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Posts posted by iceflames5

  1. RP Information

    Name: Alice Vanguard

    Age: 18

    Race: Human

    Allegiance (Current nation of residence): Felson

    Past Military Experience: None

    None-Military Experience/Skills: None ((At least none of the Plugin Professions))


    OOC information

    MC Name: iceflames5


    Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information): tedlee325


    Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it.


    Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?: Yes

  2. MC name: Iceflames5

    Character's name and age: Katari Leaf; 120

    Character’s Race: Wood Elf
    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/132507-arcane-ma-katari-leaf/#comment-1265208

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Wind Evocation

    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: 

    (Sorry if this isn't perfect, english was never my first language)

    Wind Evocation is the process of summoning and evoking wind from the void, not actually controlling elements in the natural world as it is sometimes mistaken to do. Unlike fire or electrical evocation however, it will disappear once the connection to the void is lost and can't directly kill someone. It is more of a passive type of magic, which can be used to subdue or push people around rather than killing them . Activities such as observing objects floating in the wind, meditating on mountaintops, or reading about it must be done to fully understand the element and to learn wind evocation. Mages must understand however that, again, they can not control air, they can only summon it. If they try to breath in the air they evoke, it will disappear once they lose focus. Mages can use short bursts of air to temporarily increase speed or jump height, but can not maintain true flight due to not being able to focus once in the air. More experienced mages can also use it to create miniature cyclones to defend against projectiles, or create streams of air to push around attackers. Thus, the lore of wind evocation summarized. 
    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):

    Katari yawns as he leans against his staff, staring at his apprentice through half-opened eyes.

    "Now that ya' can create small gusts of air, We're gonna go over how to compress them into a ball" he'd drawl out with his usual air of laziness, "Watch me first"

    He'd breath in sharply as his muscles twitch, eyes alive with energy as he goes to 

    "First, evoke your element around your body just as ya' been practicing" he'd whisper, putting his palm out in front of him. 

    "Don't immediately force the air into a ball, let it flow freely around your body"

    Wisps of winds would begin to caress Katari's body, visible ruffling his robes. 

    "After you have your winds, guide it carefully towards the point where you want your ball of air to form" 

    Katari's arm tenses as an invisible sphere forms in his palm, the wind he had evoked trickling towards the area like water. 

    "Don't force the ball too much though, still let it flow loosely" 

    Katari would smirk as his eyes glance over at a nearby torch. 

    "After that...take aim and-" 

    The ball of air would be launched, extinguishing the flame before it dissipates back into the void. 

    Katari would have a triumphant grin on his face as he'd turn to his apprentice. 

    "Let's see ya' try now". 


  3. Adept Application

    Name: Katari Leaf

    [Mc Name]: iceflames5

    Race: Wood Elf

    Magics known: Wind Evocation

    Magics you can teach: ((None at the moment, but I plan to get a TA in the near future))

    Who have been your teachers presently or in the past, and what did they teach you?: Azoth Hawksong- Wind Evocation

    Which position do you feel most suited for?- Adeptus Minor. I can not teach wind evocation just yet, but I am still a adequate practitioner of my art.


  4. Name (Leave IG name as well):

    Katari Leaf

    IGN: iceflames5

    Race:Wood Elf

    Gender: Male

    Skills: Archery and Wind evocation. Aspiring docto

    Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: yes

    Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: Send me a bird.

    ((Also, please message me your skype privately as a way for OOC contact.))


    “Comrades, the Liege Lord has been done away with. Ill of mind and rot of heart. We are no pawns to the vengence of an insane man. Fight for yourselves, fight for eachother. And we shall find better days. I see those days just over the horizon.”

  5. Copy and paste this portion of the post and fill out the blanks.



    Felsen Armed Forces Application Part I

    Personal Information



    Minecraft Name: iceflames5
    Skype Name: tedlee325




    Name: Katari Leaf

    Age: 20

    Race: Wood elven


    Are you a citizen or Oren? Yes or no: no


    Can you wield a weapon properly and usefully? Yes or no: yes




    Felsen Armed Forces Application Part II

    Aptitude Test


    The following is a basic aptitude test to show us, as a future soldier, the ability to solve problems. Do not be offended either by their simplicity, or their difficulty. They are not meant to beat you into a pulp. Highlight the correct answers in BOLD.


    1. Which number comes next in the following series? 3,6,9,12,...

    a) 14

    b) 20

    c) 2

    d) 15


    2. In the word ONOMATOPOEIA how many o’s are next to a vowel?

    a) 2

    b) 4

    c) 1

    d) None


    3. FAST is the opposite of?

    a) RUN

    b) BEHIND

    c) SLOW

    d) QUICK


    4. Answer the following diagram by writing 1, 2, 3, or 4, respectively according to the boxes from left to right. Answer here: 4



    5. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


               a) African or European? 

               b) Stupid Question from a stupid movie.

               c) I don't get it.

               d) y u do dis.



    Felsen Armed Forces Application Part III

    Why you want to join and what you can offer us.


    We don't want your life story or some sappy love note.

    Why do you want to join, and what can you offer us?

    Write in the space provided below: 

    I wish to join the Orenian army simply for experience. I have served in the Mubarizun and Sirame, but they haven't really given me much experience in terms of actual combat. I can offer my archery abilities, as I was a former archer of the Sirame. I am a intermediate swords man at best, so I wish to improve my training here. Thank you for considering my application!























  6. This is just a small introductory paragraph I thought of.

    Let me know what you think, and what I should do to make it more dramatic.






    How long ago was it? 

    I can’t remember, and I don’t wish to either.

    However, just thinking of it makes my heart bleed out, almost longing to go back to that day.

    The day where everything began, yet ended for me.

    I, Katari Leaf, was destined to be a hero.

    But I was also destined to die a villain.

    This is the tale of an elf.

    An elf who wished to do nothing but help people.

    An elf who wished for nothing more than the power to save.

    An elf who would soon bring prosperity to the world, yet bring destruction upon it.

  7. OOC: 
    MC Name: iceflames5
    Skype Name: tedlee325
    Do you have TeamSpeak? If not, are you willing to get it?
    I have a TS account, but I'm willing to download it again if you need me to
    [!]You stand before the Company crier clad in crimson and a scruff beard weathered from the ages, he takes out a document.
    "Interested in the Company eh? I'll need some information for the Council."
    "Your name lad/lass?": Katari Leaf
    "Where are yah from?": I was raised in Oren, lived in Laureh'lin, now I live in the Caliphate with my family
    "What sect are you applyin' for? Sellsword? Service or Trade?":
    "What are yah expectin' from the Company?":
    I wish to help, save, and not kill innocents. I believe that this company will help me achieve my goals of serving others.
    "What is yer skills?":
    I am a competent sword fighter and a excellent archer.  I am also fairly decent a wood working, as I am a wood elf. 
    Another thing that I will be proficient at is magic, as I plan to learn wind evocation in the future.
    "Lastly boy/girl, be sure to bring warm clothes, it's fokin cold at base."
    The Company-man takes your information down on his document, nods to you and turns to the next son beside you.[!]
  8. Finished product in inbox or thread: Inbox

    Character race + gender?: Wood Elf, Male


    Accessories?: A cloak with the hood of it resting behind the character's head (on his neck)

    Shall I use your present head / face?: No

    Do you understand this is free, and shouldn't be copied to others, so you may 'charge' them?: Yes

    Full description of what you're wanting: 

    I want him to have short, dark brown hair. He should also have tan skin, along with blue eyes (Any shade is fine). Other than that, I want him to have a cloak on his body with a hood resting right behind his head (on his neck). He should also have light brown boots to finish it off. 

    Sorry if this was too unspecific, but I would be willing to tell you over skype. 

    Thanks in advance for the skin! 


  9. Hello!

    I was wondering if anyone could make an wood elf skin for me.

    My character has short, dark brown hair, and has light tan skin. I also wanted him to have a cloak (brown or black) and a hood resting just behind his head (on his neck). 

    Thanks in advance for making the skin, and I'm sorry if I seemed a bit pushy!

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