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Posts posted by Cruiser23kun

  1. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Cruiser23


    How old are you?: 15


    Are you aware the server is PG-13: Yes


    Have you applied to this server before?: Never before


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Forbiddance to use alt characters to meddle in faction affairs.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: None


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Google.




    What is roleplaying?: Assuming a role of a character with a set lore/personality and playing on the server as if through their eyes, living out their lives.


    What is metagaming?: Using data/information unavailable IC to your character to aid their ultimate goals.


    What is powergaming?: Bending or ignoring the lore and atmosphere of the server for your characters' benefit, as well as RPing in such a way that you impose actions on other players they do not want to perform.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Frankie Donato


    Character’s gender: Male


    Character’s race: Human (Heartlander)


    Character’s age: 22




    Frankie, born in Petrus, was given up as at the age of 6, when his parents could no longer look after him. Except the place he was given up to was no orphanage: The poor boy was given up to the wild streets. Throughout his late childhood, he was always picked on by other kids for being weak, funny and small-framed. He would get stoned by housewives when he would try to sneak into their cellars to have a good night's rest, and hit my burly men when he would beg for change. That, however, never discouraged him. He was always driven by a dream, an inspiration from books he stole from a passing merchant one day: books about thieves, gangsters from faraway lands. He began mimicking them, taught himself the art of thievery and dagger combat. The boy even spoke like them. His dream was to become a true gangster. He was, however, limited by two major factors: A lack of connections on the streets and a lack of resourcing. He, however, was not about to be stopped by that.


    When Athera was under attack by the massive worm, and he was running for his life, often stowing away in others' vehicles, he didn't see this as a hinderance or bad luck. Quite otherwise. He saw it as an opportunity. After the attack, he won't be the odd one out without connections. Moving to the new lands granted him an opportunity like never before: a fresh start with new people, and finally fulfill his dream of becoming an infamous gangster.


    Once, in his teens, he heard of a magic called "void translocation" whilst eavesdropping on a conversation in a run-down tavern. He saw a note being passed between the two that mentioned it, and wasted no time. Soon as the man with the note was in an alleyway quiet enough to retrieve the note. A shank in the back and some slight of hand did the job. The body was buried below some trash, the note was in his hands and he was gone long before anybody would notice. The note described a magic which would allow for objects, as long as they were memorised in perfect detail, to be taken out of this world and be stored in an infinite pocket of space nobody could reach. Thus was gone one of his problems: material sourcing. And finding friends: well, that would just be a matter of time...



    Personality Traits: Upbeat, sarcastic, driven but sometimes lazy. Does not particularly care what others think of him as long as he's having fun.


    Ambitions: To master the art of void translocation, to move up in the world and, well, to amass money!


    Strengths/Talents: Dagger fighting, determination, nimble fingers and a mind set out for challenges.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Often lazy. Not very literate, despite being able to read, due to having been brought up on the streets. Is quite small-framed, meaning he is not too strong. 


    Appearance: Light and nimble, but not overly athletic. Has quite fit legs. Somewhere around 5 foot 10 inches in height and slim. Weighs around 65kg. Wears a scarf anywhere he goes to conceal some of his face. Brown hair and Green eyes.




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