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Posts posted by Blue42

  1. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:     _Blue42_


    How old are you?: 15


    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes


    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): I have not applied before


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:  Yes


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:  I agree most with the rp rule about alternate characters.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): All of the rules made sense for me.


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: One of my friends recommended the server to me and it sounds awesome.




    What is roleplaying?:  The act of immersing yourself into a character completely. From sleeping to eating to even an emotional level.


    What is metagaming?:  Metagaming is roleplaying with information you should not have.


    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is roleplay where the player does an action where it affects another player and the victim has no chance to react.





    Character’s name:  Khyrmn Black


    Character’s gender:  Male


    Character’s race: Adunian


    Character’s age: 29



    Khyrmn was the child of a wood elf woman named Yrthraethra and a highland human man named Anthony. Yrthraethera always believed that elves were superior to the human race, and often started fights and arguments with her husband. The only reason Khyrmn’s mother married his father was for his fortune. When Khyrmn was 15 years old his parents got into a fight that ended with bloodshed. Yrthraethra killed Anthony in cold blood outside the market and nearby law enforcers took her down. Khyrmn ran away from his small village in the mountains, to the city of Felson in the Crownlands.


    Yrthraethra’s anger toward humans made Khyrmn ashamed to be part wood elf. When he was 16 years old, Khyrmn began to round off his elven ears with a blade he found in a dumpster in an alley way, trying to rid himself of his elven features. He finished off one ear, gasping in pain, with the left side of his head and hands blood red. As Khyrmn reached began to dig into his right ear, with tears streaming down his face, a redheaded heartland girl named Lana approached him and begged him to stop putting himself in pain. She brought him to her home and helped him clean his wounds. They became close and at he age of 25 Khyrmn Black married Lana Smith. A couple of years later, Khyrmn and Lana tried for a baby. Khyrmn did not know about the infertility of Adunian blood when reproducing with a human. Lana and Khyrmn’s child was born sickly and died a few days after birth. Khyrmn and Lana’s love still stayed strong, but life threw another hurtle their way. Lana had come down with a fever and a couple of days later, she died. Khyrmn decided to leave his life behind again and become an adventurer, wanting to see the world. On one of his most recent adventures, he was in an area between the regions of Brelus and Paramont where he witnessed a skirmish between who Khyrmn would find out to be soldiers of Adrian and St Amyas. Soon after the battle started Khyrmn ran away, not wanting to be confused for a mercenary on one of the sides. As he fled, his left leg was nicked by a misfired arrow.


    Personality Traits:

    Khyrymn is very quiet around people he is not close to, but when is with friends he is outgoing and is often times told to shut up. He is always making jokes, but when it is inappropriate he is more serious than he needs to be. When angered, Khyrmn makes brash decisions that do not always pan out in his favor.



     All Khyrmn wants is to forget his past and to see the world with his own eyes.



    Khyrmn is a strong blacksmith, archer, and swordsman. He is naturally gifted at music, and taught himself how to play the ocarina and the guitar while out on his own.



    While Khyrmn has no problem in ranged combat, he cracks under pressure while in close combat. He also has a tendancy to get lost when he is traveling to a specific place or area and accidentally distance himself from companions. Khyrmn has a fear of losing people he is close to and often has nightmares about his comrades or friends’ lives coming to an end.


    Appearance: Khrymn Black is tall, (6 ft), and is rather slim yet muscular. Khrymn’s hair is medium length and is dark brown. Khrymn was born with ears of an elf, which is a trait that is rare for Adunians. He has one elven shaped ear and one ear that was rounded on purpose.



    Skin Image: http://imgur.com/ePQ7y2f

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