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Posts posted by N3ckbone

  1. ~ Gregor Norridge ~


    Basic Information


    Name: Gregor Norridge

    Age: twenty-four

    Race: Human

    Cultural Background: Highlander

    Gender: Male

    Birthday: 1491

    Birthplace: Old Republic of Salvus, Athera

    Marital Status: Single

    Current Profession(s): Soldier, Army of The Trident


    Physical Description


    Height: 6ft 6in / 1.98

    Weight: 245lbs / 111kg

    Body Type: Large, Muscular

    Hair Color: Ash Brown

    Eye Color: Hazel 

    Skin Color: Pale

    Scars/Markings: None


    Detailed Description:  Gregor is a very rugged looking individual, staying true to his Highlander background. He stands well over six feet, weighing in at a hefty eighteen stones. Gregor is an ox of a man, with large muscular shoulders and arms, this barrel chested farm boy would best be suited as a laborer or a soldier. His hands are worn and calloused and his skin pale and weathered from years of working outside in the harsh environment. In terms of his looks, Gregor isn't all that ugly.  While he may be young, he certainly doesn't look it.  With a head full of thick brown hair and a face covered in a short scruffy beard, Gregor would appear middle aged. He has a wide chin and a strong jaw with a large bulbous nose and a pair of thick brown eyebrows. It can be said that Gregor embodies the image of the average Highlander man! 


    (Facial features based on Jory Cassel of Game of Thrones http://imgur.com/OXfmCR4 )



    Personal Information


    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Deity: Thrønn

    Religion: The Old Faith

    Alliance/Loyalty: The Ducal Coalition

    Past Profession(s): Farmer/Breeder

    Hobbies: Fishing, Hiking, Exploring, Horse Riding, Hunting


    Positive Personality Traits: Brave, Decisive, Loyal, Warmeharted, Hard Worker, Adventurous...


    Negative Personality Traits: Stubborn, Impulsive, Uncultured, Narrow-Minded, Quick-Tempered, Gruff...


    Biography: Gregor was born in 1491, right at the end of the Schism War. His father was a soldier seeking to settle down and his mother a baker from a small Highlander village. The two settled in the Old Republic of Salvus, drawn by the neutrality of the republic. Using the earnings from his time in the military, Jorge, Gregors father, opened his own farm. When Gregor was born his father was a very proud man, he would teach Gregor everything he knew so that one day he could take over the family farm and continue his legacy.


    By the time Gregor was a young boy, their family farm had added a ranch to their estate. Gregors uncle had managed the ranch, and Gregor was enthralled by the horses. He soon would begin to learn the art of breeding. Growing up in such an environment matured Gregor very much. By the time he was in his teens he was able to work along side his father and uncle and manage the ranch when they were away. This prepared Gregor for the tragedy that was soon to come. During the summer months in his fourteenth year Jorge had become very ill. The family prayed to their gods and hoped that he would get better, but alas Jorge had passed away. Now fatherless, Gregor was forced to take the reigns and support his family. Under Gregors direction the farm flourished and the ranch grew larger.  By the time he was in his early twenties the Norridge Ranch had become an asset to the Republic of Salvus.They provided food and horses to many in the region and even exported their crops to other holds. But this would not last...


    Tragedy again had befallen the land, with the destruction of Athera Gregor had lost everything. His family was swept up in the chaos and Gregor had been separated from them all. He believed most of them dead, and has since moved on with the notion that they were gone. Now little more than a refugee, Gregor had arrived to the new world known as Vailor with nothing but the shirt on his back. For two years he traveled the land by himself, trying to sort out his life. Until one day he awoke at the Cloud Temple, confused and alone.  He was approached by a man clad in grey armour wearing a long pale cloak.  The man had dragged him from his stupor and brought him to the city of Brelus, in the Duchy of Adrian. This man had explained what was going on, The king of Oren had declared war against the people, and his armies were slaying civilians on the spot. Convinced that he had no other choice Gregor had taken up arms to aide the cause of the people.  He joined the Army of The Trident and now serves as a Greycloak under Commander Richard Barrow, loyal to Duke Sarkozic!



    We do not know what the future holds for Gregor Norridge, but what we do know is that the events to come will shape this humble farmer and his story will grow...

  2. I. Name: Gregor Norridge

    II. Age: 24

    IIa. Date of Birth: 1491

    IIb. Location of Birth: Old Republic of Salvus, Athera

    III. Race: Human

    IIIa. Culture: Highlander

    IV. Status of Blood: Commoner

    V. Place of Residence: None

    VI. Martial Knowledge: None

    VII. Skilled Labor: Farmer/Breeder



    MC Name: N3ckbone

    Skype ID: N3ckbone

  3. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: N3ckbone

    How old are you?: 22

    Are you aware the server is PG-13?: Yes.

    Have you applied to this server before?: No.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I think the extensive rules about warfare and general combat I agree with the most.  Too often I have seen servers skip over their rules about combat and war.  And the result is a savage server where chaos rules.  It's nice to see some order and infrastructure put in place to protect the players.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: Not really, most of it is pretty clear.  If I find anything I am curious about I will be sure to let the staff know.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I was just doing a google search for some serious RP servers where RP was the focus, and this was one of the first hits.  I did some reading, watched a few videos and I was interested in applying.




    What is roleplaying?: For me roleplay is the act of playing a character of your own imagination. You play the role of another being in a fantasy setting outside of the real world. 

    What is metagaming?: Using OOC information to influence the actions of your character ICly.  

    What is powergaming?: One of my most hated acts, where a person ignores the rules of an environment to maximize gain. For example, having an underground wheat farm on a server where that is illegal.  In terms of RP, Powergaming can be called Godmodding, where you give your character unbelievable abilities so that they appear to be unstoppable. 


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Gregor Norridge

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age:24



    Gregor was born in 1491 during the descendants settlement of Athera. Gregors family had moved around quite a bit before his birth, but when they landed on Athera they had believed that this was a good place to settle, to try and rebuild what they had lost.  These rural highlanders made their living as farmers, like many of their people, operating a small ranch in the Republic of Salvus.  Gregor grew up on the stories of old, great heroes, undead minions, evil daemons, and of course the rise and fall of many empires. This inspired Gregor, not to take up the sword, but to search for stability.  At a very young age he expressed a desire to unite all the peoples of the realm and foster peace between the nations.  A noble desire for a child, but in his fourteenth year Gregor was struck by tragedy.  His father had grown very ill, and eventually passed away on a cool summers night. This changed Gregors aspirations, as the oldest of four boys it was now his job to provide for his family.  And so he did what he could to fill his fathers shoes, and manage the family ranch.


    In time Gregor became a man, and managed to run his fathers ranch quite well.  The business prospered, and Gregor was able to let the ranch run itself.  This gave the now 22 year old time to think about his own desires and aspirations.  Sadly, again, tragedy struck.  But this time, on a much grander scale.  With the destruction of Athera in 1513 Gregor attempted to flee with the rest of the nation. Many people died, including much of Gregors family, and soon he found himself alone, traveling for the new world with nothing but the shirt on his back. Over the next two years Gregor moved around a lot, living a nomadic life as the new world now known as Vailor had been settled and old kingdoms began anew.  Today Gregor attempts to begin a new life in Vailor just has his father had began his new life on Athera. What the future holds for Gregor, we cannot say, only the gods above can see the future of mortal men.


    Personality Traits: Open minded, hard working, loyal, regretful, stoic, warm hearted, family oriented, goal driven.

    Ambitions: Gregors wishes to establish a new life on Vailor, and to build himself a place to call home.  And who knows? Perhaps he will live out his childhood ambitions of unity, great men have come from much lesser backgrounds than Gregor.

    Strengths/Talents: Physically fit, good with animals, green thumb, adaptable, strong willed

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Stubborn, uncultured, no /real/ combat experience, gruff, impulsive



    Height: 6'6 / 1.98m

    Weight: 245lbs / 111kg

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown

    Skin Color: Pale

    Build: Muscular


    Gregor is rather hardy looking for a human, he maintains short thick hair that is poorly groomed along with a constant scruff that serves as a short beard.  He has broad muscled shoulders and narrow hips, the body of a working man. He would constantly smell of sweat and the outdoors, and his large calloused hands would be stained with dirt.  He wears simple clothing made of rough linen and simple leather.  Overall he just appears to be another commoner.


    Skin screenshot:


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