'm sure would be a great addition to the ET!

    All of my +1s!

  3. Out-Of-Character Information



    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: DoctorKillinger

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: That I need to be in-character at all times.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope it's all clear to me

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I can't really remember, looked at my minecraft server list one day and there this was, logged on and had a look around and it all looked quite intriguing.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is portraying a character that you have made.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is using out-of-character information in-character.

    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is never letting your character be defeated and not letting the one you're interacting with get a chance to defend themselves.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Roklah 'Ironjaw' of clan Kran

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Orc

    Character’s age: 21

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

     In a small valley, deep within the desert of Vailor in the black of night brute laughter, drums and loud yelling could be heard. This was the Orcish clan Kran who were celebrating the birth of the warchiefs new son, Roklah. 

    The orcs danced and sang orcish warsongs while others sat in small circles around the entrance of the Cave of Birth, the cave that all wimen were carried into when they were about to gift the world with another orc. Stuns and growling could be heard from the entrance, before silence fell and out came Warchief Rit, with his newborn son. Rit slowly raised the child above his head and screamed 'Roklah!'. All the orcs raised their mugs, saluted or simply cheered and all wished good fortunes on the newborn son. Meanwhile two elders carried out the deceased mother who had sadly died during childbirth.
    the Warchief slowly walked through the crowd towards his tent to accept gifts and blessings, one of these gifts was from his uncle, the breeder of the clan. He gifted a strongbred hyena from the flok the clan had been breeding for decades, he promised his warchief he would help Roklah tame this creature and make him its master.
    Throughout the coming years Roklah was trained by his father personally with two waraxes that he would dual-wield, heavy at first but through many hours of training, chores, labours and lots of cactus milk his muscles grew, bigger and stronger.
    Roklahs quest to tame his hyena was not an easy one, he would go into its pen daily and be there for hours, the first time he went into its pen, the loud growl he could hear from the far corner of the pen, where it stood, Roklah tossed a bit of flesh towards it, the hyena flunged towards the tender piece of meat and ate it in few seconds before turning its gaze back at Roklah. It quickly attacked him, ripping off his left ear and biting his jawline, his uncle quickly rushed in and got Roklah out.Roklahs ear turned out fine but his jaw had to be reinforced with a steel plate with several spikes where the mouth is, giving him the nickname Ironjaw. This only strenghtened Roklahs dream of taming the beast, he gave it the name Rex, which meant King in Orcish. 
    More years pass by and Roklah has reached the age of 15, his countless hours with Rex had paid off, Roklah and Rex did everything together, eat, hunt, drink, sh*t you name it. The hyena would even watch over Roklah as he slept, attacking anyone who came too close.
    The day Roklah had been waiting for had finally arrived, the day he would be allowed to go raid a nearby human settlement with his fathers warband, he felt like he had been training his body and Rex his entire life for this day.
    They set off at dawn and didn't stop before they were a few kilometres away from the small town, there were 10 battle-hardened orcs excluding Roklah, Warchief Rit was not with them for he had to look after his second wife who was close to giving birth.
    They planned their attack the night before the raid, it was simple:
    Storm the gates before they manage to close them, kill everyone, take as many shinies as they could carry. The plan was foolproof.
    Dawn rised and several roosters crowing at the sight of it, the peasants got up fromtheir bedds and were ready for a new day of hard work.
    As they went out into the fields the sounds of something loud and brute appeared in the distance and before they saw it it was already too late. 
    The Orc Warband quickly rushed down into the fields slaughtering every defenseless peasant they could see, some managed to hide amongst the massacre but most of them weren't that lucky. Roklahs axes finally got the sweet taste of blood when he managed to pin down a fleeing woman, the poor girl must have been the same age as him. He stopped for a moment to look at her, to remember his first kill on his first raid. Her blonde hair was tied up in a knot with a handkerchief wrapped around her head to absorb sweat, the big blue eyes that were filled with both fear and confusion of what was happening. He slowly raised his waraxe and quickly ran it down, the cut tore up her torso and she fell to the ground, a large puddle of blood swiftly emerging around her. Roklah brought his finger down into the puddle to get some of it on his finger and then he would bring it up to his mouth and taste it. It was good.
    The following hours there was nothing but screaming and Orcish laughter as Roklah and the Warband slaughtered their way through the village, Roklah had ran away from the rest of the warband, he didn't even realize this because of his adrenaline rush, he had reached a big wooden house resembling a small manor, definetly the biggest house in the small village, he quickly and brutaly kicked the door in and before he could blink he was assaulted by an old man, the human rushed towards Roklah with a spear and managed to pierce the left side of his upper thigh, Roklah fell to the ground with a big and loud thump. Before the human managed to kill him off some of Roklahs warband members rushed in and disposed of the old man. 
    They inspected Roklah and simply left him there to die.
    Roklah passed out and woke again when it was dark, he had lost alot of blood but managed to get out of the village and run to a house that was lighting up the darkness not far from the village and right next to a forest.
    Inside was an elf, Roklah did not see anything else before passing out again.
    He woke up in the elfs bed and looked down at his wound, it was patched up with several herbs, he looked around but the elf was nowhere in sight, Roklah ran for the door and went into the forest where he spent several years recovering, hunting and setting traps to catch rabbits. At the age of 21 he grew tired of the isolation within the forest and set out on an adventure to meet new people, he met a traveller on the road that would teach him some words of the human language before they went their seperate ways, and now Roklah is ready to win back his lost honour so that he may show his face to his clan once more.




    Personality Traits:

    Brute: When Roklah has an opinion about something he usually just says it out loud

    Dumb: Roklah can be seen as a stupid person, he almost hasn't interacted with anything other than orcs, which can lead to some culture clashes.



    Ambitions: Roklah seeks for something to regain his honour with, so that he may return back to his clan without the fear of disappointing his father

    Strengths/Talents: Roklah is built like a bull with a huge muscular body, he is quick and brutal when he wields his two battleaxes, Roklah is a decent tamer and is able to handle animals quite well.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: With Roklahs huge body, some disadvantages follow, archers would make quick work of him and dodging is out of the question with his size. Roklah doesn't interact well with non-orcs, his facial features aren't too pleasant and may even disgust a few. Roklah doesn't hear as good from his left side seeing how his entire ear is missing on that side.

    Roklah also doesn't walk nor run very fast from his injurt.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Roklah stands at 7 foot 6 inches, his weight is 110 kilos (242 pounds) of muscle, he wears a simple loincloth that is hold up with a strap that goes up to his shoulder, he has a leather bracelet with the teeth of animals which he looks at as small trophies. His hair goes down to about shoulder length and is tied up in dreadlocks.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):i1fBQEg.png

  4. Out-Of-Character Information



    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: DoctorKillinger

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: That I need to be in-character at all times.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Nope it's all clear to me

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I can't really remember, looked at my minecraft server list one day and there this was, logged on and had a look around and it all looked quite intriguing.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is portraying a character that you have made.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is using out-of-character information in-character.

    What is powergaming?: A player can be described as a power-gamer if he or she presumes or declares that his or her own action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his own prerogative

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Roklah 'Ironjaw' of clan Kran

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Orc

    Character’s age: 21

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

     In a small valley, deep within the desert of Vailor in the black of night brute laughter, drums and loud yelling could be heard. This was the Orcish clan Kran who were celebrating the birth of the warchiefs new son, Roklah. 

    The orcs danced and sang orcish warsongs while others sat in small circles around the entrance of the Cave of Birth, the cave that all wimen were carried into when they were about to gift the world with another orc. Stuns and growling could be heard from the entrance, before silence fell and out came Warchief Rit, with his newborn son. Rit slowly raised the child above his head and screamed 'Roklah!'. All the orcs raised their mugs, saluted or simply cheered and all wished good fortunes on the newborn son. Meanwhile two elders carried out the deceased mother who had sadly died during childbirth.
    the Warchief slowly walked through the crowd towards his tent to accept gifts and blessings, one of these gifts was from his uncle, the breeder of the clan. He gifted a strongbred hyena from the flok the clan had been breeding for decades, he promised his warchief he would help Roklah tame this creature and make him its master.
    Throughout the coming years Roklah was trained by his father personally with two waraxes that he would dual-wield, heavy at first but through many hours of training, chores, labours and lots of cactus milk his muscles grew, bigger and stronger.
    Roklahs quest to tame his hyena was not an easy one, he would go into its pen daily and be there for hours, the first time he went into its pen, the loud growl he could hear from the far corner of the pen, where it stood, Roklah tossed a bit of flesh towards it, the hyena flunged towards the tender piece of meat and ate it in few seconds before turning its gaze back at Roklah. It quickly attacked him, ripping off his left ear and biting his jawline, his uncle quickly rushed in and got Roklah out.Roklahs ear turned out fine but his jaw had to be reinforced with a steel plate with several spikes where the mouth is, giving him the nickname Ironjaw. This only strenghtened Roklahs dream of taming the beast, he gave it the name Rex, which meant King in Orcish. 
    More years pass by and Roklah has reached the age of 15, his countless hours with Rex had paid off, Roklah and Rex did everything together, eat, hunt, drink, sh*t you name it. The hyena would even watch over Roklah as he slept, attacking anyone who came too close.
    The day Roklah had been waiting for had finally arrived, the day he would be allowed to go raid a nearby human settlement with his fathers warband, he felt like he had been training his body and Rex his entire life for this day.
    They set off at dawn and didn't stop before they were a few kilometres away from the small town, there were 10 battle-hardened orcs excluding Roklah, Warchief Rit was not with them for he had to look after his second wife who was close to giving birth.
    They planned their attack the night before the raid, it was simple:
    Storm the gates before they manage to close them, kill everyone, take as many shinies as they could carry. The plan was foolproof.
    Dawn rised and several roosters crowing at the sight of it, the peasants got up fromtheir bedds and were ready for a new day of hard work.
    As they went out into the fields the sounds of something loud and brute appeared in the distance and before they saw it it was already too late. 
    The Orc Warband quickly rushed down into the fields slaughtering every defenseless peasant they could see, some managed to hide amongst the massacre but most of them weren't that lucky. Roklahs axes finally got the sweet taste of blood when he managed to pin down a fleeing woman, the poor girl must have been the same age as him. He stopped for a moment to look at her, to remember his first kill on his first raid. Her blonde hair was tied up in a knot with a handkerchief wrapped around her head to absorb sweat, the big blue eyes that were filled with both fear and confusion of what was happening. He slowly raised his waraxe and quickly ran it down, the cut tore up her torso and she fell to the ground, a large puddle of blood swiftly emerging around her. Roklah brought his finger down into the puddle to get some of it on his finger and then he would bring it up to his mouth and taste it. It was good.
    The following hours there was nothing but screaming and Orcish laughter as Roklah and the Warband slaughtered their way through the village, Roklah had ran away from the rest of the warband, he didn't even realize this because of his adrenaline rush, he had reached a big wooden house resembling a small manor, definetly the biggest house in the small village, he quickly and brutaly kicked the door in and before he could blink he was assaulted by an old man, the human rushed towards Roklah with a spear and managed to pierce the left side of his upper thigh, Roklah fell to the ground with a big and loud thump. Before the human managed to kill him off some of Roklahs warband members rushed in and disposed of the old man. 
    They inspected Roklah and simply left him there to die.
    Roklah passed out and woke again when it was dark, he had lost alot of blood but managed to get out of the village and run to a house that was lighting up the darkness not far from the village and right next to a forest.
    Inside was an elf, Roklah did not see anything else before passing out again.
    He woke up in the elfs bed and looked down at his wound, it was patched up with several herbs, he looked around but the elf was nowhere in sight, Roklah ran for the door and went into the forest where he spent several years recovering, hunting and setting traps to catch rabbits. At the age of 21 he grew tired of the isolation within the forest and set out on an adventure to meet new people, he met a traveller on the road that would teach him some words of the human language before they went their seperate ways, and now Roklah is ready to win back his lost honour so that he may show his face to his clan once more.




    Personality Traits:

    Brute: When Roklah has an opinion about something he usually just says it out loud

    Dumb: Roklah can be seen as a stupid person, he almost hasn't interacted with anything other than orcs, which can lead to some culture clashes.



    Ambitions: Roklah seeks for something to regain his honour with, so that he may return back to his clan without the fear of disappointing his father

    Strengths/Talents: Roklah is built like a bull with a huge muscular body, he is quick and brutal when he wields his two battleaxes, Roklah is a decent tamer and is able to handle animals quite well.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: With Roklahs huge body, some disadvantages follow, archers would make quick work of him and dodging is out of the question with his size. Roklah doesn't interact well with non-orcs, his facial features aren't too pleasant and may even disgust a few. Roklah doesn't hear as good from his left side seeing how his entire ear is missing on that side.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Roklah stands at 7 foot 6 inches, his weight is 110 kilos (242 pounds) of muscle

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):i1fBQEg.png

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