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Posts posted by Apansenok

  1. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Burnbow

    How old are you?: Sixteen years old.

    Are you aware the server is PG-13: Yes, I am.

    Have you applied to this server before?: No.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, absolutely.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: "No Multi-boxing."

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?  -  I've always been enjoying roleplaying. I just googled "Minecraft roleplay" in and got the result. I got more than amazed by the scale of the project, and I hope I will be able to join it.





    What is roleplaying?: Playing a role of a certain character / person / object, which includes being fully in character (speaking, acting and thinking for your character).


    What is metagaming?: Using information that is outside of your character's knowledge to gain an advantage or success in a certain situation(s).


    What is powergaming?: Forcing your action(s) against the other players without letting other players react ICly.



    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Kul'gan "Deathblinder"

    Character’s gender: Male.

    Character’s race: Ork (Uruk).

    Character’s age: In his forties.


    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Kul'gan was born in the years of early Athera explorations in a long-banished and now forgotten clan of Gromrosh, in a family of a warrior. Once the Clan arrived at Athera, their ship got crashed, resulting in multiple casualties and the rest of an already weak clan getting trapped in the southern Forests of Adrallan. Orcs of the Gromrosh clan decided to stay hidden in the forests, keeping them away from the threarts of the outer world. And so the village was built. Young Kul'gan spent most of his time with his father, Belurk, who taught him the very basics of combat. However, the state of things was far from good - The clan lived in fear, isolated from the rest of the world, hiding in the southern rainforests that were the so-called "No-man's land". But the fear did not help them. When Kul'gan was 12 years old, the village got attacked by a group of  Orcish bandits. They've hit the village with speed of a thunderbolt, burning the village down and killing every single Gromrosh member except for Kul'gan, who managed to sneak out of the village during the attack.  But he witnessed it, he saw his parents getting killed and eaten by other orcs. That's how he got his nickname. The orc that blinded the death.


    However, it was not the thing that tortured his young soul. It was loneliness. Kul'gan  lived months in the rainforest before crushing the remnants his fear and going out into the Big World. But it was a mistake - once he found the road, he got captured by a group of slave-trading Goblins that forced him to fight on a small arena of theirs for the public's amusement as a gladiator. While not being the strongest warrior, he managed to keep himself alive, which was already something.  After a series of victories Kul'gan got bought out by a human mage who the let orc free. There was a new problem - there was nowhere for him to go. However, it got solved quickly as Kul'gar joined one of the local small bandit gangs. Everything was going relatively fine for a couple of years until, during one of the raids, he encountered the Mage that let him free. Both fought against each other for almost an hour until Kul'gar snapped the Mage's neck, which struck the orc deeply into his cold heart. As a result he went berzerk, executing his unprepared gang-mates in less than a minute.


    Kul'gar lived alone in the forests for years,  training himself and trying to take total control on himself. However, after he arrived at the Vailor he decided to seek for his inner satisfaction among the rest of the Uruks - at the Iron Zug. He quickly got spoiled in the company of the other Orcs, making him the Orc he is today.



    Personality Traits: Purposeful,  manipulative, unprincipled, deceitful, egoistical, greedy and extremely violent, almost sadistic orc with "iron will" who is used to getting what he wants at any cost, even if the basics of Orcish moral foundations have to be ignored. He is very incredulous and prefers to keep his "true colors" inside while lying to almost everyone around him.


    Ambitions: To achieve power that no Uruk has ever dreamed off; Gather all Orcs together, making them into one strong "Iron clan", wiping out all dissidents and bring their race to their renessance at all cost, even if great sacrifices had to be done.


    Strengths/Talents: Strategy knowledge; Charisma (at least for an orc), which makes him a good Speaker; Knows how to lie; Close-handed combat knowledge; Axe mastery; Basic survival skills.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Lustful (Unable to resist woman's wish); Easily spoiled; Alcoholic; Absolutely terrible at archery; Can go berzerk during combat, meaning he will attack both allies and enemies; 


    Appearance: Kul'gan is a tall, brown Uruk donning worn brown trouthers made out of theck cloth with pieces of fur sewed-up to it. The orc also has an old leather shoulderpad on his right shoulder and a pair of warm fingerless gloves covering his arms. His long sharp fangs protrude out of his mouth, making themselves visible even from a distance. His whole body is covered in small scars, burns and severe bruises. A fingernail on his right hand's middle finger is missing, and the finger's tip is almost completely burned and has a distinct black tone of it's skin. Another noticable detail is his belt. A large, dark-brown leather belt with an old dirty canine skull used as a buckle of sort, probably to show the owner's strength off. 

    • Height - About 8 feet;
    • Body type - Rather bulky;
    • Skin color - Pale brown;
    • Eyes - Gold-coloured;
    • Hair - black;

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin:




    Note - I know the character is kinda Mary Sue-ish, but I just got tired of playing a role of a passive / "good" characters. I hope you're gonna understand me.

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